
Shopping is not as simple as you may think! There are all sorts of tricks at play each time we reach out for that particular brand (品牌) of product on the shelf.
Colouring, for example, varies according to what the producers are trying to sell. Health foods are packaged (包装)in greens, yellows or browns because we think of these as healthy colours. Ice cream packets are often blue and expensive goods, like chocolates, are gold or silver.
When some kind of pain killer was brought out recently, researchers found that the colours turned the customers off because they made the product look weak and ineffective. Eventually, it came on the market in a dark blue and white package—blue because we think of it as safe, and white as calm.
The size of a product can attract a shopper. But quite often a bottle doesn’t contain as much as it appears to.
It is believed that the better-known companies spend, on average, 70 per cent of the total cost of the product itself on packaging!
The most successful producers know that it’s not enough to have a good product. The founder of Pears soap, who for 25 years has used pretty little girls to promote (推销) their goods, came to the conclusion: “Any fool can make soap, but it takes a genius (天才) to sell it.”
64. Which of the following may trick a shopper into buying a product according to the text?
A. The cost of its package.    B. The price of the product.
C. The colour of its package. D. The brand name of the product.
65. The underlined part “the colours turned the customers off”(in Para. 3 ) means that the colours _____.
A. attracted the customers strongly         B. had weak effects on the customers
C. tricked the customers into shopping      D. caused the customers to lose interest
66. Which of the following is the key to the success in product sales?
A. The way to promote goods.            B. The discovery of a genius.
C. The team to produce a good product.      D. The brand name used by successful producers.
67. Which of the following would be the best title for this text?
A. Choice of Good Products              B. Disadvantages of Products
C. Effect of Packaging on Shopping        D. Brand Names and Shopping Tricks

64---67   CDAC  

64.C 点评:细节理解题。文章第二自然段说的便是商品包装的颜色在很大程度上影响顾客的购买决定,因此C为正确答案。
65.D 点评:联系上下文,该划线句下半句“...because they made the product look weak and ineffective.”就对其进行了解释说明,故应选D。
66.A 点评:整体理解题。仔细阅读全文后,可以得知商品促销方式的重要性,故应选A。
67.C 点评:整体理解题。同样仔细阅读全文后,可知道商品外包装的重要性,故应选C

Down-to-earth means someone or something that is honest, practical and easy to deal with. It is 1 to find someone who is down-to-earth. A person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to and 2 other people as equals. A down-to-earth person is just the 3 of someone who acts important and prouD.
  Down-to-earth persons 4 be important members of society. 5 they don’t let their importance “go to their heads”. They do not 6 themselves to be better persons than others of less importance. Someone who is filled with his own importance and pride, often without cause, is 7 to have “his nose in the air”. There is 8 way a person with his nose in the air can be down-to-earth.
  Americans 9 another expression that means almost the same as down-to-earth. The expression is “both-feet-on-the-ground”. Someone with both-feet-on-the-ground is a person with a good 10 of reality. He 11 what is called “common sense”. He may have 12 , but he does not allow them to 13 his knowledge of what is real. The opposite kind of 14 is one who has hid “head-in-the-clouds”. A man with his head-in-the-clouds is a dreamer whose 15 is not in the real world.
  16 , such a dreamer can be brought back to reality. 17 words from a teacher can usually get a day-dreaming student to put both feet back on the grounD.Usually, the person who is down-to-earth is very 18 to have both feet on the ground.19 we have both our feet firmly on the ground, we are down-to-earth, and we act honestly and openly 20 others. Our lives are like the ground below us, said and strong.
1.A.pleasant     B.sad             C.common D.surprising
2.A.meets       B.welcomes        C.receives   D.accepts
3.A.case      B.kind            C.opposite   D.example
4.A.must        B.may            C.should     D.will
5.A.But       B.So           C.For      D.And
6.A.wish         B.expect         C.desire      D.consider
7.A.said         B.told            C.asked       D.made
8.A.some        B.a             C.no         D.every
9.A.discover    B.find            C.make       D.use
10.A.understanding B.wish        C.reason      D.expectation
11.A.demands B.lacks            C.has      D.likes
12.A.fortunes   B.dreams         C.achievements   D.disadvantages
13.A.block       B.protect         C.Own     D.gain
14.A.idea       B.people        C.attitude    D.person
15.A.mind       B.life            C.body        D.head
16.A.Always    B.Therefore        C.However D.Sometimes
17.A.Sharp      B.All          C.No      D.Bad
18.A.possible   B.probable       C.likely       D.able
19.A.Though    B.Since          C.When      D.Unless
20.A.towards   B.for            C.over      D.Onto
When you go shopping, you may not be aware of all the thought and planning which has been put into the design of products. The only aim of all this thought and planning is to make us __1__ as much of our money as possible.
Packaging is a very important area in product __2__. Some companies even hire psychologists to make __3__ or do experiments on packaging. In one __4__ experiment, some psychologists wanted to find the best __5__ for a new soap powder. They decided to test the colours blue and yellow. Three different boxes were designed. Some boxes were blue, some were yellow and some were a __6__ of blue and yellow. The same powder was out in all three boxes, a group of women was given the new soap powder in order to __7__ it.
The results were very interesting. The powder in the yellow packet was said to be much too __8__. However, the women thought that the powder in the blue box was much too weak. They felt the powder in the __9__ box to be the best powder. So we had better remember never to judge goods by their packaging! We must not allow ourselves to be __10__ into spending more money than we can afford.
A.brightB.bigC.traditionalD.brand new

Alcohol is often taken as a symbol of a special celebration or as a sign of friendship.So it is    36   to see people toasting with a large glass of alcohol to the health or fortune.   37  , every year, alcohol also ruins thousands of lives and destroys many happy families .  
Some people drink alcohol to   38    their tension or pain. They   39   think that through drinking, they can   40    from their problems and worries. But it is never a   41  .During those hours of drinking, alcohol only numbs(麻木)their senses and makes them forget their worries.   42  , when they wake up, their problems are still unsolved .
A   43   alcohol drinker is running the great   44  of getting heart diseases and liver(肝脏)failure. Too much alcohol taken into the body system, death will    45   occur. Alcohol also affects unborn babies    46  . Those pregnant mothers with    47    alcohol in their blood system risk    48  their unborn babies to suffer from defects(缺陷)at birth.     49   , babies are innocent victims due to their mothers’ mistake. Therefore they should be extremely cautious of any alcohol and it is better to    50   all drinking during pregnancy(怀孕期).  
Drunken driving is one of the worst   51   of alcohol abuse. Every year, many lives are lost due to   52   driving on roads and highways. A drunk driver cannot see and judge the distance   clearly and will find it difficult to control his vision and   53    on the road,so he    54    control over his reflexes. That is    55   accidents occur. Not only does he hurt himself but also other innocent road users.
36.A.normal                 B.common             C.ideal                  D. regular
37.A.Accidently            B. Fortunately        C.Excitedly           D. Unfortunately
38. A. relieve                      B.increase              C.create                 D.produce
39. A.usually                B.surely            C. mistakenly            D. aimlessly
40. A.differ                  B. solve                 C. cancel              D. escape
41. A. success               B. solution            C. fact                  D. decision
42. A. However             B. Meanwhile        C. So                   D. Besides
43. A. social                 B. heavy                  C. addicted           D.light
44. A.advantages           B.possessions         C.risks                  D.measures
45. A. eventually           B. probably           C.hardly                D.strongly
46. A.anxiously            B. disastrously          C. extensively        D.differently
47. A. proper                B.little                  C. excessive           D.no
48. A. causing              B.making                     C. having              D.protecting
49. A.Above all             B.First of all          C.All in all           D. After all
50.A. run out                      B.leave out            C. cut out             D.carry out
51.A. reasons                      B. causes              C. effects              D. examples
52. A. drunken             B.normal               C.careless              D. dangerous
53.A. patience              B.emotion             C. judgement         D.imagination
54.A.manages to           B.tries to               C.refuses to           D.fails to
55.A.when                    B.what                  C.where            D. how

Andy was still traveling in Spain when he realized he had to confirm(确认) his flight home with the airline company(航空公司). He was visiting Spain in order to __36   his Spanish. When he was speaking to people__37 he had no __38 understanding what they said. __39 , when he was speaking on the phone, he __40  had a problem. Andy__41  the airline. And the clerk confirmed that his plane was leaving at nine o'clock three days from that day. She__42  told Andy to be at the airport two hours __43  in order to check in his luggage and get a seat.
Since he was__44  in three days, Andy didn't __45 any time. He visited as many places as he could. He thought that it would probably be a while before he had enough money again. He wished he could __46   and spend a year in Spain.
Too __47 , the final day arrived. Andy left early for the airport to arrive two hours before take-off. He hated to __48  . He went to the clerk to __49 his ticket. The clerk looked at the ticket with__50 . “Why, sir, but your flight was at nine o'clock in the morning, and __51   it is eight in the evening.”“ But I confirmed my flight,” __52 Andy. “Will I have to pay for another ticket?”
“No,sir. However, the next flight out will be three days from now.”
Andy's __53of shock turned to one of __54 as he realized that now he could continue his__55 .
36.A. prepare         B. improve         C. enjoy         D. learn 
37.A. slowly          B. in public       C. in person     D. carefully
38.A. difficulty      B. idea           C. mistake       D. interest 
39.A. Instead         B. Therefore       C. Meanwhile     D. However
40.A. even            B. just            C. still         D. seldom
41.A. called          B. liked           C. trusted       D. asked
42.A. again          B. also            C. only          D. once
43.A. before          B. earlier         C. later         D. after
44.A. moving          B. returning       C. staying       D. leaving
45.A. take            B. have            C. lose          D. find 
46.A. wait            B. go home         C. stop          D. come back 
47.A. shortly         B. quickly         C. badly         D. early
48.A. speak           B. go              C. rush          D. delay
49.A. buy             B. present         C. order         D. provide
50.A. astonishment    B. patience        C. respect       D. delight
51.A. maybe           B. so              C. here          D. now
52.A. insisted        B. apologized      C. replied       D. demanded
53.A. experience      B. expression      C. look          D. face
54.A. pleasure        B. comfort         C. sadness       D. hopelessness
55.A. plan            B. flight          C. journey       D. vacation 
Active vacations are often the most relaxing of all. But Wait! It's all in defining what an active vacation is. We don't expect you to take up jogging, backpacking, or hang gliding. we ask the sedentary(爱坐的)vacationers to spend two to four hours a day doing things, such as walking the city streets, exploring a nature preserve, or taking a leisurely rowboat ride.
These kinds of activities aren't just good for your physical health. They improve your mental health, even your spiritual health. And they make vacations memorable and worthwhile. Here are some fresh ideas for active and healthy vacation.
Make the morning your activity time. At that time it is most likely that the weather will be friendlier, your energy level higher, and your schedule emptier than later in the day.
Have a walk at dawn or dusk. Such activity is called rejuvenation(恢复活力). Try to make this a daily routine of life away from home, and you will guarantee yourself both physical and spiritual youth.
Get into the water as much as you can. Don't allow yourself to spend your entire time sitting in front of the water. Whether it is the ocean, a swimming pool, or a tree-lined lake, make sure you get into the water for swimming or games or even walking. Merely standing in waist-high water is a good workout, thanks to the action of the water. And you'll feel so much more alive!
Choose a cruise for your trip. It's amazing how active you can be being stuck on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic. Most cruise ships offer numerous options for seaworthy exercise. During your sea and land trips you can burn calories as you swim, hike, dive, and horseback ride.
Get out of the car every two hours. Many of us spend a large part of our vacations on the road, either getting to and from our destinations, or using the car for sightseeing. But no matter how beautiful the scenery is, great and memorable vacations don't happen in a car seat. Don't wait for tiredness or nature's call to get you to pull over. Frequently get out and stretch, walk, picnic, shop, visit, and have fun. It's important for your health and energy, and it makes traveling a lot more active and interesting.
小题1:The first paragraph mainly tells us ____________.
A.that active vacations are very relaxing
B.the activities we should join in
C.how many hours we should exercise every day
D.what an active vacations is
小题2:How many tips does the writer give in the passage?
小题3:Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?
A.Usually the weather in the morning is better.
B.You can have a memorable vacation in a car.
C.Swimming can make you feel much more alive.
D.Don’t drive your car very often to go sightseeing.
小题4:Which of the following is probably the best title for this passage?
A.Driving TipsB.How to Relax Without cars
C.Give up Your Car and WalkD.Make your Vacation Healthy
Seasonal influenza is characterized by a sudden fever, cough, headache, muscle and joint pain, sore throat and runny nose. Most people recover from fever and   1  symptoms within a week without requiring medical attention. But influenza can 2  severe illness or death in people at high risk. The time from infection to illness is about two days.
Yearly influenza epidemics can  3  affect all age groups, but the highest risk of complications occur among children younger than age two, adults age 65 or older, and people of  4  age with certain medical conditions, such as chronic heart, lung, kidney, liver, blood or metabolic diseases, or weakened immune systems.
Seasonal influenza  5  easily and can sweep through schools, nursing homes or businesses and towns. When an  6   person coughs, infected droplets get into the air and another person can breathe them  7   and be exposed. The virus can also be spread by hands infected with the virus.  8   transmission, people should cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing, and  9  their hands regularly.
Drugs for influenza are   10  in some countries and effectively prevent and treat the illness. Some influenza viruses develop  11   to the antiviral medicines, limiting the effectiveness of treatment.
Influenza epidemics occur    12  during autumn and winter in temperate regions. Illnesses result in hospitalizations and deaths mainly among high-risk groups. Worldwide, these annual epidemics result in about three to five million   13    of severe illness, and about 250 000 to 500 000 deaths.
Influenza can cause serious public health and economic problems. In   14   countries, epidemics can result in high levels of worker absenteeism and productivity  15  .   16   most people recover from a bout(轮) of influenza, there are large numbers of people who need hospital treatment and many   17   die from the disease every year.   18    is known about the effects of influenza epidemics in developing countries.
The most    19  way to prevent the disease or severe outcomes from the illness is vaccination. Vaccination is especially important for people at higher risk of serious influenza complications, and for people who live with or care  20   high risk individuals.
(  ) 1. A. its                 B. it’s                    C. all                    D. other
(  ) 2. A. cause                B. lead                  C. result                D. bring
(  ) 3. A. lightly           B. slightly             C. seriously           D. heavily
(  ) 4. A. all                 B. any                   C. no                    D. both
(  ) 5. A. goes              B. spreads              C. comes        D. happens
(  ) 6. A. to infect        B. infecting           C.  infected          D. infect
(  ) 7. A. off                B. away                 C. out                   D. in
(  ) 8. A. To prevent     B. To protect          C. To prepare         D. To prefect
(  ) 9. A. wash             B. washing            C. to wash             D. washed
(  ) 10. A. free             B. available           C. useful               D. helpful
(  ) 11. A. assistance     B. resistance          C. consistence        D. preference
(  ) 12. A. monthly              B. weekly              C. daily                 D. yearly
(  ) 13. A. pieces          B. states                C. conditions         D. cases
(  ) 14. A. developed    B. developing        C. big                   D. small
(  ) 15. A. lose             B. losses                C. loose                 D. lost
(  ) 16. A. For             B. Because             C. While               D. Whether
(  ) 17. A. /                 B. which               C. do                    D. who
(  ) 18. A. Little           B. Much                C. Few                  D. Lot
(  ) 19. A. affective      B. effective            C. attractive           D. aggressive
(  ) 20. A. about           B. of                     C. for                    D. to
Some people make you feel comfortable when they are around. You spend an hour with them and feel as if you have known them half your life. These people have something in common. And once we know what it is, we can try to do it ourselves.
How is it done? Here are several skills that good talkers have. If you follow the skills, they’ll help you put people at their ease, and make friends with them quickly.
First of all, good talkers ask questions. Almost anyone, no matter how shy he is, will answer a question. One well-known businesswoman says, “At business lunches, I always ask people what they did that morning. It’s a common question, but it will get things going.” From there you can move on to other matters—sometimes to really personal questions. And how he answers will let you know how far you can go.
Second, once good talkers have asked questions, they listen to the answers. This point seems clear, but it isn’t. Your questions should have a point and help to tell what sort of person you are talking to. And to find out, you really have to listen carefully and attentively.
Real listening at least means some things. First it means not to change the subject of conversation. If someone sticks to one topic, you can take it as a fact that he’s really interested in it. Real listening also means not just listening to words, but to tones of voice. If the voice sounds dull, then, it’s time for you to change the subject.
Finally, good talkers know well how to deal with the occasion of parting. If you’re saying good-bye, you may give him a firm handshake and say, “I’ve really enjoyed meeting you.” If you want to see that person again, don’t keep it a secret. Let people know what you feel, and they may walk away feeling as if they’ve known you half their life.
小题1:Asking questions might be a quite good and suitable way _______.
A.for you to make more and more new friends
B.to begin your business talks
C.to get the conversation going smoothly
D.for you to make a deep and lasting impression on others
小题2:After having asked somebody a question, it’ll be polite of you to _______.
A.make clear what kind of person he is
B.listen to his reply attentively
C.wait quietly and patiently for his answer
D.go on asking him more questions
小题3:Generally speaking, good talkers are persons who _______.
A.are good at making any topic interesting
B.never talk too much or too little
C.always speak in a gentle way
D.know how and when they should change the topic of the talk
小题4:If you really take delight in meeting someone again, _______.
A.you may take him as your lifelong trustworthy friend
B.it seems necessary for you to let him know it
C.it’s proper for you to give him a second handshake
D.it’ll be helpful for you to have further understanding of him
How hard we have all prayed(祈祷) to grow up quickly, and looked forward to the happy days of being a grown-up and enjoying the many interests that a youth should have.?
At last, you have grown up. At least you are no longer a child. They call you “young lady”. You then enjoy the pleasure of being a young lady. You are proud of being a grown-up teenager. People welcome you-this young lady-heartily. You are glad that your prayer has been answered.?
But there is always something that troubles you a lot. You say; “Papa and Mama, give me some money please. My pocket money is all gone already.”?
“No”, they say, “your age is a dangerous age. If you have too much money to spend, it won’t do you any good.” Then you have to stay at home because you dare not go out with an empty pocket.?
Another time you tell your grandma, “Grandma, see, I am a grown-up now.”?
“Good, now, you can sit here and knit (编织) this for me while I go and have a rest.” To show that you are no more a child, you have to sit there the whole afternoon doing the work, which only a grown-up can do. After an hour, you find it hard to do, and give the knitting basket back to your grandma. Your grandma criticizes your work. You hear what she says, “Such a big girl can’t do such easy work.” You wish then you were a child again.?
But the fact is, you are growing up, and you can’t help it. That’s the way it goes!
56.The passage is told about _______ problems.
A. a growing-up boy’s    B. a teenage girl’s   C. an old woman’s       D. a grown-up’s
57.It is clear that the writer, as a teenager, ________.
A. is pleased with the present life   B. is unhappy about growing up
C. doesn’t think her present life happy enough   D. knows happy life will come to her soon
58.How does she know her prayer has been answered?
A. People treat her as a young lady.    B. She is no longer a kid.
C. People begin to call her teenager.   D. She can join women in all kinds of activities.
59.From what her parents say, we know _________.
A. they don’t believe she is already a teenager   B. it’s dangerous for a girl to spend money
C. they love her more than before   D. they still regard her as a child

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