
12.If you take a look at the best-selling books in the UK these days,it is almost certain that there will be a lot of autobiographies (自传) in that list.Bill Clinton,Nelson Mandela and actor Michael J Fox have all written them.An autobiography is the story of a person?s life,written by that person.It is usually a very famous person who might tell us all about their childhood,how they became famous and any other interesting things that have happened in their lives.
Traditionally,someone would write an autobiography when they were older because they had had a long,successful life.However,these days there are many magazines with stories and photos of the stars which sell very well.Reality TV shows are extremely popular and lots of people become famous very easily just from being on the TV rather than being able to sing or act well.As a result,people become famous very quickly and as soon as they are famous,a lot of money can be made from writing an autobiography,even if they are very young.
So now you can find an autobiography from almost everyone who is in the public eye.Even though we can follow the lives of the stars very closely on TV or in magazines nowadays,we maybe don?t know how they live their lives from day to day.Autobiographies often give the information we never knew about the stars.The British public are very curious to find out more so they are very eager to read autobiographies.
Not every star wants to write though.Sometimes stars employ writers to write their life stories for them.The writer will interview the stars,listen to everything they want to say,record interviews and then write books based on their words.David Beckham did this with his book My Side.
Not everyone likes to read books regularly but they might like to read about the lives of stars.Autobiographies are helping to get more British people reading books.About 100million autobiographies are sold in Britain every year.More stars depend on them for extra income and as more of these books appear in the shops,more people are sure to keep buying them.
Autobiographies,stories writt en by famous people about themselves,are popular in the UK.(要点1)But unlike traditional ones,many of today's autobiographies are about young stars who rise to fame quickly.(要点2)As they often contain information unknown before,readers are keen on reading them.(要点3)Not fond of writing,however,some celebrities hire writers to write their autobiographies.(要点4)Besides,due to autobiographies,more British people are involved in reading now.(要点5)(68 words).

分析 写好这类作文要注意几个步骤:1. 认真审题,找准提示语中的关键词或句,确定中心思想.2. 依据关键句,草拟提纲,梳理文章的脉络3. 准确定位人称、时态.注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次.4.最后还要认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等
But unlike traditional ones,many of today's autobiographies are about young stars who rise to fame quickly
Not fond of writing,however,some celebrities hire writers to write their autobiographies.

解答 Autobiographies,stories writt en by famous people about themselves,are popular in the UK.(要点1)But unlike traditional ones,many of today's autobiographies are about young stars who rise to fame quickly(高分句型一).(要点2)As they often contain information unknown before,readers are keen on reading them.(要点3)Not fond of writing,however,some celebrities hire writers to write their autobiographies(高分句型二).(要点4)Besides,due to autobiographies,more British people are involved in reading now.(要点5)(68 words)

点评 开放性作文给出一定的写作主题,并此为基础进行思维和联想,自由发挥.不仅考查学生在内容、结构安排、语言运用和组织方面的能力,而且对学生的想像力、发散思维、归纳判断能力也有很高的要求.

6.Each time Chinese New Year is approaching,preparations are underway around the world.Here are some Chinatowns for those outside of China wishing to mark the day.
Although it may not be as large or as long-built as others,having only become a center for the Chinese community during the 1950s,London's Chinatown is a perfectly formed little firework that knows how to see in the year with a bang.Decorated with red lanterns (灯笼),previous years have seen shows with acrobatics (杂技),martial arts (武术),dance and opera nearby.
San Francisco
San Francisco's Chinatown is perhaps the most famous in the United States.The city was the main entry-point for Chinese who had crossed the Pacific to the USA during the early 19th century.Between the Grant Avenue and the Stockton Street,this historic area is a local treasure,attracting more visitors per year than the Golden Gate Bridge.
With an about 100-year-old history,the Thai capital's Chinatown contains complex streets offering all kinds of tasty treats,clothes,toys and antiques.Sunday market days are such a good time to get the full atmosphere of the neighborhood.The area is also known for its gold dealers,whose shops line the road.
Found in Port Louis,this Mauritian Chinatown shows the island nation's rich multicultural diversity.Established in the early years of the 20th century by settlers from China,its tiny shops and restaurants serve locals and visitors.During the Chinese Spring Festival,the most exciting sight is the Dragon Dances on Rue Royal when Chinese musicians and dancers perform the traditional Lion dances through the streets.

21.According to the text,which of the following has the longest history?B
A.London's Chinatown.
B.San Francisco's Chinatown.
C.Mauritius's Chinatown.
D.Bangkok's Chinatown.
22.What's special about Bangkok's Chinatown?A
A.It is well-known for its gold business.
B.It is the major entrance for the Chinese.
C.It is crowded with Chinese restaurants.
D.It is where you can enjoy fireworks.
23.If you want to enjoy the Dragon Dances,you can go toB.
A.the Sunday market in Bangkok.
B.Rue Royal in Port Louis,Mauritius.
C.the Grant Avenue in San Francisco
D.the Chinese community in London.
3.The following ads come from UW (University of Washington) newspaper called The Daily.
Help WantedRooms
PART-TIME PIZZA DELIVERY driver,base pay+tips.Our vehicle.Must be over 26 for insurance purposes.Dellino's Pizzeria,University Village,555-3466.1 BLOCK TO UW-Clean,quiet non-smoking room,private refrigerator.Month to month agreement.$425 includes all utilities.SSS-2488.
RESTAURANT-SUMMER JOB in Alaska!Experienced,presentable waitresses and cooks needed for busy restaurant in Valdez,Alaska.Fax resume/application to 907-544-2877,at:Mike.BRAND NEW BUILDING close to UW.Furnished rooms with private baths and deck.Starting at $355.5608 15th Ave.(206)555-1435.
WASHINGTON~ATHLETIC CLUB,a private hotel and athletic club in downtown Seattle,has openings for part-time lifeguards and swimming instructors.Please call Stuart at 206-555-3989.FROM 260-280.Rooms,l block north of UW.Clean and quiet residence.No smoking,no musical instruments.Deposit needed.(206)555-6608.
Business OpportunitiesChild Care
The Daily makes every effort to ensure you are responding to a reputable job opportunity.REMEMBER:lawful employers do not ask for money as part of the application process.Do not send money,especially out of state,or give any credit card information.The majority of our Business Opportunities are at least in part commission-based opportunities.A small investment may be required,and you may be asked to work from your home.If you have responded to an ad that seems deceptive,please call the Daily at 5SS-2390.BABY SITTER WANTED:CARING and responsible babysitter for adorable good natured 21 month old boy.15 hours/week.Days/times negotiable.Experience preferred.555-1293
CHILD CARE NEEDED during summer in Wallingford for three great children.25-30 hours/week,Monday,Wednesday,Friday.$9/hour.Begins 6/28.(206)555-237
EARN NEW COMPUTER and make money at the same time.$2,000 in your first two weeks with unlimited income potential.This offer is going fast.Call and get the fact.1-800-5SS-8948.Parking
COVERED PARKING CLOSE TO UW,Secure garage,$65 per month,5608 IS0'Ave.NE,206-555-1435.
PARKING NEAR UW.3 locations,﹩58/month.SecuredGarage,﹩85/month (206)555-2944.
56.If you are looking for a job only for the summer,how many choices do you have?B
57.Which of the following is TRUE according to the ads?A
A.If you are good at swimming,you can try a job at 206-555-3989.
B.All the companies advertising on the Daily are trustworthy.
C.As a student,you don't need to pay a deposit when renting rooms.
D.The fees for parking near University of Washington are the same.
20.More than 80 percent of Chinese students returned to the country after completing their studies abroad,and the country sent 544,500 students in 2016 (61)to study(study) abroad.
China's Ministry of Education (MOE)(教育部)said at(62)anews conference that most of the world's foreign students who study abroad are from China.Over 90 percent of them attend schools in English-speaking countries,such (63)as the US and Australia,and over 70 percent pursue at least a bachelor's degree.
It also said 98 percent of government-sponsored(公费的) students returned to China.So far,government-sponsored students who study abroad (64)have chosen(choose)to pursue disciplines most needed in China,(65)including(include) engineering,agriculture and medical science.
The government-sponsored students have signed an agreement that says they(66)are required(require) to reimburse (偿还) the government if they do not return home after completing their studies.
China is trying to attract more students with an international background because of the country's involvement in (67)global(globe) cooperation.
"Moreover,most Chinese (68)families(family) only have one child,so many of us return to China (69)willingly(willing) because we want to stay close to our family and friends,"said a student surnamed Su,(70)who gave up his job in the UK and returned to take care of his mother in China.
7.Trapped under six stories of ruins after the Haiti earthquake leveled his hotel,Dan Woolley believed he was going to die.But rather than give in to despair,the film-maker spent 65hours beneath the earth looking up ways t treat his injuries on his iPhone.He also wrote a moving diary for his family,thinking they would only read his last message of love and comfort after his death.Instead,he was pulled from the disaster after a week-and will soon be reunited with his family.
Mr.Woolley had travelled from America to Haiti with his colleague David Hames.Both had been working for charity.He was in the entrance-hall when the earthquake struck and just had time to dive into a comer before the building fell.Buried under tons of ruins,the film-maker downloaded a first aid application to his iPhone.He used the light from the iPhone to show him his injuries and diagnosed it properly as a broken leg.Then,he used the instructions from the app to treat the serious bleeding.The app advised him not to go to sleep if he felt he was going into shock.The resourceful Mr.Woolley set his phone alarm to go off every 20minutes to keep him awake.New technology has played a huge part.
Mr.Woolley used a small black notebook to write messages to his family.He had thought his relatives would read them after he was dead."I was in a big accident.Don't be upset at God,"he wrote,"I'm still praying that God will get me out,but He may not.But He will always take care of you."
Mr.Woolley was eventually located by a French rescue team and removed to the U.S.where he was reunited with his wife.Speaking after being flown to Miami for surgery,he said,"Boy,I cried.I wanted to use that time to do everything I could for my family.If it could be just to leave some notes that would help them in life,I would do that."
He is now looking forward to seeing his family.

4.In the diary,Mr.Woolley noted his family.D
A.he was looking for ways to survive
B.his iPhone was more than useful
C.he wanted to do something for his family
D.this might be his last messages of love
5.Which of the following statements is not wrong?D
A.Woolley was confident that he would survive.
B.Woolley was making a film when the earthquake broke out.
C.Woolley is now reconvening in a Haiti hospital.
D.Woolley tried to stay conscious under the ruins.
6.What is the most important factor in Woolley's survival?B
A.His beloved family.
B.The high technology.
C.His strong will.
D.The French rescue team.
7.What is the best title for the text?C
A.A Large Earthquake Hit Haiti
B.Strong Will Saved Woolley
C.A Man Used an iPhone to Survive
D.Nothing Is More Important than Family.
17.When I first started university,I remembered hearing about bone marrow(骨髓)donation during Freshman's Week.Some students volunteers from a group called Marrow tried to convince me to attend an event so I could learn more about it.The word"bone"immediately made me think that donating would be a painful procedure,so I refused. Back then,there was no way I could have known three years later,I would be one of the many people that desperately needs a bone marrow donor to save their lives.
I am currently waiting to be matched with a donor and if I am lucky enough to find a good match,it will be this lovely stranger that saves my life.I received my cancer diagnosis in June.It is only at that time that I realized how ignorant I had been about the bone marrow donation process.
The process of donating stem cells is actually very simple.In 90% of cases,donors are asked to donate their blood stem cells,the other 10% will give their bone marrow.Lots of donors say that both these things are virtually pain free,and nothing to be scared about.Being a bone marrow donor should be something to be proud of,as every donor has an opportunity to save someone's life!
At the moment I know that the doctors are busy searching for a match,I simply live every day in the hope that there will be a donor right for me.If I have an opportunity for life,I won't waste it.
When I was a first year at university,I made the mistake of walking away from becoming a stem cell donor.Please don't make the same mistake that I did.There are so many people out there,including myself,that need your help; and by undergoing a simple,pain-free procedure,you could have the chance to proudly say that you saved someone's life.

25.Why did the author refuse to learn more about bone marrow donation before?B
A.Because she could get nothing from it.
B.Because she thought that donating would be painful.
C.Because she had known nothing about it.
D.Because she was in poor health.
26.What can we learn from the underlined sentence in paragraph1?C
A.The author was concerned about others.
B.The author was confident about the bone marrow donation.
C.The author needs the bone marrow donation now.
D.The author donates her bone marrow to save others.
27.The author needs the bone marrow because she gotA
D.high blood pressure
28.The author told us her story toD
A.show us the experience of her college life.
B.explain the cause of her cancer.
C.recall her painful past.
D.encourage people to be a bone marrow donor.
1.One morning more than thirty years ago,I entered the Track Kitchen,a restaurant where everyone from the humblest(卑微的) to the most powerful came for breakfast.I noticed an empty chair next to an elderly,unshaven man,who looked somewhat disheveled.He was wearing a worn-out hat and was alone.I asked if I might join him.He agreed quietly and I sat down to have my breakfast.
We cautiously began a conversation and spoke about a wide range of things.We never introduced ourselves.I was concerned that he might have no money and not be able to afford something to eat.So as I rose to go back to the counter and buy a second cup of coffee,I asked,
"May I get you something?"
"A coffee would be nice."
Then I bought him a cup of coffee.We talked more,and he accepted another cup of coffee.Finally,I rose to leave,wished him well,and headed for the exit.At the door I met one of my friends.He asked,
"How did you get to know Mr.Galbreath?"
"The man you were sitting with.He is chairman of the Board of Churchill Downs."
I could hardly believe it.I was buying,offering a free breakfast,and feeling pity for one of the world's richest and most powerful men!
My few minutes with Mr.Galbreath changed my life.Now I try to treat everyone with respect,no matter who I think they are,and no matter another human being with kindness and sincerity.

21.What does the underlined word"disheveled"mean?B
22.The author bought coffee for the old man becauseA
A.he thought the old man was poor
B.he wanted to start a conversation
C.he intended to show his politeness
D.he would like to thank the old man
23.How did the author probably feel after he talked with his friend?C
24.What is the message mainly expressed in the story?D
A.We should learn to be generous.
B.It is honorable to help those in need.
C.People in high positions are not like what we expect.
D.We should avoid judging people by their appearances.

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