
All you will leave behind for the world to remember is your legacy(遗产), but what legacy will you leave?

I had a philosophy(哲学)professor, whose untidy appearance was highlighted(突出)by a _______sport coat and poor-fitting thick glasses, which often _______on the tip of his nose. Every now and then, as most philosophy professors do, he would go off on one of those hard-to-understand “what’s the meaning of _______” discussions. Many of those discussions went_______, but there were a few that really hit home(切中要害). This was one of them.

“_______to the following questions by a _______of hands,” my professor instructed.

“How many of you can tell me something about your parents” Everyone’s hand _______.

“How many of you can tell me something about your grandparents” About three-fourths put up their hands.

“How many of you can tell me something about your great-grandparents” Two out of sixty students _______their hands.

“Look around the room,” he said, “In just two short generations _______any of us even know ________our own great-grandparents were. Oh sure, maybe we have an old photograph in a musty(发霉的)cigar box. ________ maybe we know the classic family________about how one of them walked five miles to school barefoot. But how many of us __________know who they were, what they thought, what they took pride in, what they were afraid of, or what they dreamed about? Think about that. Within three generations our ancestors are all but forgotten. Will this __________to you?”

“Here’s a better question. Look __________three generations. You are long ________. Instead of you sitting in this room, now it’s your great-grandchildren. What will they have to say __________you? Will they know about you or will you be ________, too?”

“Is your life going to be a ________or an example? What legacy will you leave? The__________is yours. Class dismissed.”

Nobody rose from their seats for five minutes.

1.A. well-designed B. well-worn C. well-ironed D. well-cut

2.A. ran B. stood C. rested D. lay

3.A. life B. family C. work D. study

4.A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere

5.A. Answer B. Respond C. Contribute D. Relate

6.A. show B. clap C. touch D. rub

7.A. went down B. went up C. went around D. went forward

8.A. rose B. arose C. raised D. aroused

9.A. almost B. nearly C. no D. hardly

10.A. what B. where C. which D. who

11.A. Or B. And C. But D. So

12.A. history B. story C. tree D. song

13.A. simply B. roughly C. generally D. really

14.A. happen B. belong C. refer D. pass

15.A. back B. ahead C. for D. around

16.A. ready B. alive C. gone D. lost

17.A. to B. for C. behind D. about

18.A. forgotten B. remembered C. respected D. scolded

19.A. learning B. meaning C. warning D. turning

20.A. way B. reason C. explanation D. choice

4.I am an English dictionary.I can still remember the day my ex-owner bought me.He had stood in front of the shelf for around half an hour before finally picking me.Originally,he chose my neighbor.But because she had some ink on the cover,he put her down and chose me instead.
I may sound arrogant (傲慢的).But please forgive me.I am so proud of my vocabulary.With 100,000entries and 300,000examples,I think no scholar can be more knowledgeable than me.My only weakness is that I can't speak.But that is not my fault.I was not designed to speak in the first place.My ex-owner was supposed to read the phonetic symbols (音标) clearly printed beside each word,which were also my selling point.I should have been respected but have ended up lying next to a piece of used toilet paper inside the rubbish bin.
It is all because of the electronic dictionary.He is the bad guy because he takes advantage of my one weakness.And I just don't understand why he can be so slim.He also has about 100,000entries but 450,000examples!But I know this was not the reason why my ex-owner was attracted,for he was not a very diligent (勤奋的) student and seldom read the examples listed.The main reason was that the bad guy had so many games in him.My ex-owner always pretended to be working hard while actually he was playing games.
My ex-owner put me on his bookshelf because of my awesome English name"Advanced English Dictionary".He wanted people to think that he was an advanced learner.I wanted to tell him that it would be better if he hid the comic books standing next to me.But,you know,I can't speak.I stood there for years.I was so bored.So I talked to the comic book next to me.Under normal circumstances,I wouldn't have talked to him because I was educated and he was not.But who else could I choose?He told me that my ex-owner had read him once only and then put him there.I was upset because he had never read me from page one to page 1,000.Was I not a better book than the comic book?I wanted to challenge his honesty but before I did so,he was thrown away.
I give up.My pages are absorbing waste water.There is no way people will use me again.Suddenly,I want to talk to the comic book.Would he talk to me if we met?

4.Why does the dictionary think that the electronic dictionary is the"bad guy"?C
A.I t contains more words and examples.
C.It has a smaller size.
B.It can actually pronounce the words        
D.It has many games.
5.The dictionary thinks that its ex-owner put it on the bookshelf because heC.
A.thought that it could match the comic books  
C.just wanted to show off
B.wanted his friends to study English         
D.had to use it sometimes
6.What was the dictionary's attitude toward the comic book standing next to it?C
A.It wanted to make friends with him.
B.It respected him.
C.It envied him.
D.It hated him.
7.Which of the following is the best title for the text?D
A.A Dictionary Is Replaced with an Electronic One
B.Students Seldom Use Dictionaries
C.A Dictionary and a Comic Book
D.The Experience of a Dictionary.
11.After Steve Jobs died,his friend Larry Ellison said something like this,"There will never be another Steve Jobs".
(36)FLarry wrote this list of Steve's life lessons to remind us all.
Love what you do.
Sure Steve became a billionaire when he brought Apple back.Apple was his calling even after he got fired from the company.We all have bad jobs at one point in our lives.But the question is:am I in the right jobs Have I found the right company Life doesn't go on forever.(37)G
Don't do it all by yourself
Steve learned a great leader can't do it all by himself.He needs people.They must be talented.(38)BThey must be given the opportunity to succeed and fail.In short,we have to learn to be a great leader if we want to see our great ideas and hard work truly have an influence on the world.
Apple was always the best at creating a new product that meets the exact needs of users.It's empathy(共鸣)that helps Apple achieve this.Whenever the user has the first touch with a new Apple product,he says"Wow,it's just what I need".Remember,you're King in the business world if you know exactly what consumers desire.
Don't mess around with your health.
(40)AThat's the most important lesson from Steve's life.It's great to learn from him,but the fact is he should still be here if he had treated his cancer properly.Instead,Steve chose a naturopathic(自然疗法)solution that wasn't effective.When he finally decided to take his doctor's original advice,it was too late.

A.Take your health seriously.
B.They must be inspired.
C.Put yourself in the other person's shoes.
D.Be the best in your field.
E.Will this lead to a successful career?
F.What are the key things that we could learn from him?
G.Get on our right path now.
7.Until last summer I had a very comfortable life:winter vacations skiing and summer cruises.My parents spent a lot of money on a private school,so they could get me into a competitive middle school.Everything was about tomorrow,next year,my graduation.We never had to worry about today.
Before last summer I never thought much about the people in the world who live day to day,every day,whose lives are controlled by poverty and hunger.Then I joined in a two-week intensive program.We lived in a"Tribal Village,"in a hot,dry open grassland in Arkansas,a state of the south-central United States.I am a tribal member in Mozambique,a country of southeast Africa.Every meal,I make the fire for my family,and feel the flames lick up my nostrils(鼻孔)as I blow to keep the fuel alive.I cook mush with vegetables.This is all my family is ever given.
I feed the hen and three rabbits their dinner.I grow attached to the rabbits,even though I know I shouldn't.I name them.I'm not getting enough to eat; it's time to decide whether or not to kill the rabbits.I feel pain but it's a privileged child's pain because I know I will soon be eating again.That's not true for a lot of other children around the world.
Growing up comfortably in the U.S.,I've never had to worry about my dinner,and even though this whole process was only a simulation,it changed my life.Now I believe in doing whatever I can to help find practical ways to defeat hunger.
So I've become president of Roots and Shoots,a group working to improve local environments for people and animals.I'm also working to create a program at my high school called the"Safe Passage"trip to help young people in the Guatemala City dump.And I've got plans to do more.
I'm often thinking of laboring in the hot sun and the millions who still do.Now,I try to live for today and stop worrying so much about the future.When I eat or feel full,I am grateful for this fortunate life and want to extend the same feeling to others.
I believe in offering help to those who need it.
24.What is true about the author before last summer?B
A.Her life was under great pressure.
B.Her life was well-planned.
C.She didn't have to worry about the future.
D.She had to worry about her dinner
25.We can learn from the second paragraph thatC.
A.the author raised some rabbits as pets
B.the author took part in a two-week program in Africa
C.the author had a very difficult life in the"Tribal Village"
D.the author never thought about poor people after the program
26.The author feel pain becauseC.
A.she is a privileged child                
B.she is not getting enough to eat
C.she doesn't want to kill the rabbits        
D.she can't go back to her regular life
27.What does the underlined word"simulation"in the fourth paragraph probably mean?D

Every time we get behind the wheel of a car, we pt our lives and the lives of others at risk. Self-driving cars are designed to reduce those risks by letting technology control our vehicles.

Accident rates for self-driving cars have been much lower than the rate, for human-driven cars. 1.

As humans, we can make moral choices in avoiding accidents. To avoid hitting a child, for example, human drivers might sharply turn a car away from the child even if others may be injured. 2. Researchers studied this issue. They have developed the Moral Machine website to help explore the choices self-driving cars should make.

3. . You are shown two possible traffic situations and you choose between them. An accident will take place. You choose how many living beings would be hurt or killed.

In one situation there may be a female doctor, a child, two dogs and a homeless person who would be killed. In the other situation, you might have two babies and a cat who would be killed. 4.

The Moral Machine website has many situations and many possible outcomes. When you click on the situation of your choice, it will be highlighted. 5. At the end of the situation, you are shown the results, based on the choices you made. The results show which character you were most likely to save and which character you were most likely to have die.

A. Who should those victims be?

B. Then the next situation appears.

C. You choose who lives and who dies.

D. You can use the Moral Machine to be the judge.

E. But what moral choices can self-driving cars make?

F. The Moral Machine website lets you choose how you would react in a collision.

G. Google’s self-driving car has had only 13 collisions after traveling 1.8 million miles.

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