
Ⅲ.短文改错[2015 .东北三校高三二联]



     增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A ),并在其下面写出该加的词。




The Magic Tree House series are among the most popu?lar book series ever writing for children. It tells a story of two kids, Jack and his sister Annie, seem to be very excited about finding a tree house in the woods. A tree house is mag?ic and can transport him to various places and various times in history. It turned out that King Arthur from Camelot needs help. However, Jack's head librarians, Morgan le Fay, sends him and Annie to help. They end up go to many different places and time periods through history on their adventures which attract to readers a lot. The series so far has had over 40 books and is likely to grow.


The Magic Tree House series are among the most popular book

series ever writing for children. It tells a story of two kids, Jack and written

his sister Annie,    A   seem to be very excited about finding a tree who

house in the woods.   A  tree house is magic and can transport him The them to various places and various times in history. It turned out that King


Arthur from Camelot needs help.        However     , Jack's head


librarians, Morgan le Fay, sends him and Annie to help. They end up librarian

go to many different places and time periods through history on going

their adventures which attract 、 readers a lot. The series so far has had over 40 books and is likely to grow.



A [2015 .洛阳高三二模] One winter, my cousin and I were playing toy blocks in the yard. My mum was out for shopping to get groceries and my dad was asleep upstairs in his room. Suddenly, it started to snow. First it was just a little. But then it started to pour heavily.

 Then, we put the finishing touches to our blocks and headed back inside. Right when I opened the sliding glass door, my cousin fell down on the slippery wooden stairs. I let go of the door, my worst mistake, you see. The door locks automatically ? but I had put a rock right next to the door so it wouldn't close. But while I was running to my cousin's aid, I'd accidentally kicked the rock.

Now, my cousin and I were locked outside. And unfor?tunately it started to get really windy. It was really freezing with the snow. First we started to call my dad, but he was sleeping soundly. I mean he was sleeping through a tornado soundly. It was of no use.

 Then I tried to climb over the fence but it didn't work be?cause the fence was iced up by snow and wind, and the fence was six feet high. So, I climbed up to my tree house and brainstormed some ideas on ways to get in. At one point, I was seriously considering jumping out of the tree house and use the trampoline(蹦床)to jump over the fence.

   So, we got to work. First, I took out the trampoline. Then I started to jump. First try―I almost cracked my head. Second try―this time I convinced my cousin to do it but at the last second, he chickened out. Third try―I jumped and missed but at the last second, my hand caught the fence, and with a lot of pushing I finally climbed over the fence and luck?ily, I fell on a big snowdrift.

  Finally, my mum came back. Then I got inside and un?locked the door for my cousin to get in. Then we shared this story with my mum and dad.

1.When the author wanted to jump in, the main problem was that .


A.    the fence was icy

B.     the fence was slippery and high

C.     the trampoline couldn't bear the weight

D.    the trampoline was too small

2. The attitude of the author's cousin towards jumping on the trampoline seems .

A. passive                        B. positive

C. indifferent                      D. objective

3. The underlined words " chickened out" in Paragraph 5 most probably mean " ".

A. fell down                     B.cried out

C. jumped up                     D. backed out

 4. Which would be the best title of the text?


A.     Climbing fence in the snow

B.     An adventure in the yard

C.     Friendship produces pleasure

D.     We are independent


A  [2015'东北三校二联] The stories we share with one another are important. They show wisdom and provide inspiration. They are impor?tant to our development. But sometimes people choose not to tell.

Consider the negative effects of not sharing a story in the news: people are wondering if public health officials are hold?ing back too much information about the recent outbreak of Ebola.

There is a danger in holding back stories that ought to be told. Bobette Buster said it like this, "The fact is history has shown us that stories not told can become like dangerous ge-nies(妖怪,精灵)left in a bottle. When they are finally un?corked, their power to destroy is set free."

  There are a number of reasons why we hide parts of our stories: they often show our weaknesses or expose our disad?vantages; they require courage and strength to share; and of course, there are some stories that should be kept secret―es?pecially those that embarrass someone else.

Most of us have two selves : the one we display on the outside and the one we actually are on the inside. And the better we get at hiding the stories that show our true selves, the more damage we may be causing to ourselves and to others.

Honesty and openness is important : it proves we are trustworthy. It displays we are human. We are not perfect or better. It highlights the importance of hard work and person?al development. Hard work may not allow us to overcome our disadvantages completely. But with hard work, we do not have to be restricted to our mistakes.

Does this mean we admit every weakness, every disad?vantage, and every secret regret to everybody we meet? No, of course not. There is a time and a place and a certain level of relationship necessary for some stories to be told in an appropriate manner.

1.What's the function of the example in Paragraph 2?


A.     It reflects that people are concerning about the spread of Ebola.

B.     It shows the bad effect caused by sharing a story.

C.     It proves not sharing a story can cause trouble.

D.     It concludes that one should share a story at a proper time.

2.One of the reasons why people are unwilling to share ex?periences is that .


A.     sharing stories highlights the importance of hard work

B.     people are used to exposing their weaknesses

C.     people sometimes have no courage to share their sto?ries

D.   some stories make themselves feel uneasy

3.Which is close in meaning to the underlined word "uncork?ed" in Paragraph 3?


A.     Freed.

B.     Broken.

C.     Unfolded.

D.     Untouched.

4.The writer aims to convince us to .


A.     be open to people close to you by sharing some secrets

B.     share stories appropriately for the good of others and ourselves

C.     remove the dangers that can be caused by untold stories

D.     realize the importance of being honest when making friends

B [2015*山西太原高三模拟]

Whether it is Mozart or Miley, your choice of music could determine whether you will perform well at your job.

A new study suggests that listening to music in the office improves the speed and accuracy of tasks such as data entry, proofreading and problem-solving.

In an office-based experiment, 88 per cent of the partici?pants were found to produce their most accurate work when listening to music.

The study also found that 81 per cent of the participants completed their fastest work when music was played.

And it matters what type of music you listen to. For in?stance, if you're doing your tax returns, then classical music is the most effective as it improves maths skills.

Listening to Jessie J or Justin Bieber could also improve your speed, with 58 per cent of the participants completing data entry tasks faster while listening to pop songs.

During proofreading , dance music , such as David Guetta, had the biggest positive impact on participants in?creasing their speed by 20 per cent compared to tests under?taken with no music at all.

Dance music also had a positive effect on spellchecking with a 75 per cent pass rate compared to 68 per cent when no music was played at all.

The research, undertaken by Brighton-based Mindlab In?ternational, suggests that silent offices may be the least pro?ductive.

"The Music Works experiment revealed a positive corre?lation between music and productivity. Overall, it showed that when listening to music, nine out of ten people per?formed better," said Dr David Lewis, chairman of Mindlab International.

5.Whose music can help you do maths homework according to the study?

A.     The music of Justin Bieber.

B.     The music of Mozart.

C.     The music of David Guetta.

D.     The music of David Lewis.

6. Which of the following is NOT mentioned according to the passage?


A.     Music can make you relaxed.

B.     Music can help you enter data faster.

C.     Music can improve maths skills.

D.     Music has a positive effect on spellchecking.

7.The result of the experiment showed that when music was
played, _________ .


A.     88% of people worked faster

B.     81 % of people did their most accurate work

C.     90% of people worked better

D.     75 % of people completed data entry task faster

8. What can we conclude from the passage?


A.     Music may be helpless to people in offices.

B.     Silent offices can make people work better.

C.     Different kinds of music have the same effect.

D.     Silent offices may make people work least profitably.

B [2015 •安徽合肥高三二检]

Severely disabled people may soon be able to use their noses to write, drive a wheelchair or surf the Internet, thanks to a device(装置)developed by doctors in Israel.

The device will be used by breathing in and out through the nose, according to a study. Healthy people who tested the device quickly learned to play computer games and write sentences by sniffing. Encouraged by the results, the re?searchers decided to test their device on people who are para?lysed (雜 疾的) but whose intelligence remains normal. Ten paralysed people who tested the device quickly learned to use their noses to write words, open a web page, copy words and put them into a search engine.

With their success in helping severely disabled people to communicate, the researchers decided to make use of the new technology to design an electric wheelchair to be driven by sniffs.

Ten healthy people easily mastered sniff-driving a wheel?chair through a maze, and a 30-year-old man who had been paralysed from the neck down for six years was as good a sniff-driver as the healthy participants at his second attempt. In other words, a paralysed person could use the sniff con?troller to drive an electric wheelchair.

At the moment, sniff-controlled technology is still in the stage of development, and the Weizmann Institute of Science has already applied for a patent on the device. "I'll be very happy if it can help us to make money, but the real problem is that I hope someone will develop it, because this would help a lot of people," said Sobel, one of the lead researchers of the study.

4.What's the purpose of the passage?

 A.     To introduce a new invention.

B.     To equip the disabled with life skills.

C.     To show the nose's special functions.

D.     To instruct doctors to apply for a patent.

5.In the test, the paralysed people with normal intelligence can use their noses to .

 A.     type long sentences quickly

B.     play computer games easily

C.      enter a website without much difficulty

D.     communicate with others successfully

 6.With the help of the sniffing device, a 30-year-old disabled man_________ .

 A.     spent six years learning how to drive a wheelchair

B.     failed to drive through the maze at his first attempt

C.     took the wheelchair controlled by healthy participants

D.     managed to drive an electric wheelchair by sniffing

7.From the last paragraph* we can infer that the sniff-con-trolled technology___________ .

 A.     will be applied to other fields of research

B.      needs further developing to serve more people

C.      has become a patent invention

 D.   shows the wisdom and talents of Israeli doctors

H.完形填空[2015 •北京市西城区高三一模]

The most important lesson I learned in high school had nothing to do with maths or American history. It came at graduation, several minutes before I left Miramonte High School.

I was rather shy back then, content to 9 around with my few friends and to concentrate on my 10 I was doing so well that by the end of senior year I had perfect scores and enough 11  to go to college.

But my good record soon became a 12 to my well-be?ing. In early June of senior year, the headmaster called me in?to his office. He asked me to give a leave-taking speech at graduation. I looked at him, my heart 13 fast. This was the 14 for my hard work? I said something, but not very clearly, and hurried away from the office.

I was 15 about the decision, finally agreeing to com?promise. I wasn't the only speaker―I would 16 the hono?ur with five other students. Still, it was doubtful whether the task was 17 me. How in the world would I give a speech to hundreds of people?

Graduation day soon arrived and, as 18 ,1 was nerv?ous. I'd been practising my speech for days, and I had it

19 But I had never been so 20 in my life. The first half hour of the ceremony passed, and then my 21 came. My name was announced. I managed to reach the platform without falling down. But within minutes, I was 22 , heading back to my seat.

Now I still have the 23 of that speech. My voice trembled a little,but 24 it was clear and strong. I'm proud of that tape. I achieved something I'd never 25 I spoke in front of hundreds of people. 26 I didn't realize it at that time, the successful completion of that speech gave me the 27 to participate in class at college, to give oral reports, and to eventually  break free of my 28

I never would have chosen to give a speech at graduation. But I'm glad I did. I know it may well turn out to be one of my shining moments.

9.A.hang                                   B. look
C.walk                                    D. run

10.A,characters                             B. interests
C. games                                  D. subjects

11.A. money                                  B. credits

C.time                                  D.standards

12.A.luck                                B. benefit
C.fear                               D. solution

13.A.burning                              B. breaking
C.aching                                 D. beating

14. A. punishment                        B. reward
C.  arrangement                       D. sympathy

15.A.doubtful                            B. optimistic
C.  generous                            D. hesitant

16. A. share                             B, bring
C.spare                               D. give

17.A.about                               B. for

C .upon                              D.beyond

18.A.known                           B. hoped
C. expected                         D. planned

19. A. thrown                            B. printed

C.  memorized                       D. completed

20.A. interested                         B. terrified

C.  excited                     D. disappointed

21. A. moment                             B. clay

C.  chance                            D. decision

22.A.defeated                         B. stopped
C.cloned                           D. stuck

23.A.picture                       B. tape
C.  paper                          D, word

24. A.partially                        B. immediately

C. frankly                      D. mostly

25.A.dreamed                          B. made

C. decided                         D. requested

26.A.Because                        B. When
C. Although                       D. Unless

27.A.respect                      B. confidence
C. freedom                    D.excuse

28.Ashyness                    B. pride
C. stupidity              D. courage

B [2015 •湖北八校高三第二次联考〗Imagine a house that keeps itself warm in the winter?time. Think of the savings in terms of fuel bills and unfriend?ly emissions. Such houses in fact exist, called "passive hou?ses". The concept of these highly energy-efficient buildings took root in the 1990s, before slowly consolidating as a niche construction (生态位构建)concept in the 2000s. Are passive houses now actively moving into the mainstream as sustain?able buildings?

For Brian McGarry, an economics lecturer who built a family house based on passive housing criteria in the Pyrenees this year, the arguments look convincing. As his first full winter in the low energy house draws in, we asked him to keep us informed. Do passive houses work?

I had never heard of a passive house in February 2012, when I purchased a plot of land. Nor did I expect that I would be persuaded to build a pre-constructed , custom-designed house based on energy-efficient passive house criteria. It promised to be easier and quicker to build, cheaper to run, and more comfortable to live in. The objective was to incor?porate the fundamental concepts of passive energy manage?ment into my project: an airtight and highly insulated build?ing envelope; large south-facing double or triple-glazed win?dows (if possible, filled with argon gas) that passively cap?ture the energy of the sun; a heat recovery ventilation(通风设备)system to provide fresh air; and a simple, low-cost heat?ing system consisting of a modern wood-burning stove, a bathroom heater and a portable radiator backup for when the sun doesn't shine and temperatures decline. No significant limitations were placed on the design, and it had excellent en?vironmental credentials (认证).Moreover, the cost was no more than a conventional build.

After six months in use, the house is proving to be both cheap to run and remarkably comfortable—staying cool in the hot summer was effortless, as long as the windows were shuttered or shaded from the sun. Now staying warm in the cold, high-altitude December climate also seems easy, so far.

Winter arrived in force in the Pyrenees in November, with abundant snowfalls and temperatures as low as minus 8° Celsius. Though early days, the house has responded well : the stove is lit during cold evenings but the portable radiator has not yet been needed. This type of construction seems not only to make economic and environmental sense, but to en?hance our quality of life, too.

5.We can learn from Paragraph 1  that passive houses

 A.     consume extra energy to keep warm in winter and cool in summer

B.     had been introduced for a decade before the birth of the theory

C.     appeal to both the self-builders and those constructors

D.     refer to a certain house comfortable, costly and also pleasing

6.Regarding the passive energy management, the houses have characteristics EXCEPT •

 A.     using south-facing windows to take in solar energy

B.     providing energy for taking a shower when it's rainy

C.     supplying fresh air with a special heat recovery system

D.     placing more demands and restrictions on the design

7. How did Brian McGarry find his self-built passive house? 

A. Very unaffordable.       B. Energy-consuming.

C. Comfortable to live in.      D. Awkward to use.

8. What is the writer's attitude towards the passive house?
A. Supportive.                B. Critical.

C.  Oppositive.               D. "Doubtful.

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