
11.His father asked him to seize(抓住)the chance to make some money.

分析 他的父亲要他抓住机会赚钱.

解答 答案是seize.本题考查语境中选用恰当的词或短语;seize vt.抓住;seize the chance 抓住机会;故答案是seize.

点评 翻译填空要在理解句子的结构和含义的基础上根据汉语意思选择恰当的词、短语或句型;同时注意所选词的形式变化.

16.The 21st century brought in what was supposed to be paperless living.The data of our lives was to be recorded in digital clouds.We were told to click the option for paperless statements,unsubscribe to unwanted catalogues and keep a shredder(碎纸机)nearby at all times.
So how are we doing?
"We have a bigger need for paper management than before because we have more access to information than ever before,"says Chris Plantan,creative director for Russell & Hazel,maker of stylish office accessories.Plantan says there are lots of files and lots of piles out there.
For many,organizing papers is another chore that inspires procrastination.You don't need to be a regular viewer of the A&E cable program"Hoarders"to know that many of us stash our papers in shopping bags instead of filing cabinets.Filing doesn't make it onto the to-do lists of many over-scheduled people these days.
"It ranks at the bottom of the list,along with having a tooth pulled,"says Melissa Sorensen,a professional organizer based in Woodbridge."People arerestricted by fear,worried about what will happen if they throw something out,"Sorensen says."Eighty-five percent of the things you file,you never retrieve again."
Those who do have files often suffer from another issue:figuring out where they put stuff.
Holly Bohn founded See Jane Work,an online source for creative office products,to make the task of staying organized a bit more fun."Despite technological advances,paper management is a problem because we are bombarded by paper.Our lives are so busy and complex we can't make decisions."She believes each person has to create her own system to accommodate both boring paperwork and sentimental mementos.Her products,targeted at multi-tasking women,offer a bit of charm.
Solutions don't have to start with a clumsy metal filing cabinet.Some people are stackers and save things in fabric-covered stackable boxes.Color-coded binders and colorful plastic trays are also recommended to classify different things.
Will virtual living eventually mean the death of filing?"People who have cookbooks still like to pull out recipes and save them,"says Kim Oser,a Gaithersburg professional organizer,"just like people who love their GPS still like looking at a map.In our lifetime,we will still have paper and still have filing.One hundred years fron now?who knows?"
61.Chris Plantan probably agrees thatB.
A.paperless living will never be realized
B.reality is running counter to paperless living
C.technology proves the necessity of paper management
D.file processing becomes impossible in the digital age
62.Which best illustrates the program"Hoarders"mentioned in Paragraph 4?C
A.Man cannot live without paper
B.TV viewers are good at filling papers
C.People often leave their papers disorganized
D.Paperless living is advocated by many people
63.Who is most likely to hold that most of the files should be thrown out?D
A.Kim Oser        B.Holly Bohn      C.Chris Plantan        D.Melissa Sorensen
64.What might be the best title for this passage?A
A.Paper management          B.Office transformation     C.Storing files            D.Going paperless.
3.The Eurotunnel is a tunnel(隧道) which crosses the Channel under the sea,linking France and the UK.It is about 50.5km long and 38km lies under the seabed.There are trains which carry passengers and cars,and others which carry carriages or other heavier vehicles,as well as goods.
The construction of the tunnel started in 1986,with a cost of almost 10 billion pounds.It was opened in 1994but was not financially successful until 2007,because of the interest rates (利率) the company had to pay the banks,as well as low earnings from passengers and goods.
The Eurotunnel is a very convenient way of traveling between the two countries as the journey is quick (less than one hour),cheap,and comfortable.You can go with your car,motorbike or bike.
The tunnel operates every day,round the clock.At the busiest times there are up to three shuttle departures (班次) per hour.There are facilities (设施) for disabled passengers,and for babies at the two terminals (终点站).
The Eurotunnel,also commonly known as the Channel Tunnel,Eurochannel  and Eurochunnel is environmentally friendly.It perfects its sources of energy through its use of renewable energy with the result that,by 2008,it had reduced its greenhouse gas emissions(排量) by 45%.In addition,50% of the waste produced is recycled.
The future of the Eurotunnel seems promising,although there are some people who have the fear of enclosed (与外界隔绝的) spaces and would never use this type of transportation.There have been some problems with snow storms like the one in the winter of the 2009 which have made the services stop for a period of time,leaving passengers in the tunnel for more than 15 hours without light,heating,food or drink,inside an unmoving train under the sea.Some of the passengers reacted very badly and have decided not to use this means of transport ever again.

32.Why was the Eurotunnel not financially successful at first?D
A.It was free for passing trins
B.Many people disliked it.
C.Its operating cost was very high.
D.It was heavily in debt.
33.What is Paragraph 3mainly about?C
A.The wonderful design of the Eurotunnel
B.A traveling guide to the Eurotunnel
C.The advantages of the Eurotunnel.
D.An introduction of the Eurotunnel's equipment.
34.We can infer from the text that the EurotunnelA
A.used environmentallyfriendly energy
B.was completely built under the seabed
C.was designed for passenger trains
D.operated successfully without any accident
35.What is the author's attitude towards the Eurotunnel?B
A.Cautious        B.Optimistic       C.Negative       D.Doubtful.
20.A funny thing happened to Arthur when he was on the way to work one day.As he walked along Park Avenue near the First National Bank,he heard the sound of someone trying to start a car.He tried again and again but couldn't get the car moving.Arthur turned and looked inside at the face of a young man who looked worried.Arthur stopped and asked,"It looks like you've got a problem,"Arthur said.
"I'm afraid so.I'm in a big hurry and I can't start my car."
"Is there something I can do to help?"Arthur asked.The young man looked at the two suitcases in the back seat and then said,
"Thanks.If you're sure it wouldn't be too much trouble,you could help me get these suitcases into a taxi."
"No trouble at all.I'd be glad to help."
The young man got out and took one of the suitcases from the back seat.After placing it on the ground,he turned to get the other one.Just as Arthur picked up the first suitcase and started walking,he heard the loud noise of an alarm.
It was from te bank.There had been a robbery!
Park Avenue had been quiet a moment before.Now the air was filled with the sound of the alarm and the shouts of people running from all directions.Cars stopped and the passengers joined the crowd in front of the bank.People asked each other,"What happened?"But everyone had a different answer.
Arthur,still carrying the suitcase,turned to look at the bank and walked right into the young woman in front of him.
She looked at the suitcase and then at him.Arthur was surprised."Why is she looking at me like that?"He thought."The suitcase!She thinks I'm the bank thief!"
Arthur looked around at the crowd of people.He became frightened,and without another thought,he started to run.
Paragraph 1:
As he was running,Arthur heard the young man shouting behind,"Stop,stop!"Arthur immediatelyrealized that the young manwas the bank robber.So Arthur didn't stop,but continued to run until he saw and caught a taxi in front of him.He quickly put the suitcasein the car and said to the driver,"Please hurry to the Police Station.I have a case to report to the police.The man shouting behind is the bank thief!''The taxi raced away to the Police Station like an arrow.
Paragraph 2:
The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur.said to the police who had been waiting and who had already received therobberyreport,This suitcaseis that of the bank robber.It may be filled with the money stolen fromthe bank,I hand it to you.Please get ready to arrest the man.".
1.I was waiting in line to register a letter in the post office at Thirty-third Street and Eighth Avenue in New York.I noticed that the clerk appeared to be bored with the job-weighing envelopes,handing out stamps,and issuing receipts-the same dull work year after year.
So I said to myself,"I am going to try to make that clerk like me.Obviously,to make him like me,I must say something nice,not about myself,but about him."So I asked myself,"What is there about him that I can honestly admire?"That is sometimes a hard question to answer,especially with strangers.However,in this case,it happened to be easy.I instantly saw something I admired very much.
So while he was weighing my envelope,I remarked with enthusiasm,"I certainly wish I had your hair."
He looked up and his face was full of smiles."Well,it isn't as good as it used to be,"he said modestly.We carried on a pleasant conversation and the last thing he said to me was,"Many people have admired my hair."
I'll bet that person went out to lunch that day walking on air.I'll bet he went home that night and told his wife about it.I'll bet he looked in the mirror and said,"It is a beautiful head of hair."
There is one all-important law of human conduct.If we obey that law,we shall almost never get into trouble.In fact,that law,if obeyed,will bring us countless friends and lasting happiness.But the very instant we break the law,we shall get into endless trouble.The law is this:Always make the other person feel important.

5.According to Paragraph 1,it seemed thaA.
A.the clerk was tired of his job
B.the clerk was working happily then
C.the author had known the clerk for a long time
D.the author did the same job as the clerk before
6.The author commented on the clerk's hair toA.
A.win his kindness             B.distract his attention
C.show his respect             D.express his thanks
7.What does the author try to express in Paragraph 5?D
A.The author felt good after praising the clerk.
B.The clerk would spread his good feelings to others.
C.The clerk would focus on his appearance in the future.
D.The author's words would positively influence the clerk.
8.What's the most suitable title for the passage?C
A.The importance of a white lie
B.Always help people wholeheartedly
C.The secret of making people like you
D.How to make your work easy and interesting.

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