
H.完形填空[2015 •北京市西城区高三一模]

The most important lesson I learned in high school had nothing to do with maths or American history. It came at graduation, several minutes before I left Miramonte High School.

I was rather shy back then, content to 9 around with my few friends and to concentrate on my 10 I was doing so well that by the end of senior year I had perfect scores and enough 11  to go to college.

But my good record soon became a 12 to my well-be?ing. In early June of senior year, the headmaster called me in?to his office. He asked me to give a leave-taking speech at graduation. I looked at him, my heart 13 fast. This was the 14 for my hard work? I said something, but not very clearly, and hurried away from the office.

I was 15 about the decision, finally agreeing to com?promise. I wasn't the only speaker―I would 16 the hono?ur with five other students. Still, it was doubtful whether the task was 17 me. How in the world would I give a speech to hundreds of people?

Graduation day soon arrived and, as 18 ,1 was nerv?ous. I'd been practising my speech for days, and I had it

19 But I had never been so 20 in my life. The first half hour of the ceremony passed, and then my 21 came. My name was announced. I managed to reach the platform without falling down. But within minutes, I was 22 , heading back to my seat.

Now I still have the 23 of that speech. My voice trembled a little,but 24 it was clear and strong. I'm proud of that tape. I achieved something I'd never 25 I spoke in front of hundreds of people. 26 I didn't realize it at that time, the successful completion of that speech gave me the 27 to participate in class at college, to give oral reports, and to eventually  break free of my 28

I never would have chosen to give a speech at graduation. But I'm glad I did. I know it may well turn out to be one of my shining moments.

9.A.hang                                   B. look
C.walk                                    D. run

10.A,characters                             B. interests
C. games                                  D. subjects

11.A. money                                  B. credits

C.time                                  D.standards

12.A.luck                                B. benefit
C.fear                               D. solution

13.A.burning                              B. breaking
C.aching                                 D. beating

14. A. punishment                        B. reward
C.  arrangement                       D. sympathy

15.A.doubtful                            B. optimistic
C.  generous                            D. hesitant

16. A. share                             B, bring
C.spare                               D. give

17.A.about                               B. for

C .upon                              D.beyond

18.A.known                           B. hoped
C. expected                         D. planned

19. A. thrown                            B. printed

C.  memorized                       D. completed

20.A. interested                         B. terrified

C.  excited                     D. disappointed

21. A. moment                             B. clay

C.  chance                            D. decision

22.A.defeated                         B. stopped
C.cloned                           D. stuck

23.A.picture                       B. tape
C.  paper                          D, word

24. A.partially                        B. immediately

C. frankly                      D. mostly

25.A.dreamed                          B. made

C. decided                         D. requested

26.A.Because                        B. When
C. Although                       D. Unless

27.A.respect                      B. confidence
C. freedom                    D.excuse

28.Ashyness                    B. pride
C. stupidity              D. courage



9.  A根据语境可知,因为要毕业了,作者感到有一种被释放的感觉,所以很满意地到处闲逛。hang around闲逛。

10. D根据前文可知,作者是高中生,所以句中doing well应该是
对功课满意。character性格;interest兴趣;game游戏;subj ect 课程。

11. B根据句意可知,作者得到完美的分数和足够的学分去上大学。money金钱;credit学分;time时间;standard标准。

12. C作者的好分数不久后变成了自己的恐惧。luck运气;benefit 利益;fear害怕;solution解决办法。

13. D作者看着校长,心跳加速。burn燃烧;break打碎,打坏;ache 疼痛;beat打,跳动。

14.  B根据语境可知,校长安排作者发表毕业演讲,应该是对作者

15. D根据前文的not very clearly和后文的finally可知,这里是说作者一开始犹豫不决,doubtful怀疑的;optimistic乐观的;gen?erous 慷慨的;hesitant犹豫不决的。

16.  A根据句意可知,"我"不是唯一的演讲者,"我"还要和其他五位同学分享这个荣誉。share分享;bring带来;spare抽出;give 给予。

17. D根据后文作者问"肖己将如何在数百人面前做演讲"可知,这里作者仍然怀疑这项任务是否超出自己的能力。about关于;for 为了,因为;upon在一…之上;beyond超出,除••••••之外。

18. C根据句意可知,毕业那一天到来了 ,正如预料的那样,"我"很紧张。know知道;hope希望;expect期望;plan计划。

19. C作者这几天一直反复练习演讲而且已经记住了。 throw扔; print印刷imemorize记住;complete完成。

20. B根据语境可知,作者对于要做演讲这件事非常恐惧,所以这里是说自己从来没有如此害怕过。interested感兴趣的;terrified 害怕的;excited感到兴奋的;disappointed失望的。

21. A   moment时刻;clay泥土,黏土;chance机会;decision决定。

22. C根据语境可知,作者由于过于紧张仅仅是复制自己的演讲内容,并没有发挥。defeat击败;stop停止;clone复制;stick坚持。

23. B 一根据后文可知,作者仍然有当时那份演讲的录音带。picture 图画;tape录音带;paper纸;word话,消息。

24. D根据句意可知,作者的声音虽然有点儿颤抖,但是大部分都清晰而有力。partially部分地;immediately立即;frankly坦白地,直率地;mostly大部分地。

25.A 根据句意可知,作者获得了自己从没有梦想过的东西。dream梦想jmake使,制作;decide决定;request要求。


了作者信心。because因为;when当.. 时候;although尽管,虽


27. B根据句意可知,那次演讲给了作者上大学课程、做口头报告的信心。respect尊重;confidence信心;freedom自由;excuse


28. A根据句意可知,最终让作者摆脱了害羞。shyness害羞; pride骄傲;stupidity愚繁;courage勇气。



A [2015 •四川新津中学高三一诊] STEVE EMBER: And I'm Steve Ember with People In America in VOA Special English. Today we remember the singer and actress Lena Home. During her sixty-year per?forming career, Lena Home entertained people with her beauty and rich, emotional voice. She used her fame to fight social injustice towards African Americans.

Lena Home was born in New York. At sixteen, Lena became a dancer at the famous Cotton Club in New York City in 1933. After taking voice lessons, she soon became a sing?er. In 1940, Lena Home became the first African American to perform with an all-white jazz band. After performing at a club in Hollywood, California, she caught the attention of film-makers. She soon began making movies. Her films be?came very popular. In the 1940s, Lena Home was the first African American in Hollywood to sing a long-term contract with a major movie studio. Her deal with MGM stated that she would never play the role of a servant. She refused to play roles that represented African Americans disrespectful-


Lena Home once said that World War [[ helped make her a star. She was popular with both black and white sol?diers. She sang on army radio programmes and travelled to perform for the troops. These experiences led to Lena Home's work in the civil rights movement.

Lena Home sang at civil rights gatherings. She took part in the March on Washington in 1963. It was during this event that Martin Luther King gave his "I have a dream" speech. She protested racial separation at the hotels where she per?formed. She took action so that she and her musicians 

would be allowed to stay in those hotels. Black musicians at the time generally stayed in black neighbourhoods.

At the age of eighty, she said she did not have to act like a white woman that Hollywood hoped she would become. She said, "I'm me, and I'm like nobody else.,,

Lena Home died in New York in 2010.

1.     How old was Lena Home when she died?
A. 93 years old.                        B,  98 years old.
C.  86 years old.                     D.  88 years old.

2.     We can infer from the passage that .


A.     black women were forbidden to perform in the film in the 1940s

B.     Lena Home didn't make any films in the 1960s

C.     Lena Home liked staying in hotels very much

D.     black actresses often played roles of servants in the film in the 1940s

3.     Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?


A.     Lena Home became the first African American in Hollywood in her forties.

B.      Lena Home was a friend of Martin Luther King.

C.      Lena Home was involved in civil rights activities in the 1960s.

D.     Lena Home took an active part in sports activities.

4.     This passage is developed .
A. by space                              B.  by time

C.   by process                      D.   by comparison


A [2015 .山东济南高三模拟]

   If you had a strange sound in your ear, what would you do? One man in Wales who thought he had a fly in his ear called 999, the emergency services number in Britain. And so did a woman who was worried about her green potatoes. Could she make chips with them? Were they poisonous? She didn't hesitate about calling the local ambulance service to ask. According to a recent report, more than 31,000 non-ur?gent calls were made to the Welsh Ambulance Service in the last year.

   Inappropriate calls are a headache for health profession?als everywhere. In the US,prank calls to 911 happen on a dai?ly basis. Many callers use apps which hide their identities. But those who try to be funny shouldn't be surprised if the police have the last laugh. One man from Colorado was arrested for making more than 1,200 prank calls,according to a report on the US television station KOAA-TV.

People who take these calls are trained to stay calm and keep a straight face, no matter how strange the calls sound. "There's no way for us to know whether the call is real,acci?dental or a prank call," said a public safety worker inter?viewed by the American TV channel.

The Head of Clinical Services at the Welsh Ambulance Service, Richard Lee, has a warning for prank callers. He says,"When people misuse the service it means our precious time is being taken away from someone who really does need our help. ” Indeed,these hotlines are supposed to help the se?riously ill or those with a life-threatening injury. You never know,one day,the person who needs assistance could be you or someone in your family.

1.How does the author introduce the topic of the text?

 A.     By giving examples.

B.     By telling a story.

C.     By listing figures.

D.     By making a comparison.

2.  According to the text, prank calls are usually .

 A.     meant to be helpful

B.     dealt with in time

C.     thought highly of

D.     made to play tricks

 3.What does the underlined phrase "have the last laugh" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

 A.     Win at last.

B.     Never find them.

C.     Laugh at them.

D.     Know nothing.

4. What does the author intend to suggest in the text?

 A.     Prank calls are usually easy to identify.

B.     Operators feel annoyed by strange callers.

C.     Prank calls may cause serious results.

D.     Prank callers should be punished by law.

Ⅱ.阅读七选五[20〗5 •银川一中高三第二次模拟〗


Happiness is the only true measure of personal success. Making other people happy is the highest expression of suc?cess. 9 With that in mind, here are some suggestions that will immediately increase the amount of happiness in your life:10

If there's any big truth about life, it's that it usually lives up to your expectations. Therefore, when you rise from bed, make your first thought: "Something wonderful is going to happen today. ,, Guess what? You're probably right.

Take time to plan and prioritize(优先处理).

The most common source of stress is the thought that you've got too much work to do. Rather than worry about it, pick one thing that will move you closer to your highest goal and purpose in life. Then do that first.

Eat high quality food slowly.

 11  Even so, at least once a day try to eat something really delicious, like a small chunk of fine cheese or an imported chocolate. Taste it, focus on it and enjoy it. Let go of your results.

The big enemy of happiness is worry, which comes from focusing on events that are outside your control. Once you've taken action,  there's usually nothing more you can do. 12

End each day with gratitude.

Just before you go to bed, write down at least one won?derful thing that happened. It might be something as small as making a child laugh or something as huge as a million dollar deal. 13

A.     Start each day with expectations.

B.     Give a gift to everyone you meet.

C.     Think about the thing that makes your head hurt.

D.     It's impossible to make others happy if you're not happy.

E.     Whatever it is, be grateful for that day because it will never come again.

F.      Sometimes we can't avoid eating something quickly and running.

G.     Focus on the job at hand rather than some fantasy that might happen.


   "Are you going shopping today?" my husband, Roy, asked when I answered the telephone. "I  to," I said. Thanksgiving was only a couple days away. My money was 10  and I knew I had to be creative in my shopping that day.

   For a few seconds, Roy sat 11 on the other end of the line. The nervousness gradually increased under the wordlessness, which I couldn't wait to break through. "Why do you ask?" I whispered,     12 what he might say.

"Nancy, there's a family with six kids that will not have anything to 13 for Thanksgiving. The little one is only five years old. While you're at the store, could you 14 buy something for them?" My head began to spin when I was thinking about the fifty dollars I had 15 for our family's Thanksgiving dinner.

In the back of my mind I 16 the hungry guests who would be coming to our house for dinner. 1 put my head down on my desk, already feeling 17 There was no way possi?ble, 1 thought. But the compassion (怜悯)I heard in my husband's 18  struck a nerve inside me.

I replied, " 19 , but only if God helps."

I finished my work and 20 all the way to the nearest grocery store. I entered the parking lot and noticed a big 21 in the grocery store window : Turkeys―29 cents a pound. "Thank God!" I said to myself.

  I went inside, but when I read the sign my heart 22 . "Limit one." But I needed at least two so I decided to find the manager. I 23 the problem. He made an exception. To my 24 , I had enough money. I was even able to purchase a package of cookies for the five-year-old child who had 25 my heart, even though I had never met her.

Later that afternoon, Roy and I made a special delivery to a home 26 with children of all ages. I will never forget the  27  on the six kids' faces.

By far, that was the greatest  28 of my life.

9. A. plan                                B. refuse
C. fail                                D. agree

10.A. private                             B. enough
C.  endless                         D. limited

11.  A. nervously                         B. silently
C.  friendly                          D. excitedly

12. A. arranging                          B. receiving
C.  fearing                           D. blaming

13.  A. eat                            B. do
C. pay                                D. say

14.  A. freely                           B. possibly
C.  gently                            D. regularly

15.  A. lent                           B. pulled
C.  hidden                          D. saved

16.  A. invited                         B. organized
C.  counted                         D. connected

17. A. affected                          B. defeated
C.  satisfied                         D. bored

18. A. voice                            B. face
C.   heart                            D. body

19.A. Bad                             B.Poor
C.  Sure                              D. Afraid

20.  A. angered                         B. worried
C.  wondered                         D. prayed

21.  A. flower                          B. sign
C.  book                             D. word

22. A. sank                             B. fell
C. ended                               D. held

23. A. explained                         B. promised
C.  required                         D. corrected

24. A. horror                            B. sadness
C.  credit                             D. surprise

25. . broken                             B. stolen

C.  operated                        D. supported

26. A. covered                          B. shaped
C. filled                              D. made

27. A. sorrow                           B. loneliness
C.  disappointment                D. smiles

28. A. year                             B. season
C.  Thanksgiving                   D. reward

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