Jeff turned and headed back to his office. "Come on," he said to himself, "stop thinking like this. You should feel happy. " He walked into his 1 and got on the elevator. "48 floor!”he said,louder than 2 . A young man stood next to the elevator operator. He was carrying a bag in one hand; in the other hand,he held a cold 3 cigarette. He rolled it between his 4 .
The lights in the elevator lit up the numbers of the floors as they passed. 28,29 ... From the 5 of his eye,Jeff watched the young man with the bag. He saw him tried to 6 the cold cigarette into his coat pocket. But he missed,the cigarette 7 . At the same moment,the elevator reached the young man's 8 . The doors slid open. The young man stepped out and the doors closed 9 him. The elevator began climbing again. 38,39, 40 ... Jeff looked at the cigarette which had 10 to one side of the elevator car. He moved toward it. 43,44 ... The knot in his stomach began to ease. He felt a little beam of 11 go through him. "Yes," Jeff thought to himself, "it might take a while to forget these last four years."He could not expect to wash away all those 12 in one morning. In a week or two,they would all be gone from his 13 The depression would be like a bad dream he would forget in time. He and Martha would buy new furniture;they would go to restaurants again and 14 holiday trips. He continued to look at the cigarette. 46,47 ... As the elevator came to a stop at the 48th floor,he suddenly 15 down and picked up the halfsmoked cigarette. Then he turned his head quickly to the elevator operator. The man was looking at him 16 . Jeff felt as if the bottom of his 17 had fallen out. "Here is your floor,Mister," the operator said. Jeff stood up slowly. His face felt hot with 18 . His hand close tightly around the cigarette,19 it. He wanted to tell the operator that he never did that sort of thing. He wanted the man to 20 he did not need to smoke cigarette someone else had thrown away. After all,he had his job back.
( ) 1. A. building B. office C. house D. apartment
( ) 2. A. usual B. necessary C. possible D. average
( ) 3. A. smoky B. lighted C. smelly D. halfsmoked
( ) 4. A. fingers B. hands C. teeth D. lips
( ) 5. A. level B. side C. angle D. corner
( ) 6. A. pack B. throw C. drop D. roll
( ) 7. A. slipped out B. fell down C. dropped on D. died down
( ) 8. A. office B. ground C. stair D. floor
( ) 9. A. before B. behind C. after D. for
( ) 10. A. moved B. rushed C. rolled D. slid
( ) 11. A. anxiety B. excitement C. nervousness D. upset
( ) 12. A. people B. memories C. sufferings D. things
( ) 13. A. stomach B. heart C. mind D. view
( ) 14. A. take B. cancel C. demand D. resist
( ) 15. A. got B. went C. bent D. fell
( ) 16. A. curiously B. closely C. excitingly D. delightedly
( ) 17. A. throat B. stomach C. tongue D. heart
( ) 18. A. shame B. joy C. anger D. excitement
( ) 19. A. crushing B. pressing C. tapping D. rolling
( ) 20. A. admit B. trust C. know D. recognize
1. A从下文看Jeff是要去上班,而且还要乘坐电梯,所以这里进入的是办公楼而不是办公室。
2. B因为Jeff刚找到新工作,心情比较激动,所以说话的声音特别大。由于没提过他平常的声音,所以没有办法和平常比较。
3. D由第15空那一句得知。
4. A香烟是夹在手指间的。
5. D Jeff用眼角余光观察那个年轻人。
6. C那个年轻人想把没抽完的香烟放进口袋。
7. B香烟没被放进口袋,所以掉在地上。
8. D floor此处是"楼层"之意。
9. B年轻人走出电梯,电梯门在他身后关上。after是跟在身后的意思,此处不合适。
10. C掉在地上的半截香烟滚到了另一端。
11. B因找到新工作,好的生活就要到来,因此,一丝激动穿过心头。
12. B这里指对过去那几年的记忆。
13. C mind表示"脑海"。
14. A因为Jeff重新找到工作,所以他们的生活会得到改善,能买新家具、到饭馆吃饭和旅游度假。
15. C Jeff弯下腰去捡地上的那半截香烟。
16. A Jeff的行为很出乎人的意料,所以电梯工人好奇地看着他。
17. B Jeff对自己的行为感到极度羞愧所以反胃。
18. A Jeff为自己的行为感到羞耻所以脸红。
19. A Jeff把香烟捏在手里揉碎。
20. C他想让电梯工人知道他不会干这种事。