
Improving your vocabulary can be done at any age and any level of education. Even college students can benefit from an enlarged vocabulary,which will improve spoken and written communication skills as well as provide a deeper grasp of any language. Often people are encouraged to improve their vocabulary by taking a major test. 1      

2       Reading is clearly linked with a larger vocabulary,especially if you seek out books about topics that aren't familiar to you. Nonfiction in a wide variety of fields can improve your vocabulary and general knowledge. Literacy in fiction is also highly beneficial.

3       Games like Scrabble and Boggle will encourage your brain to play with words and letters,as well as learn new ones. If you play Scrabble with an open dictionary,you can encourage people to try out words they might otherwise be afraid of using. Most word games are interactive,so you can enjoy company while improving your vocabulary.

A simple way to improve your vocabulary is to use the dictionary. Create flash cards of unfamiliar words and practise them in the train,on the bus,or when you wake up in the morning. 4       If you hear someone using a word you don't recognize,look it up!

5          If you're trying to improve your English vocabulary as a native speaker,you may be able to meet up with study partners. If you're learning vocabulary in a new language,you I can find people to speak and write with you so that you can improve your skills.

   A. Another way is to play word games.

   B. One of the best ways to improve your vocabulary is to read more.

   C. But it can be done for fun as well.

   D. Reading books is one of the best ways to broaden your horizons.

   E. Try to practise words in a variety of environments so that you really learn them.

   F. In addition,you may find a community of individuals with interests like yours.

   G. The more you practicing English,the better you will understand its culture.

1.                  2.         3.                  4.          5.       


1. c考查转折关系。根据下文提出的多种扩大词汇量的方法——阅读、游戏、做单词卡片、寻找兴趣伙伴可以看出,在玩中学也可以扩大词汇量。故答案为c。

2. B考查总分关系。从下文的"seek out books" 可以看出,广泛阅读是提高词汇量的一个最好的方式之一。故答案为B.

3. A考查总分关系。从下文的"Games like Scrabble and Boggle will encourage your brain to play with words and letters"可以看出,玩汇游戏也是扩大词汇量的方式之一。故答案为八。

4. E考查递进关系。从上文的"practise them in the train,on the bus "和下文的"If you hear someone using a word you don't recognize,look it up"可以看出,通过把学到的词在具体语言环境中使用也是扩大词汇量的方法之一。故答案为E。

5. F考查递进关系。从下文的"you may be able to meet up with study partners"可以看出,找到具有共同兴趣的同伴也是扩大词汇量的办法之一。故答案为F。


Three Cups of Tea is a true story of our time. In 1993,a young American mountain climber named Greg Mortenson walked into a tiny village high in Pakistan's beautiful and poor Karakoram Himalaya region. Sick,exhausted,and depressed after failing to climb the summit of K2,Mortenson regained his strength and his will to live due to the generosity of the people of the village of Korphe. Before he left,he made a promise that would completely change both the villagers' lives and his own―he would return and build them a school.

1       The region was remote and dangerous as a breeding ground (滋生地) for terrorists. In the course of his work,Mortenson was taken prisoner and threatened with death. He suffered from local opposition,deep misunderstandings,jealousy,not to mention dangerous roads and extreme weather. But he believed strongly that balanced,nonextremist education,for boys and girls alike,was the most effective way to fight the violent discrimination that breeds terrorism. 2       Mortenson first approached Karakoram as a climber and he never lost the mountaineer's appreciation for the region's simple beauty and incredible physical challenges. His coauthor (合著者) David Oliver Relin skillfully described highaltitude landscapes. 3       In the course of this description,readers came to know Mortenson as a friend,a husband and father,a traveling companion,a son and brother,and also as an imperfect human being. Relin was not shy away from describing the man's annoying qualities―his impatience,disorganization and sleeplessness. 4       Pakistan and Afghanistan appeared in the news as the breeding grounds of terrorist training camps. In Three Cups of Tea,Mortenson and Relin took readers behind the headlines to reveal the true heart and soul of this region,5       .

   A. But Mortenson never asked others to make sacrifices that he had not already made himself time and time again.

   B. Today,Mortenson's Central Asia Institute had constructed fiftyfive schools,and his work continued.

   C. Greg Mortenson promised to build a school for the villagers of Korphe to show appreciation for their generosity.

   D. and to show how one man's promise might be enough to change the world

   E. The book described how Mortenson kept this promise and many more in the high country of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

   F. Greg Mortenson has devoted so much to building schools because he believes that education is the best way to fight discrimination that leads to terrorism.

   G. Gradually he transformed himself from a poor climber to a director of a helpful institute.

1.         2.                  3.                  4.          5.       

Recently a restaurant has become a hot topic which arouses a controversial debate. A man

runs a restaurant 1        any waiter and people who have dinner here can pay the bill as they want 2        If the customer thinks this meal worth 50yuan,then he can put 50yuan in the box. However,as the owner keeps losing money over 4 months,people begin to think this is the customer's honesty issue,3          I can't agree with it.

In the first place,the restaurant didn't name the price to each dish,which means the owner lets the customers evaluate the meal by themselves. So people pay the money for the meal that is always 4        than the owner's expectation. Leave alone the 5       (one) who don't pay the bill,as everyone has different values,and most people have no idea about the cost of the dish,it is understandable 6        customers pay less money than the cost.

In the second place,the restaurant has no waiter at all which makes the cost lower than a regular restaurant. The customers have to help themselves to have the meal,also they need to wash the dishes. It makes 7        reasonable that customers pay less money than the owner's 8          (expect) .

To sum up,this may not be the problem of 9     (honest) ,but the way of 10       (run) a restaurant. I believe most people pay their bills,but they just pay it lower than the cost.

1.                  2.                  3.         4.          5.         

6.         7.         8.         9.          10.      

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PassGE   D. com was created to dramatically change the way people learn basic high school skills and knowledge. We are a group of learning experts. We specialize in making learning fun,worthwhile,and incredibly fast. We teach basic GED skills that you can use at home and at your leisure. 5      

   A. What Do I Have to Do?

   B. Practice and Score!

   C. How Long Will It Take?

   D. We believe everyone can learn and can have a high school diploma.

   E. Nothing like this has ever been done on the Internet.

   F. Good education will contribute to your future.

   G. Better jobs,better income.

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

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