
  Slang is one of those things that everybody can recognize and nobody can define. Not only is it hard to wrap slang in a definition,it is also hard to distinguish it from such similar things as colloquialism,provincialism (方言) ,jargon (行话) or trade talk.

  Usually,slang tends to be transient. Thus parents are often laughed at by their children when this older generation uses slang which was considered to be the height of fashion in their own youth. Of course,the slang teenage children use today is very different from that of their parents. Indeed it might ever be some obscure (difficult to understand) foreign language as far as the older generation is concerned for it is totally beyond their understanding.

  It is often said that a slang term stops to be slang when it is "accepted by the dictionary". This is not really the case. You will find many slang terms listed in dictionaries are still slang terms. The term stops to be slang when it drives its respectable synonym (同义词) out of use,or when it acquires a meaning that cannot be expressed otherwise.

  Such things have happened. The term "hot dog" was once a slang term,but it couldn't be considered so now. No one in America would go up to a counter and order "a sausage sandwich". Similarly "varsity", originally a slang contraction (short form of a word) of university,has acquired a special meaning which only it expresses and is no longer slang. Jazz,when it means a particular kind of music,is scarcely a slang form,since there is no more respectable word meaning that kind of music.

(   ) 1. Which would be the best title for this passage?

   A. Slang Terms and Other Forms of Language

   B. Slang Terms and Their Meanings

   C. How to Understand Slang Terms

   D. Slang

(   ) 2. Parents are often laughed at by their children when         .

   A. they use some obscure slang

   B. they try to learn from their children

   C. they use out-of-date slang

   D. they want to follow the fashion

(   ) 3. The examples in the last paragraph are intended to show         .

   A. when a slang word disappears

   B. when a slang word is no longer slang

   C. how to use slang words

   D. how to understand slang words 

(   ) 4. The underlined word "transient" in the second paragraph probably means         .

   A. hard to understand   B. easy to understand

   C. temporary   D. everlasting

1. D主旨归纳题。本文介绍的是"俚语"及其形成、变化等各方面的情况。,

2. C细节理解题。文章第2段说明俚语变化很快,所以当父母讲自己年轻时流行的俚语时会遭到孩子的嘲笑,因为这些俚语现在已经不流行了。

3. B主旨归纳题。文章第3段讲的是什么时候"俚语"不再是俚语,第4段举例来说明这一问题。

4. C词义理解题。文章第2段说明俚语过时得非常快,父母用俚语会遭到孩子的嘲笑,因此单词的意思是"短暂的"。


 Jeff turned and headed back to his office. "Come on," he said to himself, "stop thinking like this. You should feel happy. " He walked into his 1        and got on the elevator. "48 floor!”he said,louder than 2       . A young man stood next to the elevator operator. He was carrying a bag in one hand; in the other hand,he held a cold 3        cigarette. He rolled it between his 4      .

  The lights in the elevator lit up the numbers of the floors as they passed. 28,29 ... From the 5        of his eye,Jeff watched the young man with the bag. He saw him tried to 6        the cold cigarette into his coat pocket. But he missed,the cigarette 7       . At the same moment,the elevator reached the young man's 8       . The doors slid open. The young man stepped out and the doors closed 9        him. The elevator began climbing again. 38,39, 40 ... Jeff looked at the cigarette which had 10        to one side of the elevator car. He moved toward it. 43,44 ... The knot in his stomach began to ease. He felt a little beam of 11       go through him. "Yes," Jeff thought to himself, "it might take a while to forget these last four years."He could not expect to wash away all those 12        in one morning. In a week or two,they would all be gone from his 13        The depression would be like a bad dream he would forget in time. He and Martha would buy new furniture;they would go to restaurants again and 14        holiday trips. He continued to look at the cigarette. 46,47 ... As the elevator came to a stop at the 48th floor,he suddenly 15        down and picked up the halfsmoked cigarette. Then he turned his head quickly to the elevator operator. The man was looking at him 16       . Jeff felt as if the bottom of his 17        had fallen out. "Here is your floor,Mister," the operator said. Jeff stood up slowly. His face felt hot with 18       . His hand close tightly around the cigarette,19        it. He wanted to tell the operator that he never did that sort of thing. He wanted the man to 20        he did not need to smoke cigarette someone else had thrown away. After all,he had his job back.

(   ) 1. A. building   B. office   C. house   D. apartment

(   ) 2. A. usual   B. necessary   C. possible   D. average

(   ) 3. A. smoky   B. lighted   C. smelly   D. halfsmoked

(   ) 4. A. fingers   B. hands   C. teeth   D. lips

(   ) 5. A. level   B. side   C. angle   D. corner

(   ) 6. A. pack   B. throw   C. drop   D. roll

(   ) 7. A. slipped out   B. fell down   C. dropped on   D. died down

(   ) 8. A. office   B. ground   C. stair   D. floor

(   ) 9. A. before   B. behind   C. after   D. for

(   ) 10. A. moved   B. rushed   C. rolled   D. slid

(   ) 11. A. anxiety   B. excitement   C. nervousness   D. upset

(   ) 12. A. people   B. memories   C. sufferings   D. things

(   ) 13. A. stomach   B. heart   C. mind   D. view

(   ) 14. A. take   B. cancel   C. demand   D. resist

(   ) 15. A. got   B. went   C. bent   D. fell

(   ) 16. A. curiously   B. closely   C. excitingly   D. delightedly

(   ) 17. A. throat   B. stomach   C. tongue   D. heart

(   ) 18. A. shame   B. joy   C. anger   D. excitement

(   ) 19. A. crushing   B. pressing   C. tapping   D. rolling

(   ) 20. A. admit   B. trust   C. know   D. recognize

   Warmer sea temperatures could worsen the widespread destruction of coral reefs that hit the Caribbean in 2005,scientists fear.

  In the waters around the US Virgin Islands,as much as 40 percent of coral died in some reefs last year,and the coral that survived probably isn't healthy enough to survive another hot summer,said Caroline Rogers,a US Geological Survey biologist.

Reefs are vital habitat for fish,lobsters and other sea life that feed and breed in the sheltered waters. The reefs also change storm waves that might otherwise wash away the beaches that are at the heart of the region's multibilliondollar tourism industry.

  "You don't know how scary it looks down there," said Zandy Starr,who monitors coral and sea turtles in St. Croix's national parks. "All of us thought that by now,with all the cooler temperatures in January and February,we would have seen recovery,but they're still sick."

  Glassy,calm seas have permitted coralkilling ultraviolet (紫外线的) rays to access to the ocean floor,warming water temperatures and making the fragile (易碎的) undersea life more sensitive to disease,Starr said.

Scientists haven't pinpointed (准确地说出) what caused coral to become sick or led to the warm water,which stresses coral and makes it more susceptible (敏感的) to disease. They can't say whether global warming is a factor.

  "We don't really have the data. You need a record over decades. There's a lot of research that needs to happen”,said Alberto Sabat,a biology professor at the University of Puerto Rico.

But the trend of warmer waters isn't limited to the Caribbean. The National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration said waters were warmer than usual in the South Pacific,mid-Atlantic and Indian Ocean in mid-April.

  Rogers said coral grew far better after hurricanes that devastated (摧毁) the US Virgin Islands in 1989 and 1995 because the storms cooled the sea,allowing reefs to recover relatively quickly from damage.

Rising temperatures appear to be "something new that the corals aren't used to," said Tyler Smith,a marine researcher at the University of the Virgin Islands.

The scientists worry that the problem is being overlooked,

  "People just don't know that much about coral because it's underwater. If 40 percent of the trees ill one of our national parks died,people would take notice”,Rogers said.

(   ) 5. The underlined word "overlooked" in the passage means         .

   A. to have a view from above   B. to fail to notice   

    C. to pay attention to   D. to guide somebody

(   ) 6. According to the passage,coral is very important because         .

   A. it is the necessity for the sea life

   B. it can prevent the global warming spreading

   C. it can make the beach more beautiful so that people can earn more money

   D. it can offer a shelter not only for the human being but also for the fish

(   ) 7. The example of hurricanes given by Rogers is to show         .

   A. coral reefs don't like the warm water

   B. hurricanes are good for the growing of coral reefs

   C. the global warming is terrible for coral reefs

   D. how to cure the sick coral reefs

(   ) 8. What can we infer from the passage?

   A. More and more areas will face the coral problem.

   B. The survived coral is being recovered this year.

   C. Most people have noticed the seriousness of the problem.

   D. Calm seas are good for the coral growing.

(   ) 9. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. A Research Report on the Coral Problem

   B. Scientists Is Warning of Threat to Coral Reefs

   C. Coral Reefs Are Part of Our Life

   D. How to Protect the Coral

   Street art can be found on buildings,sidewalks,street signs and even trash cans from Tokyo to Paris to New York City. This special kind of art can take the form of paintings,sculptures,cloth or even stickers. Street art has become part of a global visual culture. Now,even art museums and galleries are collecting the work of street artists.

  It is not easy to provide an exact history of the street art movement. This kind of art has developed in many kinds of ways in places all over the world. Also,because it is illegal to paint public and private property without permission,street artists usually work secretly. This secretive nature of street art and its countless forms make it hard to define exactly. And people have different opinions about the movement. Some think street art is a crime and destroys property. But others see this art as a rich form of nontraditional cultural expression.

  Many experts say the movement began in New York City in the nineteen sixties. Young adults would use paint in special cans to spray their "tag" on walls and train cars around the city. This tag was a name they created to identify themselves and their artwork. This colorful style of writing is also called graffiti. It is visually exciting and energetic.

  Graffiti also became a separate movement expressing the street culture of young people living in big cities. Graffiti art represented social and political rebellion. These artists could travel around areas of the city making creative paintings for everyone to see. Sometimes this street art created a dispute between artists and city officials. Graffiti artists created their images and city officials quickly painted over them.

  During the 1980s,two famous New York painters―Keith Haring and Jean Michel began showing their work in art galleries and museums. This is when street art started to become part of the more general popular culture.

(   ) 1. What can we infer from the first paragraph?

   A. Street art has become popular and is accepted as a kind of culture.

   B. Street art is very special compared with other forms of popular art.

   C. Many people are beginning to learn street art.

   D. Street art is better developed in big cities than in rural areas.

(   ) 2. What can we know from the passage?

   A. "Tag" was a word created by people to distinguish street artists and the other artists.

   B. There are three reasons to explain why it is hard to define the history of street art.

   C. The movement of street art began in the 1980s in New York City.

   D. All the people don't think that the street art is a rich form of cultural expression.

(   ) 3. The underlined word "dispute" in the passage means         .

   A. trade   B. quarrel   C. crime   D. trouble

(   ) 4. The best title of the passage is         

   A. The Way to Become a Street Srtist

   B. What does Graffiti Art Stand For

   C. The History of an Art Movement

   D. The Work of Street Artists

  California pet lover has founded an internet radio station designed to ease the lives of lonely dogs and cats around the world.

  Styled as " the radio station all pets prefer",DogCatRadio.com goes out live 17 hours each day from a van in the car park of a Los Angeles recording studio.

  DJs speak to pets directly,and ask " pet parents" to send in pictures.

  Founder Adrian Martinez,34 ,says the station aims to keep pets company while their "parents" head out to work.

  DogCatRadio's daily play list ranges from the soothing (抚慰) sounds of Irish singer Enya to Elvis Presley's classic anthem (圣歌) ,Hound Dog.

In between tracks,Mr. Martinez and his fellow DJs offer practical advice to pet owners,plus a liberal sprinkling (小雨) of the station's signature sound―barks and miaows.

  Mr. Martinez,an independent record producer,hopes that many of his audience will be listening in while at home alone,albeit (虽然,尽管) with a little help from their human friends.

  "My cat,Snickers,asked me to do it," Mr. Martinez told the New York Times. Faced with a nervous,restless cat at home one day,Mr.  Martinez discovered that Snickers calmed down almost as soon as he turned up the background music a little. "I wanted to do something for the pet community," he said.

  The station,which claims8,000 listeners each week through its website,currently makes no money.

  But the US pet industry is worth an estimated $35 bn (£ 19. 7bn) annually,and Mr. Martinez eventually hopes to attract advertising.

(   ) 5. The radio station was founded in order to         .

   A. help the owners of the pets

   B. ask people to love the animals

   C. comfort the lonely dogs and cats in America

   D. be the pets' company when they are left alone at home

(   ) 6. The underlined word "miaows" means         .

   A. the music from the radio

   B. the sounds made by cat

   C. the voice of the DJs at the station

   D. the Elvis Presley's classic anthem,Hound Dog

(   ) 7. Which of the following statements is true?

   A. Mr. Martinez loved his cat so much that he decided to set up a radio station for it.

   B. The radio station is located in a recording studio.

   C. Mr. Martinez happened to find that background music can calm down the cat.

   D. It is hard for people to understand the programmes of the station.

(   ) 8. What can you infer from the passage?

   A. Most of the audience are the "parents" of the pets.

   B. If you want to pick up the programme,you just need a radio.

   C. The market of the pet service in the US is large.

   D. The DJs can communicate with the pets directly.

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