
We all have weaknesses and strengths—no matter who we are .Some get sick easily.
Some are  36  people in communication, struggling with  37 .
Sometimes weaknesses seem to outweigh (胜过)the strengths and sometimes it’s the other way around.  38  ,facing huge limitations, many people tend to  39  it  as just bad luck ---but not everyone. Those who rise over their weaknesses can still manage to  40  extraordinary things.
I  41  a school prize –giving ceremony and the guest speaker was Andrew Becroft,  42 had a severe stutter (结巴 ) as a child .  43  allowing this to limit  him , he chose to overcome it. Now he is a famous judge . Not only  44  he become  successful, but he did so in a profession  45  he had to speak before others regularly. Had he not worked on his  46  ability, it would have been very limiting to his success in life and work.
Many people face far huger limitations, such as loss  47  legs or arms , being born extremely poor,  48 you do. But whatever the limitation, you’ll  49 find people who have overcome it. Helen Keller, who fell  50 and lost  her sight and hearing at 19 months old, worked hard to be a famous woman with great  51  . Mark Inglis lost both his legs in a mountain climbing accident,  52  has since climbed Mt. Everest.
If one of them had told you what they hoped to achieve, you would have nodded kindly while  53  thinking to yourself that they had no chance . And yet the results speak for  54  .
Though most of us will never have to face such challenges , yet most of us will never achieve to the  55  that these people have either if we never seriously think of what we can do.
A.Because ofB.Instead ofC. Due toD.Apart from
小题19:A. yourself        B, ourselves         C. themselves       D. itself


小题4:考查动词。见38解析。accept ... as ...承认…为…。
小题5:考查动词。rise over weaknesses克服自己的弱点。句意:那些能从自己的弱点上站起来的人也能去的不同寻常的东西。achieve取得;实现。
小题6:考查动词。attend a ceremony参加仪式。
小题7:考查连词。此处所选之词引导定语从句,代替Andrew Becroft作主语。
小题8:考查介词。43  allowing this to limit  him , he chose to overcome it.这两句之间是转折关系,所以用instead of。
小题9:考查动词。此处是部分倒装,所用助动词应与but 后分句一致。
小题11:考查动词。结合上文可知他是个a severe stutter,所以他努力提高的是“说”的能力。这句话是虚拟语气。
小题13:考查连词。与前面的far huger相呼应。
小题14:考查副词。无论缺陷多大, 你总能找到已经克服了他们的人。两句之间是转折关系。
小题15:考查形容词。与lost  her sight相呼应,可知是生病。
小题18:考查副词。think to oneself(心中想,盘算,自思自忖)自然是“默默地”。
小题19:考查代词。代替前面的the results。
小题20:考查名词。to the degree 在(极大/某种)程度上.
Everyone in business has been told that success is all about attracting and retaining(留住) customers. It sounds simple and achievable. But,   41   , words of wisdom are soon forgotten. Once companies have attracted customers they often    42   the second half of the story. In the excitement of beating off the competition, negotiating prices, securing orders, and delivering the product, managers     43    become carried away. They forget what they regard as the boring side of business---    44   that the customer remains a customer.
     45   to concentrate on retaining as well as attracting customers costs business huge amounts of money annually. It has been estimated that the    46     company loses between 10 and 30 percent of its customers every year. In constantly changing    47    , this is not surprising. What is surprising is the fact that few companies have any idea how many customers they have lost.
Only now are organizations beginning to wake up to these lost opportunities and calculate the   48  implications.     49    the number of customers a company loses can make a big    50   in its performance. Research in the US found that a five percent decrease in the number of defecting(流失的) customers led to    51   increases of between 25 and 85 percent.
In the US, Domino’s Pizza estimates that a regular customer is     52    more than five thousand dollars over ten years. A customer who receives a poor quality product or     53    on their first visit and    54     never returns, is losing the company thousands of dollars in   55    profits (more if you consider how many people they are likely to tell about their bad experience).
The logic behind cultivating customer   56    is impossible to deny. “In practice most companies’ marketing effort is focused on getting customers, with little attention paid to     57   them”, says Adrian Payne of Cornfield University’s School of Management. “Research suggests that there is a close relationship between retaining customers and making profits.     58     customers tend to buy more, are predictable and usually cost less to service than new customers. Furthermore, they tend to be less price    59   , and may provide free word-of-mouth advertising. Retaining customers also makes it   60  for competitors to enter a market or increase their share of a market.”
A.in particularB.in realityC.at leastD.first of all
A.tend toB.contribute toC.appeal toD.devote to
A.MovingB.HopingC.Starting D.Failing
A.marketsB.tastesC.prices D.expenses
A.culturalB.socialC.financial D.economical
A.Cutting upB.Cutting throughC.Cutting in D.Cutting down
A.promise B.planC.mistake D.difference
A.costB.opportunityC.profit D.budget
A.as a resultB.on the wholeC.in conclusion D.on the contrary
A.hugeB.potentialC.extra D.reasonable
A.EstablishedB.AssumedC.Respected D.Unexpected
A.unfairB.convenientC.difficult D.essential
Towards the end of the baseball game, a controversial call was given. At full speed Paul Harvey slid home(本垒)and, thinking he had just ___36___ a game-changing run, he stood up only to face the words, “You’re ___37___!”
Angry, he threw off his helmet and ran over to explain to the ___38___ why the call was wrong. Before his ___39___ really got out of control, someone pulled him away, and he walked to the bench---___40___.
Long after the coaches, players, and fans had gone home, he realized the impact of his ___41___. Like most of us do when we are faced with the __42___ of our actions, he could have just let it go, reasoning, “Everybody ___43___ it.”
However, in the silence of his heart, he knew that just ___44___ everyone else does it, that doesn’t make it all right. And so, long after his friends had gone home, he ___45___ that coach back up to the school—not to ___46___ his car. No, the boy tracked this man down so he could tell him face to face, “I’m sorry, Sir. It was all my___47___.”
It takes true courage to stand up to face the ___48___ we all make and say, “I was wrong. I’m sorry.” What makes this ___49___ unique is that it wasn’t meant for the world to ___50___, it was meant simply as a way to stay ___51___ to his own heart.
The truth is at one time or another we have all been this boy --- ___52___ out in anger, saying hurtful things, and feeling ___53___ for doing so. But the real test comes later when we are ___54___ with the choice to say “sorry” or to walk away thinking, “Ah, they’ll get over it.”
Maybe the “they” is a customer, a friend, or a child. Whoever it is, don’t pass up the opportunity to get right with your own heart. The time for apology is now! Courage is a ___55___ of the heart.
A.promise B.impolitenessC.effortD.attempt
A.situationB.excuse C.announcementD.apology
Love, success, happiness, family and freedom—how important are these values to you? Here is one interview which explores the fundamental questions in life.
Question: Could you introduce yourself first?
Answer: My name is Misbah, 27 years old. I was born in a war-torn area. Right now I’m a web designer.
Q: What are your great memories?
A: My parents used to take us to hunt birds, climb trees, and play in the fields. For me it was like a holiday because we were going to have fun all day long. Those are my great memories.
Q: Does your childhood mean a lot to you?
A: Yes. As life was very hard, I used to work to help bring money in for the family. I spent my childhood working, with responsibilities beyond my age. However, it taught me to deal with problems all alone. I learnt to be independent.
Q: What changes would you like to make in your life?
A: If I could change something in my life, I’d change it so that my childhood could have taken place in another area. I would have loved to live with my family in freedom. Who cares whether we have much money, or whether we have a beautiful house? It doesn’t matter as long as I can live with my family and we are safe.
Q: How do your get along with your parents?
A: My parents supported me until I came of age. I want to give back what I’ve got. That’s our way. But I am working in another city. My only contact with my parents now is through the phone, but I hate using it. It filters(过滤) out your emotion and leaves your voice only. My deepest feelings should be passed through sight, hearing and touch.
小题1:In Misbah’s childhood,     .
A.he was fond of getting close to natureB.he liked living in the countryside
C.he was free from worryD.he often spent holidays with his family
小题2:What did Misbah desire most in his childhood?
A.A colorful life.B.A beautiful house.
C.Money for his family.D.Peace and freedom.
小题3:How would Misbah prefer to communicate with his parents?
A.By chatting on the Internet.
B.By calling them sometimes.
C.By writing them letters.
D.By paying weekly visits.
小题4:If there were only one question left, what would it most probably be?
A.What was your childhood dream?
B.What is your parents’ view of you?
C.What is your biggest achievement?
D.What was your hardest experience in the war?
What’s in a name? Well, apparently, our general happiness. Psychologists say that what we are called has a direct connection with our well-being (幸福).
     Those called Judy and Joshua are the happiest, while Lynn or Ben is likely to be the unhappiest, according to research. Psychologist Dr David Holmes found that this might due to the association(联想)that others made with the name. Hearing the name Judy may make them think of actress Judi Dench or TV presenter Judy Finnigan, people who are seen as good natured and happy. On the other hand, people think Paulines are unhappy because of the character Pauline Fowler from the TV programme East Enders. The research claims that this association influences the person with the name and so their personality becomes shaped to fit it. Dr David Holmes said, "This also has some relation with the original meaning of the name. For example, the original meaning of Judy is 'praised’."
     Certain names also work well in certain aspects of life. In the workplace Richard and Judy are happiest, while those called Ruth and Carly are happiest in relationships. At the other end of the scale the unhappiest workers are Stuart and Liz, with the unhappiest in relationships being Frank and Harriet.
       Dr Holmes said, "The relation we have with certain names, particularly important namesakes(同名者), also shapes how we see ourselves and so may have an effect on our confidence. Names are like product brands in having a powerful effect on attitudes and should therefore be chosen with care."
      "Other names are connected with being brave, outgoing or serious. Therefore, many celebrities change their names to ones which reflect these characteristics. This, in turn, influences parents when they choose names for their babies," said Dr Holmes, "however, names connected with ordinary people are seldom chosen for their babies".
小题1:Which of the following is NOT a reason why Judy is a good name?
A.The association people make with it.
B.Its original meaning.
C.The high number of famous people who are called Judy.
D.The personalities of famous Judys.
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following names are better?
A.Ruth and Joshua.B.Pauline and Frank.C.Richard and Stuart.D.Joshua and Ben.
小题3:The reason why names should be chosen carefully is that___________.
A.good names can make us succeed.
B.names can affect how we see ourselves
C.names can tell us what we should do
D.good names can show others who we are
小题4:The author may continue the passage with__________.
A.names and product brandsB.famous people’s names
C.parents ‘choices of baby namesD.names and personality
小题5:What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.How to choose a good name for babies.
B.How to achieve success by changing a good name.
C.The relation between names and success.
D.The relation between names and happiness.
Deciding which English-speaking country to study in wasn’t difficult for Ann; She had always wanted to visit America. “I wanted to study in an  English-language country and I always wanted to visit America because it always seemed to me a very beautiful and friendly country.” Ann is more than happy with the quality of the education she is receiving in America, particularly with the subjects and strong academic support.“ I am very happy with the quality of education I am receiving. All my subjects are useful and connected. I am happy with help I receive from the lecturers and tutors.”
Also of particular satisfaction for Ann is the practical element of her American course. “I find it very important and useful. The theory is a good thing to know but nothing gives you more skills and knowledge than practical work.”
Where her future employment is concerned, Ann is very confident her American qualification will be of great help. “I know that getting a degree here is a good thing for my future; it can open many doors in Poland or anywhere  else in the world.
Ann is also really enjoying life in America; She is making friends and taking time out to enjoy herself. “People are very friendly and helpful. University is a good place to find new friends from America and from overseas. It is a friendly environment with lots of things to do, not only studying. And of course there are the beaches, not to mention the beautiful weather.”
小题1:The purpose of writing this passage is to _________.
A.tell us Ann’s decision to settle in America
B.tell us Ann is accustomed to life in America
C.introduce Ann’s happy study and life in America
D.introduce more about Ann to help her make friends
小题2:Why did Ann decide to study in America?
A.Her parents persuaded her to do so.
B.She has relatives and best friends here.
C.Her boyfriend was studying here too then.
D.She has dreamed of studying here for long.
小题3:What makes Ann particularly satisfied in America?
A.The comfortable climate and easy lifestyle.
B.The help from her host families and teachers.
C.The American courses have more practical elements.
D.The friends here are mostly from English-speaking countries.
小题4:What does the underlined sentence mean?
A.Ann will try all her best to ensure to get a degree.
B.Ann’s degree will help her find a job easily at home and abroad.
C.Ann will certainly go back to Poland to work after graduation.
D.With the degree received in America, Ann will never be out of work.
We convince ourselves that life will be better once we are married, have a baby, then another. Then we get frustrated because our children are not old enough, and that __1__ will be well when they are older. Then we are frustrated __2__ they reach adolescence and we must deal with them. Surely we’ll be __3__ when they grow out of the teen years.
We tell ourselves our __4__ will be better when our spouse(配偶)gets his/her act together, when we have a nicer car, when we can take a __5__, when we finally retire. The truth is that there is no better time to be happy than __6__.If not, then when? Your life will always be full of challenges. It is better to admit as much and to decide to be happy __7__it all. For the longest time, it seemed that life was about to start—real life.
But there were always some obstacles along the way, an ordeal(苦难) to __8__, some work to be finished, some time to be given, a bill to be __9__.Then life would start. It finally dawned on me that those __10__ were part of life. Little by little, that point of __11__ also helped me see that there isn’t any road to happiness.
Happiness is the road. So, enjoy every moment. And bear in mind that __12__ waits for no one. So stop __13__ school to end, for a return to school, to lose ten pounds, to __14__ ten pounds, for work to begin, to get married,...before deciding to be happy.
Happiness is a voyage, not a destination. There is no __15__ time to be happy than...NOW! Live and enjoy the moment.
A.weB.they C.allD.nothing
A.becauseB.but C.soD.and
A.luckierB.happier C.olderD.healthier
A.lifeB.study C.childrenD.condition
A.restB.bath C.breathD.vacation
A.beforeB.ever C.just thenD.right now
A.instead ofB.in addition toC.in spite ofD.up to
A.meet withB.go aheadC.turn toD.get through
A.viewB.life C.positionD.condition
A.happinessB.time C.ageD.road
A.asking forB.supposingC.waiting forD.hoping for
A.gainB.reduce C.weighD.enjoy
A.worseB.better C.moreD.less
If your boss asks you to work in Moscow this year, he’d better offer you more money to do so — or even double that depending on where you live now.That’s because Moscow has just been found to be the world’s most expensive city for the second year in a row by Mercer Human Resources Consulting.
Using the cost of living in New York as a base, Mercer determined Moscow is 34.4 percent more expensive including the cost of housing, transportation, food, clothing, household goods and entertainment.
A two-bedroom flat in Moscow now costs $4,000 a month; a CD $24.83, and an international newspaper $6.30, according to Mercer.By comparison, a fast food meal with a hamburger (汉堡包) is a steal at $4.80.
London takes the No.2 place, up from No.5 a year ago, thanks to higher cost of housing and a stronger British pound relative to the dollar.Mercer estimates (估算) London is 26 percent more expensive than New York these days.Following London closely are Seoul and Tokyo, both of which are 22 percent more expensive than New York, while No.5 Hong Kong is 19 percent more costly.
Among North American cities, New York and Los Angeles are the most expensive and are the only two listed in the top 50 of the world’s most expensive cities.But both have fallen since last year’s study — New York came in 15th, down from 10th place, while Los Angeles fell to 42nd from 29th place a year ago.San Francisco came in a distant third at No.54, down 20 places from a year earlier.
Toronto, meanwhile, is Canada’s most expensive city but fell 35 places to take 82nd place worldwide.In Australia, Sydney is the priciest place to live in and No.21 worldwide.
小题1:What do the underlined words “a steal” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.an act of stealing B.something delicious
C.something very cheap D.an act of buying
小题2:London has become the second most expensive city because of ______.
A.the high cost of clothing
B.the stronger pound against the dollar
C.its expensive transportation
D.the high prices of fast food meals
小题3:Which city is the third most expensive on the list?
A.Tokyo.B.Hong Kong.C.Moscow.D.Sydney.
小题4:Which city has dropped most on the list in North America?
A.New York.B.Los Angeles.C.San Francisco.D.Toronto.

A good brand agency (代理) can create for you a brand identity (身份) of your products. Having the best agency to help with your business, no matter how small, can be one of the biggest steps you can take in letting the world know and get familiar with your products and brands.
Brand agencies work hand in hand with the company in advertising the brand and its products. The company has to tell the agency how they would like the public to see their products. The agency then talks with the company about the progress of the brand in the market.
Working with brand agencies is a two-way street. When the company is happy and satisfied with how the agency has advertised the brand, the trust the company has in the agency grows. Similarly, when the agency does well in its work, the company’s brand and products get good ideas from buyers and the market.
Regarding the identity of the brand, agencies can help a lot in this aspect. For a brand to have a lasting influence on the buyers, an identity of the brand needs to be formed. If the brand is good, then buyers will feel at ease (轻松自在) buying the products of this brand.
小题1:We can learn from the text that the best agency is necessary for business EXCEPT for ______.
A.letting customers know about the products
B.earning money directly from the products
C.helping create brand identities for the products
D.helping the brand have a lasting influence on customers
小题2:The text is mainly written for ______.
小题3:What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this text?
A.To explain the meaning of teamwork.
B.To introduce the importance of a brand agency.
C.To tell the roles of the salesmen.
D.To describe how to run the company.
小题4:What’s the writer’s attitude towards the brand agency?

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