
Dear Harry,
I have good news for you that there will be a international music camp in our city this summer The camp is openly to students from all over the world who is interested in playing musical instruments.I know you are a music lover,so why not to join the camp together with us?
At the camp,campers are giving classes by experts in the moring and in the afternoon they do a couple of hour of practice.In the evening,there is a music exchange concert that campers can give performances and plays different kinds of music from their own counties.
I'm sure you will have a lot of funs there.I'm looking forward your reply.
Li Hua.

分析 李华写信给Harry介绍一个国际音乐夏令营的情况,并建议hHrry加入这个夏令营.

解答 Dear Harry,
I have good news for you that there will be international music camp in our city this summer The camp is openly to students from all over the world who is interested in playing musical instruments.I know you are a music lover,so why not to join the camp together with us?
At the camp,campers are giving classes by experts in the moring and in the afternoon they do a couple of hour of practice.In the evening,there is a music exchange concert that campers can give performances and plays different kinds of music from their own counties.
I'm sure you will have a lot of funs there.I'm looking forward∧your reply.
Li Hua.
1.a改为an;考查不定冠词,international 以元音因素开头,前面要用不定冠词an.       
2.openly改为open;考查形容词,此处用形容词形式做系动词is的表语,be open to意为"对…开放". 
3.is改为are;考查主谓一致,此处who指代前面的先行词 students from all over the world,是复数形式,故动词要用复数形式are.   
6.hour改为hours;考查名词,hour是可数名词,前面有a couple of 修饰,要用复数形式.   
10.forward后加to;考查介词,look forward to是固定短语,后面跟名词或动名词作宾语.

点评 整体把握短文大意,弄清短文的基本时态,分析句子之间的结构关系,结合上下文语境运用词汇,语法等基础知识找出文中的错误并加以修改.

Online Degree Programs Face Barriers to SuccessThe United States Department of Education has noted the growing popularity of online degree programs,known as‘distance education'.It reported that 14 percent of all students at American colleges and universities studied through such programs in 2014.
Leanne is one of those students.Her goal was to earn a master's degree in nursing from George Washington University in Washington,D.C.She signed up for the university's online program in 2014.
Leanne chose to study online for many of the same reasons that other students do.She was working full-time,and did not want to move away from her job and family to continue her education.Leanne liked that she was able to study whenever and however much she wanted.
But while the program met her needs at first,Leanne feels there are things she did not get from studying online.She earned her undergraduate degree from a traditional,face-to-face study program at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania.
Leanne says physically being in a classroom helps build a strong connection between students and their professors.She says in some ways she liked taking control and leading her own studies.But many times,she also felt lost without that special connection.
"In the end,there's really no substitute for the exchanges that actually happen in a classroom.So if I were to do it again,I don't know whether I would have made the same decision."
In addition,it may not be just a student's learning that suffers in a distance learning program.There is some concern about what future employers think about an online degree.
Public Agenda is a nonprofit research organization in the United States.In 2013,the group reported on a study of over 600 employment specialists working for American companies.
Fifty-six percent said they were more likely to offer jobs to people with a more traditional college experience,where students and teachers meet face-to-face.Forty-two percent said they thought students in online programs learned less than those in traditional programs.And 39 percent of those questioned said they thought online programs were easier to complete.
It is hard for people to change their ideas about higher education from a professor teaching students in a classroom.Also,some employers may have limited understanding of what is possible through an online program.Many people think studying online just means watching videos of teachers talking.Yet technology is always changing.Computer programs may someday educate and test students in ways human teachers cannot.
However,until there are widely accepted standards for online programs,critical opinions about what online programs can do will likely remain.There is still a long way to go before online and traditional programs operate on the same level.
1.Students may choose online study programs because of the following reasons EXCEPT thatB.
A.they can't stop working to continue their education
B.they don't like to take control of their own studies
C.they can decide time and place for their studies
D.they don't want to be away from their family
2.The underlined word"substitute"in Paragraph 6 probably meansA
3.We can infer from the passage thatC.
A.students in online programs can't find jobs after graduation
B.Leanne thought online programs suited her better than traditional ones
C.widely accepted standards will win more supporters for online programs 
D.computer programs have more advantages in educating and testing students  
4.What's the author's attitude towards online programs?D
12.Universities and colleges in the United States are trying new programs for international students to increase enrollment and income.Some universities are experimenting with bringing international high school students to their campuses.These programs permit students to complete their high school diploma while earning college credit at the same time.
One example of this model is at the University of Southern Maine,or USM.The program is called the"International Academy".The school is expecting its first class of international high school students this fall.Joanna Evans is the director for the academy.The program is officially a"boarding school on a university campus"that serves 11th and 12th grade international high school students only.
The students will take classes at the University of Southern Maine to complete their high school diploma.However,because the classes are university-level,the students will receive college credit at the same time.
According to Evans,the students they recruit will have to be very strong.Their course schedule will be the same as taking only advanced-placement courses.The goal is that,by the time they complete their high school diploma at the academy,they will be ready to start college as a third-year college student.
Their English language skills also must be strong.The Academy looks for students with a minimum Test of English as a Foreign Language,or TOEFL score of 79,or a 6.5on the International English Testing System,or IELTS.However,there are classes available to provide additional English language training when the students arrive if they need it.
All incoming students at the academy are required to take a college writing class in their first term.If English is not their first language,they will take a class taught by teachers with a background in teaching students who speak English as a foreign language.
Although they are only high school students,the expectations are the same as college students."Students need to be ready to take university classes,and that is the deal"Evans said.

32.How does the new program"International Academy"benefit students?A
A.Shortening their time at school.
B.Offering free education.
C.Supplying free room and board.
D.Giving up courses in high school.
33.Which of the following can replace the underlined word"recruit"in Paragraph 4?D
A.refuse    B.train    C.value    D.admit
34.Which of the following is an entrance requirement of the students?B
A.Being very creative.
B.High English level.
C.High intelligence.
D.Wealthy background.
35.What are the students of the new program expected to do?C
A.Have a high level of writing.
B.Build up strong enough bodies.
C.Achieve what college students do.
D.Progress with help of experienced teachers.
9.In 2006,Sal Khan launched"Khan Academy"to provide YouTube teaching for his 12-year-old cousin who needed help with maths.The online school now provides more than 580 million online lessons in over 36languages.Last fall,Khan created a physical school in California.
The Khan Lab School runs differently from traditional schools.There's no homework or grades,and students-ranging from ages five to 12-share the same classroom."It's only 150 years that we separated children by age in classrooms,"said Khan."The idea is that you can learn a lot from the students who are a little older than you and if you're 12 years old you could exercise a lot of leadership being a teacher assistant for the younger students."
The school also breaks up the students based on their"independence level,"rather than their age."Whatever independence level you're on-whether in math,reading or writing-you're on your own track,"he explained.
Another unique feature of the school is that it runs all day,all-year long.Khan said the problem with the current school schedule is that they do not have enough learning time."The gap between the U.S.and Shanghai test scores can be explained by time in the classroom,"Khan said."You have the summer learning loss,which is not only time that you're not learning when you could be,but also you're forgetting the things that you learned at the end of last year."
Now Khan Lab School enters its second year.Khan said he hopes to use the reach of the Khan Academy,which has more than 30 million users now,to send students and teachers in other schools information on how to create similar learning experiences in their classrooms.

8.Last fall,Sal KhanB.
A.launched an online course
B.set up The Khan Lab School
C.helped his cousin with maths
D.started Khan Academy on the Internet
9.Which is one of the features of the Khan Lab School?C
A.Kids are separated by ages.
B.Kids are trained to be teachers.
C.Younger kids learn from older ones.
D.Older kids learn less than younger ones.
10.What can be inferred from Paragraph Four?C
A.Students in America spend little time at school.
B.American schools run all day,all-year long.
C.Learning time is very important for test scores.
D.Summer is the best time for learning.
11.According to the last paragraph,Khan is going toA.
A.share the school's experience            
B.attract more students
C.create more similar schools              
D.hire more teachers.
16.The 21st century brought in what was supposed to be paperless living.The data of our lives was to be recorded in digital clouds.We were told to click the option for paperless statements,unsubscribe to unwanted catalogues and keep a shredder(碎纸机)nearby at all times.
So how are we doing?
"We have a bigger need for paper management than before because we have more access to information than ever before,"says Chris Plantan,creative director for Russell & Hazel,maker of stylish office accessories.Plantan says there are lots of files and lots of piles out there.
For many,organizing papers is another chore that inspires procrastination.You don't need to be a regular viewer of the A&E cable program"Hoarders"to know that many of us stash our papers in shopping bags instead of filing cabinets.Filing doesn't make it onto the to-do lists of many over-scheduled people these days.
"It ranks at the bottom of the list,along with having a tooth pulled,"says Melissa Sorensen,a professional organizer based in Woodbridge."People arerestricted by fear,worried about what will happen if they throw something out,"Sorensen says."Eighty-five percent of the things you file,you never retrieve again."
Those who do have files often suffer from another issue:figuring out where they put stuff.
Holly Bohn founded See Jane Work,an online source for creative office products,to make the task of staying organized a bit more fun."Despite technological advances,paper management is a problem because we are bombarded by paper.Our lives are so busy and complex we can't make decisions."She believes each person has to create her own system to accommodate both boring paperwork and sentimental mementos.Her products,targeted at multi-tasking women,offer a bit of charm.
Solutions don't have to start with a clumsy metal filing cabinet.Some people are stackers and save things in fabric-covered stackable boxes.Color-coded binders and colorful plastic trays are also recommended to classify different things.
Will virtual living eventually mean the death of filing?"People who have cookbooks still like to pull out recipes and save them,"says Kim Oser,a Gaithersburg professional organizer,"just like people who love their GPS still like looking at a map.In our lifetime,we will still have paper and still have filing.One hundred years fron now?who knows?"
61.Chris Plantan probably agrees thatB.
A.paperless living will never be realized
B.reality is running counter to paperless living
C.technology proves the necessity of paper management
D.file processing becomes impossible in the digital age
62.Which best illustrates the program"Hoarders"mentioned in Paragraph 4?C
A.Man cannot live without paper
B.TV viewers are good at filling papers
C.People often leave their papers disorganized
D.Paperless living is advocated by many people
63.Who is most likely to hold that most of the files should be thrown out?D
A.Kim Oser        B.Holly Bohn      C.Chris Plantan        D.Melissa Sorensen
64.What might be the best title for this passage?A
A.Paper management          B.Office transformation     C.Storing files            D.Going paperless.
13.Time ManagementNobody likes to feel stressed or anxious,but sometimes these feelings occur when you have a lot to do.Time management is about using your time wisely so that you can get things done,such as completing homework assignments and projects,going to practice,and still having time to do fun things.(36)B You'll find that when you become organized you'll be able to get a lot done in a shorter amount of time and still be able to enjoy yourself.
(37)A Here are some tips to help you get organized:
1.Use a weekly or daily planner to keep track of all of your assignments,projects,and deadlines.
2.Make a"To-Do"list of all the things that you have to get done and when they are due.You can create a list of things/assignments that you have to get done within a month,wthin a week,or for the day.(38)C
3.Prioritize(优先排序) your"To-Do"list.(39)EThis will help you get the important things done first.
4.Start with the most important thing on your"To-Do"list.Keep going from there and cross off each item as you complete it.
5.Use your free time wisely.High school and college students find that they have a lot of free time and tend to waste it spending hours with friends,watching TV,or spending time on the Internet.Try this strategy(策略):Take the time to watch one of your favorite shows and then turn off the TV and work on your"To-Do"list until you ca cross off another item.
Practice makes perfect.(40)F Within a couple of weeks you'll see the positive difference that being organized can make.

A.How can you manage your time?
B.Learning how to manage your time takes a while.
C.The time frame depends on your personal preference.
D.You do't necessarily have to finish your entire list in a day.
E.Identify the things that are most important and what can wait.
F.You have to practice the skills of time management to get good at it.
G.Managing your time can help reduce stress and help you do better in school.

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