
On an island there are exactly seven towns: T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z. All existing and planned roads on the island are two-way and run perfectly straight between one town and the next. All distances(距离;路程) by road are distances the main square of one town to the main square of another town. U is the same distance by road from T, V and W as Y is from X and Z. The following are of the now existing roads on the islands.
Road 1 goes from T to V via (经由) U.
Road 2 goes directly from U to W.
The triangle (三角形) road goes from X to Y, from Y on to Z, and from Z back to X. Any main square reached by two roads is an interchange (立交桥) between them, and there are no other interchanges between roads.
68. Which of the following sketches is correct?
A.     W                     B.        U
T   U    V                       W   V   T
C.   T   U    V    W         D.       T    W    V
69. Draw a sketch of the Triangle Road. Which of the following sketches is correct?
A.        Z                     B.     Y      X
C.   X     Z                      D.    Y     Z   
Y                                   X
70. Which of the following is a town from exactly two other towns can be reached by road?
A. T           B. X          C. V         D. W
You may say it’s just a slip of the tongue. But as a senior official and a well-educated person, a professional who is supposed to be expert at using words shouldn’t have made such a remark like “Why did only two teachers commit suicide?” We use “only” to emphasize(强调) how small an amount is or how unimportant the matter is. When talking about death toll, such a word as “only” should never be appropriate.
Of course, it seems unfair to put all the blame on her, especially about the suicide of any individual. We should never indirectly encourage any self-destructive behaviour by making finger-pointing remarks afterwards. Any sensational accusation may help spread a very wrong message which will lead to even more copycat(模仿他人行为者)cases.
As expected, Professor Li has spoken out in her defence, saying that her remarks concerning the two suicides had been taken out of context, adding that she is a caring and warm-hearted person.
However, a seemingly “caring and warm-hearted person” without enough political sensitivity can hardly make a good government official. Mr. Tung used to be described as kind and selfless, but being kind is not enough. It is misleading to say such characteristics as kindness and devotion make somebody fit or capable.
Last time, her saying that students were the least qualified to criticize the Chief Executive had led to much criticism. Then she apologized. This time, a much more widespread furore(公众的骚动) has been brought. Again, she apologized. How many times is she going to apologize before she is willing to step down?
We need a more diplomatic(外交的) person to calm teachers, students and parents alike.
1. The purpose of the passage is to _____.
A. encourage teachers to commit suicide
B. criticize professor Li
C. put stress on the official’s remarks
D. show her dissatisfaction with the senior official
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The official used improper words in her remarks.
B. The senior official’s apologies were not sincere.
C. Nobody could comfort the people.
D. The professional tried to mislead the people to continue their suicide.
3. The author thought ________.
A. the official was very fit for her office
B. the official used the word “only” not by mistake
C. it was quite right to blame the official
D. the official won’t make such mistakes any more
4. From the passage we can infer that ______.
A. the officials’ remark led to more suicide committing
B. the official was a sensitive politician
C. the official believed the students had rights to talk about the Chief Executive
D. professor Li showed favor to the official
It is said that Abraham Lincoln searched for exactly the right words to say to his audience in that history-making speech that   1  less than three minutes.
Your speech probably won't be as long-remembered,   2 you can still strive to give your audience the best speech possible by   3 these simple tips:
Write and rewrite the material in your speech until it sounds exactly right to your own ears. Don't use words that are hard to   4  . Avoid technical   5 or keep them to a minimum whenever possible.
Remember to use descriptive phrases so your listeners can get a mental picture in their   6 of what you are talking about. People don't want to be told, they want to be given a   7 picture so they can better understand your words.
Avoid using a lot of statistics that will put your audience asleep in their seats. Keep necessary   8 in your speech to a minimum amount.
Humor can be an effective way to   9 your audience, Humor can also effectively lessen   10 , especially yours. You can use short jokes or personal anecdotes for this purpose. Just make sure your humorous material is appropriate for the audience you are   11 to.
Your speech will probably either inform or   12 your listeners to take action in order to help a charitable organization, etc. Be sure to include localized information in your speech that meet your audience's specific needs.
Read your speech out loud several times to hear how it will sound to your audience. Practice giving your speech in front of a mirror. That way you can see   13 you are going to look to the audience. This technique can help you   14 and feel more comfortable.
Make sure to speak a little louder than   15 conversation when you are giving your speech so that you can be easily heard by the entire   16 , not just the first few rows.
When you are giving your speech to your listeners, remember to   17 your speech down a little bit and don't rush through the words.
You can arrange to have helpful visual aids    18 before, during, or right after the end of your speech. This way the audience will have written information they can take home with them and   19 later.
Remember to be an appreciative speaker and to   20 the person or persons who asked you to give the speech. Also remember to thank the audience for listening.
(   ) 1. A. continued           B. lasted                      C. broadcast                 D. went
(   ) 2. A. but                    B. though             C. and                         D. therefore
(   ) 3. A. accepting           B. following         C. copying                   D. remembering
(   ) 4. A. pronounce          B. understand        C. learn                       D. listen
(   ) 5. A. sentences            B. terms                      C. pronunciations         D. meanings
(   ) 6. A. minds                B. notes                C. words                      D. tapes
(   ) 7. A. intellectual         B. physical            C. mental                     D. visual
(   ) 8. A. information               B. terms                      C. statistics                  D. words
(   ) 9. A. amuse                B. control             C. persuade                  D. drive
(   ) 10.A. attention           B. terror                      C. sorrow                    D. tension
(   ) 11. A. speaking           B. referring           C. leading                    D. owing
(   ) 12. A. help                 B. persuade           C. force                       D. trap
(   ) 13. A. what                B. how                 C. why                        D. where
(   ) 14.A. sleep                 B. rest                  C. comfort                   D. relax
(   ) 15. A. normal             B. later                 C. previous                  D. intentional
(   ) 16. A. speeches          B. actors               C. friends                    D. audience
(   ) 17. A. slow                B. speed                      C. stop                        D. burn
(   ) 18. A. checked out      B. passed out         C. brought out              D. left out
(   ) 19. A. sell                  B. review              C. throw                      D. mail
(   ) 20. A. thank                      B. find                 C. teach                       D. assist
    As bananas ripen, the green skin turns ye11ow gradually. Chemical changes occur in the f1esh of the fruit as well:starch(淀粉)changes to sugar;pectin(果胶)breaks down,losing its stiffness; and the f1esh softens.
Is ripening fruit a self-contained system, or is the rate of these changes affected by the environment? We designed the experiment below to see if different atmospheres, produced by different packaging, affected the rate of ripening. You will vary the atmosphere surrounding unripe bananas and observe the effect on the ripening process。
Now set up the bananas in their environments as follows:
1. Put two green bananas in a paper bag and fo1d the top over to seal out the air.
2.Put one green banana and the very ripe banana in the other paper bag and fold over the top.
3. Put two green bananas in a plastic bag and seal it.
4. Wrap(包)one green banana tightly in a plastic bag.
5. Leave one green banana exposed to the air.
Leave the fruit a1one or five days to ripen. Ripening fruit“breathes”. This means that it takes up oxygen and gives off C02. Oxygen is extremely important and necessary for the chemical reactions involved in ripening. In addition, ripening fruit gives off another gas, called ethylene(乙烯). Not only is ethylene a product of ripening fruit, it also promotes the further ripening of the fruit.
Paper bags tend to keep the ethylene in, but they allow oxygen and ethylene to pass through slowly. Plastic bags do not allow the free flow of oxygen or ethylene. In this experiment, the green banana in paper bag with the ripe banana should ripen most quickly. The green bananas in the paper bag should ripen faster than the bananas in the plastic bag. The banana left exposed to air has an unlimited supply of oxygen, so it will turn brown most quickly. You will notice that the side of this banana that rests on the counter will ripen more quickly than the other sides, because it has the
closest contact(接触)with its own ethylene. The banana that is tightly wrapped in plastic has no oxygen supply and should ripen most slowly. Now can you see why bananas are sealed in plastic in many supermarkets?
72. What makes the green banana in Bag 2 ripen more quickly than the ones in Bag 1?
A. Ethylene from the very ripe banana.            B. The free flow of oxygen or ethylene
C. C02 from the very ripe banana.                     D. The limitation of oxygen supply.
73. How can we slow down the ripening of bananas exposed to the air?
A. To rest them on the counter.                                   B. To keep them in the basket.
C. To put them on the ground.                                     D. To hang them up from the ceiling
74. It can be concluded from the passage that          .
A. the ripening banana is a self-contained system
B. the rate of ripening bananas is affected by the environment
C. wrapped bananas experience no chemical changes to ripen
D. ripening bananas give off oxygen, C0, and ethylene
75. Why are bananas sealed in plastic in many supermarkets?
A. To make them ripen more quickly.                B. To make them ripen more slowly.
C. To make banana flesh soften.                        D. To turn green bananas yellow.
At first all films were in black and white, but in 1932 the first color film was made. This proved as unpopular as talking films had done in the late 1920’s. It was not until 1938 that a full-length color film was made, and the success of this film made producers everywhere change from black and white to color. This first full-length color film was translated into ten different languages and made Hollywood the main center of film industry
In the early days of the cinema, other countries also had film industries. Very good films were made in Sweden, Britain, Russia and France. However, because Hollywood had so much money to spend, it kept its position as the world’s most important film center. Film actors went to America because they knew they could get a lot of money for every film they made. In 1918 Charlie Chaplin received $5 each day.
However, life was not always easy for the film actors. Newspapermen followed them everywhere, and after Charlie Chaplin married for the fourth time he became so unpopular with the American public that he had to leave the country and live in Europe.
56. Which of the following is correct?
A. People liked color film as soon as it was made.  
B. At first color films were not long.
C. Color films were at first silent.               
D. Talking films were all color films.
57. The first full-length color film was made ______.
A. in Hollywood    B. in Sweden   C. by Charlie Chaplin   D. in Britain
58. Life was sometimes difficult for film actors because_______.
A. films often cost huge amount of money to make
B. they had a long way to go before they became famous
C. sometimes films lose money
D. they could not get away from newspapermen
59. Talking films _______.
A. were not successful until the late 1920’s     
B. were unpopular when first made
C. were as popular as black and white films    
D. were popular but the color film was not
Perhaps no single monument in the U.S.A. is as famous as the Statue of Liberty. Standing on small island in New York Harbor, the crowned lady, holding high in her right hand the torch of freedom and in her left hand a table with words "July 4th , 1776", is a symbol of American democracy. She is colossal. She is 151 feet high and the pedestal(垫座) on which she stands is almost as much. The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the USA from France in 1886, as a mark of friendship and also in memory of the aid France gave the Americans during the American Revolution.
For millions of immigrants, the Statue was their first sight of the promised land, and for a few also the last, as they sailed back home again. About a mile from Liberty Island, there is another small island, called Ellis Island, which was looked upon with dread by the immigrants. For it was here that they had to wait their turn to be examined by doctors and officials. Most of the immigrants could not speak a word of English. But only two out of 100 immigrants were refused admission to New York City. Often the person refused turned out to be a grandmother or a weary, frightened girl mistakenly labeled "weak-minded". Sometimes husbands and wives were parted because one of them happened to have a bad cough and was suspected of having tuberculosis(肺结核).
New York City was a bitter disillusionment(幻灭) to some immigrants. Far from being a city paved with gold, it was a city teeming with overcrowded, unhealthy and unsafe ghettos(少数民族居住区).  The immigrants looked for earlier immigrants of their own nationality or religion. So Italian, Polish, Irish, Jewish neighborhoods grew up. Because they could not speak English, the newcomers found it difficult to get work at once, and their living quarters were often slum.
However, they found in the U.S.A. opportunities of bettering themselves. Today immigrants no longer have to endure the rude treatment of Ellis Island. The unpleasant buildings were closed down in 1924. In 1976, Ellis Island became a historic monument.
59. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
A. Gateway to the U.S.A.                 B. The Statue of Liberty.
C. Ellis Island.                          D. Immigrants of the U.S.A.
60. The word "colossal" in the first paragraph means ________.
A. miniature       B. colorful         C. enormous     D. beautiful
61. Immigrants looked upon Ellis Island with dread because ________.
A. they could not speak a word
B. they might be refused admission to the U.S.A.
C. husbands and wives might be recognized
D. they were suspected
62. Paragraph 3 implies that_________.
A. New York City was paved with gold
B. immigrants of the same nationality and religion lived in the same building
C. immigrants lived everywhere
D. some immigrants were disappointed at New York City
To understand the marketing concept it is only necessary to understand the difference between marketing and selling. Not too many years ago, most industries concentrated primarily on the mass production of goods, and then relied on "persuasive salesmanship" to move as much of
these goods as possible. Such production and selling focuses on the needs of the sellers to produce
goods and then make money by selling them.
Marketing, on the other hand, focuses on the wants of consumers. It beans with first analyzing the preferences and demands of consumers and then producing goods that will satisfy them. This eye-on-the-consumer approach is known as the marketing concept, which simply means that instead of trying to sell whatever is easiest to produce or buy for resale, the makers and
dealers first try to find out what the consumer wants to buy and then go about making it available for purchase. Every step -- design, production, distribution, promotion — is made according.
This concept does not mean that consumer satisfaction is given priority (优先) over profit in a company. There are always two sides to every business activity — the firm and the customer —and each must be satisfied before trade occurs. Successful businessmen and producers, however, recognize that the surest way to profit is through understanding customers. This concept has been recognized, such as "Have It Your Way," and "You're the Boss." A good example of the importance of satisfying the consumer presented itself in mid-1985, when Coca Cola changed the taste of its drink. The non-acceptance of the new taste by a significant part of the public brought about a quick return to the Classic Coke, which was then marketed along with the new. King Consumer rules!
71. A good knowledge of the difference between marketing and selling leads to       .
A. the mass production of goods
B. a perfect command of salesmanship
C. a basic command of the marketing concept
D. the process of selling goods to earn money
72. Not too long ago, industries focused on        .
A. moving goods to the market
B. the demands of consumers 
C. the selling of new products
D. producing and selling goods
73. The focus of marketing lies in              
A. an understanding of consumer needs
B. the quick movement of goods
C. developing new wants for consumer goods
C. making goods readily available to customers
74. The last sentence of the passage suggests that          
A. the consumer should be allowed to do things in his way
B. the consumer should be treated like a king
C. the consumer should have the final say in selling products
D. the consumer should be advised on what to say
75. What will be discussed in the next paragraph?
A. How to make a profit for a company.
B. How to meet the demands of consumers.
C. How to persuade people into buying goods.
D. How to improve the quality of goods.
Parking has long been a major headache for drivers in Shanghai. The Transportation Department is mapping out a new plan for the city’s parking system. There are one million cars on the road in Shanghai but only enough public parking space to provide room for 15 percent of these vehicles. It is no wonder that local drivers get so worried trying to find a place to park.
The city is seeing a rise in private car owners. In March, the city sent out 2,000 private car licenses, the highest number of licenses ever sent out in a month. And prices rose to 14,600 yuan, 500 more than in February. Industry experts say this suggests that local people have a strong, active interest in buying cars.
By the year 2020, the number of automobiles in Shanghai will probably reach two million. If one parking lot is for each car, then a lot of parking space should be built for these vehicles.
Downtown Shanghai is most short of parking space. However, experts point out that simply building more parking lots in downtown areas is not practical and doesn’t provide an ideal solution. The idea of “ Park & Ride” system has been suggested. This means that drivers can leave their vehicles in car parks nearby subway or bus stations and ride public transport to go downtown. Based on this idea, the city will limit the number of parking lots in downtown areas and demand higher parking fees but build more parking areas near main subway and bus stops.
72.The underlined phrase “ mapping out ” in the first paragraph means __________.
A. making     B. arguing       C. controlling       D. inspiring
73. About __________ drivers can find places to park their cars in Shanghai now.
A. 850,000     B. 1,000,000      C. 150,000       D. 2,000,000
74. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us ?
A. The city sent out more private licenses in February.
B. Less and less people bought cars in March.
C. The city sent out less private licenses in March.
D. More and more people are going to buy cars.
75. According to the idea of a “ Park & Ride ” system, the city will __________.
A. send out more private car licenses
B. build more parking lots near bus stops
C. encourage people to buy more cars
D. build more parking areas in downtown
  Satellites are an important part of our ordinary lives.For example, the information for weather forecasts is sent by satellite.Some satellites have cameras which take photographs of the Earth to show how clouds are moving.Satellites are also used to connect our international phone calls.
Computer connections of the World Wide Web and Internet also use satellites. Many of our TV programs come to US through satellites.Airplane pilots also sometimes use a satellite to help them find their exact location.
We use satellites to send television pictures from one part of the world to another.They are usually 35,880 kilometers above the equator.Sometimes we can see a satellite in the sky and it seems to stay in the same place.This is because it is moving around the world at 11,000 kilometers an hour—exactly the same speed that the earth rotates.A satellite must orbit the Earth with its antennae(天线)facing the earth.Sometimes, it moves away from its orbit,So there are little rockets on it which are used to put the satellite back in the right position.This usually happens about every five or six days.
Space is not empty! Every week, more and more satellites are sent into space to orbit the Earth.A satellite usually works for about 10-12 years.Satellites which are broken are sometimes repaired by astronauts or sometimes brought back to Earth to be repaired.Often,very old or broken satellites are left in space to orbit the Earth for a very long time.This is very serious because some satellites use nuclear power and they can crash into each other.
56.Which of the following is NOT done by satellites according to the passage?
A.Sending information for weather forecast.
B.Taking photographs of the Earth.
C.Sending TV pictures.
D.Providing food for airplane pilots.
57.What’s the speed the earth rotates at?
A.35,880 kilometers per hour.    B.335,880 kilometers per hour.
C.11,000 kilometers per hour.     D.110,000 kilometers per hour
58.Why does the satellite move around the world at the same speed as the Earth rotates?
A.In order to take photographs.
B.In order to stay in a certain position in the orbit.
C.In order to move away from its orbit.
D.In order to send television pictures.
59.What does the underlined word “This” refer to?
A.A satellite.   B.A little rocket.
C.A satellite seems to stay in the same place in the sky.
D.The satellite puts the rockets in the right position.
60.Which is true of satellites?
A.A satellite usually works for about 10-2 years.
B.Every time a satellite gets broken,it is brought back to the Earth to be repaired.
C.A broken satellite is never left in space.
D.They often crash into each other.

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