
A recent survey shows that many students have got into some bad living habit,which do great harm to their health.
As we all know it,health is more important than wealth.Without a healthy body,you cannot do everything even if you are a millionaire.In order keep healthy,it's necessary to get rid of unhealthy habits and form good ones.
First of all,eat a healthy breakfast is a great way to start the day.You should eat more fruit and vegetables,which are rich of vitamins.Secondly,getting enough sleep.Early to bed and early to rise make you feel great all day long.Lastly,take exercise every day to make your body strong.
As long as you form health habits and keep them,you'll have a strong body and live the healthy life.

分析 据调查,现在不少中学生存在等不良生活习惯,这会对他们的身体有害,所以摒弃不良习惯,养成健康的习惯是很重要的重要性.为了养成健康的习惯,我们要吃健康早餐,多吃水果蔬菜;要有充足睡眠,早睡早起;还要经常锻炼.

解答 A recent survey shows that many students have got into some bad living habit,which do great harm to their health.
As we all know it,health is more important than wealth.Without a healthy body,you cannot do everything even if you are a millionaire.In order∧keep healthy,it's necessary to get rid of unhealthy habits and form good ones.
First of all,eat a healthy breakfast is a great way to start the day.You should eat more fruit and vegetables,which are rich of vitamins.Secondly,getting enough sleep.Early to bed and early to rise make you feel great all day long.Lastly,take exercise every day to make your body strong.
As long as you form health habits and keep them,you'll have a strong body and live the healthy life.
1.habit-habits.考查名词.根据修饰词 some bad living可知用可数名词 habit 的复数habits,表示"一些坏的生活习惯". 
2.去掉it.考查代词.As we all know it是非限制性定语从句,as代指主句health is more important than wealth.,做从句we all know的宾语,所以去掉it.                 
3.everything-anything.考查不定代词.用于否定句you cannot do,表示"任何事"用anything.  
4.In order-后加上to.考查固定短语.In order-后用动词不定式或that从句 表示目的,本句是一个短语 keep healthy,所以用动词不定式,即 In order-后加上to. 
5.eat-eating.考查非谓语动词.做 is a great way to start the day的主语,用动名词eating.   
 6. of-in.考查介词.表示"富含有"用固定短语 be rich in. 
7.getting-get.考查祈使句.和First of all,eat a healthy breakfast is a great way to start the day.呼应,用以动词原形get开头的祈使句,表示提出的建议.       
 8.make-makes.考查主谓一致关系.主语Early to bed and early to rise表示"早起早睡",是一个概念,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数-makes.  
9. health-healthy.考查派生词.修饰名词 habits,需要用形容词   healthy,表示"健康的习惯".
10.the-a.考查冠词.和 a strong body 并列,表示"一个健康的生活"用不定冠词a表示"一个".

点评 考查短文改错.

9.In the winters of 2012 and 2013,National Geographic grantee (被批准人) Anders Angerbjorn and his Ph.D.student,Rasmus Erlandsson,studied an extremely threatened species,the Scandinavian arctic fox,The current population numbers are fewer than 150 individuals in mainland Europe so many of the young foxes are having difficulty finding a non-related partner.Other threats to the species include competition from the red fox for the rare small rodents (啮齿目动物) they both depend upon for food.Angerbjorn and Erlandsson monitored the arctic fox population in Vasterbotten and Norrbotten,Sweden,to identify the best areas for further conservation actions.This included tagging (贴标签于) the baby foxes,which proved to be a challenge.
"When catching arctic foxes it is easy to believe that the smaller ones are the easiest to handle.In some aspects it is true.Their teeth are smaller and the jaws less powerful.However,just as human children have a hard time keeping still,the really small cubs (幼兽) do too."
"We handle the foxes in a bag while tagging,and the trick is to keep the animal still between your legs while kneeling.And here comes the tricky part.How do you keep a small,wild fox still?You cannot apply too much force.You really do not want to hurt it.Just as with small children the best tool is patience,but at the same time you want the handling to be as short as possible."
"One particular cub had a technique I had never experienced before as it continuously tried to turn onto its back,for no obvious reason.I had to reach the ears,so I quickly turned the cub upright.The cub stayed still for a few seconds,and then began to roll onto its back again.The same thing happened over and over again!Finally,I got the tags in place,and after making measurements and taking some samples,I finally let it go."

25.According to the text,the red foxD.
A.looks like the arctic fox                            
B.is an endangered species
C.needs more conservation actions                
D.competes with the arctic fox for food
26.What does the underlined word"This"in Paragraph 1 refer to?B
A.Providing food for the arctic fox.
B.Checking the number of the arctic fox.
C.Building conservation areas for the arctic fox.
D.Helping the arctic fox find a non-related partner.
27.Human children are mentioned in Paragraph 2 to explain thatC.
A.kids love the arctic fox                             
B.baby foxes can be dangerous
C it is difficult to tag baby foxes                          
D.the smaller foxes are easier to handle
28.To tag small cubs,Angerbjorn and Erlandsson had to beB.
6.Challenge is an opportunity:to make it gold or a tough stone,it only depends on you.
Every time you overcome a challenge,it will lift you up,build you strong and make it easier for you to overcome your next trial.But if you surrender to the challenge,it will downsize you,break a piece of confidence in you and make it harder for you to overcome it the next time.It's like building muscles-the more you train them,the stronger they will become.
I used to be an inactive person.I was sitting behind my desk at work for eight to nine hours everyday,commuting to work and everywhere else by taxi and subway,sitting in my couch at home and sleeping for one third of my life in the bed.I was involved with zero exercise at that time and lived with very low energy and spirit every day.Then I finally felt sick of it and chose to add some movement to my life.
I changed my office job into a part-time one and applied for another part-time job working in a bar.So I made myself stand hours and walk around customers all the time.The first days were a"standing hell".My feet were screaming"You fat lady!"all day and night.But I stuck through every minute I wanted to give up,telling myself"Everybody in this business stands full hours just fine.You can definitely do it too!Let's hang on for one week first."
After that one week,though with sore muscles everywhere I still came up with the conclusion that,"This is actually bearable."So I hung on another week,then one more after that…until it's been four months now and I feel as comfortable as a fish in its pond to stand 20hours a week in the bar.And I didn't only stand in the bar for those four months.It was just a small trigger that activated the rest of the revolution. I soon fell in love with bicycling.I rode my bicycle to work,to meetings and to many romantic spots in the town.I was on the road for a minimum of one hour every day.I also got myself involved in a"stand-up computer"project and was standing at the computer four hours every day on average.It has become my most comfortable position to play with the computer now.I also touched up my life with dancing and stretching.Whenever my body feels stiff I give myself a good stretching and a round of dancing too if the mood is there.
Basically I became quite an active person now and this is not at all hard as I imagined in my couch for the past years.I am so happy that I made the first tiny steps to walk out of my comfort zone.Soon I was catching up with the rhythms and running spontaneously.
So what is the challenge that you are afraid of?Face it now,conquer it and let it make you even stronger.
If you are too timid to speak up for yourself in daily life,then regardless of your fears,force yourself to say one word out of the heart every day.At first,you will only mumble nonsense and totally sound like a nerd.But just keep throwing the balls,you will eventually hit some targets and organize clear sentences.
If you are suffering in your current life but don't think you deserve a better one,then you will keep living in the terrible situation.To breathe new air,you need to step out of your dead zone.Once you cheer up and make the first courageous step,then adding a few more steps is not that a big deal and soon you will walk farther away from the cave you hated.
It is always easier to do nothing about the challenge and remain in the current status.But I strongly suggest you choose a harder choice,fight with your challenge and let it lift you to a higher position with more beautiful views.Once you get started with throwing a few bold punches into life,you will soon feel comfortable to box with those opponents you thought so tough and tall.And later you will get so good at your skills that you must call in stronger competitors to the ring to match the game and have more fun.Be that aspiring(有志向的)boxer in your life.
55.In the passage,"building muscles"is compared toC.
A.building your body strong          
B.becoming confident
C.overcoming a challenge               
D.encouraging yourself
56.From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5,we can infer thatA.
A.the author began to exercise by different means to become an active person
B.the author was able to bear the sore muscles and thus could hang on for four months
C.the author only stood in the bar for those four months and did nothing else
D.the author felt comfortable and could stand in the bar for another four months
57.According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?C
A.The writer used to exercise a lot and enjoyed her life.
B.The part-time job in a bar involved smiling and talking to customers.
C.After one week,the writer thought working in a bar was tolerable.
D.When the writer's body feels stiff she often tries to lift her mood.
58.To improve poor speaking,you are expected toA.
A.force yourself to say something every day
B.throw the balls
C.organize clear sentences
D.mumble nonsense
59.What is the last paragraph intended to convey?B
A.We should keep living in the current situation and have more fun.
B.We should step out of the dead zone and fight with the challenge.
C.It is necessary for us to box with stronger competitors and improve our skills.
D.It is challenging to become a skillful boxer who can defeat tough and tall opponents.
60.What might be the best title for the passage?D
A.How to be an Active Person          
B.Life is Wonderful
C.a Part-time Job                               
D.The Beauty in Challenge.

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