
【题目】Such poets as Shakespeare __________ widely read, of whose works, however, some __________ difficult to understand.

A. are; are B. is; is

C. are; is D. is; are


【解析】句意:像莎士比亚这样的诗人们的作品被人们广泛阅读,虽然他们的作品中有些很难读懂。 such poets as Shakespearepoets是中心词,所以动词用are; 第二空所在句子的主语是someof their works),是可数名词的复数形式,也用are


【题目】Infiniti, Nissan’s luxury brand, continues to show off ideas for the future.

The Q80 Inspiration here in Paris is an excellent piece of work, perhaps a concept elegant enough to make us forget that Infiniti’s former Hong Kong-based president, Johan de Nysschen, moved to take over General Motors’ Cadillac car brand in July and Infiniti chairman Andy Palmer is the new CEO at Aston Martin, the British luxury car brand.

The Q80, if it becomes reality, will be brought to market by Infiniti’s new boss, former BMW (another famous car brand executive Roland Krüger. He should focus on this, at least until he is head-hunted to another company.

The Q80 Inspiration is a low and sexy four-door fastback, and it is also a showcase for technology from autonomous driving to eco-friendly power trains. Here in Paris, the Infiniti people say the hybrid drive in this concept suggest exactly where the brand is going in the future.

The company says the Q80 speaks to how Infiniti plans to pull people into more expensive cars cars that compete with the Porsche Panamera, for instance.

Alfonso Albaisa, Infiniti Executive Design Director, said the car “delivers feminine elegance and muscular menace in equal measure and strikes big in terms of styling, craftsmanship, choice of materials and attention to detail.”

Most importantly, for luxury cars buyers who are increasingly puzzled by all the technology, the designers focused on making things simple.

There is a tendency with modern design that every time you add interior features and technology you add complexity, said Albaisa, pointing to the concepts easy-to understand and operate infotainment interface.

As for power, the Q80 Inspiration gets 550 horsepower from a twin turbocharged 3.0-litre V-6 combined with a hybrid electric power train. Fuel economy could be as good as 5.5 litres/100 km.

【1】Who will take charge of the launch of the Q80 Inspiration?

A. Andy Palmer B. Alfonso Albaisa

C. Johan de Nysschen D. Roland Krüger

【2】 In the future Infiniti will pay more attention to ______.

A. details B. craftsmanship

C. energy conservation D. materials

【3】The Q80 Inspiration _______.

A. has been produced in large numbers

B. has autonomous driving system

C. has double doors

D. has complicated operating features

【4】 How many car brands are mentioned in the passage?

A.3 B. 4 C. 5 D.6

【5】What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. An introduction of the Q80 Inspiration.

B. A promotion of The Q80 Inspiration

C. The future of the Q80 Inspiration

D. The history of the Q80 Inspiration

【题目】Five Questions to Ask to Detect a Lie

Are you being lied to? Find out how you can tell.

How is the person speaking?

Although a change in voice can be the tip-off to a lie, experts say that to be sure, you should also pay attention to a persons speech rate and breathing pattern. ___【1】__

What is the person saying?

Liars tend to avoid exclusionary words like but, nor, except, and whereas, because they have trouble with complex thought processes. __2___ In their attempts to distance themselves psychologically from their tall tales, liars will tend to communicate using fewer personal pronouns.

Is his face giving it away?

You may think disguising your true feelings is easily accomplished with the help of a smile, but the expressions that flash across your face will give away what youre really thinkingwhether you know it or not. __3___ These clues are often so difficult to detect that even trained experts have trouble discerning them.

How is the person smiling?

A smile can sometimes mask a persons true feelings. ___4___ You may be able to detect the emotions he or she is trying to hidesuch as fear, anger, and disgust. A true smile will incorporate both a persons lips and eyes.


Its more important to examine a persons entire demeanor, as theres no one feature thats apt to give away a liar. Honesty is characterized by features that are in sync with one anotherso besides posture, note the fit between face, body, voice, and speech.

A. Does the body language follow the story?

B. Is your subject behaving uncharacteristically?

C. Liars are less likely to use the words I, me, and mine.

D. You should weigh rate of speech, tone of voice, posture, and hand gestures.

E. Pay close attention to how a person smiles as well as other facial movements.

F. Experts advise paying close attention to the micro-expressions that a face cant hide.

G. If a person either speeds up or slows down, chances are youre not hearing the whole truth.

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