
19.One is expected to behave _________ on some special occasions.(  )

分析 一个人应该在一些特别的场合表现的得体.

解答 答案:C.根据句子中"is expected to"表示"被期许"和"on some special occasions"表示"在一些特别的场合",可以知道句子表达的是"一个人应该在一些特别的场合表现的得体",所以选择C appropriately"合适的""得体的".其他选项A是"准确的",B是"精确的",D是"正确的".

点评 考查副词辨析.要做好这种题型,需要了解各个选项的含义,但更重要的是理解句子的意思.只有符合句子意思的选项才是正确的.

7.When I was 17 years old I had surgery because of a disease.The day after the surgery,I awoke to find a friend of mine sitting in a chair across from my bed.I don't remember much about his visit.But I will not forget that he visited me on that day,and sat there for I don't know how long,while I was under the influence of a morphine drip(输液).We benefit greatly from our close friendships,but they are not a matter of calculable gain or loss.
Our age,what we might call the age of economics,is strongly influenced by two types of relationships that reflect the lives we are encouraged to lead.There are consumer relationships,those that we participate in for the pleasure they bring us.They are focused on the present.It is what brings immediate pleasure that matters.And there are entrepreneurial(商业的)relationships,those that we invest in,hoping they will bring us some return.
Aristotle thought that there were three types of friendship:those of pleasure,those of usefulness,and true friendship.In pleasure friendships,he said,"It is not for their character that men love ready-witted people,but because they find them pleasant."About the usefulness friendships,he said,"Those who love each other for their utility(效用)do not love each other for themselves,but because of some good which they get from each other."
Although we benefit from our close friendships,these friendships are not a matter of calculable gain and loss.Consumer pleasures are lasting for only a limited time.They surround us for a short period and then they fade,like a drug.Entrepreneur friendship,when successful,leads to the victory of personal gain.
It is precisely this non-economic character that is threatened in a society in which each of us is offered only the choices of ownership,shopping,competition and growth.It is threatened when we are led to believe that friendships without obvious recognizable gain are,in the economic sense,irrational(不合理的).Friendships are not without reason,perhaps,but they are certainly without that particular reason.Shared experience,not just everyday amusement or advancement,is the true basis of friendship.

71.The author mentions his operation in the first paragraph toC.
A.recall one of his best friends                B.advise people to visit sick friends
C.introduce the topic of true friendship        D.talk about the experience of surgery
72.Consumer relationships center onD.
A.the sharing of joy and sorrow             B.mutual support in times of trouble
C.personal gain or personal loss            D.immediate pleasure
73.The author tries to persuade readers to accept his argument byA.
A.explaining three types of friendship  B.discussing questions
C.analyzing causes and effects          D.providing examples and facts
74.The author seems to support the idea thatB.
A.friendships are a matter of calculable gain or loss
B.there are no specific reasons for friendship
C.short-term pleasure is the center of friendship
D.everyday amusement is the true basis of friendship
75.The best title for the text would beC.
A.Friendship in Modern Times                B.Friendship in Economic Recession
C.Friendship in the Age of Economics        D.Friendship in a Fast Paced Life.

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