
【题目】The story of how I got my job was a funny one.

One day,I was along a street to the interview a yellow car suddenly cut in front of me another car coming in the other ,I had to brake hard and another cyclist. We both fell,but neither of us was hurt. I became angry and cycled as fast as possible to the driver of the yellow car to tell him I considered him. I told him what a bad I thought he was and he was a(n) to other people on the road. His face turned .I warned him not to drive in the future so that everyone else could enjoy a long life.

I was in time for the . Having walked into the room,to my ,I found one of the three interviewers to be the driver of the yellow car. We looked at each other for a while, silent. Then I decided to look the whole matter as a great joke! I laughed and told him that I talked the last time we met and this time it was turn for him to talk a great deal. Lost in thought for a while,he that I was not going to say anything about his bad driving. The interview went . Two days later,I received a letter offering me the job. I was pleased that the manager—the driver of the yellow car,didn’t my rudeness to him.

Through the experience, I find something that seems impossible at first sometimes turns out to be good.

【1】A. cycling B. walking C. running D. driving

【2】A. then B. when C. while D. as

【3】A. As B. For C. With D. By

【4】A. condition B. position C. location D. direction

【5】A. knocked B. bumped C. beat D. rushed

【6】A. happily B. unfortunately C. luckily D. disappointedly

【7】A. which B. that C. what D. how

【8】A. driver B. worker C. cyclist D. boss

【9】A. pity B. idiot C. risk D. fool

【10】A. black B. white C. pale D. red

【11】A. carelessly B. carefully C. slowly D. patiently

【12】A. job B. interview C. meeting D. appointment

【13】A. excitement B. joy C. anger D. astonishment

【14】A. happened B. wanted C. seemed D. planned

【15】A. making B. keeping C. breaking D. stopping

【16】A. up B. at C. on D. into

【17】A. much B. little C. more D. less

【18】A. hoped B. Found C. heard D. wished

【19】A. fast B. Terribly C. well D. slowly

【20】A. realize B. want C. know D. mind
























【1考查动词辨析:A. cycling骑车,B. walking散步,C. running跑,D. driving驾驶,根据文章第六行“...and cycled as fast as...”可知,cycle“骑车”符合语境。选A

【2考查连词辨析:A. then然,B. when当…时候,C. while 当…时候,表示时间段,D. as 正如,这里使用: be doing sth. when...“正在做某事,忽然....”,为固定句式,when 引导时间状语从句,符合语境。 所以选B

【3考查介词辨析:A. As连词,正如,当…,B. For 为了, C. With和...,随着,D. By通过,这里用 with 表示“与此同时,随着”,符合语境。选C

【4考查名词辨析:A. Condition条件,B. Position位置,C. Location位置,D. Direction方向,从上下文可知,另一辆车应该是从另一方向驶来,故选 direction“方向”。 选D

【5考查动词辨析:A. Knocked敲,撞,B. Bumped撞到,C. Beat击败,敲打,D. Rushed冲,作者不得不急刹车,结果撞到了另一辆自行车。bump“撞到”符合语境。如果是knock应该是knock into,选B

【6考查副词辨析: A. happily快乐地,B. unfortunately不幸地,C. Luckily幸运地,D. Disappointedly失望地,由下文“我们都没受伤”可知,luckily“幸运地”符合语境。 C

【7考查疑问词辨析:A. which 哪个,B. That那,C. What什么,D. How怎样,此处意为“我是如何看待他的”,表示方式。how“如何”引导方式状语从 句。选D

【8考查名词辨析: A. Driver司机,B. worker 工人,C. Cyclist骑自行车的人,D. Boss老板,作者赶到那辆黄色的车前,告诉车主他是个很不好的司机。driver“司机” 符合语境。选A

【9考查名词辨析:A. Pity同情,B. idiot傻瓜,笨蛋,白痴,C. Risk危险,D. Fool傻瓜,作者认为开黄车的司机对行人来说是个危险,故答案为 C 项。

【10考查形容词辨析:A. Black黑的,B. White白的,C. pale 苍白的,D. Red红的,由于作者狠狠地说了那辆车的司机,所以他应该感到惭愧,脸红了。 选D

【11考查副词辨析:A. carelessly “粗心大意地”B. carefully “小心谨慎地” C. slowly“缓慢地”; D. patiently“耐心地” ,根据下文的:so that everyone else could enjoy a long life.可知在让他下次开车不要粗心大意,选 A

【12考查名词辨析:A. job 工作,B. interview 面试,C. Meeting遇见,D. Appointment失望,由文章第三段第二句“...threeinterviewers...”可以知道作者是去参加面试。选B

【13考查名词辨析:A. Excitement兴奋,B. Joy快乐,C. Anger生气,D. Astonishment惊讶,根据上下文可知,作者发现面试者之一是被他路上批评的司机,所以感到惊讶。to one's astonishment“使某人惊讶的是”。选D

【14考查动词辨析:A. Happened发生,B. Wanted想,C. Seemed似乎,D. Planned计划,面试官之一恰巧是那位司机。happen“碰巧;恰巧”符合语境。选A

【15考查动词辨析: A. Making制作,使得,B. Keeping保持,C. Breaking打破,D. Stopping停止,根据上文“...for a while”,可知此处意为“保持沉默”(keep silent),故 B 项 正确。

【16考查副词辨析:A.look up 查询,抬头,B. Look at 看,C. look on“看待;视作”,D. Look into调查,作者把整件事看作是个大玩笑。选 C

【17考查形容词辨析:A. Much很多,B. Little几乎没有,C. more 更多,D. Less更少,根据上文可知作者先前讲了很多话,故选 much。选 A

【18考查动词辨析:A. Hoped希望,B. Found发现,C. Heard听见,D. Wished希望,他思索了一会儿,发现作者不会提他不当驾驶的事情。选B

【19考查副词辨析: A. Fast快,B. Terribly可怕的,C. well 好, D. Slowly慢,两个人之间没有了心理负担,故面试进行得很顺利,答案为 C

【20考查动词辨析:A. Realize意识到,B. Want想要,C. Know知道,D. Mind介意,那辆车的主人,即公司经理没有介意作者的粗鲁录用了作者。 mind“介意”, 符合语境。D


【题目】Based on new analysis, we are rapidly approaching major climate change and the effects on society and the environment could be quite severe. Geographers predict that within the next eighty years, current world climate zones could shift and some could completely disappear. Polar regions will get colder while tropical regions will get even hotter, forcing animals to migrate (迁徙) north.

Climate changes like these could lead to the spread of diseases. Tropical storms and hurricanes will not only increase but may also become more intense. If the changes come too quickly, animal and plant species may not be able to adapt fast enough and could disappear.

According to Science Daily, a new study predicts that by the year 2100, many of today’s familiar climates will be replaced by climates unknown in today’s world. It is urgent that we reduce the risks of these far-reaching consequences for the whole world. The planet itself has been showing signs of change. In 2004, a serious tsunami created by a major earthquake killed thousands in Sumatra and in 2008, thousands died in China because of another severe earthquake. Egypt was hit in 2009 with a major earthquake and Haiti was devastated in 2010 by yet another massive earthquake.

Within just the last few months, new reports from around the world have been coming in and most agree that our climate situation is much worse than previously thought. At this point, it doesn’t matter what is causing it, but rather, what can be done about it. What’s more, our world is getting more and more unstable every year. There is war and threat of war everywhere. Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and serious.

However, other planets are experiencing global warming as well as our own and some scientists believe there may be some connection between this. No one knows anything for sure at this point because there is simply not enough data.

1Which of the following would be the best title for the Passage?

A. Ways to protect our planet.

B. Solutions to climate change.

C. Be prepared for climate change.

D. Climate change and its effects.

【2】What is the author’s purpose in using the examples of earthquakes?

A. To show the damage earthquakes caused.

B. To remind people to prevent future earthquakes.

C. To show major changes are taking place on the planet.

D. To tell us more earthquakes will happen in the future.

【3】What does the underlined word devastated in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Separated. B. Destroyed.

C. Removed. D. Affected.

【4】What can be inferred from the Passage?

A. Animals and plants won’t die out as long as climate changes slowly.

B. There’s enough data for us to predict the future of climate change.

C. The world is getting more unstable because of animal migration.

D. The earth is not the only planet that is experiencing climate change.

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