
12.I stayed for a while in Costa Rica years ago.One morning I was shopping in a local farmers mar-ket.I loved that market.The selection of produce was exceptional!
    I had parked my car a few blocks away at Firestone.An hour into my shopping,I reached in my purse for my phone.I dug around searching and searching…no phone!
    I had butterflies in my stomach since the zipper(拉链) was not zipped on my bag and perhaps my phone fell out or got picked up by wondering hands.
    I went around to all the venders (摊主) I had visited asking if they had come across a lost iPhone.
But no such luck.
    Disappointed,I walked out of the market with all my fresh organic produce.In front of me was an older lady walking slowly with a heavy bag in each hand.I observed many people passing her.At first I thought of doing the same,as I was worried about my phone.But then I heard a voice in my heart say-ing"help her".
        In Spanish,I asked the old lady if I could give her a hand.She gladly handed me a bag and we walked on.She was probably in her late 70s and the bag I took from her was full of produce.She asked about my family and my job.My Sparush was far from perfect.I tried to explain to her but I was not sure whether she understood.
    As we came to a street comer,we had to walk in opposite directions.My mind wondered for a mo-ment and then I decided to go on helping the lady.I saw a warm smile of gratefulness on her face,
which also warmed my own heart.
    After a few more blocks we came to her destination.I couldn't imagine her walking so far with two heavy bags all alone!
     I walked all the way back to my car at Firestone.I unlocked my door and sitting between the seats right in view was my iPhone!
21.Why did the author prefer the local farmers market?D
A.The venders were very friendly.
B.The market was near her home.
C.The produce was inexpensive.
D.The produce was of good quality.
22.When did the author find her iPhone missing?A
A.After she had shopped for an hour       
B.When she was paying for her produce.
C.After she had parked her car at Firestone.
D.When she was walking into the market.
23.What prevented the author communicating smoothly with the old lady?C
A.The old lady's accent.
B.The old lady's age.
C.The author's poor Spanish.
D.Their different cultures.
24.What kind of person is the author?B
A.Warm-hearted and clever.
B.Kind but careless.
C.Religious and helpful.
D.Smart but thoughtless.

分析 本文属于记叙文阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了他的一次购物经历,他认为这个农贸市场的产品的质量很好,但是在购物一个小时之后他发现因为他的粗心而使自己的手机丢了,在离开市场时作者帮助一个拎了很多东西的老妇人,作者做的好事不仅温暖了老妇人也温暖了他自己的心.

解答 21.D  推理判断题,根据第一段One morning I was shopping in a local farmers mar-ket.I loved that market.The selection of produce was exceptional!可知作者更喜欢当地的农贸市场是因为那的产品质量良好,故选D.
22.A  细节理解题,根据第二段An hour into my shopping,I reached in my purse for my phone.I dug around searching and searching…no phone!可知 作者是在购物一个小时之后发现她的手机不见了,故选A.
23.C  细节理解题,根据第六段My Sparush was far from perfect.I tried to explain to her but I was not sure whether she understood.可知作者没能与老妇人顺利沟通是因为他的西班牙语很差,故选C.
24.B  细节理解题,根据第三段I had butterflies in my stomach since the zipper(拉链) was not zipped on my bag and perhaps my phone fell out or got picked up by wondering hands.可知作者的拉链没有拉上,他是一个很粗心的人,根据第五段But then I heard a voice in my heart say-ing"help her".可知作者心理想要去帮助这个老妇人,他是善良的,故选B.

点评 考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

2.Dear Abby,
I am a very  conservative woman.I don't drink,dance,wear makeups or pants.I enjoy the company of friends despite(尽管)our differences and thought they enjoyed mine.
On our most recent outing,however,they laughed at my religious jewelry,commented on my"lack of fashion,"and made me feel guilty for not wanting to stay out late.
Despite this,they are great friends and would help me at the drop of a hat.I don't bring up their being overweight,or that I think some of the clothes they wear are ugly.I don't criticize them for sleeping around.I wish they would accept me for who I am.
I am considering not going out with them the next time they ask,but I don't really want it to come to that.Any suggestions?
-Just an Old-Fashioned Girl
Dear Old-Fashioned Girl,
Just this:It's time for you to start cultivating relationships with people whose values are more like your own.The friends you have described may be lovely,but their comments were out of line and folks are known by the company they keep.If you spend a lot of time with the women you have described,people will begin to make assumptions(臆断) about you.

60.The underlined word"conservative"is closest in meaning toB.
61.When did Old-fashioned Girl feel guilty?C
A.When her friends stayed out late.
B.When she stayed out late with her friends.
C.When she refused her friends'request to stay out late.
D.When her friends refused her to stay out late with them.
62.Which of the following could Old-fashioned Girl most possibly agree to?C
A.It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.
B.Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.
C.The friend is the one who knows all about you,and still likes you.
D.True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable.
63.According to Abby,it's a good idea for Old-fashioned Girl toD.
A.talk with her friends
B.understand her friends
C.forgive her friends
D.break up with her friends.
In my last semester in university,we must take the graduation exams.The last exam was the English linguistics.Many of my classmates would cheat in exams.I hadn't done it before.For this,sometimes my friends were surprised and laughed at me.When I felt it very difficult to remember the phonetics form,I finally gave up reviewing it and decided to try to cheat in this exam.I was too lazy to write it down on smaller paper.Therefore I directly cut the phonetics form away from the handouts.
At the very beginning of the exam,I was so sad to find that there were 30-point questions about the phonetics form on the exam paper but suddenly I felt lucky because the phonetics form was just hidden in my pocket.I first finished other questions.To be honest,I was very timid and felt so bad to take out the phonetics form from my pocket.I felt so conflicted.I finally pinched the small paper into my left hand.However,I hadn't opened the left hand to look at the form till the exam was over.I just guessed the remaining questions to finish the exam.Fortunately,I passed the exams with 75points.But now I feel good for my failed cheating.
7.This is a story  that happened 15 years ago but it has always stayed with me since then.On the way back from work every evening,more often than not there would be a homeless man standing at the exit of the freeway.He always waved at every car,he was always happy and smiling and sometimes almost dancing.Every day after work when I got there,I would quickly roll down my window and give him the coins.Occasionally the red light would be on for a minute and we would ask each other about our day.His answer would always be the same,"I'm blessed!".
It amazed me that even in his situation of being homeless he was so positive,and his answer would remind me of how blessed I was.A single mother of four amazing kids,with a place to call home and with a job to provide for my kids.Then one day I was called into my boss's office and was told that I was being laid off due to the economy.Needless to say that on my was home that day I was very sad and upset.I didn't remember to look for my spare change and keep it ready like I usually did.I wasn't feeling the joy as I got off the ramp where the homeless man would be.Yet there he was as alway,as l turned the ramp.He set his eyes on me,while still smiling and waving at others.
While I was waiting for the red light to turn,he strolled over to my car.He had a big smile he looked me straight in the eyes and said"today I will give you a dollar".He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a dollar bill.I was blown away.I burst into tears.I wanted to jump out of my car and hug him!
You see that day he gave me more than a dollar bill,he taught me a valuable lesson.No matter  what material things are taken  from you,no one can take away your choice to be joyful.
56.What is the passage mainly concerned?B
 A.A dollar bill from a homeless person.
 B.A blessing coming from a homeless person.
 C.A woman who lost her job due to the economy.
 D.A homeless man standing at the exit of the freeway.
57.From the lst paragraph,we know the homeless man is.A
 A.optimistic  B.brave  C.Iazy   D.kind-hearted
58.After leaving the boss's office,the author.D
 A.felt relaxed to get rid of the tiring job
 B.still felt joyful when coming off the ramp
 C.took it for granted that she was fit for her job
 D.didn't put some change aside to give to the man
59.The underlined phrase"blown away"in the 3rd paragraph most probably  means.

A.completely defeated  
B.wholly blown down
C.really amazed  
D.murdered by gunfire
60.It can be inferred from the passage that.C
 A.material things are the most important in life
 B.people should be encouraged to beg by smiling
 C.the author's ride home that day was smooth sailing
 D.we should wait others'help when faced with challenges.
17.The Come-back Coffeehouse
The sign in the window read"Carl's Coffee Shoppe,"spelled the old-fashioned way.Hallie shook her head and wondered how many times she had suggested an alternative.She entered the shop and saw only one person.
"I could help with the books,Dad",Hallie offered,"There's not much you could do."Her father signed."How about if you clean the counters instead?"His statement made her feel like a little girl instead of a senior in high school.Hallie sprayed some cleanser and ran a cloth over the worn countertops,After she had washed a few of the old eggshell-colored cups,she began her homework.At closing time,Hallie's parents sat beside her."You know the shop has not been profitable lately,"Mr.Rhodes began."We need to decide if it is even worth keeping it open.""We're going to visit Uncle Harold over spring vacation."Mrs,Rhodes continued."He can look over the books and tell us what our options are.You and Aunt Tess will run the shop for the week."
By spring vacation Hallie was ready for an adventure.Hllie's parents gave some instructions,and said good-bye.Hallie stared absently out the window at the passersby:young people on their way to work,and kids on their school vacation.They were not the same people that her grandpa Carl had served.Suddenly Hallie had an idea.She confided in Aunt Tess,who approved.The two eagerly set to work.
At the end of the week,Hallie was coming out from the kitchen when she saw her parents standing in the shop,confused.She smiled as her parents staredat the teens around the counter and the young families seated at the tables.
"Welcome back!"Hallie swept her arms to present the restaurant'scheerful new decoration.Bright,attractive coverings spread over the tables,and modern posters hung on the walls,while,colorful mismatched dishes contributed to the pleasant atmosphere."
I brought board games from home,"Hallie added excitedly,"and the bookstore down the street donated the posters.When we talked to our friendsabout what we were doing,they were happy to give us some dishes."Hallieheld her breath as she waited for her parents'reaction.
"Everyone certainly seems to like the changes,"noted Mrs.Rhodes.
"Speaking of changes,"Mr.Rhodes said,"I see our name has changed,too."
"Do you mind?I changed our name to'Come-Back Coffeehouse'to make the shop sound welcoming,as in'Please come back again'…"
A smile spread across her father's face."The new name is fitting."Thanks to you,this place certainly has made a comeback!"

59.What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?C
A.Hallie trusted Aunt Tess very much.
B.Hallie took charge of the books for her parents.
C.Hallie's parents didn't take her opinions seriously.
D.Hallie's parents didn't count on the shop for a living.
60.What do we learn about"Carl's Coffee Shoppe"?A
A.It is behind the times.
B.It has regular customers.
C.It is located on a quiet street.
D.It follows family traditions well.
61.What did Hallie do after her parents left?B
A.She advertised for the shop.
B.She made the shop more attractive.
C.She invited her friends to the shop.
D.She turned the shop into an activity center.
62.What kind of girl in Hallie?A
A.Smart and helpful.
B.Modest and out-going.
C.Optimistic and generous.
D.Faithful and hardworking.
17.John was waiting for the girl whose heart he knew,but whose(41)Bhe didn't,the girl with the rose.Thirteen months ago,in a Florida library he took a(42)Coff the  shelf and found Himself(43)Ain the notes in the margin(页边).The soft handwriting showed a(44)B soul and insightful(有洞察力的)mind.
In front of the book,he(45)Dthe name,Miss Hollis Maynell.With time and effort he got her address.He wrote her a letter(46)Ahimself and inviting her to keep in(47)B
During the next year and one month the two grew to(48)Deach other through the mail.A romance started.John requested  a photograph,but she(49)C.She felt that if he really cerred,it wouldn't matter what she looked like.Later they agreed on their first(50)B-7:00pm at Grand Central Station in New York.
"You'11(51)Dme,"she wrote,"by the red rose I'11be wearing on my coat."So at 7:00he was in the station(52)Afor the girl with the red rose.
A girl in a(53)Csuit was coming toward him,her figure long and slim and her eyes were blue  as  flowers.(54)Auncontrollably he came to her,and just at this moment he saw Hollis Maynell一a woman well past 40.The girl was walking(55)Daway.
He didn't(56)C,saying,"I'm John,and you must be Miss Maynell.I am so glad you could meet me; may I take you to(57)C?"
The woman smiled,"I don't know what this is about,son,"she answered,"but the young lady in the green suit(58)Ame to wear this rose on my coat.And she said(59)Dyou were to ask me out to dinner,I should tell you that she is waiting for you  in the  restaurant across.She said it was some kind of(60)B

57.A.bre akfastB.lunchC.dinnerD.brunch

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