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Ways to express love to my family£®

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Öصã´Ê»ã£ºvarious£¨¸÷ÖÖ¸÷ÑùµÄ£©£»express£¨±í´ï£©£»housework£¨¼ÒÎñÀͶ¯£©£»especially£¨ÓÈÆ䣩£»give sb a hug£¨Óµ±§Ä³ÈË£©£»do good to £¨¶Ô¡­ÓÐÒ棩
¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£º1£®I am sure¢Ùif I often help my parents do some simple housework that I can do£¬¢Úespecially when they are tired after work£¬my parents must feel my love to them£®
                  ¢ÙifÒýµ¼Ìõ¼þ×´Óï´Ó¾ä£»¢Úespecially when they are tired after workÔÚ¾äÖÐÊDzåÈëÓ
                 2£®¢ÙGetting small but meaning gifts must be an exciting moment for my loved and I think I will do ¢Úso ¢Ûon some special days£®
                   ¢Ù¶¯Ãû´Ê¶ÌÓïGetting small but meaning gifts ÔÚ¾äÖÐ×÷Ö÷Ó¢ÚsoÔÚÕâÀï×÷¶¯´ÊdoµÄ±öÓ¢Ûon some special daysÒâΪ"ÔÚһЩÌØÊâµÄÈÕ×Ó"£®

½â´ð There are various ways to express love£®I think saying"I Love you"on my father's or mother's birthday is a good way to let my parents know how I love them£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©£®I am sure if I often help my parents do some simple housework that I can do£¬especially when they are tired after work£¬my parents must feel my love to them£®
Besides£¬I will often give my parents a hug because I learn that people can get relaxed through a warm hug and feel connected to each other£¬which does good to their health£®
Getting small but meaning gifts must be an exciting moment for my loved and I think I will do so on some special days£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©£®

µãÆÀ Ìá¸Ù×÷ÎÄÔÚд×÷ʱҪעÒâÒªµãµÄÌáÁ¶ÒªÈ«£¬×¼È·ÔËÓÃʱ̬£¬ÉÏÏÂÎÄÒâ˼Á¬¹á£¬·ûºÏÂß¼­¹Øϵ£¬»¹Òª×¢ÒâÈ˳ƺÍʱ̬ʹÓÃÒªÕýÈ·£®¾¡Á¿Ê¹ÓÃ×Ô¼ºÊìϤµÄµ¥´Ê¾äʽ£®Êʵ±Ê¹ÓÃһЩ¸ß¼¶´Ê»ã¡¢¶ÌÓïºÍ¾äÐÍ£¬ÒÔÌá¸ßÎÄÕµĵµ´Î£»Ç¡µ±Ê¹ÓÃһЩÁ¬´ÊºÍ²åÈëÓʹÎÄÕ±í´ï×ÔÈ»¡¢Á÷³©£®

18£®A£®Lion King
    It's a story of nature£¬love and friendship£¬all of which appear in one African adventure£®See the young lion cub Simba grow up and overcome all the difficulties in order to become king of the jungle£®
B£®Little Mermaid
    Adapted from Anderson's fairy tale£¬Little Mermaid takes you into a deep-sea adventure£¬to see how Ariel sells her beautiful tail and voice for two legs to see her dream prince on land£®
C£®Jersey Boys
   Jersey Boys is a Broadway classic that features four young men going out by themselves who finally rise up to become movie stars£®Come and see more about the struggles and successes of these four young men£®
D£®Mary Poppins
   It is a story of a magic nanny who comes flying in with her umbrella to work for a rather unhappy family with the most naughty kids and shows them what life is all about£®Mary Poppins and the Bands family face some challenges and amusing moments£®
E£®Mama Mia
   Mamma Mia is about Sophie's wedding£®It is a great combination of life lessons and laughter£®Throw yourself in an 80's disco theme and Mamma Mia will leave you singing and dancing out of the theater£®
F£®Stomp £¨the name of a band£©
   Come and enjoy a high-energy percussive symphony£¬coupled with dance£¬and played entirely on unusual instruments£¬such as buckets£¬brooms and sticks£®Music is made through the use of everyday objects in a non-traditional way£®
46£®Todd is a DJ in college£®In everyone's mind£¬he does it quite well£®He can always find the proper music to satisfy students'needs£®But secretly Todd always wants to find a new and special way to create music£®He hates all kinds of tradition£®F
47£®Friday finally comes£®After a whole week of work£¬Brian just wants to relax£¬and have some entertainment that can make him laugh£®He likes the music in the 80's and the story of love and marriage£¬from which he can learn lessons£®E
48£®Ann is a quiet girl£®Her most enjoyable moment is when her dad reads her fairy tales£®Dad bought her a lot of books£®But her favorite is Anderson's£®A lot of stories are sad£¬making her shed tears£®But she loves them£®They are so beautiful£®B
49£®Dan is a big fan of animals£®He always asks his mom to buy him all kinds of animal books£¬CDs and Discovery programs or other animal films£®This time his mom wants to take him to the theater to see a play£¬from which Dan can learn to be strong£®
50£®Tim and Tom are twins£®They are famous"bad"brothers in their class and a headache to their mom£®Someone suggests that making peer£¨Í¬ÁäÈË£©examples for them may be helpful£¬like in the movies£¬dramas and so on£®D£®
In this website you can find a lot of net games to play£®You can play the games by yourself or with others through the net£®Anyone who is fond of computer games will be fond of the website£®He is sure to have a good time£®
This website is very useful because it can help you search for different websites£®You can type the names in it and then the website you hope to find will be shown at once£®It is said that it contains more information than other search engines£®
This is a website for the literature lovers£®The people who are fond of literature can read others'works and they can also write what they want to£®There are many different kinds of literature forms such as poems£¬novels and so on£®
This is a website about American National Basketball Association£¬where you can find all the information about the NBA teams and the scores of basketball matches£®If you are interested in basketball stars you can also find a lot of introduction about them£®
This is a music website and you can find a lot of latest songs£®The most interesting thing about this website is that you can even record your songs in the website and make others enjoy your voice!It's marvelous£¬isn't it£¿
The website represents many leading American and European manufacturers distributing the world's most advanced devices£¬equipment and biochemical supplies into China£®We specialize in the fields of biological engineering£®
C76£®Professor David is a Canadian but he is interested in the Chinese poems£¬especially the Tang Poems£®
D77£®Susan is a basketball fan and she is eager to know the career of the famous star-Michael Jordan£®
A78£®Li Ming is tired of his study and he hopes to be relaxed for a moment£®He doesn't think music is a good way of relaxation£®
F79£®Dickson is an engineer working in a large American company who wants to catch a glimpse of the latest development of technology£®
B80£®Jeremy wants to find some information about a new sport£®
16£®IBM£¬the technology company has released its latest"5in 5"report£®The expert think five development will become reality within the next five years£®Scientists at IBM and other companies are researching ways to make the predictions come true£®
They say people will soon have a way to just think about calling or e-mailing someone in order to make it happen£®It's a simple ability to command a system to do something for you without actually doing or saying anything£¬literally thinking and having something happen as a result that's accurate£®Something with really deep capability so that a person£¬for instance£¬a quadriplegic£¬a paraplegic can actually utilize brainwaves to make things happen and basically run their own lives independently£®
Another prediction is a way for people to power their homes and offices using energy from activities like walking or running£®For example£¬you can see somebody in the third world who has access to a phone or a smart phone but doesn't have access to the power grid£¨µçÁ¦Íø£©£¬and literally a shoe can help gain energy from walking and can charge the battery to enable that person to actually become a connected with the rest of the world£®
Passwords could soon become a thing of the past£®Some of the most common biometrics used to identify people are fingerprints£¬face and voice recognition£¬and iris scans£®The iris is the colored part of the eye£®Dr£®Bernie Myerson says this technology will soon be more widely used by money machines and other devices£®
Another prediction is from the experts at EBM£ºbetter technology to prevent unwanted e-mail£®"The device£¬as you act upon it£¬as you eliminate mail£¬you don't read it£¬you just look at it and kill it£¬after a while it learns your habits and works for you as your assistant by eliminating stuff you never wanted anyway£¬"says Dr£®Bernie Myerson£®
The last on IBM's 5in 5list is an end to the"digital divide"between those who have technology and those who do not£®Dr£®Bernie Myerson says£¬"Think about the digital divide today£ºthe haves and the have-nots£¬people who are and are not connected£®We expect within five years£¬better than80% coverage of the world's populations by cellular to smartphones£®At that point£¬imagine having£¬for instance£¬the ability to speak openly with anybody anywhere£¬anytime and any language--real time translation£®

47£®In the first prediction£¬people will soon have a way to make things happen byA£®
A£®using brainwaves
B£®e-mailing somebody
C£®making a call
D£®talking to somebody
48£®from the example in Para.3£¬we can learn that in the third worldA£®
A£®people may have no access to electricity
B£®more people are possessing smart phones
C£®people can gain energy merely from shoes
D£®scientists are trying to set up the power grid
49£®The"device"mentioned in Para.5can help you toD£®
A£®from your e-mail reading habit
B£®read e-mail as your assistant
C£®send e-mail much more freely
D£®delete your unwanted e-mail
50£®What can be inferred from the last paragraph£¿C
A£®The problem with the digital divide has been dealt with£®
B£®Only 20% of people still have no access to hi-tech phones£®
C£®There may be no language barriers among people using smart phones£®
D£®People from every corner of the world can be connected by the Internet£®

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