
16.The 21st century brought in what was supposed to be paperless living.The data of our lives was to be recorded in digital clouds.We were told to click the option for paperless statements,unsubscribe to unwanted catalogues and keep a shredder(碎纸机)nearby at all times.
So how are we doing?
"We have a bigger need for paper management than before because we have more access to information than ever before,"says Chris Plantan,creative director for Russell & Hazel,maker of stylish office accessories.Plantan says there are lots of files and lots of piles out there.
For many,organizing papers is another chore that inspires procrastination.You don't need to be a regular viewer of the A&E cable program"Hoarders"to know that many of us stash our papers in shopping bags instead of filing cabinets.Filing doesn't make it onto the to-do lists of many over-scheduled people these days.
"It ranks at the bottom of the list,along with having a tooth pulled,"says Melissa Sorensen,a professional organizer based in Woodbridge."People arerestricted by fear,worried about what will happen if they throw something out,"Sorensen says."Eighty-five percent of the things you file,you never retrieve again."
Those who do have files often suffer from another issue:figuring out where they put stuff.
Holly Bohn founded See Jane Work,an online source for creative office products,to make the task of staying organized a bit more fun."Despite technological advances,paper management is a problem because we are bombarded by paper.Our lives are so busy and complex we can't make decisions."She believes each person has to create her own system to accommodate both boring paperwork and sentimental mementos.Her products,targeted at multi-tasking women,offer a bit of charm.
Solutions don't have to start with a clumsy metal filing cabinet.Some people are stackers and save things in fabric-covered stackable boxes.Color-coded binders and colorful plastic trays are also recommended to classify different things.
Will virtual living eventually mean the death of filing?"People who have cookbooks still like to pull out recipes and save them,"says Kim Oser,a Gaithersburg professional organizer,"just like people who love their GPS still like looking at a map.In our lifetime,we will still have paper and still have filing.One hundred years fron now?who knows?"
61.Chris Plantan probably agrees thatB.
A.paperless living will never be realized
B.reality is running counter to paperless living
C.technology proves the necessity of paper management
D.file processing becomes impossible in the digital age
62.Which best illustrates the program"Hoarders"mentioned in Paragraph 4?C
A.Man cannot live without paper
B.TV viewers are good at filling papers
C.People often leave their papers disorganized
D.Paperless living is advocated by many people
63.Who is most likely to hold that most of the files should be thrown out?D
A.Kim Oser        B.Holly Bohn      C.Chris Plantan        D.Melissa Sorensen
64.What might be the best title for this passage?A
A.Paper management          B.Office transformation     C.Storing files            D.Going paperless.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了随着科技的发展,无纸化的生活逐步实现,但纸张还是无法被取代的,它有自己管理文件的方式.

解答 61.B.细节理解题.根据第二段We have a bigger need for paper management than before because we have more access to information than ever before,"says Chris Plantan可知她认为现实是和无纸化生活背道而驰的;故选B.
62.C.推理判断题.根据文章many of us stash our papers in shopping bags instead of filing cabinets.Filing doesn't make it onto the to-do lists of many over-scheduled people these days可知人们经常把自己的论文弄得杂乱无章最能说明该程序"囤积";故选C.
63.D.细节理解题.根据文章Sorensen says."Eighty-five percent of the things you file,you never retrieve again可知Sorensen认为大部分文件应该被扔掉;故选D.
64.A.推理判断题.根据第一段We were told to click the option for paperless statements,unsubscribe to unwanted catalogues and keep a shredder(碎纸机)nearby at all times可知文章最好的标题为文件管理;故选A.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

4.The 25 ski resorts in Colorado are considered to be the best places for skiing in the USA.Up to two miles high,their altitude means lots of pure,powdery snow from October to April,including long runs,challenging landscapes and splendid mountain views.
Coloradans have worked out plenty of ways to enjoy it.(31)E You could slip on your skates,go to the frozen pond at Beaver Creek,or put on cross-country skies.
Feeling lazy?A horse-drawn sledge is a classic way to enjoy snowy valleys and quiet woods,especially if it leads to a champagne dinner in countryside cabin. (32)C Then try driving a dog team fast and experience the real call of the wild.
Spring brings new pleasures.If you're missing the winter snow there is the thrill of sandboarding down the huge 1,750feet sands of Great Sand Dunes National Park in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. (33)F Rafters and kayakers(皮艇爱好者) are attracted to brave the canyons of the Arkansas River and the white water of Cache La Poudre.
By summer the landscape is transformed.Try one of Colorado's farms,which offer great activities for families.Ride a bike across the Continental Divide on the top of the Rockies route,or explore the world's longest mountain-bike trail system at Crested Butte and Gunnison Valley.
 (34)BIt shall be an amazing experience whether you choose the 500-mile Colorado Trail or take an afternoon's stream-side wander.
After all those activities,why not enjoy one Colorado's 27natural hot springs,often with fascinating mountain or forest views?

A.With all these offer,Colorado is truly a year-round destination.
B.Sunny autumn brings perfect walking weather.
C.After the excitement?
D.Taking a walk along the narrow country lanes offer you a pleasant afternoon.
E.The latest crazy is snow tubing,which is like a rubber boat and is great fun for kids of all ages.
F.Besides,the warmth in spring turns Colorado's rivers into white water.
G.Sandboarding from the top of mountain down to the bottom excite those who like speeding.
8.Did you ever look at your parents and wish they were healthier?You're not the only one.We did a survey of kids.(36)F69% of the kids would like their parents to make changes to be healthier.We also surveyed parents.They'd work extra hard to get healthier,if their kids asked them to.
Here are the tips on talking to your parents about their health habits.
▲Create an idea list.Try to remember what got you thinking about this topic.Is there an unhealthy thing you'd like to see them stop doing,or do less often?Get your list together.
▲Practice how to say it.Changing can be hard.And it's not always easy to heat that someone you love thinks you need to do it.(37)GIf your parents wanted you to make a change,how would you like them to ask?A gentle earring way often works best.
▲(38)Bin our survey,85% of kids said they'll be willing to make healthy changes if it wou1d help the whole family.You might be willing to go for a walk together after dinner,Let your parents know you're willing to mke an effort.
▲Make a decision,(39)E It can be trouble if your goal is too general or you don't have steps in mind.
▲(40)AEncourage your parents as the family starts making changes.An extra hug or a homemade card of encouragement can give them what they need to keep going down the healthy road.

A.Cheer them on.
B.Be willing to help.
C.Find the right person to talk with.
D.Parents care more about their kids'health.
E.It helps to pick a single goal and be detailed.
F.46% said they worry about their parents'health.
G.So you'll want to bring up this topic in just the right way.

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