8£®¼ÙÈçÄãÊǸßÈýѧÉúÀ£¬ÆÚÄ©»ñÆÀÄ꼶"½ø²½Ö®ÐÇ"£®ÄãУӢÓï¾ãÀÖ²¿ÑûÇëÄã×öÒ»¸öÀøÖ¾µÄÓ¢ÓïÑݽ²£®Çëдһƪ±êÌâΪ£º"Time And Tide Wait For No Man"£¨»ú²»¿Éʧ£¬Ê±²»ÔÙÀ´£©µÄÑݽ²´Ê£¬ÄÚÈÝÐë°üÀ¨£º1£®Äã¶Ô¸Ã¸ñÑÔµÄÀí½â¸ÐÎò£»
4£®²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£º½ø²½Ö®ÐÇ£º"Star of Progress"
Dear fellow students£¬
It's my great honor to be invited here to give a speech£®The topic of my speech today is"Time and tide wait for no man"£®
That's all£®Thank you!
·ÖÎö ±¾ÆªÊéÃæ±í´ïÊôÓÚÌá¸Ù×÷ÎÄ£¬¸ù¾ÝÌáʾдһƪÑݽ²¸å£®Ð´×÷ʱעÒâÒÔϼ¸µã£º1¡¢×ÐϸÔĶÁÓйØÌáʾ£¬ÅªÇåÊÔÌâÌṩµÄËùÓÐÐÅÏ¢£¬Ã÷È·Òªµã¾ÍÊÇÖ÷ÒªÄÚÈÝ£®2¡¢Ìá¸ÙÊÇÎÄÕµÄ×ÜÌå¿ò¼Ü£¬ÒªÔÚÌá¸ÙµÄ·¶Î§ÄÚ½øÐзÖÎö¡¢¹¹Ë¼ºÍÏëÏ󣬰´ÕÕÒ»¶¨Âß¼¹ØϵÀ´Ð´£®±¾ÎÄд×÷ʱ¿ÉÒÔ°´ÕÕÌáʾµÄÈý¸ö·½Ã棨1£®Äã¶Ô¸Ã¸ñÑÔµÄÀí½â¸ÐÎò£»2£®ÌåÏָøñÑÔº¬ÒåµÄ¸öÈ˾Àú£»3£®±í´ï¶ÔÆäËûͬѧµÄÏ£Íû£®£©µÄÄÚÈݽøÐнéÉÜ£®3¡¢¸ù¾ÝÒª±í´ïµÄÄÚÈÝÈ·¶¨¾ä×ÓµÄʱ̬¡¢Óï̬£»¾Í±¾ÎĶøÑÔÓ¦¸ÃÖ÷ÒªÓÃÒ»°ãÏÖÔں͹ýȥʱ£¬È˳ÆΪµÚÒ»È˳ƣ®4£®×¢ÒâʹÓø߼¶´Ê»ãºÍ¾äʽ£¬ÒÔÔö¼ÓÎÄÕµÄÁÁµã£®
¡¾ÁÁµã˵Ã÷¡¿±¾ÎĽṹ½ô´Õ£¬²ã´Î·ÖÃ÷£¬¶øÇÒʹÓÃÁ˶àÖÖ¾äʽºÍ½á¹¹£®±ÈÈçRealizing that¡£¬which Òýµ¼µÄ±öÓï´Ó¾ä£¬¸´ºÏ½á¹¹with Gaokaodrawing near£®´ËÍ⻹ÓжÌÓïafford to¡¢made great progressºÍbe content withµÈµÄʹÓã®Á¬´Êas£¬and£¬so ʹÎÄÕÂÄÚÈݸü¾ßÓвã´Î¸Ð£¬Ò²Ê¹ÓïÑÔ¸ü¼ÓÁ¬¹á£®
½â´ð Dear fellow students£¬
It's my great honor to be invited here to give a speech£®The topic of my speech today is"Time and tide wait for no man"£®
In my understanding£¬the proverb means that if we allow the invaluable time to waste£¬it never comes back to you£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©As a Senior Three student£¬time is limited for study£¬so none can afford to waste time£®£¨¸ñÑÔµÄÀí½â¸ÐÎò£©I still remember I slipped away the golden time in playing two years ago£¬as a consequence of which I fell far behind others£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©Realizing that opportunity seldom knocks twice£¬I seized every moment to study£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£©Gradually I made great progress and was awarded the honorable title of"Star of Progress"£®£¨¸öÈ˾Àú£©Dear fellows£¬with Gaokao drawing near£¬we should not be content with what we have done£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍËÄ£©Value your time from now on and it will bring you benefits£®£¨±í´ï¶ÔÆäËûͬѧµÄÏ£Íû£©
That's all£®Thank you!
µãÆÀ Ó¢Óïд×÷ÊÇÒ»ÏîÖ÷¹ÛÐÔ½ÏÇ¿µÄ²âÊÔÌ⣮Ëü²»½ö¿¼²éѧÉúµÄд×÷»ù´¡¶øÇÒ»¹¿¼²éѧÉúÔÚд×÷¹ý³ÌÖÐ×ÛºÏÔËÓÃÓïÑÔµÄÄÜÁ¦£®ÔÚ׫дʱҪעÒâÖ÷νÓïÒ»Ö£¬Ê±Ì¬ºôÓ¦£¬ÓôÊÌùÇеȣ®ÒªÌá¸ßÓ¢Óïд×÷ˮƽ£¬ÐèÒªÁ½·½ÃæµÄѵÁ·£ºÒ»ÊÇÓïÑÔ»ù´¡·½ÃæµÄѵÁ·£¬ÒªÓÐÔúʵµÄÔì¾ä¡¢·ÒëµÈ»ù±¾¹¦£¬¼´Óôʷ¨¡¢¾ä·¨µÈ֪ʶÔì³öÕýÈ·ÎÞÎóµÄ¾ä×Ó£»¶þÊÇд×÷֪ʶºÍÄÜÁ¦ ·½ÃæµÄѵÁ·ÒÔÕÆÎÕд×÷·½ÃæµÄ»ù±¾·½·¨ºÍ¼¼ÇÉ£®

A£® | had set up | B£® | sets up | C£® | would set up | D£® | set up |
Making connections This technique involves taking£¨54£©Bideas and trying to find links between them£®First£¬think about the problem you have to solve or the job you need to do£®Then find an image£¬word£¬idea or object£¬for example£¬a candle£®Write down all the idea/words£¨55£©Dwith candles£ºlight£¬fire£¬matches£¬wax£¬night£¬silence£¬etc£®Think of as many as you can£®The next stage is to relate the£¨56£©Ato the job you have to do£®So imagine you want to but a friend an original£¨57£©C£» you could buy him tickets to match or take him out for the night£®
NO limits!Imagine that normal limitations don't£¨58£©C£®You have as much time/space/money£¬etc£®as you want£®Think about your goal and the new£¨59£©A£®If your goal is to learn to ski£¬£¨60£©D£¬you can now practise skiing every day of your life £¨because you have the time and the money£©£®Now £¨61£©B this to reality£®Maybe you can practise skiing ever day in December£¬or every Monday in January£®
Be someone else!Look at the situation from a £¨62£©Cpoint of view£®Good businessmen use this technique in trade£¬and so do writes£®Fiction writers often imagine they are the£¨63£©Din their books£®They ask question£ºWhat does this character want£¿Why can't she get it£¿What changes must she make to get what she wants£¿If your goal involves other people£¬put yourself in their£¨65£©A£®The best fishermen think like fish!
50£®A£®wrong | B£®unbelievable | C£®reasonable | D£®realistic |
51£®A£®put up with | B£®catch up with | C£®make use of | D£®keep track of |
52£®A£®equipped | B£®compared | C£®covered | D£®connected |
53£®A£®skillfully | B£®routinely | C£®vividly | D£®deeply |
54£®A£®familiar | B£®unrelated | C£®creative | D£®imaginary |
55£®A£®presented | B£®marked | C£®lit | D£®associated |
56£®A£®ideas | B£®ambitions | C£®achievement | D£®technique |
57£®A£®experience | B£®service | C£®present | D£®object |
58£®A£®work | B£®last | C£®exist | D£®change |
59£®A£®possibilities | B£®limitations | C£®tendency | D£®practice |
60£®A£®in fact | B£®in particular | C£®as a whole | D£®for example |
61£®A£®devote | B£®adapt | C£®lead | D£®keep |
62£®A£®private | B£®global | C£®different | D£®practical |
63£®A£®positions | B£®dreams | C£®images | D£®directions |
64£®A£®positions | B£®dreams | C£®images | D£®directions |

Born with no right leg£¬Robles said when he first started wrestling£¬his £¨37£©C were afraid they would hurt him£®While some people might have £¨38£©A his decision to take on the sport£¬he said his family was a huge £¨39£©C of support and encouragement£®"They £¨40£©B me from a young age that I could do whatever I £¨41£©D my mind to£¬"he said£®
While the physical aspects of the sport might seem to be the most £¨42£©B part for many athletes£¬at one £¨43£©A in his college career Robles said he realized he needed to be mentally £¨44£©C£®After finishing seventh in a national match in his junior year£¬not nearly as well as he had hoped£¬he knew he had to do £¨45£©D£®
"I took a £¨46£©from wrestling for a little while£¬"he said£®"I was burnt out£®I let all the £¨47£©A get to me£®I decided to walk away all summer£®I didn't wrestle£®I just lifted weights£®That really just helped me to mentally £¨48£©Cto the sport----the sport that I love so much£®
Last week£¬Robles took part in his last college match£®At the end of the match£¬he had £¨49£©C national champion£¬Matt McDonough£¬7-1£®Robles won the Championship£®
While some people have £¨50£©B the idea of going to the Olympics£¬the Arizona State University senior says his wrestling career is over£®He's ready for the next £¨51£©D in his life£®
I've had a £¨52£©A time with wrestling£®I love the sport£¬but I think it's time to move on£®I've done £¨53£©D I set out to do£®I can finish on top£®I really want to be able to £¨54£©B now and help other people achieve things in their lives that others might say are £¨55£©C£¬"he said£®
36£®A£®difficulty | B£®hobby | C£®study | D£®career |
37£®A£®friends | B£®relatives | C£®opponents | D£®colleagues |
38£®A£®questioned | B£®followed | C£®approved | D£®persuaded |
39£®A£®power | B£®cause | C£®source | D£®pleasure |
40£®A£®forced | B£®taught | C£®corrected | D£®warned |
41£®A£®designed | B£®prepared | C£®corrected | D£®set |
42£®A£®obvious | B£®challenging | C£®interesting | D£®meaningful |
43£®A£®point | B£®circle | C£®angle | D£®corned |
44£®A£®clearer | B£®easier | C£®tougher | D£®better |
45£®A£®anything | B£®nothing | C£®everything | D£®something |
46£®A£®breathe | B£®break | C£®departure | D£®throw |
47£®A£®pressure | B£®emotion | C£®energy | D£®worry |
48£®A£®get down | B£®get away | C£®get back | D£®get over |
49£®A£®struck | B£®threatened | C£®defeated | D£®protected |
50£®A£®recognized | B£®suggested | C£®suspected | D£®explained |
51£®A£®content | B£®passage | C£®paragraph | D£®chapter |
52£®A£®great | B£®natural | C£®careful | D£®traditional |
53£®A£®which | B£®that | C£®where | D£®what |
54£®A£®turn over | B£®turn around | C£®show off | D£®pay off |
55£®A£®disappointing | B£®ridiculous | C£®impossible | D£®impolite |
Two years ago£¬Shirley£¬wife£¬mother and doctor£¬found herself worn out£®She got up earlier£¬and went to bed later£¬just to meet everyday£¨41£©B£¬but lacked£¨42£©Afor the
things that mattered most£®She and her husband£¬a lawyer£¬began searching for ways to£¨43£©Ctheir lives£®"We had to decide what was really £¨44£©A"says Shirley£®They knew they wanted more time to£¨45£©Dwith their three-year-old son£¬to exercise and eat right£¬and
to develop friendship£®So the couple chose to live more simply£¬shopping with care
for necessities and enjoying inexpensive£¨46£©Csuch as reading£¬cooking and going to the park£®
Then Shirley£¨47£©Dher job and began working part time£®She printed business cards
That£¨48£©B"At your service£¬buy£¨49£©Ba little time"and helped clients with personal tasks
like shopping£¬paying bills and£¨50£©Aparties£®"I still work hard£¬but being able to control my hours makes a£¨51£©C£¬"she says£¬"I can spare time to take my son to the£¨52£©Dor play
basketball with him£®My stress and headaches are£¨53£©B£®"Shirley and her husband are£¨54£©Calone in wanting to£¨55£©Aand live a satisfying life£®A survey found that 54 percent of parents say they have little time with their children£¬and 47 percent of married couples£¨56£©Dthat they lack time together£®£¨57£©Cdoes the time go£¿
For most people£¬£¨58£©Aand commuting take up most of the day£®Simplifying meansbecoming£¨59£©Bof the ways we use money£¬we have to gain£¨60£©Dover life and have time
for the pleasures£®
41£®A£®activities | B£®demands£® | C£®services | D£®exercises |
42£®A£®time | B£®strength | C£®money | D£®ability |
43£®A£®lead | B£®adapt | C£®simplify | D£®consider |
44£®A£®important | B£®interesting | C£®hard | D£®comfortable |
45£®A£®study | B£®help | C£®meet | D£®play |
46£®A£®tasks | B£®places | C£®pleasures | D£®goods |
47£®A£®found | B£®received | C£®took | D£®quitted |
48£®A£®wrote | B£®read | C£®showed | D£®told |
49£®A£®us | B£®yourself | C£®children | D£®herself |
50£®A£®organizing | B£®attending | C£®having | D£®going |
51£®A£®life | B£®result | C£®difference | D£®balance |
52£®A£®office | B£®hospital | C£®school | D£®park |
53£®A£®better | B£®gone | C£®strong | D£®obvious |
54£®A£®much too | B£®a bit | C£®far from | D£®more than |
55£®A£®slow down | B£®settle down | C£®take off | D£®keep pace |
56£®A£®expect | B£®doubt | C£®imagine | D£®complain |
57£®A£®How | B£®When | C£®Where | D£®Why |
58£®A£®working | B£®reading | C£®shopping | D£®traveling |
59£®A£®afraid | B£®aware | C£®proud | D£®sure |
60£®A£®value | B£®experience | C£®success | D£®control |