
1.Though they met for the first time,they talked ________they were good friends.(  )
A.even thoughB.if onlyC.as ifD.even if

分析 尽管他们第一次见面,但是他们谈起来像好朋友似的.

解答 答案C.
even if/though  即使; as if 仿佛,好像; if only 但愿.句意:尽管他们第一次见面,但是他们谈起来像好朋友似的.所以 C项为正确答案.

点评 本题考查连词,首先掌握连词的用法与意义,然后需要根据句意作出准确选择.

3.Have you ever had a troubling problem that has left you wondering where to turn for help?
Eve Hobsbawm is a life adviser.She offers advice to people struggling with different kinds of problems,from relationship difficulties to what to cook for dinner.She does this through a website inviting people to email her with their trouble.There's nothing unusual about that,except for the fact that Eve is only eight years old.
This junior problem-solver,who also goes by the name"Miss Eve Mouse",lives in London with her parents.Not only is Miss Mouse willing to lend an ear to her clients(委托人),she will also offer them a helping hand…for a fee of course.She charges between 10 pennies for advice on little,everyday worries and 1 pound for tougher problems.Her areas of expert--if not of experience-are:"Problems about love,life and work-life balance."
A problem shared is a problem halved,but Eve can't always help.A note on the site states that she can't answer questions like"Does space ever end?"and she won't solve"schoolwork-related problems(especially not math)."She explained to the Guardian newspaper that she was inspired to set up the company by her father who runs a tech start-up.Eve said:"As soon as I saw his business and understood the kinds of things businesses do,I thought that's what I'm going to do."But since setting up her company in December she has been so busy with messages that she almost has had no time to do her homework.So she has decided to take a step back for the moment.

21.What is special about Miss Eve Mouse as a life consultant?C
A.She solves problems on a website
B.She invites people to email her
C.She is an eight-year-old girl
D.She charges little for advice
22.The underlined expression"lend an ear to"in Paragraph 3 probably meansA.
A.listen to      B.give her ear to     C.offer help to     D.cheer up
23.You can turn to Miss Eve Mouse ifD.
①you have any question
②you can't finish your homework
③you don't know what to cook for dinner
④you aren't getting along well with your schoolmate
24.What will Miss Eve Mouse probably do next according to the end of the passage?C
A.She will set up a company
B.She won't solve problems for a period
C.She won't solve problems for a period
D.She will step back in front of problems.
20.The summer Museum in Philadelphia houses one exhibit near the entrance that inspires unmatchable awe.Look closely at the display,and you can see marks left by museum goers pressing their foreheads against the glass.
The object that fascinates them is a small wooden box containing 46 microscope slides,each displaying a slice of Albert Einstein's brain.A magnifying glass positioned over one of the slides reveals a piece of tissue about the size of a stamp.Einstein's brain represents potential,the ability of one exceptional mind,one genius,to catapult ahead of everyone else.
Throughout history rare individuals have stood out for their meteoric contributions to a field.Lady Murasaki for her literary creation.Michelangelo for his masterful touch.Marie Curie for her scientific acuity."The genius,"wrote German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer,"lights on his age like a comet into the paths of the planets."Consider Einstein's impact on physics.With no tools available other than the force of his own thoughts,he predicted in his general theory of relativity that massive accelerating objects---like black holes orbiting each other-would create ripples(波纹)in the fabric of space-time.It took one hundred years,enormous computational power,and massively sophisticated technology to definitively prove him right,with the physical detection of such gravitational waves less than two years ago.
Einstein revolutionized our understanding of the very laws of the universe.But our understanding of how a mind like his works remains stubbornly stagnant.What set his brainpower,his thought processes,apart from those of his merely brilliant peers?What makes a genius?
Philosohers have long been puzzling over the origins of genius.Early Greek thinkers believed an overabundance of black bile-one of proposed by Hippocrates-endowed poets,philosophers,and other famous souls with"extraordinary powers,"says historian Darrin McMahon,author of Divine Fury:A History of Genius.Phrenologists(骨相学家)attempted to find genius in bumps on the head; they collected skulls-including philosopher Immanuel Kant's-which they examined,measured,and weighed.
None of them discovered a single source of genius,and such a thing is unlikely to be found.Genius is too abstract,too subjective,too wedded to the verdict of history to be easily identified.And it requires the ultimate expression of too many features to be simplified into the highest point on one human scale.Instead we can try to understand it by cracking the complex and mixed qualities-intelligence,creativity,perseverance,and simple good fortune,to name a few-that combine to create a person capable of changing the world.

58.Why does the author talk about the"marks"in paragraph ONE?C
A.He is unsatisfied with the untidy environment of the museum
B.He is angry about the disrespect to the exhibit
C.He is about a explain the exhibit's popularity
D.He is amazed at the huge population visiting the museum
59.What can be inferred from Paragraph?C
A.It took Einstein years to prove the existence of gravitational waves.
B.Arthur Schopenhauer was widely acknowledged as a genius in history
C.Einstein made incredible prediction despite lack of sources
D.Geniuses have limited influences just as comets do
60.What is the author most likely to talk about after this passage?B
A.Examples of geniuses who possess such qualities
B.Importance of such qualities in becoming a genius
C.Ways to combine qualities with good fortune
D.Means to make a genius.
7.Most children are now working longer hours than their parents with some saving for over 46hours a week,according to a new survey.
The research shows that parents are creating crazy schedules for their children with after school activities in addition to school tasks.This means children are actually working harder than the average parents who only work fro 37.5 hours a week.
The average child already completes 30 hours and 50 minutes a week at school from Monday to Friday,as well as seven hours and 51 minutes of clubs and homework.Actively reading with parents daily takes a further five hours and 49 minutes a week.The Center Parcs study of 2,000 parents also found the average child also helps with housework for up to an hour and 37 minutes each week.
Colin Whaley,marketing director from Center Pares,said,"We made this report to further understand family life and what challenges parents and children are facing and overcoming,so we can always make sure we're offering what they need.What has undoubtedly come out of this is the need for families-parents and children alike-to take time out to relax."
In response to the findings,Center Parcs let child psychologist(心理学家)Dr Sam Wass to develop a Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for free time which needs three hours and 51minutes every day.The RDA provides a variety of free-time activities,which will allow children to use their imagination and develop creative thinking.The RDA really creates the best environment to relax and the best short break possible for children.

29.According to the survey,what problem are most children faced with?D
A.They spend little time in doing homework
B.They spend too much time enjoying after-school activities
C.They have no time to help their parents around the house.
D.They are working more hours than their parents each week
30.It takes children the most time in a weekA
A.to say at school
B.to do housework
C.to read with parents
D.to finish their homework
31.In the opinion of Colin Whaley,B.
A.schools should increase the time of activities
B.both parents and children need spare time to relax
C.parents do right things for their children all the time
D.parents should spend more time keeping children company
32.Who can gain the greatest benefit from the RDA?D
A.Teachers    B.Psychologists.C.Parents      C.Children.
6.Anyone can start an argument,but it takes a strong person to stop the argument.Many people want to be the stronger person,but they often lack the know-how.If for you,the question of how to stop an argument is cooling yourself off and showing your ability to resolve conflict,follow these steps and begin the process of renewing your relationship.
Step One  Take a time-out from the person and the argument.Go and get a cup of coffee,go to the bathroom or take a drive.Do whatever you can to get yourself out of the place where the argument is taking place.Remember not to leave the argument unresolved and walk away; just leave for long enough to cool off and get back together later.
Step Two Plan to finish the argument at a time when you can both be uninterrupted for 30minutes.An uninterrupted 30minutes is long enough for you both to share your feelings and discuss why you feel that way.
Step Three  Think and plan during your time-out so that you're prepared for your meeting when it does take place.Keep yourself from remembering the other person's past mistakes or from making personally pointed attacks.Do this by keping your focus on the issue at hand and always coming back to that issue.
Step Four  Keep the problem between the two of you.Regardless of how badly your feelings are hurt or how much you want to discuss this problem with your other friends,refrain (克制) for the sake of your friendship.Stopping an argument is hard enough with other people getting involved.
Step Five  Be open and honest with one another,be willing to show your vulnerability (脆弱性) and be open to the fact that you may be wrong.No one is right all the time,and your argument is more resolvable if you keep from feeling like you have to defend your every move.
Step Six  Say"I'm sorry"even if you think you're justified in what you said or did.Just hearing those words has a healing effect on every relationship,and most of the time we wound each other without being aware of it.
33.The author's purpose in writing this passage is mainly toB.
A.tell readers how to become a strong man  
B.introduce the steps to resolve conflict
C.tell readers how to cool themselves off  
D.state that arguments are useless in resolving conflict
34.When an argument happens,one of the things you'd better do is toA.
A.have a bath to cool yourself off  
B.leaveand never meet the other again
C.find a friend for help  
D.order the other to shut up
35.Which statement is NOT the author's attitude to resolving conflict?D
A.To admit one's own mistakes.
B.To apologize to the other.
C.To renew the relationship.
D.To attack the other.
11.Next morning,there was no wind and we were half a mile from the eastern coast of the island.Although the sun shone bright and hot,I hated the thought of Treasure Island,afraid of what would happen there.
Guns were given to all the honest men.Hunter,Joyce,and Redruth were told what was happening,and were less surprised than we expected them to be.Then the captain went on deck to talk to the crew.
They all became happier at once.I think they thought they would find the treasure lying around on the beach!After some talk,six men stayed on board,and the others,with Silver,got into the small boats.
I then had the first of the mad ideas that helped to save our lives.If six men were left,we could not take control of the ship; and because only six were left,the captain's men did not need my help.So I quickly went over the ship's side and into the nearest boat.
No one took much notice of me,only one man saying,"Is that you,Jim?"But Silver called from the other boat,wanting to know if it was me.Then I began to worry if I had done the right thing.
The crews rowed to the beach and our boat arrived first.I ran towards the trees.Silver and the rest were a hundred metres behind,and I heard him shouting,"Jim,Jim!"But I took no notice,pushing through trees and bushes,and ran until I could run no longer.
I was pleased to lose Long John and began to enjoy looking around this strange island.I crossed wet ground and came to a long,open piece of sand,then went on to a place where the trees had branches that were thick and close to the sand.
Just then I heard distant voices,Silver's among them,and hid behind a tree.Through the leaves,I saw Long John Silver and another of the crew talking together.
"I'm warning you because I'm your friend,Tom,"Silver was saying.
"Silver,"said Tom."You're old and you're honest,or so men say; and you've money,too,which lots of poor seamen haven't.And you're brave.Why let yourself be led away with that kind of scoundrel?I'd rather die than-"
Suddenly,there was a noise of distant shouting,then a long horrible scream.I had found one honest man here,and that terrible,distant scream told me of another.
"John!"said Tom."What was that?"
"That?"replied Silver.His eyes shone like pieces of broken glass in the sun."That'll be Alan."
"Alan!"cried poor Tom."An honest and true seaman!John Silver,you've been a friend of mine,but for no longer.You've killed Alan,have you?Then kill me,too,if you can!"
The brave man turned his back on Silver and began to walk back to the beach.With a shout,Silver threw his crutch through the air.It hit poor Tom between the shoulders,and he fell to the ground with a cry.

66.Why did all the men become excited when they got close to the island?D
A.The weather was turning rather hot.
B.They could get help on the island.
C.They could go hunting with the guns.
D.Hidden treasures would be uncovered.
67.Jim decided to go into the small boat becauseC.
A.he would rather stay with Silver together
B.the captain and his men didn't like him
C.he sensed danger and decided to escape
D.he knew where the treasure was lying
68.How many persons at least did Silver kill on the island?B
A.One.        B.Two.       C.Four.       D.Six.
69.From the passage we can know thatD.
A.Jim was happy to be on the island
B.Silver treated Tom as a true friend
C.Silver got along well with the men
D.Jim witnessed one of Silver's murders
70.What kind of person is Silver indeed?C
A.Honest and brave.
B.Calm and experienced.
C.Tricky and cruel.
D.Generous and friendly.

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