
9.In the winters of 2012 and 2013,National Geographic grantee (被批准人) Anders Angerbjorn and his Ph.D.student,Rasmus Erlandsson,studied an extremely threatened species,the Scandinavian arctic fox,The current population numbers are fewer than 150 individuals in mainland Europe so many of the young foxes are having difficulty finding a non-related partner.Other threats to the species include competition from the red fox for the rare small rodents (啮齿目动物) they both depend upon for food.Angerbjorn and Erlandsson monitored the arctic fox population in Vasterbotten and Norrbotten,Sweden,to identify the best areas for further conservation actions.This included tagging (贴标签于) the baby foxes,which proved to be a challenge.
"When catching arctic foxes it is easy to believe that the smaller ones are the easiest to handle.In some aspects it is true.Their teeth are smaller and the jaws less powerful.However,just as human children have a hard time keeping still,the really small cubs (幼兽) do too."
"We handle the foxes in a bag while tagging,and the trick is to keep the animal still between your legs while kneeling.And here comes the tricky part.How do you keep a small,wild fox still?You cannot apply too much force.You really do not want to hurt it.Just as with small children the best tool is patience,but at the same time you want the handling to be as short as possible."
"One particular cub had a technique I had never experienced before as it continuously tried to turn onto its back,for no obvious reason.I had to reach the ears,so I quickly turned the cub upright.The cub stayed still for a few seconds,and then began to roll onto its back again.The same thing happened over and over again!Finally,I got the tags in place,and after making measurements and taking some samples,I finally let it go."

25.According to the text,the red foxD.
A.looks like the arctic fox                            
B.is an endangered species
C.needs more conservation actions                
D.competes with the arctic fox for food
26.What does the underlined word"This"in Paragraph 1 refer to?B
A.Providing food for the arctic fox.
B.Checking the number of the arctic fox.
C.Building conservation areas for the arctic fox.
D.Helping the arctic fox find a non-related partner.
27.Human children are mentioned in Paragraph 2 to explain thatC.
A.kids love the arctic fox                             
B.baby foxes can be dangerous
C it is difficult to tag baby foxes                          
D.the smaller foxes are easier to handle
28.To tag small cubs,Angerbjorn and Erlandsson had to beB.

分析 本文讲述了为了更好地了解一些动物的数量,科学家需要给动物贴上标签,这是一个需要耐性的活.

25.D 考查细节理解.根据"Other threats to the species include competition from the red fox for the rare small rodents (啮齿目动物) they both depend upon for food"可知,红狐与北极狐争夺食物.故选D.
26.B 考查细节理解.根据"Angerbjorn and Erlandsson monitored the arctic fox population in Vasterbotten and Norrbotten"可知,"this"指的是检查北极狐的数量.故选B.
27.C 考查细节理解.根据"However,just as human children have a hard time keeping still,the really small cubs (幼兽) do too"可知,第二段是为了举例说明很难给好动的小狐狸标上标签.故选C.
28.B 考查细节理解.根据"The same thing happened over and over again!"可知,为了给小狼崽贴上标签,需要很大的耐性.故选B.

点评 阅读理解考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

20.Five Things Confident People Would Never Do
Get defensive when corrected
Confident people understand their own talents and faults.They treat others'opinion not as criticizing(批评),but as a training opportunity and a chance to improve.(36)G
Try to please everyone
There's a difference between wanting to help others and devoting yourself to making everyone like you."(37)E,while the latter is impossible and will actually kill self-confidence."says Joseph R.Sanok,MA,a business coach,and author of Practice of the Practice.
Your first mental image of"confidence"may involve(涉及) speaking in front of a crowd or leading a team,but in reality,the more confident people are,the less they feel like they have to prove themselves.This means they are slow to speak and quick to listen,especially with those closest to them.
Spend hours on Wechat(微信)
(39)F.Spending too much time on Wechat looking at everyone's"perfect"lives will make anyone feel less confident,so use social media only with a clear intention."Confident people use social media to connect with someone,and they don't just surf it because they're bored."Sanok says.
Make fun of others
Making fun of others is often used by insecure people to make themselves look and feel better by comparison.(40)B.Instead,confident people show their strength by supporting others around them.This will not only make you more confident but it will also make people more confident in you."We all value and believe in those who value us."she adds.

A.Be eager to listen
B.But it doesn't work
C.Talk more than listen
D.They do this on purpose
E.The former is a nice quality
F.Confident people use social media wisely
G.So they are able to politely accept criticism.
17.How to read more and learn moreThese days,more and more Chinese people enjoy sending and receiving messages on the phone.It can help them to get the latest news and communicate with friends.But I think I should read more books besides the textbooks,the more,the better.It can broaden my mind and improve my language skills.(16)D  Here are some tips for you.
Clear your purpose for reading.
(17)F  Most people read for two main reasons,pleasure or knowledge.Clearing about your reading purpose can not only help you choose the books you really need to read,but also remind you why reading the book is important to you,so you will keep reading and complete the book faster.
No matter what you arc reading,it is important to enjoy what you read.Your friends you the books they love,but those books might not necessarily be the ones you enjoy.
Give up books that you don't enjoy.
You may have chosen books that you are interested in,and they are right purpose.But while you are reading them,there may still be some books that you don't enjoy reading.Whenever you realize that you aren't enjoying the book you are reading,give it up.(19)C
Set a reading goal.
It is interesting that I read the books borrowed from libraries faster than than those I bought.The reason is the books I bought don't have a due date!I don't need to return those books.(20)G  Before you read each book,ask yourself what time you need to complete this book by.

A.Read only what you are interested in.
B.Read the books borrowed from others.
C.Remember reading shouldn't be a chore.
D.Of course,it also can help me to get good grades.
E.We need to get the latest news and communicate with friends.
F.Before you start reading,ask yourself why you are reading this book.
G.Having a reading goal helps you work out how much reading you need to do in a week or even a day.
4.Plants are flowering faster than scientists predicted (预测) in reaction to climate change,which could have long damaging effects on food chains and ecosystems.
Global warming is having a great effect on hundreds of plant and animal species around the world,changing some living patterns,scientists say.
Increased carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air from burning coal and oil can have an effect on how plants produce oxygen,while higher temperatures and changeable rainfall patterns can change their patterns of growth.
"Predicting species,reaction to climate change is a major challenge in ecology,"said the researchers of several U.S.universities.They said plants had been the key object of study because their reaction to climate change could have an effect on food chains and ecosystem services.
The study,published on the Nature website,uses the findings from plant life cycle studies and experiments across four continents and 1,634 species.It found that some experiments had underestimated (低估) the speed of flowering by 8.5 times and leafing by 4 times.
"Across all species,the experiments under-predicted the speed of the advance-for both leafing and flowering-that results from temperature increase,"the study said.
The design of future experiments may need to be improved to better predict how plants will react to climate change,it said.
Plants are necessary for life on the Earth.They are the base of the food chain,using photosynthesis (光合作用) to produce sugar from carbon dioxide and water.They let out oxygen which is needed by nearly every organism on the planet.
Scientists believe the world's average temperature has risen by about 0.8℃since 1900,and nearly 0.2℃every ten years since 1979.
So far,efforts to cut emissions (排放) of planet-warming greenhouse gases are not seen as enough to prevent the Earth heating up beyond 2℃this century-a point scientists say will bring the danger of a changeable climate in which weather extremes are common,leading to drought,floods,crop failures and rising sea levels.

29.What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?B
A.Plants'reaction to weather could have damaging effects on ecosystems.
B.The increasing speed of flowering is beyond scientists'expectation.
C.Climate change leads to the change of food production patterns.
D.Food chains have been seriously damaged because of weather.
30.We can learn from the study published on the Nature website thatC.
A.plants'flowering is 8.5 times faster than leafing
B.there are 1,634 plant species on the four continents
C.scientists should improve the design of the experiments
D.the experiments failed to predict how plants react to climate change
31.Scientists pay special attention to the study of plants becauseB.
A.they can prove the climate change clearly
B.they are very important in the food chains
C.they play a leading role in reducing global warming
D.they are growing and flowering much faster than before
32.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs about the world's temperature?A
A.It needs to be controlled within 2℃in this century.
B.Its change will lead to weather extremes.
C.It is 0.8℃higher in 1979 than that of 1900.
D.It has risen nearly 0.2℃since 1979.
14.Are you sometimes a little tired and sleepy in the early afternoon?Many people feel this way after lunch.They may think that eating lunch is the cause of the sleepiness.Or,in summer,they may think it is the heat.However,the real reason lies inside their bodies.At that time-about eight hours after you wake up-your body temperature goes down.This is what makes you slow down and feel sleepy.Scientists have tested sleep habits in experiments where there was no night or day.The people in these experiments almost always followed a similar sleeping pattern.They slept for one long period and then for one short period about eight hours later.
In many parts of the world,people take naps(小睡) in the middle of the day.This is especially true in warmer climates(气候),where the heat makes work difficult in the early afternoon.Researchers are now saying that naps are good for everyone in any climate.A daily nap gives one a more rested body and mind and therefore is good for health in general.In countries where naps are traditional (传统的),people often suffer less from problems such as heart disease.
Many working people,unfortunately,have no time to take naps.Though doctors may advise taking naps,employers do not allow it!If you do have the chance,however,here are a few tips about making the most of your nap.Remember that the best time to take a nap is about eight hours after you get up.A short sleep too late in the day may only make you feel more tired and sleepy afterward.This can also happen if you sleep for too long.If you do not have enough time,try a short nap-even ten minutes of sleep can be helpful.

29.Why do people feel sleepy in the early afternoon according to the text?A
A.Their body temperature becomes lower.
B.They sleep too little at night.
C.They eat too much for lunch.
D.The weather becomes a lot warmer.
30.If you get up at 6:30 am,what is the best time for you to take a nap?B
A.About 12:30 pm.
B.About 2:30 pm
C.About 1:30 pm.
D.About 3:30 pm
31.What advice does the writer give on taking a nap?D
A.You'd better take a nap about an hour after you have lunch.
B.You can sleep as long as you like so that you will not feel tied or sleepy.
C.Only people in warmer climate need to take a nap.
D.If your time is limited,a short nap can also help.
32.Naps are good for everyone in any climate becauseD.
A.a nap makes both your body and mind have a good rest.
B.a daily nap benefits your health.
C.people who often take naps suffer less from problems such as heart disease than those who don't.
D.All the above.
1.The Lifesaving Dog
Three-year-old Alida Knobloch and her 60-pound golden dog,Mr.Gibbs,are almost inseparable.They are (41)Dby a special link of love and,because of (42)Arare lung disease,by a two-foot tube that delivers(43)A from tanks on the dog's back to Alida's nose.(44)Cat eight months old with the disease called NEHI,Alida,who lives inGeorgia,is (45)Cto breathe normally on her own for more than 45minutes.So Mr.Gibbs (46)Bher almost everywhere,carrying ten pounds of (47)D,including an oxygen tank.
Young children normally don't have the (48)Cto control a service dog,but Mr.Gibbs and Alida,along with her(49)A,have worked closely with dog trainer Ashleigh Kinsleigh to develop the(50)Brelationship between the girl and the dog.
"His job is to do(51)Dshe does,"says Kinsleigh.So far,Mr.Gibbs has learned to jog (52)DAlida's bike,follow her as she plays around the family home,and park himself below her high(53)Cwhile she eats.
"We're(54)Athat by the time Alida starts kindergarten,Mr.Gibbs will be able to go with her,"says her father.
Childhood (55)Bexperts have told the Knoblochs that children can grow out of the necessity for additional oxygen,but Alida will probably always(56)D some kind of oxygen assistance.Now the Knoblochs can't(57)C a time the two companions won't be(58)B.Mr.Gibbs seems to need Alida as much as she needs him,says Aaron."The dog is upset if he and Alida are (59)Aeven for a moment."
For young Alida Knobloch,the dog Mr.Gibbs is a true (60)B.
42.A.Alida'sB.the dog'sC.her father'sD.her mother's
19.Rhythm of Life
Choosing the right time to sleep,the correct moment to make decisions,the best hour to eat-and even go into hospital-could be your key to perfect health.
Centuries after man discovered the rhythms(节奏、韵律) of the planets and the cycles of crops,scientists have learned that we too live by precise rhythms that govern everything from our basic bodily functions to mental skills.Man is a prisoner of time.
But it's not just the experts who are switching on to the way our bodies work.(71)F Prince Charles consults a chart which tells him when he will be at his peak on a physical,emotional and intellectual level.Boxer Frank Bruno is another who charts his bio-rhythms to plan for big fights.
(71)E Sleep,blood pressure,hormone levels and heartbeat all follow their own clocks,which may bear only slight relation to our man-made 24-hour cycle.
Research shows that in laboratory experiments when social signals and,most importantly,light indicators such as dawn are taken away,people lose touch with the 24-hour clock and sleeping patterns change.Temperature and heartbeat cycles lengthen and settle into"days"lasting about 25hours.
In the real world,light and dark keep adjusting internal clock to the 24-hour day.  But the best indicator of performance is body temperature.As it falls from a 10p.m.high of 37.2℃to a pre-dawn low of 36.1℃,mental functions fall too.(73)D
The most famous example is the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island in the US.The three operators in the control room worked alternating(交替的) weeks of day,evening and night shifts.(74)G Investigators believe this caused the workers to overlook a warning light and fail to close an open valve.
Finding the secret of what makes us tick has long fascinated scientists and work done over the last decade has yielded important clues.(75)B For example,the time we eat may be important if we want to maximize intellectual or sporting performance.There is already evidence suggesting that the time when medicine is given to patients affects how well it works.

A.The rhythm of life is a slight beat.
B.The aim is to help us become more efficient(高效的).
C.Jenny Hope claims to have tested their body clocks to the limit.
D.This is a key reason why shift work can cause so many problems.
E.Experts say every aspect of human bodies is influenced by daily rhythms.
F.Many people study the state of their bio-rhythms before making their daily plans.
G.Such a dangerous combination never gave their bodies'natural rhythms a chance to settle down.

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