
17.When I first started university,I remembered hearing about bone marrow(骨髓)donation during Freshman's Week.Some students volunteers from a group called Marrow tried to convince me to attend an event so I could learn more about it.The word"bone"immediately made me think that donating would be a painful procedure,so I refused. Back then,there was no way I could have known three years later,I would be one of the many people that desperately needs a bone marrow donor to save their lives.
I am currently waiting to be matched with a donor and if I am lucky enough to find a good match,it will be this lovely stranger that saves my life.I received my cancer diagnosis in June.It is only at that time that I realized how ignorant I had been about the bone marrow donation process.
The process of donating stem cells is actually very simple.In 90% of cases,donors are asked to donate their blood stem cells,the other 10% will give their bone marrow.Lots of donors say that both these things are virtually pain free,and nothing to be scared about.Being a bone marrow donor should be something to be proud of,as every donor has an opportunity to save someone's life!
At the moment I know that the doctors are busy searching for a match,I simply live every day in the hope that there will be a donor right for me.If I have an opportunity for life,I won't waste it.
When I was a first year at university,I made the mistake of walking away from becoming a stem cell donor.Please don't make the same mistake that I did.There are so many people out there,including myself,that need your help; and by undergoing a simple,pain-free procedure,you could have the chance to proudly say that you saved someone's life.

25.Why did the author refuse to learn more about bone marrow donation before?B
A.Because she could get nothing from it.
B.Because she thought that donating would be painful.
C.Because she had known nothing about it.
D.Because she was in poor health.
26.What can we learn from the underlined sentence in paragraph1?C
A.The author was concerned about others.
B.The author was confident about the bone marrow donation.
C.The author needs the bone marrow donation now.
D.The author donates her bone marrow to save others.
27.The author needs the bone marrow because she gotA
D.high blood pressure
28.The author told us her story toD
A.show us the experience of her college life.
B.explain the cause of her cancer.
C.recall her painful past.
D.encourage people to be a bone marrow donor.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了作者因为怕痛不愿意捐献骨髓,却患上癌症被被人捐献的骨髓所救,鼓励读者捐献骨髓.

解答 25.B.细节理解题.根据第一段The word"bone"immediately made me think that donating would be a painful procedure,so I refused可知作者认为骨髓捐赠会很痛苦所以拒绝了;故选B.
26.C.句意理解题.根据第一段 Back then,there was no way I could have known three years later,I would be one of the many people that desperately needs a bone marrow donor to save their lives可知当时,我不可能知道三年后,我会是一个十分迫切需要骨髓捐献者来挽救自己的生命的人;作者需要骨髓捐赠;故选C.
27.A.细节理解题.根据第二段I received my cancer diagnosis in June.It is only at that time that I realized how ignorant I had been about the bone marrow donation process可知作者需要骨髓捐赠是因为患了癌症;故选A.
28.D.推理判断题.根据最后一段There are so many people out there,including myself,that need your help; and by undergoing a simple,pain-free procedure,you could have the chance to proudly say that you saved someone's life可知文章的目的是鼓励人们捐献骨髓;故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

8.When Regina Spektor moved to the Bronx from Russia as a young child of 9,she could speak no English and her family was so poor that they could afford nothing.Yet she carried with her a love of the piano and music.
"For me,the thing that I loved the most was playing the piano,so when we left Russia I was so afraid I would forget how to play and I would just find a little table and play my pieces,"she told"When you spend your life doing something like playing the piano and then you take that away,it's so surreal."(离奇的)
Her father,Ilya Spektor,said that,little by little,the family saved enough money to afford their first apartment.
"I was a photographer and,in six weeks,I found my first job in a big photo lab in Manhattan,"he said.On the subway one day,Ilya Spektor spotted a man carrying a violin case.The man also seemed to have an Eastern European accent.A conversation led to a visit and,eventually,Regina Spektor was introduced to Sonia Vargas,a piano teacher.She was a well-known professor who taught piano,took Spektor under her wing and trained her for years,at no cost."I remember talking to Sonia,"Spektor said."She said that when a student is ready,a teacher appears.So she said that I must have been ready to study piano,and so that's why she came into my life."
"Immediately,how she played,"Vargas said."You can tell the sound.The sound tell you whether the person loves the instrument,loves the music."
Much later,while playing her own music and selling a CD that she'd created,Regina Spektor caught the attention of a music producer.The rest is history,complete with concerts around the world and performance in front of the Obamas at the White House.
Regina Spektor greatly appreciated her parents,piano teachers and friends for helping her become the musician she is."I love the idea that if you're walking toward the world,the world will take some steps towards you,"she said.

21.When Regina Spektor was in Russia,sheC.
A.spoke English very fluently          
 B.could afford a new piano
C.learned how to play the piano         
D.was directed by a famous teacher
22.Why could Ilya Spektor make the acquaintance of Sonia Vargas?C
A.Sonia Vargas was very famous        
B.They were all Russians
C.They had a common friend           
D.Ilya Spektor was a good talker
23.What does the author mainly want to tell us?D
A.The world welcomes any musician
B.Life is filled with struggles more than love
C.Regina Spektor deserves to perform at the White House
D.The world doesn't ignore those who fight for their dreams.
12.If you take a look at the best-selling books in the UK these days,it is almost certain that there will be a lot of autobiographies (自传) in that list.Bill Clinton,Nelson Mandela and actor Michael J Fox have all written them.An autobiography is the story of a person?s life,written by that person.It is usually a very famous person who might tell us all about their childhood,how they became famous and any other interesting things that have happened in their lives.
Traditionally,someone would write an autobiography when they were older because they had had a long,successful life.However,these days there are many magazines with stories and photos of the stars which sell very well.Reality TV shows are extremely popular and lots of people become famous very easily just from being on the TV rather than being able to sing or act well.As a result,people become famous very quickly and as soon as they are famous,a lot of money can be made from writing an autobiography,even if they are very young.
So now you can find an autobiography from almost everyone who is in the public eye.Even though we can follow the lives of the stars very closely on TV or in magazines nowadays,we maybe don?t know how they live their lives from day to day.Autobiographies often give the information we never knew about the stars.The British public are very curious to find out more so they are very eager to read autobiographies.
Not every star wants to write though.Sometimes stars employ writers to write their life stories for them.The writer will interview the stars,listen to everything they want to say,record interviews and then write books based on their words.David Beckham did this with his book My Side.
Not everyone likes to read books regularly but they might like to read about the lives of stars.Autobiographies are helping to get more British people reading books.About 100million autobiographies are sold in Britain every year.More stars depend on them for extra income and as more of these books appear in the shops,more people are sure to keep buying them.
Autobiographies,stories writt en by famous people about themselves,are popular in the UK.(要点1)But unlike traditional ones,many of today's autobiographies are about young stars who rise to fame quickly.(要点2)As they often contain information unknown before,readers are keen on reading them.(要点3)Not fond of writing,however,some celebrities hire writers to write their autobiographies.(要点4)Besides,due to autobiographies,more British people are involved in reading now.(要点5)(68 words).
9.Parents do anything they can to give their kids the best chance to succeed.According to a report published by the Sutton Trust,a third of"professional parents"with children aged between five and 16 have moved to an area because they think it has good schools,and 18% to a specific school's catchment area.Some go further:3% admitted using a relative's address to get children into a particular school;and 2% said they had bought a second home and used that address to qualify for a place.
As well as a fair few white lies,it all adds up to a large amount of money spent on trying to improve your children's chances of doing better educationally-and the point the Sutton Trust wants to make is that the more money you have,the more you can do to"buy"an advantage.
It seems strange that parents,while focusing so eagerly on school,seem often to ignore a much cheaper way of improving their children's educational fate.Because the more stable a home life children have,the better they will be able to concentrate at school,the better behaved they will be in school,and the better grades they will have on leaving school.
 There's plenty of research to back all this up:a recent study by the Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre found that children aged seven and older tended to do more poorly in exams and to behave badly at school if their parents split up.Another report funded by the Economic and Social Research Council,released at the end of last year,found that a stable family life meant children were more likely to take in what's being offered in the classroom.According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists,teenagers whose parents are fighting or separating may find it difficult to concentrate at school.
 Of course,many marriages are completely on track,100% hunky dory,and here the only thing worth stressing about is a school's SATs and GCSE results.But it may not be you,and I have to admit it's not me either:I've been married for more than a quarter of a century,and the one thing I'm sure of is that it's not a bed of roses.I've got four children aged between 11 and 21; and while I'm truly grateful to the many teachers who have taught them,and the schools they've been pupils at,I've become more convinced as the years go by that a stable home is an absolutely vital part in how they're getting on-and certainly much more crucial than where their school sits in the local league table.
So spending a few hundred dollars for a course of Relate counselling sessions (and if you're on a low income,it can be a lot less,or even free) could be a much better use of the family's funds than spending thousands on moving house.Sure,your children might end up at a school whose exam results are far from satisfactory-but that's more than balanced against by the fact that they are likely to do better for having happier parents (and moving house,after all,puts even more pressure on a relationship).
According to Relate,80% of clients who went for adult relationship counselling said their partnership had been strengthened as a result.According to a whole pile of research stretching back across many decades,children tend to do best when they're raised in a stable family.I can't help wondering whether the only sure winners from the struggle to live by the best school gates are estate agents (房地产商) rather than the very children the move is designed to help.

65.From the writer's point,to educate their children better,parents are expected toD.
A.move to an area which has good schools
B.use a relative's address
C.buy a second home
D.turn to adult relationship counselling sessions 
66.The writer might subscribe to the idea thatC.
A.the more money you have,the more you can do to"buy"an advantage 
B.the more stable a home life children have,the more difficult it is for them to concentrate at school
C.as to his marriage there is still room for improvement
D.he is grateful to the many teachers,because the schools are more crucial than his family in how his children are getting on
67.The fourth paragraph is mainly developedC.
A.by contrast  
B.by space  
C.by example 
D.by process
68.What attitude does the writer hold towards spending thousands on moving house?B
D.Not Clear
69.What is the meaning of the underlined word"hunky dory"in paragraph 5?B
A.broken up
C.departing from the right course 
70.What is the main idea of the passage?D
A.estate agents benefit a lot from the struggle to live by the best school gates
B.some parents are going extremes to educate their children better
C.the writer is satisfied with his children's achievement
D.a stable home life is better than catchment areas in educating children.
5.A British friend told me he couldn't understand why Chinese people love eating sunflower seeds as a snack so much"I've met a lot of older Chinese and many have a crack in their front teeth; I believe that's from cracking the seeds,"he said.
I had never noticed the habit,but once he mentioned it,I suddenly became more aware.I realized that whenever I'm watching TV or typing a report,I always start mindlessly cracking sunflower seeds.My friend doesn't like sunflower seeds,and,to him,it seems unnecessary to work so much just to get one small seed.
When we were young,the whole family would usually get together for Chinese New Year.Then,we all lived close to one another,usually in a small city,and sometime even neighbors would go door-to-door on Chinese New Year's Eve to check out what every household was making.
I remember my parents would be in the kitchen cooking.Out in the living room,a large table would already be laid out,complete with fancy tablecloth,ready-made dumping fillings,and dishes full of candy,fruits and sunflower seeds.
Some of the dishes were to be offered to our ancestors later,while others were for neighbors and children to eat be-fore the evening feast.I must have learned how to crack sunflower seeds back then.
I don't think it's right to criticize one's choice in food or eating habits,no matter how strange they may seem.
It's not only in China.When I went abroad,I found people had all sorts of strange habits when it came to food.In Denmark,they put salted red fish on bread and eat it for dinner,no matter how much it ruins your breath.They think it's a delicacy,and it's connected to their culture.I think it's a wonderful tradition.

4.What did the writer become aware of?C
A.She had ever typed a report about seeds.
B.She are various snacks while watching TV.
C.She had a habit of cracking sunflower seeds.
D.She damaged her teeth by eating sunflower seeds.
5.What does the writer prove by mentioning Chinese New Year?D
A.The traditions of celebrating it disappear.
B.Children can eat delicious food on that day
C.The families get together for it.
D.Eating sunflower seeds is related to it.
6.The writer's to Denmark's way of eating bread isA.
7.What lesson can we learn from the story?B
A.One kind of food doesn't necessarily suit everyone.
B.Eating habits come from a certain culture.
C.It is good to form healthy eating habits.
D.Changing your eating habits will change your life.

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