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11.He looked like a pirate.
With his handkerchief tied in a knot behind his little nine-year-old head,he looked like a pirate,a sad pirate.The first time little David came to our camp,he was hairless and worn out from medical treatments.He was also very angry.
Paul Newman's camp counselors (指导老师 ) were hoping to fill David's days with fun and laughter.But David stayed inside himself,wanting to be alone,or in a corner of the cabin.At this camp for children with life-threatening illnesses,we had seen some pretty tough children worn out by cancer recover full of energy despite their illness.But we saw little progress in David no matter what we tried with him.Five days into the eight-day session saw a quiet,sad little pirate.
Then something happened on that fifth night.Something at camp that we would call"huge".
It was cabin night.That's the time when campers and counselors spend lime together in each individual cabin instead of an all-camp activity.Campers love cabin nights because there's always a bedtime snack.On the cabin table that night were bags of potato chips.
David slowly walked over to the table,leaving his comer to join the rest of us.He took one of the bags of the potato chips and started smashing(弄碎) it with his little fists,as all the other campers looked on in disbelief,I wondered what the cabin counselor would do.
The college-age volunteer counselor positioned a bag of chips on die table in front of himself,and he,too,started smashing it with his fist.The campers went crazy as everyone ran to the table to get in on the fun of smashing potato chips with their fists.
Somehow everyone knew,everyone sensed,that anger within him was now being released.
For the last couple days of the session,David was a different kid.He was a little nine-year-old boy again,trying to fill the hours of each remaining day at camp with as much fun as could be possible.
Several days after the session,David came back again.This time,there wasn't anything he wouldn't try to fit in to his day.He sure was having a great time at camp.David asked me if I needed an altar(祭坛)boy when I celebrated Mass in the woods.Sure enough,he was my altar boy.I remembered how carefully he listened to me when I talked about death.1said it's only a doorway.You walk through the door and there's the Lord God and behind God a whole line of people waiting to hug you.
After Mass,he said to me,"Hey Fatha,a door,huh?"
A couple more days of fun passed and tonight was the talent show.The tradition is that campers and counselors dress up in costumes,and everyone gets a standing applause for singing and dancing or simply just acting like fools on stage.
The show had begun:lights,camera,action.
Unfortunately,the only action taking place in our row of seats was little David making his way from counselor to counselor to say an early good-bye to camp.He had become quite ill and had to go to the hospital because of this new crisis.
When this little nine-year-old pirate stood in front of me,he gave me a hug and a big wet kiss on my cheek.1was crying.He was crying.A whole row of counselors was in tears.After the hug and kiss,he put his hands on my shoulders,and tears still in his eyes,said:"See you on the other side of the door,Fatha."

66.The camp counselors failed to fill David's beginning days with fun and laughter,mainly because DavidB.
A.behaved like a pirate
B.remained in a bad mood
C.was left alone at the camp
D.was teased by other campers
67.Seeing David smashing the potato chips,the counselor did the same thing in response because heC.
A.would like David to eat more of them
B.hoped all the other campers would join
C.found it possible to help David release anger
D.wanted to show that he was as angry as David
68.What can we learn from this article?B
A.The camp was intended for those talented in singing and dancing.
B.The purpose of the camp was to give diseased children caring love.
C.The camp was popular among the children who enjoyed their vacation here.
D.Medical treatment could be provided to diseased children at the camp.
69.Which of the following does NOT show the change in David?B
A.David came back to the camp for a second session after the first ended.
B.David had become quite ill and had to go to the hospital because of this new crisis.
C.David made his way from counselor to counselor to say an early good-bye to camp.
D.David stood in front of me and gave me a hug and a big wet kiss on my cheek.
70.What do you think the theme of the story is?D
A.Children with deadly diseases are usually difficult to get along with.
B.People should have patience with children with life-threatening illnesses.
C.People should tell children with life-threatening illnesses to care nothing about death.
D.Love and proper guidance can help people look at something negative in a positive way.
12.I stayed for a while in Costa Rica years ago.One morning I was shopping in a local farmers mar-ket.I loved that market.The selection of produce was exceptional!
    I had parked my car a few blocks away at Firestone.An hour into my shopping,I reached in my purse for my phone.I dug around searching and searching…no phone!
    I had butterflies in my stomach since the zipper(拉链) was not zipped on my bag and perhaps my phone fell out or got picked up by wondering hands.
    I went around to all the venders (摊主) I had visited asking if they had come across a lost iPhone.
But no such luck.
    Disappointed,I walked out of the market with all my fresh organic produce.In front of me was an older lady walking slowly with a heavy bag in each hand.I observed many people passing her.At first I thought of doing the same,as I was worried about my phone.But then I heard a voice in my heart say-ing"help her".
        In Spanish,I asked the old lady if I could give her a hand.She gladly handed me a bag and we walked on.She was probably in her late 70s and the bag I took from her was full of produce.She asked about my family and my job.My Sparush was far from perfect.I tried to explain to her but I was not sure whether she understood.
    As we came to a street comer,we had to walk in opposite directions.My mind wondered for a mo-ment and then I decided to go on helping the lady.I saw a warm smile of gratefulness on her face,
which also warmed my own heart.
    After a few more blocks we came to her destination.I couldn't imagine her walking so far with two heavy bags all alone!
     I walked all the way back to my car at Firestone.I unlocked my door and sitting between the seats right in view was my iPhone!
21.Why did the author prefer the local farmers market?D
A.The venders were very friendly.
B.The market was near her home.
C.The produce was inexpensive.
D.The produce was of good quality.
22.When did the author find her iPhone missing?A
A.After she had shopped for an hour       
B.When she was paying for her produce.
C.After she had parked her car at Firestone.
D.When she was walking into the market.
23.What prevented the author communicating smoothly with the old lady?C
A.The old lady's accent.
B.The old lady's age.
C.The author's poor Spanish.
D.Their different cultures.
24.What kind of person is the author?B
A.Warm-hearted and clever.
B.Kind but careless.
C.Religious and helpful.
D.Smart but thoughtless.

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