
7.When I was 17 years old I had surgery because of a disease.The day after the surgery,I awoke to find a friend of mine sitting in a chair across from my bed.I don't remember much about his visit.But I will not forget that he visited me on that day,and sat there for I don't know how long,while I was under the influence of a morphine drip(输液).We benefit greatly from our close friendships,but they are not a matter of calculable gain or loss.
Our age,what we might call the age of economics,is strongly influenced by two types of relationships that reflect the lives we are encouraged to lead.There are consumer relationships,those that we participate in for the pleasure they bring us.They are focused on the present.It is what brings immediate pleasure that matters.And there are entrepreneurial(商业的)relationships,those that we invest in,hoping they will bring us some return.
Aristotle thought that there were three types of friendship:those of pleasure,those of usefulness,and true friendship.In pleasure friendships,he said,"It is not for their character that men love ready-witted people,but because they find them pleasant."About the usefulness friendships,he said,"Those who love each other for their utility(效用)do not love each other for themselves,but because of some good which they get from each other."
Although we benefit from our close friendships,these friendships are not a matter of calculable gain and loss.Consumer pleasures are lasting for only a limited time.They surround us for a short period and then they fade,like a drug.Entrepreneur friendship,when successful,leads to the victory of personal gain.
It is precisely this non-economic character that is threatened in a society in which each of us is offered only the choices of ownership,shopping,competition and growth.It is threatened when we are led to believe that friendships without obvious recognizable gain are,in the economic sense,irrational(不合理的).Friendships are not without reason,perhaps,but they are certainly without that particular reason.Shared experience,not just everyday amusement or advancement,is the true basis of friendship.

71.The author mentions his operation in the first paragraph toC.
A.recall one of his best friends                B.advise people to visit sick friends
C.introduce the topic of true friendship        D.talk about the experience of surgery
72.Consumer relationships center onD.
A.the sharing of joy and sorrow             B.mutual support in times of trouble
C.personal gain or personal loss            D.immediate pleasure
73.The author tries to persuade readers to accept his argument byA.
A.explaining three types of friendship  B.discussing questions
C.analyzing causes and effects          D.providing examples and facts
74.The author seems to support the idea thatB.
A.friendships are a matter of calculable gain or loss
B.there are no specific reasons for friendship
C.short-term pleasure is the center of friendship
D.everyday amusement is the true basis of friendship
75.The best title for the text would beC.
A.Friendship in Modern Times                B.Friendship in Economic Recession
C.Friendship in the Age of Economics        D.Friendship in a Fast Paced Life.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了在一次手术过后一位并不特别熟悉的朋友来关心我,从此建立了特别的友谊,这使作者认识到在友谊并不一定依赖于经济.在经济衰退中也会有友谊.

解答 71.C.推理判断题.根据文章第一段"We benefit greatly from our close friendships,but they are not a matter of calculable gain or loss"可知作者提到提到自己的手术是为了介绍话题真正的友谊;故选C.
72.D.细节理解题.根据文章第二段"There are consumer relationships,those that we participate in for the pleasure they bring us"可知消费关系依赖于带来的乐趣;故选D.
73.A.推理判断题.根据文章第三段"Aristotle thought that there were three types of friendship:those of pleasure,those of usefulness,and true friendship"可知作者通过解释三种友谊来说服读者接受自己的观点;故选A.
74.B.细节理解题.根据文章最后一段"Friendships are not without reason,perhaps,but they are certainly without that particular reason"可知友谊没有具体的原因;故选B.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

2.Although everyone has a creative side and a logical side,some people find it a challenge to get in touch with their creative side.Being creative means being prepared to think of new and original ways to do things.Here are some ways to help you get in touch with your creative side.
When you want to be creative,it's very important to relieve any tension from your body so that your mind can be open to new experiences and not be occupied with dealing with tension or stress.It's possible to relax very quickly if you take three or four deep breaths.In the relaxed state you pick up a pen and start to write down all the potential ways that you could take to achieve what you want.You might find that you would like to use paints instead or a musical instrument to express your new found creativity and explore where it leads you.
Once you are fully relaxed,you can begin to think about the project you are attempting to complete and allow your mind to wander over various possibilities rather than immediately going for the obvious logical way to do it.Close your eyes and ask yourself  what ways there might be to solve your project and notice the scenarios ( 设想) which appear in your mind as you do  this.You may notice pictures,sounds or emotions or a combination of all three.Then imagine yourself moving into the scenario that you are thinking about and then discover what might or might not work for you and others.Be aware of any emotions that come up when you visit the various scenarios.Keep a notebook handy to write down your experiences and insights as a result of your visualization (可视化).
It's easy to dismiss unusual or different solutions which you haven't tried before but it's important to be prepared to experiment and play with them.Sometimes  what is needed is just doing something even if you are uncertain of the potential outcome.People often think of all the possible ways that something won't work and as a result they dismiss the idea of performing an experiment to see what would happen.The reality is that we can't foretell the future,so it's useful to plan for it in a creative and exciting new way.
TitleHow to develop your (76)creativity.
Introduction◆It's (77)challenging/difficult/hard.in getting in touch with their creative side.
◆Being creative means being ready to think of new and original ways to do things.
helping you 
be creative 
(79)Relaxing.◆Release any tension from your body to open your 
◆(80)Breathedeeply for several times can help relax 
very quickly.
◆Set down the entire potential ways of helping you 
achieve something while you feel relaxed.
Visualizing◆Think about your project and take various possibilities 
into(81)considerationbefore going to the way to do it.
◆Close your eyes and ask yourself the   
(82)possibleways to solve your project and notice 
the scenarios appearing m your mind.
◆Imagine yourself moving into the scenario and 
discover what might or might not work for you and 
◆Be aware of any emotions that come up when visiting 
the various scenarios.
◆Make a (83)note/record of your experiences and 
insights as a result of your visualization.
(84)Experimenting.◆Be prepared to try unusual or different solutions.
◆Do something (85)regardlessof what is the potential 
◆Plan for the future in a creative and exciting new way.

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