
You may say it’s just a slip of the tongue. But as a senior official and a well-educated person, a professional who is supposed to be expert at using words shouldn’t have made such a remark like “Why did only two teachers commit suicide?” We use “only” to emphasize(强调) how small an amount is or how unimportant the matter is. When talking about death toll, such a word as “only” should never be appropriate.
Of course, it seems unfair to put all the blame on her, especially about the suicide of any individual. We should never indirectly encourage any self-destructive behaviour by making finger-pointing remarks afterwards. Any sensational accusation may help spread a very wrong message which will lead to even more copycat(模仿他人行为者)cases.
As expected, Professor Li has spoken out in her defence, saying that her remarks concerning the two suicides had been taken out of context, adding that she is a caring and warm-hearted person.
However, a seemingly “caring and warm-hearted person” without enough political sensitivity can hardly make a good government official. Mr. Tung used to be described as kind and selfless, but being kind is not enough. It is misleading to say such characteristics as kindness and devotion make somebody fit or capable.
Last time, her saying that students were the least qualified to criticize the Chief Executive had led to much criticism. Then she apologized. This time, a much more widespread furore(公众的骚动) has been brought. Again, she apologized. How many times is she going to apologize before she is willing to step down?
We need a more diplomatic(外交的) person to calm teachers, students and parents alike.
1. The purpose of the passage is to _____.
A. encourage teachers to commit suicide
B. criticize professor Li
C. put stress on the official’s remarks
D. show her dissatisfaction with the senior official
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The official used improper words in her remarks.
B. The senior official’s apologies were not sincere.
C. Nobody could comfort the people.
D. The professional tried to mislead the people to continue their suicide.
3. The author thought ________.
A. the official was very fit for her office
B. the official used the word “only” not by mistake
C. it was quite right to blame the official
D. the official won’t make such mistakes any more
4. From the passage we can infer that ______.
A. the officials’ remark led to more suicide committing
B. the official was a sensitive politician
C. the official believed the students had rights to talk about the Chief Executive
D. professor Li showed favor to the official
1-4 DABD

1. D。通篇充满了对official 的批评。
2. A。从文章第一句slip of the tongue(口误)可以得出答案A。
3. B。作者认为这个官员并不是因为出错用了那个词。
4. D。从文章第三段句首“李教授的说辞是为官员辩护”。
The quest for success always begins with a target. As Berra once said, "You got to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there."
Too many people wander through life like sleepwalkers. Each day they follow familiar routines, never asking, “What am I doing with my life?” and they don’t know what they’re doing because they lack goals.
Goal-setting is a focusing of the will to move in a certain direction. Begin with a clear conception of what you want. Write down your goals and date them—putting them into words clarifies them. Rather than concentrating on objects to acquire and possess, focus on fulfilling your desires to do, to produce, to contribute—goal-setting that yields the true sense of satisfaction we all need.
It’s important to visualize(想象)yourself accomplishing your goal. While losers visualize the penalties(不利)of failure, winners visualize the rewards of success. I’ve seen it among athletes, statistics contrasting air and highway safety, but it made no difference. I had read too many articles describing crash scenes and imagined these scenes vividly. I had programmed myself, without realizing it, to stay off planes.
Then one summer I had the opportunity to fly on a private plane with friends to a resort;I didn’t want to miss out on a great vacation. So I spent two weeks imagining a smooth flight on a beautiful sunny day and an easy landing.
When the day arrived, I was eager to go. To everyone’s surprise, I got on the plane and I loved every minute of it, and I still use the techniques I employed that day.
68.According to the passage, if you want to be successful, the first thing for you to do is _______.
A.find the right methods     B.be careful about everything
C.know your ability           D.have a clear goal
69.If you have a target, you will ________.
A.wander like a sleepwalker       B.know well what you are doing
C.do the same work every day    D.put it into words
70.The problem with the author before he overcame his fear of air travel is that ______.
A.he didn’t know air travel is safer than highway travel
B.he couldn’t imagine himself accomplishing his goal
C.he read too much about plane crashes and tried to avoid flying
D.he wanted to take a private plane instead of a public one
71.What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Define Your Coal                  B.Visualize Rewards of Success
C.Overcome the Fear of Air Travel    D.Sleepwalking Through Life

As you move around your home, take a good look at the things you have. It is likely that your living room will have a television set and a video, and your kitchen a washing machine and a microwave oven. Your bedroom drawers will be filled with almost three times as many clothes as you need. You almost certainly own a car and possibly a home computer, holiday abroad at least once a year and eat out at least once a week.
Now, perhaps, more than ever before, people are wondering what life is all about, and what it is for. Seeking material success is beginning to trouble large numbers of people around the world. They feel that the long?hours work culture to make more money to buy more things is eating up their lives, leaving them very little time or energy for family or pastimes. Many are turning to other ways of l
iving and downshifting is one of them.
Six percent of workers in Britain took the decision to downshift last year. One couple who downshifted is Daniel and Liz. They used to work in central London. He was a newspaper reporter and she used to work for an international bank. They would go to work by train every day from their large house in the suburbs(郊区), leaving their two children with a nanny(保姆). Most evenings Daniel wouldn't get home until eight or nine o'clock, and nearly twice a month he would have to fly to New York for meetings. They both earned a large amount of money but began to feel that life was passing them by.
Nowadays, they run a farm in the mountains of Wales. “I always wanted to have a farm here,” says Daniel, “and we took almost a year to make the decision to downshift. It's taken some getting used to, but it's been worth it. We have to think twice now about spending money on car repairs and we no longer have any holidays. However, I think it's made us stronger as a family, and the children are a lot happier.”
Liz, however, is not quite sure. “I used to enjoy my job, even though it was hard work and long hours. I'm not really a country girl, but I suppose I'm gradually getting used to looking after the animals. One thing I do like, though, is being able to see more of my children. My advice for other people wanting to do the same is not to think about ittoo much or you might not do it at all.”
1.What do the first two paragraphs tell us?
A.People seldom work long hours to make money.
B.People hardly buy more things than necessary.
C.People are sure everything they own is in the right place.
D.People realise there is more to life than just making money. 
2.When Daniel was a reporter he  ________ .
A.lived in central London      B.disliked his job        
C.missed his children        D.was well paid 
3.Daniel and Liz both agree that the move to the farm  ________.
A.was easy to organize        B.has improved family life        
C.was extremely expensive      D.has been a total success 
4.What does the underlined “it” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Child?caring.    B.Liz's advice.       C.Downshifting.     D.Liz's job.
5.The underlined word “_________downshifting” in the second paragraph means  ________ .
A.repairing your car by yourself        
B.spending money carefully        
C.moving out to the countryside to live a simpler and better life        
D.living in a big house in the suburbs and dining out once a week 
I began working in journalism(新闻工作) when I was eight.It was my mother’s idea.She wanted me to“make something”of myself,and decided I had better start young if I was to have any chance of keeping up with the competition.
With my load of magazines I headed toward Belleville Avenue.The crowds were there.There were two gas stations on the corner of Belleville and Union.For several hours I made myself highly visible,making sure everyone could see me and the heavy black letters on the bag that said THE SATURDAY EVENING POST.When it was suppertime,I walked back home.
“How many did you sell,my boy?”my mother asked.
“Where did you go?”
“The corner of Belleville and Union Avenues.”
“What did you do?”
“Stood on the corner waiting for somebody to buy a Saturday Evening Post.”
“You just stood there?”
“Didn’t sell a single one.”
“My God,Russell!”
Uncle Allen put in,“Well,I’ve decided to take the Post.”I handed him a copy and he paid me a nickel(五分镍币).It was the first nickel I earned.
Afterwards my mother taught me how to be a salesman.I would have to ring doorbells,address adults with self-confidence(自信),and persuade them by saying that no one,no matter how poor,could afford to be without the Saturday Evening Post in the home.
One day,I told my mother I’d changed my mind.I didn’t want to make a success in the magazine business.
“If you think you can change your mind like this,”she replied,“you’ll become a good-for-nothing.”She insisted that,as soon as school was over,I should start ringing doorbells,selling magazines.Whenever I said no,she would scold me.
My mother and I had fought this battle almost as long as I could remember.My mother,dissatisfied with my father’s plain workman’s life,determined that I would not grow up like him and his people.But never did she expect that,forty years later,such a successful journalist as me would go back to her husband’s people for true life and love.
小题1:Why did the boy start his job young?
A.He wanted to be famous in the future.
B.The job was quite easy for him.
C.His mother had high hopes for him.
D.The competition for the job was fierce.
小题2:From the dialogue between the boy and his mother,we learn that the mother was _______.
小题3:What did the mother do when the boy wanted to give up?
A.She forced him to continue.
B.She punished him.
C.She gave him some money.
D.She changed her plan.
小题4:What does the underlined phrase “this battle”(last paragraph) refer to?
A.The war between the boy’s parents.
B.The arguing between the boy and his mother.
C.The quarrel between the boy and his customers.
D.The fight between the boy and his father.
小题5:What is the text mainly about?
A.The early life of a journalist.
B.The early success of a journalist.
C.The happy childhood of the writer.
D.The important role of the writer in his family.
How many coins have you got in your pocket right now?Three?Two?Or one?With a phonecard you can make up to 200 calls without any change at all.
1.What do you do with it?
Go to a telephone box marked “Phonecard”.Put in your card,make your call and when you've finished,a screen tells you how much is left on your card.It costs no extra for the cards,and the calls cast 10 per unit,the same as any other payphone call.You can put them in units of 10,20,40,100 or 200.
2.Now appearing in a shop near you
Near each card phone place you'll find a shop where you can buy one.They're at bus,train and city tube stations.Many universities,hospitals and clubs,restaurants and gas stations on the highway and shopping centers.At airports and seaports.
3.No more broken payphones
Most broken payphones are like that they've been vandalized(破坏了的).There are no coins in Cardphone to excite thieves' interest in it.So you're not probably to find a vandalized one.Get a phonecard yourself and try it out.Or get a bigger wallet.
小题1:There are three sections in the passage.Which section do you think is about why phonecards are good?
A.Section 1.B.Section 2.C.Section 3.D.Section 1&2.
小题2:Choose the right order of the steps under“How to use a phonecard”.
a.Put in your phonecard.
b.Look at the screen to find out how many calls you can still make.
c.Go to a telephone box marked “Phonecard”.
d.Make your call.
小题3:The last sentence “Or get a bigger wallet”means“_________”.
A.Phonecards are cheap
B.You cannot use all payphones
C.Thieves will not break card phones
D.People do not like carrying a lot of coins
Are you nervous about climbing because you think it's too dangerous? Do you feel you're not fit enough to climb? Do you know how to start climbing?
Let's consider the idea that climbing is dangerous.Being afraid is natural, but if you use suitable ropes and other climbing equipments you will feel completely safe.Climbers are usually very careful because they know what they are doing is dangerous.Accidents happen, but when they do, they tend to attract a lot of publicity.As a result, people think there are many more accidents than there are in reality.
You cannot expect to start climbing straight away.Climbing is a challenge and challenges take time.It is necessary first of all that you achieve a good level of fitness.Begin as soon as you become interested in climbing? go to the gym, go swimming, take up jogging and continue to do so throughout your training period.
Discover as much as you can about climbing.Visit the library and find book, especially for beginners or buy climbing magazines and look for articles which describe your situation.Look up information on the Internet.Find out about equipment, methods and places to go.
Next, take a course on a climbing wall.There are plenty of climbing walls all over the country which have trained and qualified people as instructors.Call your local leisure centre to find out if there is one in your area. These training sessions are a quick way to get experience and you are likely to meet other beginners. After this, you can do an outside course of join a club where you can meet climbers of all abilities and eventually join in group-climbing events.
At first you may not understand the importance of a good training period, but after you have completed your first climb and you are standing safely at the top of a rock feeling thrilled, then you will know it was the right thing to do.
小题1:The article is written by           .
A.a doctorB.an experienced climber
C.a beginnerD.a fitness instructor
小题2:The writer thinks a new climber should          .
A.begin by becoming fit
B.have the courage to meet the challenges
C.be aware of the causes of the accidents
D.do enough sports to get interested in climbing
小题3:By climbing walls you can        .
A.join a club you like
B.gain controlled experience
C.become qualified instructors
D.take part in group-climbing events
小题4:The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph probably means     .
A.the climbB.the trainingC.the equipmentD.the achievement
Have you experienced the 2009’s Oscar best movie called Slum-dog Millionaire (《贫民富翁》)?   
This film is about a poor Indian boy from the slums (贫民窟), Jamal, who ends up winning the grand prize in a show— “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” The night before he answers the prize-winning questions, Jamal is arrested by the police and hurt severely. They don't believe a slumdog like Jamal can answer seven questions correctly and possibly win 20 million rupees. But, as the movie unfolds, Jamal let out the secret how he found the answers to each of the questions. Viewers also learn about Jamal's childhood, his selfish older brother Salim, and his childhood love, Latika.   
The movie's point, however, is not just to tell a typical story of an underdog (弱者) who becomes a hero. The director also uses Slum-Dog Millionaire to give viewers a taste of India. The movie begins in Jamal's childhood home in the slums of India. The place where he and his family lived reminds one of the hutong that used to make up a large part of old Beijing. Jamal and his brother grow and travel across India, meanwhile surviving as slum-dogs and cheats, and India ages with them. By the time Jamal is 17 or 18, his old home has been replaced by a giant financial center. Jamal and Salim take a moment to recall about their old lives, as they stand high up in a tall building that is still under construction. That view from above reminded me of a similar view I had just two years ago in China: I was standing there in the living room of a family friend's modern apartment, looking out through a window, down to some shacks (简陋的房屋) below, just next to the building complex. It was amazing how riches and poverty could live so close together.   
The thing that was most appealing about the movie, to me and my Indian friends, was how we could understand the story presented in the movie. More important than the story was the window on the social and economic situations in Asia that it provided.
60.Viewers can learn from the movie EXCEPT __________.
A.Jamal’s childhood and his bitter experience of wandering across the country
B.the rapid social changes and economic development in India
C.the poor life of people in the slums against the development of cities in India
D.the secret of becoming a millionaire through personal struggle
61.Why does the movie appeal to the writer?
A.It’s a typical story of the underdog who becomes a hero, which she admires most.
B.It’s an Oscar best movie that helps her understand the human nature.
C.It has an exciting and complicated plot that attracts her very much.
D.It reminds her of her experience in China and helps know about other Asian countries.
62.The writer wrote the passage to____________.
A.introduce a movie to readers and share her views about it.
B.persuade more viewers to go to the cinema to see the movie.
C.express her enthusiasm towards Asia and its culture.
D.reveal the true social reality in most developing countries.
On an island there are exactly seven towns: T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z. All existing and planned roads on the island are two-way and run perfectly straight between one town and the next. All distances(距离;路程) by road are distances the main square of one town to the main square of another town. U is the same distance by road from T, V and W as Y is from X and Z. The following are of the now existing roads on the islands.
Road 1 goes from T to V via (经由) U.
Road 2 goes directly from U to W.
The triangle (三角形) road goes from X to Y, from Y on to Z, and from Z back to X. Any main square reached by two roads is an interchange (立交桥) between them, and there are no other interchanges between roads.
68. Which of the following sketches is correct?
A.     W                     B.        U
T   U    V                       W   V   T
C.   T   U    V    W         D.       T    W    V
69. Draw a sketch of the Triangle Road. Which of the following sketches is correct?
A.        Z                     B.     Y      X
C.   X     Z                      D.    Y     Z   
Y                                   X
70. Which of the following is a town from exactly two other towns can be reached by road?
A. T           B. X          C. V         D. W
    Every day we go to school and listen to the teacher, and the teacher will ask us some questions. Sometimes, the classmates will ask for your opinions of the work of the class. When you are telling others in the class what you have found out about these topics, remember that they must be able to hear what you are saying. You are not taking part in a family conversation or having a chat with friends— they will remain silent, waiting to hear what you have to say. In the class, you must speak so that they can hear you—loudly enough and clearly enough but without trying to shout or appearing to force yourself.
Remember, too, that it is the same if you are called to an interview whether it is with a professor of your school or a government official who might meet you. The person you are seeing will try to put you at your ease (not worried) but the situation is somewhat different from that of an ordinary conversation. You must take special care that you can be heard.
41. Usually, when you speak to the class, the class is____________.
16.noisy   B. quiet    C. having a rest    D. serious
42. The situation in the class is _____than in your house.
A.not very different from   B. sometimes the same as
C. sometimes not different from  D. not the same as
43. If you are having a conversation with an official, the most important thing for you     is _________.
A. to show your ability              B. to be very gentle
C. to make sure that you can be heard  D. to put the official at ease
44. The main idea of the passage is _________.
A.that we should not talk in different ways in different situations
17.that we must speak loudly to make ourselves heard when stating our opinions in serious situations
18.that we must keep silent at any time
19.that we must talk with the class

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