
  Temperatures in some parts of the country have eased a bit over the weekend. But there is no risk that groups of people are suddenly going to turn their backs on airconditioning. The airconditioner has established itself well in the hearts of Americans. The first widespread use of airconditioners came during the 1920 when movie theaters used what they called manmade weather to attract customers to the silver screen. After World War II,the cost for airconditioners started to come down and manufacturers advertised them as for the millions not just for millionaires. Deborah Hawkins,knows how to keep cool. She is chairman of the Airconditioner and Refrigeration Institute. We called her in her office in Fort Worth,Texas. Welcome to the program.

  Well,thank you.

  I suppose you've got your airconditioner going great guns. Yes,we do. Full blast (沖击波) in fact.

  All right,take us back,where was the first airconditioned movie theater in the United States?

  Well,it's probably in the Central Park theater in Chicago,Illinois. Willis Carrier,considered the king of cool and the founder of airconditioning actually,sold his inventions to movie theater operators during the late 19th and early 20th. And this was one of the first ones to have received it. And they actually had some of the largest audiences than anywhere else in the country as you can imagine.

And also I guess that the theater just stayed open during the summer.

  Well,yearlong,yearlong. Well before they were primarily just open from November to May.

  Well,what are some of the other early places to be cooled down by airconditioning? Well,right after the movie theaters,the government buildings in Washington   D. C. were airconditioned,started with the US House of Representatives building,the Senate building,even the White House.

  When did airconditioning become a stable of the Middle Class?

  Well,actually it started in the 50s when sales exceeded over one million units. And then at each decade,it increased enormously. To where now today,probably 82% of all homes either have room airconditioning units or central airconditioning units in America.

Deborah Hawkins,is chairman of the Airconditioner and Refrigeration Institutions. Thanks a lot,keep cool.

(   ) 5. The air conditioners were first widely used in         .

   A. theaters   B. the White house

   C. government buildings   D. family houses

(   ) 6.The underlined word ones refers to         .

   A. audiences   B. air conditioners

   C. movie theater operators   D. movie theaters

(   ) 7. The following statements are wrong EXCEPT         .

   A. 82% of all homes had air conditioners in the 50s

   B. Deborah Hawkins is regarded as the king of cool

   C. after World War II the sales of air conditioners increased fast

   D. although the temperature has decreased,people won't stop using airconditioners

(   ) 8. The key point of the telephone interview gives us a brief introduction about

   A. the success of Deborah Hawkins v

   B. who is the king of cool

   C. the development of airconditioners

   D. the origin of airconditioners


5. A由第1段得知。

6. D本句意为the Central Park theater in Chicago,Illinois是最早一批安装了空调的电影院之一。

7. D见文章第1 ~2句。

8. C通读全文得知。


 We know the famous ones―the Thomas Edisons and the Alexander Graham Bells,but what about the less famous inventors? What about the people who invented the traffic light and the windshield wiper (雨刮器) ? Shouldn't we know who they are?

  Joan McLean thinks so. In fact,McLean,a professor of physics at Mountain University in Range,feels so strongly about this matter that she's developed a course on the topic. In addition to learning "who" invented "what",McLean also likes her students to learn the answers to the "why" and "how" questions. According to McLean, "When students learn the answers to these questions,they are better prepared to recognize opportunities for inventing and more motivated to give inventing a try,"

  Her students agree. One young man with a patent for an unbreakable umbrella is walking proof of McLean's statement. "If I had not heard the story of the windshield wiper's inven?tion ,"said Tommy Lee,a senior physics major, "I would never have dreamed of turning my bad experience during a rainstorm into something so constructive. " Lee is currently negotiating to sell his patent to an umbrella producer.

  So,just what is the story behind the windshield wiper? Well,Mary Anderson came up with the idea in 1902 after a visit to New York City. The day was cold and stormy,but Anderson still wanted to see the sights,so she jumped aboard a streetcar. Noticing that the driver was struggling to see through the snow covering the windshield,she found herself wondering why there couldn't be a builtin device for cleaning the window. Still wondering about this when she returned home to Birmingham,Alabama,Anderson started drafting out solutions. One of her ideas,a lever (操作杆) on the inside of a vehicle that would control an arm on the outside,became the first windshield wiper.

  Today we benefit from countless inventions and innovations. It's hard to imagine driving without Garrett A. Morgan's traffic light. It's equally impossible to picture a world without Katherine J. Blodgett's innovation that makes glass invisible. Can you picture life without clear windows and eyeglasses?

(   ) 1. By mentioning "traffic light" and " windshield wiper" , the author indicates that countless inventions are         .

   A. beneficial,because their inventors are famous

   B. beneficial,though their inventors are less famous

   C. not useful,because their inventors are less famous

   D. not useful,though their inventors are famous

(   ) 2. Professor Joan McLean's course aims to .

   A. add colour and variety to students' campus life

   B. inform students of the windshield wiper's invention

   C. carry out the requirements by Mountain University

   D. prepare students to try their own inventions

(   ) 3. Tommy Lee's invention of the unbreakable umbrella was         .

   A. not eventually accepted by the umbrella producer

   B. inspired by the story behind the windshield wiper

   C. due to his dream of being caught in a rainstorm

   D. not related to Professor Joan McLean's lectures

(   ) 4. Which of the following can best serve as the title of this passage?

   A. How to Help Students to Sell Their Inventions to Producers?

   B. How to Design a Builtin Device for Cleaning the Window?

   C. Shouldn't We Know Who Invented the Windshield Wiper?

   D. Shouldn't We Develop Invention Courses in Universities?

 A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. He had wanted a beautiful 1        in a dealer's showroom,and knowing his father could well 2        it,he told him that was all he wanted.

  As Graduation Day came near,the young man expected 3        that his father had bought the gift. 4       on the morning of his graduation,his father called him into his own 5       . His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son,and told him how much he loved him. He 6       his son a beautifully wrapped gift box.

  Curious,and somewhat 7      ,the young man opened the box and found a lovely leather bound Bible,with the young man's name written in gold. Angrily,he 8       his voice to his father,and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible?" and 9        out of the house.

  Many years passed and the young man was very 10        in business. He had a beautiful home and wonderful family,but 11       his father was very old,and thought perhaps he should go to see him. 12       he could make arrangements,he received a telegram 13        him his father had passed away and willed all of his 14        to his son. When he arrived at his father's house,sudden sadness and regret 15        his heart. He began to 16        his father's important papers and saw the still new gift―wrapped Bible,just as he had 17        it years ago. With tears,he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. His father had carefully 18 a verse (诗) ,Matthew7―11 ,"And if you,being evil,know how to give good gifts to your children,how much more shall your Heavenly Father which is in Heaven,give to those who ask Him?"

  As he read those words,a car key 19        from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name,the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the 20        of his graduation,and the words:PAID IN FULL.

(   ) 1. A. computer   B. bike   C. car   D. recorder

(   ) 2. A. pay   B. buy   C. support   D. afford

(   ) 3. A. signs   B. facts   C. marks   D. results

(   ) 4. A. However   B. Finally   C. Quietly   D. Actually

(   ) 5. A. house   B. room   C. study   D. office

(   ) 6. A. provided   B. handed   C. showed   D. supplied

(   ) 7. A. excited   B. nervous   C. interested   D. disappointed

(   ) 8. A. raised   B. changed   C. improved   D. increased

(   ) 9. A. passed   B. went   C. walked   D. stormed

(   ) 10. A. busy   B. successful   C. comfortable   D. happy

(   ) 11. A. remembered   B. realized   C. knew   D. considered

(   ) 12. A. When   B. As   C. After   D. Before

(   ) 13. A. offering   B. announcing   C. telling   D. reporting

(   ) 14. A. treasures   B. possessions   C. clothing   D. houses

(   ) 15. A. filled   B. caught   C. attacked   D. beat

(   ) 16. A. pick up   B. remind of   C. search through   D. refer to

(   ) 17. A. seen   B. got   C. left   D. made

(   ) 18. A. made   B. written   C. underlined   D. designed

(   ) 19. A. dropped   B. appeared   C. rolled   D. showed

(   ) 20. A. year   B. date   C. moment   D. week

  Once a month the nun marched us to the church,where we would stand in line to say our confession (忏'海) .Bless me,Father,for I have sinned (豸巳罪) ,my last confession was a month ago. These are my sins: "I stole a magazine and I called my younger brother a fucking head."

  I thought it a great bargain that a few "Hail Marys" forgave me of my sins. Sometimes the kid ahead of me in line stayed a long time inside the confessional,and I wondered what horrible crimes he had committed. Now we can know what sins others commit,there are Web sites suddenly appear all over the Internet that allow penitents (悔罪者) to publicly confess their sins.

  A woman kept her secret for nearly two decades. Finally ready to confess,she turned not to a minister,but to her computer: " I am sorry,God,for not keeping that baby”,her confession reads. "I had kept that secret for over 18 years. I feel so ashamed. Please forgive me!"

  The confession appears at ivescrewedup. com,a website launched by the Flamingo Road Church in Cooper City. It's one of a growing number of such sites across the country that offer a place to spill out ugly secrets or just make sins public.

  Online confessions are a wonderful thing for a poor soul burdened with guilt,it allows him to clear his conscience without the mediation (调停,斡旋) of a priest. When a sinner confesses his evil ways to his favorite god,he doesn't receive an email notifying him that his prayer has reached its destination.

  But when you post your sins online,they are visible to the whole world,and at the very least you know that others have read your confession.

If you feel the need to confess your shortcomings online,feel free to visit dailyconfession.com or mysecret.tv.

(   ) 5. The underlined word "bargain" in the passage means         .

   A. an agreement made between two people

   B. an advantageous deal

   C. something for sale

   D. a pleasing thing

(   ) 6. Online confessions are different from the traditional ones in the aspect that         .

   A. you might get the forgiveness of more people

   B. they can help remove the burden on your mind

   C. on no account will anybody else know your guilt

   D. they are more timeconsuming because you need to find a computer

(   ) 7. Which of the following words has nothing to do with online confessions?

   A. Penitents. B. Priest. C. Computer. D. Public.

(   ) 8. The writer writes this passage in order to         .

   A. confess his sins to gods

   B. ask more people to confess

   C. introduce a new way to confess

   D. call on people not to confess in the church

 Jeff turned and headed back to his office. "Come on," he said to himself, "stop thinking like this. You should feel happy. " He walked into his 1        and got on the elevator. "48 floor!”he said,louder than 2       . A young man stood next to the elevator operator. He was carrying a bag in one hand; in the other hand,he held a cold 3        cigarette. He rolled it between his 4      .

  The lights in the elevator lit up the numbers of the floors as they passed. 28,29 ... From the 5        of his eye,Jeff watched the young man with the bag. He saw him tried to 6        the cold cigarette into his coat pocket. But he missed,the cigarette 7       . At the same moment,the elevator reached the young man's 8       . The doors slid open. The young man stepped out and the doors closed 9        him. The elevator began climbing again. 38,39, 40 ... Jeff looked at the cigarette which had 10        to one side of the elevator car. He moved toward it. 43,44 ... The knot in his stomach began to ease. He felt a little beam of 11       go through him. "Yes," Jeff thought to himself, "it might take a while to forget these last four years."He could not expect to wash away all those 12        in one morning. In a week or two,they would all be gone from his 13        The depression would be like a bad dream he would forget in time. He and Martha would buy new furniture;they would go to restaurants again and 14        holiday trips. He continued to look at the cigarette. 46,47 ... As the elevator came to a stop at the 48th floor,he suddenly 15        down and picked up the halfsmoked cigarette. Then he turned his head quickly to the elevator operator. The man was looking at him 16       . Jeff felt as if the bottom of his 17        had fallen out. "Here is your floor,Mister," the operator said. Jeff stood up slowly. His face felt hot with 18       . His hand close tightly around the cigarette,19        it. He wanted to tell the operator that he never did that sort of thing. He wanted the man to 20        he did not need to smoke cigarette someone else had thrown away. After all,he had his job back.

(   ) 1. A. building   B. office   C. house   D. apartment

(   ) 2. A. usual   B. necessary   C. possible   D. average

(   ) 3. A. smoky   B. lighted   C. smelly   D. halfsmoked

(   ) 4. A. fingers   B. hands   C. teeth   D. lips

(   ) 5. A. level   B. side   C. angle   D. corner

(   ) 6. A. pack   B. throw   C. drop   D. roll

(   ) 7. A. slipped out   B. fell down   C. dropped on   D. died down

(   ) 8. A. office   B. ground   C. stair   D. floor

(   ) 9. A. before   B. behind   C. after   D. for

(   ) 10. A. moved   B. rushed   C. rolled   D. slid

(   ) 11. A. anxiety   B. excitement   C. nervousness   D. upset

(   ) 12. A. people   B. memories   C. sufferings   D. things

(   ) 13. A. stomach   B. heart   C. mind   D. view

(   ) 14. A. take   B. cancel   C. demand   D. resist

(   ) 15. A. got   B. went   C. bent   D. fell

(   ) 16. A. curiously   B. closely   C. excitingly   D. delightedly

(   ) 17. A. throat   B. stomach   C. tongue   D. heart

(   ) 18. A. shame   B. joy   C. anger   D. excitement

(   ) 19. A. crushing   B. pressing   C. tapping   D. rolling

(   ) 20. A. admit   B. trust   C. know   D. recognize

 The speaker,a teacher from a community college,addressed a sympathetic audience. Heads nodded in agreement when he said, "High school English teachers are not doing their jobs. " He described the inadequacies of his students,all high school graduates who can use language only at a grade 9 level. I was unable to determine from his answers to my questions how this grade 9 level had been established.

  My topic is not standards nor its decline (降低) .What the speaker was really saying is that he is no longer young;he has been teaching for sixteen years,and is able to think and speak like a mature adult.

  My point is that the frequent complaint of one generation about the one immediately following it is inevitable. It is also human nature to look for the reasons for our dissatisfaction. Before English became a school subject in the late nineteenth century,it was difficult to find the target of the blame for language deficiencies (缺陷) .But since then,English teachers have been under constant attack.

  The complainers think they have hit upon an original idea. As their own command of the language improves,they notice that young people do not have this same ability. Unaware that their own ability has developed through the years,they assume the new generation of young people must be hopeless in this respect. To the eyes and ears of sensitive adults the language of the young always seems inadequate. .

  Since this concern about the decline and fall of the English language is not noticed as a generational phenomenon but rather as something new and peculiar to today's young people,it naturally follows that today's English teachers cannot be doing their jobs. Otherwise,young people would not commit offenses against the language.

(   ) 1. The speaker the author mentioned in the passage believed that        .

   A. the language of the younger generation is usually inferior to that of the older generation

   B. the students had a poor command of English because they didn't work hard enough

   C. he was an excellent language teacher because he had been teaching English for sixteen years

   D. English teachers should be held responsible for the students' poor command of English

(   ) 2. In the author's opinion,the speaker         .

   A. gave a correct judgment of the English level of the students

   B. had exaggerated the language problems of the students

   C. was right in saying that English teachers were not doing their jobs

   D. could think and speak intelligently

(   ) 3. The author's attitude towards the speaker's remarks is         .

   A. neutral   B. positive   C. critical   D. compromising

(   ) 4. In the passage the author argues that         .

   A. it is unfair to blame the English teachers for the language deficiencies of the students

   B. young people would not commit offences against the language if the teachers did their jobs properly

   C. to eliminate language deficiencies one must have sensitive eyes and ears

   D. to improve the standard of English requires the effort of several generations

 Before Microsoft came along,there really was no software industry~just a few companies selling very highpriced software only to companies,big companies. The idea of lowcost software that would be empowering (赋予.... 权力) for individuals and that there could be literally around the world hundreds of thousands of these successful companies―that was part of the Microsoft dream. And in fact,the software industry is 10 ,000 times bigger because of the work we do. Microsoft has a uniform platform that has gotten out to go around the world. And so in every country we've helped companies grow up,create jobs,pay taxes around the software world. The main competitors who don't like us are actually hardware companies who have been used to charging very high prices for the hardware and the PCs changed that.

  It's hard to think of a business that's had a more positive effect for customers than the PC business. The rate of product improvement provides its ability to create and stay in touch. You know the closest comparison is when publishing came along and people had books. Of course books created a problem. You know,the people wanted to control things didn't like books;the people who wanted to sell highpriced hand written things didn't like the printing press. But actually it was something that people knew really that it was very positive. The same thing's happened with the P C. There's no company that in terms of our work has gotten as positive feedback and has gotten as broad a set of users. Those users are always telling us what they'd like to see us make better,and that's partly why it's a fun business because we get to make new versions of the software all the time.

  Well,the vision of Microsoft is about information as you want it,any time,anywhere,any place. And this is an overall strategy about making it easier to write software,easier to share data,revolutionizing user interface with the speech and handwriting. And making reading off the computer as good or better than paper and so today we will see that the horizons for software will let us get so much more than even what we have now.

(   ) 5. How did Microsoft change the software industry?

   A. By selling highpriced software to the big companies.

   B. By offering free classes on computer to individuals.

   C. By selling all kinds of software to single person directly.

   D. By making a competition with the hardware companies.

(   ) 6. Which of the following is NOT the Microsoft dream?

   A. Producing more and more lowpriced software.

   B. Paying more attention to some big companies.

   C. Making the computer easier for ordinary people to use.

   D. Reading on the computer better than paper.

(   ) 7. Why did the writer offer the example of books in Paragraph 2?

   A. To show the great effect of the PC business.

   B. To show the development of science.

   C. To show the problem the books created.

   D. To foretell the computer will take the place of the book.

(   ) 8. What's the writer's attitude towards the future of Microsoft?

   A. Positive. B. Suspicious. C. Negative. D. Critical.

(   ) 9. What will the following part of the passage be about?

   A. The developments on PC in the future.

   B. The ways to sell software in the world.

   C. The history of software in America.

   D. The strategy about writing software.

  One of the most expected anticipated revolutions in aviation (航空) is to take off in 2008,as new superfast,relatively cheap airplanes called "very light jets" finally go into service.

  Thanks to breakthroughs in the performance of engines for small jets,along with better airplane manufacturing techniques,companies such as Eclipse Aviation,the Albuquerque,N. M.,and Adam Aircraft of Denver are promising a new kind of aircraft for a new category of travel:jetspeed transportation between as many as 5 ,500 US airports,in planes that cost as little as $1. 5 million.

  That's a part of the price of today's private jets.

  Waiting for final certification by the Federal Aviation Administration,which is now expected in the second quarter of 2008,Eclipse's sixseat E500 could be in the hands of pilots this July.

  A private charter service based at Hanscom Field in Lexington,Mass., Linear Air LL C. already has ordered 30 of the Eclipse very light jets and plans to put them in service between August and late 2009. The planes can fly at more than 400 mph,twice the typical speed of private propellerdriven planes.

  "This is the absolute future,and everybody in the aviation business knows it," said Arthur Allen,chairman of the Massachusetts Aeronautics Commission,which oversees 38 smaller airports around the state.

  Because VLJs weigh as little as a minivan (微型车) ,they can land on runways as short as 3 ,000 feet―compared with the 4 ,000 or 5,000 feet required by the smallest private jets today. Allen envisions (预测) them opening up new markets for air taxi and charter services. 

  "It's like an executive car service,with wings," said Bill Herp,Linear Air's chief executive. " VLJs are going to revolutionize the way a large percentage of the traveling public gets around."

  Part of Linear's plan with scheduled charter service is to introduce passengers to the private plane experience and turn them to future customers for $1,500 or $3,000 charter flights,either for business or vacation travel for rich consumers.

  For Herp,the huge advantage of VLJs is they will cost a third as much to buy and half as much to operate per hour as traditional small jets,vastly broadening the market for air taxi and charter services.

(   ) 5. What is the best title of the passage?

   A. New Jets May Change Air Travel

   B. The Bright Future for New Jets

   C. The Advantage of the New Jets

   D. Fast and Cheaper Jets

(   ) 6. What is NOT the advantage of the new jets,compared with the private jets today?

   A. They can cost less both in buying and using.

   B. They can carry more people on the board.

   C. They can fly faster and can be more convenient.

   D. They need shorter runway.

(   ) 7. We may learn from the passage that         .

   A. they are beginning to sell the new jets at lower prices

   B. they will let some people experience the travel of the new jets

   C. they will make the course and the price of the tickets of the jets

   D. they are making contracts with taxi business

(   ) 8. What does the underlined phrase "charter services" mean in the passage?

   A. To hire the plane for a particular purpose.

   B. To make a chart while flying.

   C. The first flight.

   D. A pleasant flight.

(   ) 9. We can infer from the passage that         .

   A. the jets can be operated by an ordinary car driver in the future

   B. the new jets can only be used by the rich as their private planes

   C. the new jets will have a promising market

   D. all the companies will use them to take the place of the cars

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