“After the completion of Shenzhou?9 mission, we will prepare for the next. We will be ready for the selection of our motherland, to make new contributions to China's manned space program.”
“I think during our lifetime, we need to set for us one dream after another and one goal after another, and to try our best towards the set objective(目标).”
“The Olympic Games is held every four years. I conducted my first space mission(任务) in 2008, and then again second in 2012, and now, another four years has just passed. I think I need to learn from Chinese Olympic shooter Wang Yifu, who has participated in nine Olympic Games. I still have a long way to go.”
1966年10月 | 出生于山西运城 |
1985年6月 | 参军 |
1987年9月 | 入党 |
1998年1月 | 正式成为第一批中国宇航员 |
2008年,2012年,2016年 | 分别乘神舟七号、九号和十一号载人飞船升入太空 |
(1) 介绍景海鹏的成长历程。
(2) 根据材料总结我们应从他身上学习到的优秀品质(至少两点)。
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2. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句。
3. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。