
20.The summer Museum in Philadelphia houses one exhibit near the entrance that inspires unmatchable awe.Look closely at the display,and you can see marks left by museum goers pressing their foreheads against the glass.
The object that fascinates them is a small wooden box containing 46 microscope slides,each displaying a slice of Albert Einstein's brain.A magnifying glass positioned over one of the slides reveals a piece of tissue about the size of a stamp.Einstein's brain represents potential,the ability of one exceptional mind,one genius,to catapult ahead of everyone else.
Throughout history rare individuals have stood out for their meteoric contributions to a field.Lady Murasaki for her literary creation.Michelangelo for his masterful touch.Marie Curie for her scientific acuity."The genius,"wrote German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer,"lights on his age like a comet into the paths of the planets."Consider Einstein's impact on physics.With no tools available other than the force of his own thoughts,he predicted in his general theory of relativity that massive accelerating objects---like black holes orbiting each other-would create ripples(波纹)in the fabric of space-time.It took one hundred years,enormous computational power,and massively sophisticated technology to definitively prove him right,with the physical detection of such gravitational waves less than two years ago.
Einstein revolutionized our understanding of the very laws of the universe.But our understanding of how a mind like his works remains stubbornly stagnant.What set his brainpower,his thought processes,apart from those of his merely brilliant peers?What makes a genius?
Philosohers have long been puzzling over the origins of genius.Early Greek thinkers believed an overabundance of black bile-one of proposed by Hippocrates-endowed poets,philosophers,and other famous souls with"extraordinary powers,"says historian Darrin McMahon,author of Divine Fury:A History of Genius.Phrenologists(骨相学家)attempted to find genius in bumps on the head; they collected skulls-including philosopher Immanuel Kant's-which they examined,measured,and weighed.
None of them discovered a single source of genius,and such a thing is unlikely to be found.Genius is too abstract,too subjective,too wedded to the verdict of history to be easily identified.And it requires the ultimate expression of too many features to be simplified into the highest point on one human scale.Instead we can try to understand it by cracking the complex and mixed qualities-intelligence,creativity,perseverance,and simple good fortune,to name a few-that combine to create a person capable of changing the world.

58.Why does the author talk about the"marks"in paragraph ONE?C
A.He is unsatisfied with the untidy environment of the museum
B.He is angry about the disrespect to the exhibit
C.He is about a explain the exhibit's popularity
D.He is amazed at the huge population visiting the museum
59.What can be inferred from Paragraph?C
A.It took Einstein years to prove the existence of gravitational waves.
B.Arthur Schopenhauer was widely acknowledged as a genius in history
C.Einstein made incredible prediction despite lack of sources
D.Geniuses have limited influences just as comets do
60.What is the author most likely to talk about after this passage?B
A.Examples of geniuses who possess such qualities
B.Importance of such qualities in becoming a genius
C.Ways to combine qualities with good fortune
D.Means to make a genius.

分析 本文以爱因斯坦的大脑切片为导入,讨论了人类历史上对于"天才"的探索和研究,究竟是什么造就了天才.

解答 58.C 推理判断题.根据句子 Look closely at the display,and you can see marks left by museum goers pressing their foreheads against the glass.仔细观察显示器,你可以看到博物馆的参观者在玻璃上压额头的痕迹.可见有很多人喜欢看这家博物馆的展览,博物馆很受欢迎,所以答案选C.
59.C 推理判断题. A答案错在引力波是爱因斯坦提出假设,在近几年通过大量计算机等验证进行证明;B答案中Arthur Schopenhauer 是天才的研究者,而文章并无任何证明表示其是广为认可的"天才";D则是对comet一词在文中的意思进行了曲解,在文中的意思不是闪耀时间太短,而是应该解读为天才在其时代是非常耀眼的存在.C选项爱因斯坦做出了令人难以置信的预测.所以答案选C.
60.B 推理判断题.根据句子Instead we can try to understand it by cracking the complex and mixed qualities-intelligence,creativity,perseverance,and simple good fortune,to name a few-that combine to create a person capable of changing the world.相反,我们可以通过破解复杂的、混合的智力、创造力、毅力和简单的好运来理解这一点.这是天才所具备的素质,所以答案选B.

点评 推理判断题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定的推理判断,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义.推理判断题所涉及的内容可能是文中的某一句话,也可能是某几句话,所以,推理题的答案只能是根据原文表面文字信息一步推出的答案:即对原文某一句话或某几句话所作的同义改写或综合.推理判断题的题干中通常含有infer,suggest,imply,conclude  indicate等标志性词语. 这种题型主要包括细节判断题、态度观点推断题、写作意图推断题、文章出处判断题和猜测想象推断题.

17.It has been showed that teachers in UK schools are trying the use of body cameras in class to record bad pupil's behavior.
At least two schools in England have introduced the equipment for constant recording with the agreement of local education authorities.The cameras,worn on teachers'clothing,are set to film all the time but only save encrypted footage(加密镜头)when the record button is pressed,the Times reported.
Teachers are advised to turn on the cameras during incidents in the classroom to deal with"constant low-level interruption",but must give notice before doing so.
The technology is already used by police and some hospital staff as well as crossing-patrol officers.Footage could also be shared with parents to involve them in addressing their children's behavior.Feedback from parents and schools was said to be positive,with teachers praising them as an effective deterrent(震慑).
A survey published on Wednesday questioning teachers on the idea found more than a third would be willing to wear a body camera in the classroom,with many wanting the technology available to help fight with bad behavior from pupils.
Of the people who said they were in favor,about 31.6 percent said they were motivated by teacher and student safety.Among those who were not willing to use the technology,reasons included concerns about their own privacy and that of the children,as well as feeling spied on,or the possibility of misuse by management.
Around two-thirds of the teachers,more than 600 in total,said they feel safer in the classroom if they knew there was a camera recording everything,while 10.9 percent said they could foresee a time when bodycams are compulsory.
Mary Bousted,general secretary at the Association of Teachers and Lectures(ATL),said all schools should be safe places for pupils and staff.

9.If a teacher wants to save the record for later use,he shouldB.
A.give first notice
B.press the record button
C.film with the camera all the time
D.ask for the permission of the students
10.What can we learn from the text?A
A.Some people agree with the idea.
B.None of the parents support the idea.
C.Students are not worried about their private things.
D.All schools have been safe about for teachers and students.
11.What may be the best title for the text?A
A.The Use of Body Cameras in Class
B.Parents'Reactions to Using Cameras
C.How to Record Students'Good Behavior
D.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking Photos.

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