
Deciding which English-speaking country to study in wasn’t difficult for Ann; She had always wanted to visit America. “I wanted to study in an  English-language country and I always wanted to visit America because it always seemed to me a very beautiful and friendly country.” Ann is more than happy with the quality of the education she is receiving in America, particularly with the subjects and strong academic support.“ I am very happy with the quality of education I am receiving. All my subjects are useful and connected. I am happy with help I receive from the lecturers and tutors.”
Also of particular satisfaction for Ann is the practical element of her American course. “I find it very important and useful. The theory is a good thing to know but nothing gives you more skills and knowledge than practical work.”
Where her future employment is concerned, Ann is very confident her American qualification will be of great help. “I know that getting a degree here is a good thing for my future; it can open many doors in Poland or anywhere  else in the world.
Ann is also really enjoying life in America; She is making friends and taking time out to enjoy herself. “People are very friendly and helpful. University is a good place to find new friends from America and from overseas. It is a friendly environment with lots of things to do, not only studying. And of course there are the beaches, not to mention the beautiful weather.”
小题1:The purpose of writing this passage is to _________.
A.tell us Ann’s decision to settle in America
B.tell us Ann is accustomed to life in America
C.introduce Ann’s happy study and life in America
D.introduce more about Ann to help her make friends
小题2:Why did Ann decide to study in America?
A.Her parents persuaded her to do so.
B.She has relatives and best friends here.
C.Her boyfriend was studying here too then.
D.She has dreamed of studying here for long.
小题3:What makes Ann particularly satisfied in America?
A.The comfortable climate and easy lifestyle.
B.The help from her host families and teachers.
C.The American courses have more practical elements.
D.The friends here are mostly from English-speaking countries.
小题4:What does the underlined sentence mean?
A.Ann will try all her best to ensure to get a degree.
B.Ann’s degree will help her find a job easily at home and abroad.
C.Ann will certainly go back to Poland to work after graduation.
D.With the degree received in America, Ann will never be out of work.


小题2:细节理解题。结合I always wanted to visit America because it always seemed to me a very beautiful and friendly country可知答案。
小题3:细节理解题。结合Also of particular satisfaction for Ann is the practical element of her American course可知答案。
We all have weaknesses and strengths—no matter who we are .Some get sick easily.
Some are  36  people in communication, struggling with  37 .
Sometimes weaknesses seem to outweigh (胜过)the strengths and sometimes it’s the other way around.  38  ,facing huge limitations, many people tend to  39  it  as just bad luck ---but not everyone. Those who rise over their weaknesses can still manage to  40  extraordinary things.
I  41  a school prize –giving ceremony and the guest speaker was Andrew Becroft,  42 had a severe stutter (结巴 ) as a child .  43  allowing this to limit  him , he chose to overcome it. Now he is a famous judge . Not only  44  he become  successful, but he did so in a profession  45  he had to speak before others regularly. Had he not worked on his  46  ability, it would have been very limiting to his success in life and work.
Many people face far huger limitations, such as loss  47  legs or arms , being born extremely poor,  48 you do. But whatever the limitation, you’ll  49 find people who have overcome it. Helen Keller, who fell  50 and lost  her sight and hearing at 19 months old, worked hard to be a famous woman with great  51  . Mark Inglis lost both his legs in a mountain climbing accident,  52  has since climbed Mt. Everest.
If one of them had told you what they hoped to achieve, you would have nodded kindly while  53  thinking to yourself that they had no chance . And yet the results speak for  54  .
Though most of us will never have to face such challenges , yet most of us will never achieve to the  55  that these people have either if we never seriously think of what we can do.
A.Because ofB.Instead ofC. Due toD.Apart from
小题19:A. yourself        B, ourselves         C. themselves       D. itself
Shopping is not as simple as you may think! There are all sorts of tricks at play each time we reach out for that particular brand (商标) of product on the shelf.
Colouring, for example, varies according to what the producers are trying to sell. Health foods are packaged (包装) in greens, yellows or browns because we think of these as healthy colours. Ice cream packets are often blue and expensive goods, like chocolates, are gold or silver.
When some kind of pain killer was brought out recently, researchers found that the colours turned the customers off because they made the product look weak and ineffective. Eventually, it came on the market in a dark blue and white package—blue because we think of it as safe, and white as calm.
The size of a product can attract a shopper. But quite often a bottle doesn’t contain as much as it appears to.
It is believed that the better-known companies spend, on average, 70 per cent of the total cost of the product itself on packaging!
The most successful producers know that it’s not enough to have a good product. The founder of Pears soap, who for 25 years has used pretty little girls to promote(推销)  their goods, came to the conclusion: “Any fool can make soap, but it takes a genius (天才) to sell it.”
小题1:Which of the following may trick a shopper into buying a product according to the text?
A.The cost of its package.B.The price of the product.
C.The colour of its package.D.The brand name of the product.
小题2:The underlined part “the colours turned the customers off”(in Para. 3 ) means that the colours _____.
A.attracted the customers strongly
B.had weak effects on the customers
C.tricked the customers into shopping
D.caused the customers to lose interest
小题3:Which of the following is the key to the success in product sales?
A.The way to promote goods.
B.The discovery of a genius.
C.The team to produce a good product.
D.The brand name used by successful producers.
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for this text?
A.Choice of Good ProductsB.Disadvantages of Products
C.Effect of Packaging on ShoppingD.Brand Names and Shopping Tricks
It’s a nightmare for Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST): within a week,two students committed suicide by jumping off dorm buildings.对于整个华中科技大学来说,这简直就是场噩梦:一周之内,两名学生在宿舍跳楼自杀。
Officials from the university are reluctant to give interviews.校方官员们不愿接受采访。
“We had a hard time calming down students who were shocked at the suicides,” said Zhang Jingyuan,one official of HUST.
“Media coverage may arouse some students’ negative emotions again.Suicide can be contagious,” Zhang said.他说,“媒体的报道将会再次引发学生的消极情绪,自杀是会传染的。”
The university reacted promptly to the first suicide on October 23.对于今年10月23号发生的第一起自杀事件,华中科技大学迅速做出应急措施。
Advisors and class leaders conducted dorm-to-dorm checks to find students suffering depression.Then psychologists offered one-on-one counseling to them.辅导员和班长们走访了每个宿舍,找出遭遇抑郁的学生。然后,心理咨询师会为这些学生提供一对一的心理咨询。
Notice boards publicizing tips for identifying peers’ mental problems and offering help were set up in front of dorm buildings.Leaflets carrying similar information were handed out to each dorm.宿舍楼前竖起一些布告栏,为同学们普及关于如何发现身边人遭遇心理问题并提供帮助的小贴士。印有类似内容的小册子也被分发给每个寝室。
However,the second suicide came seven days later.然而,七天后,第二起自杀事件发生了。
Both students were described as men of few words.Their schoolmates didn’t see anything to indicate suicide.据周围人描述,这两名学生都很少言寡语。他们的同学都没有觉察到任何自杀前的征兆。
Zhang revealed that the two students had been bothered by mental disorders.But the school didn’t know this until the students’ close friends outside school and their parents unveiled the truth after the suicides.章劲元透露,这两名学生曾经饱受心理疾病的困扰。但是学校对此并不知情,他们校外的好友和家长也是在自杀事件发生后才说出实情。
According to Zhang,there are only three full-time counselors working in the university’s counseling center for its 60,000 students.He complained: “It’s unrealistic to rely only on counselors to detect students’ mental problems.”据章劲元说,全校共有六万名学生,但学校的心理咨询中心只有三位全职心理咨询师。他抱怨说:“仅仅依靠心理咨询师来察觉学生的心理问题,这是不现实的。”
Effective prevention comes from long-term education for life instead of temporary intervention to meet an emergency,said Hu Yi’an.Hu delivers a course of lectures on life and death at Guangzhou University.He worries that universities have paid little attention to education for life.有效的预防来自于长期的生命教育,而并非遭遇紧急状况时的临时干预,胡毅安(音译)说。他在广州大学教授以生命和死亡为主题的课程。他为各大高校给予生命教育的关注少之又少而担忧。
“Education for life helps students respect and love life so they won’t resort to ending their lives when they have difficulties,” said Hu.“生命教育可以帮助学生尊重、热爱生命,这样一来,当他们遇到困难的时候就不会选择结束生命了,” 胡毅安说。
According to Hu,the principles can be incorporated into everyday teaching.胡毅安还表示,这些观念可以融入到日常教学中去。
Hu is also concerned that some universities are conveying discriminatory message that will hold back students from seeking help.胡老师也很担心一些大学传递出带有歧视性的信息会使得学生们不愿去寻求帮助。
When HUST conducted the dorm-to-dorm examination,students with poor academic performance were paid special attention.In March,Peking University also released a controversial policy,which required teachers to have a chat with students “with biased thinking”.当华中科技大学校方挨个宿舍进行走访时,学习成绩较差的学生也被给予了特别关照。三月份,北京大学也推行了一项备受争议的政策,该新规要求教师们要找那些学生中的“激进分子”谈话。
However,Hu suggested that students step out of their comfort zone to seek real-life communication.
小题1:The underlined word “reluctant” in paragraph 2 probably means “       ”.
小题2:Which measure the university took to the first suicide is incorrect?
A.Conducting checks to find out the students’ depression.
B.Offering counseling to the students.
C.Setting up notice boards publicizing tips for identifying peers’ mental problems and offering help.
D.Handing out leaflets to each student.
小题3:Which of the following is right according to the text?
A.Officials of HUST were willing to give the details about the suicide.
B.HUST didn’t respond to the first suicide.
C.What the university about the suicide was a success.
D.Their close friends and parents did know the students had mental disorder.
小题4:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Two students of HUST committed suicide.
B.What can we do to prevent the student’s suicide?
C.The reasons why the students committed suicide.
D.The dangers in the universities in China.
It had been a tiring day and I was looking forward to a quiet evening. My husband wouldn’t come back until late and I had   16   to sit down in a comfortable armchair in the living room and read a book. I   17  the children to bed early and   18   a cold supper and some coffee. Soon I was sitting comfortably with a plate   19   with food before me and a book at my side.
I was just beginning to eat when the telephone rang. I put down my knife and fork and hurried to   20   it. By the time I got back to the living room, my coffee   21  cold. After I finished my   22   I began to drink my coffee with my book   23  at page one. Suddenly there was a   24   at the door. It gave me such a great surprise that I spilt the  25   and made an ugly stain(污迹)on my skirt. Some stranger had got   26   and wanted me to show him the way. It   27  ages to get rid of him. At last I   28  to sit down again and actually read a whole page without any more interruption until the baby woke up. He began crying loudly and I rushed upstairs. The baby was   29   awake at eleven o'clock when my husband came home. I should have cried myself when he asked me if I had a(n)  30  evening!
A.fullB.filledC.fillingD.to be filled
A.was gettingB.had gotC.would getD.got
A.openingB.openedC.openD.being opened
There are thousands of things to be sold that are of all colors and shapes in a supermarket, making you believe that they are good enough for you to have a try. How packaging(包装)is the quiet but persuading salesman?  
There on the shelves,each bottle, can and box has been carefully designed to speak to the inner self of the consumer(消费者), so that he is buying not only a product but also his belief in life. Scientists have studied on this and found that the look of the package has a great influence on the “quality” of the product and on how well it sells, because “Consumers generally cannot tell between a product and its package. Many products are packages and many packages are products,” as Louis Cheskin, the first social scientist studying consumers’ feeling for packaging, noticed.
Colors are one of the best tools in packaging. Studies of eye movement have shown that colors draw human attention quickly. Take V8 for example. For many years,the bright red color of tomatoes and carrots on the thin bottle makes you feel that it’s very good for your body. And the word “green" today can keep food prices going up.
Shapes are another attraction.Circles often mean happiness, because they are pleasing to both the eye and the heart. That’s why the round yellow M sings of McDonald’s are inviting to both young and old.
This new consumer response(反应)to the colors and shapes of packages reminds(提醒)producers and sellers that people buy to meet the needs of both body and heart.
小题1:According to the passage, ______ seems to be able to persuade a consumer to buy the  product.
A.the pleasing color of the package
B.the special taste of the product
C.the strange shape of the package
D.the belief in the product
小题2:It can be inferred(推测)from the passage that V8 is a kind of        .
A.vegetable dishB.healthy juice
C.hard drinkD.red vegetable
小题3:“And the word ‘green’ today can keep food prices going up” This sentence  
suggests that consumers today are       .
A.starting to notice the importance of new food
B.enjoying the beauty of nature more than before
C.beginning to like green vegetables
D.paying more attention to their health
小题4:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Colors and Shapes
B.Packaging Can Talk
C.The response to the packages
D.What is packing?
Water costs money.In some places water is hard  1  .What  2  when a town
has these problems?A small town in California found a happy  3
  Very little rain ever fell there.The town had no water of its own.The water it used was from a river 300 miles away.As more people  5  live in the town,  6   water was needed.Now water 7  to be brought in from 600 miles away.All these cost 8  money.
  The town  9  a plan.It found a way to clean its “dirty” water.Once the cleaned water was reused  10  many ways.Five man-made lakes were built.Here people could swim and fish and go  11  .They could have picnics in their new parks.Farmers had more water  12  their crops.New factories can be built,now that they have the promise of 13  .
  In most places,water is used and thrown 14  .The town that saved  15  water
has saved the town!
A.supplying B.gettingC.to getD.to supply
小题2:A.happens    B.happening  C is happened     D.happened
小题3:A.key        B.answer     C answering  D.way
A.fetchB.takeC.brought inD.guided
A.come toB.came toC.coming toD.came for
A.manyB.plenty ofC.more D.many more
A.has B.hadC.must D.needed
A.manyB.a fewC.a great manyD.a lot of
A.put B.made C.supplyD.noticed
A.boatingB.to boatC.to boatingD.on boating
A.water enoughB.enough water
C.crops enoughD.enough crops
A.offB.ofC.awayD.out of
In the professional world, oral communication skills in the workplace, which is the art of using speech to convey information, thoughts and feeling to others, is important for the success of any organizations.
The 21st century has been considered to be an era of communication. The way we convey our thoughts is of great importance in building relationships. In the workplace, there are employees of diverse cultural and educational backgrounds. This makes team working on a difficult task, but with a clear understanding of the task to be achieved, all members work towards the same goal. Misunderstandings, conflicts and differences in opinions are easily managed when there is a clear flow of communication between team members.
With proper communication, a close relationship and trust build among the employees, therefore promoting excellent working conditions. An atmosphere of support and cooperation is promoted by properly conveying expectations of the management team to the employees and vice – versa (相反的情况). Therefore, developing oral communication skills is important to success in life ahead.
How to improve oral communication? In the business world, individuals are expected to be confident about their beliefs and ideas. Therefore, they must include words like “in my opinion”, “as far as I know”. While improving skills on oral communication, people in a workplace must learn the art of listening. In addition, one must also have a positive body language during conversations. A person with a smiling face and positive attitude can raise the spirits of everyone around him. When we’re talking to someone, we must give the other person an opportunity to talk as it improves our listening ability.
Communication is an art and it can be improved by working on it constantly. Since it is not an overnight work, one needs to learn it by observing people who are good at it.
Oral communication skills in the workplace
小题1: _______
The art of using speech to convey information, thoughts and feelings to others.
●The way we convey our thoughts plays a major 小题2:____in building relationships.
●Understanding the task 小题3: __makes employees work towards the same goal.
●A clear flow of communication can easily 小题4: ______ the misunderstandings, conflicts and differences in opinions.
●Good relationships and trust among the employees built with proper communication can 小题5: _______ excellent working conditions.
●Conveying expectations can promote support and cooperation.
小题6: ______ to improving oral communication
●Use words like “in my opinion” to show your 小题7:____ about your beliefs and ideas.
●Learn to be a good 小题8:_______ in the workplace.
●Avoid using a小题9:_______ body language during conversations
●Smile and be positive to delight the people around you.
●Give the other person a chance to talk in a conversation.
Communication can be improved with小题10:______effort and we should learn from those who are good at it.

My 17-year-old daughter went off to college and having her away from home brought back memories of watching Peter Pan when she was little. In the classic TV production, one scene in particular impressed me: when Mrs Darling puts her children into bed. As she turns off the last of the night lights, she takes one last look at the bedroom and says, “Dear night lights, protect my sleeping children.” As a mother, I know how much she loves her children.
It has been several weeks since we took our daughter to college and she seems to be adjusting (适应) well after a short period of homesickness. For us, though, it’s another story. Like most parents, I love checking in on my children at night. But now she’s gone, and I find nighttimes the hardest. I miss her most at night.
In my neighborhood, most of the parents whose kids are off to college are dealing with similar melancholy. My husband is filled with anxiety. One friend talked about getting this sick feeling in her stomach as she prepared for the college drop-off. We complained that many of us were too busy to truly enjoy being with our children while we had them.
For us moms, seeing Toy Story 3 only made the sadness worse as we watched the character Andy, who is the same age as our kids, say goodbye to his childhood as he prepares to leave for college. And it’s not just “first-time” parents like me. Two moms who have kids already well into college said the separation didn’t get any easier. “You feel like something has been taken away from inside you,” said one of them.
I imagine things will get easier with time, especially as I see my daughter adjust to college life. Meanwhile, as I keep my cellphone close to me in bed and text my daughter goodnight and sweet dreams every night, I like to think that messages serve as a night light that keeps her safe.
小题1:The writer was deeply impressed by the scene in Peter Pan because ___________.
A.she watched the scene with her daughter
B.the scene was very exciting and interesting
C.the scene taught her and her daughter a good lesson
D.the scene showed a mother’s deep love for her children
小题2:After he daughter went to college, the writer ___________.
A.didn’t get used to the change for a long time
B.often cried as she missed her daughter so much
C.realized she hadn’t done enough for the daughter
D.failed to have a good sleep every night
小题3:What is the underlined word “melancholy” in Paragraph 3 similar in meaning to?
小题4:We can infer that watching Toy Story 3 ___________.
A.made the writer know her daughter didn’t want to go to college
B.improved the relationship between the writer and her daughter
C.helped the writer realize how important education was
D.made the writer miss her daughter even more

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