
11.At that time people would starve if food was difficultto find(find).

分析 在那个时代,如果难以找到食物人们将会饿死.

解答 答案是to find.考查不定式.food was difficult to find 是"主语+be+adj.+不定式"结构,其中food是find的逻辑主语.句意是:在那个时代,如果难以找到食物人们将会饿死.故答案是to find.

点评 本题考查单词填空.首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法决定正确答案.

18.Hair Loss (Alopecia)
Information about male pattern baldness(秃顶) causes,triggers and treatment in the UK
In contrary lo popular belief,hair loss-or alopecia-can start at any age.Whilst it is associated with mature males,and statistics show it does mainly affect men about 40,the reality is you can notice symptoms in your 30s,or even 20s and teen years.The NHS statistics state that 25% of men start losing their hair by the time they reach 30.The most common form of hair loss is male pattern baldness-also known as androgenic alopecia-that affects more than half of men around the world.

One option many men seek is treatment to avoid further hair loss,especially early on in the process.With treatments,such as Propecia,that specifically target male pattern baldness,it is possible to stop hair loss completely and even encourage fresh new hair growth.
What is alopecia?
Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss.Most commonly affecting males,hair loss in men is caused by an increased sensitivity to the male sex hormones (androgens).The type of alopecia you have (as well as hereditary and external factors) can influence levels of hair loss.The most common type of hair loss (alopecia) is male and female pattern baldness.Other types include:
•Alopecia areata (patches of baldness,usually on the scalp)
•Scarring alopecia (hair loss directly affecting the hair follicles)
•Telogen effluvium (hair thinning over a larger area on the top of the head,rather than bald patches)
•Anagen effluvium (most commonly caused by cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy)

60.Which of the following statements is FALSE about Propecia?C
A.It can stop hair loss almost in all cases.
B.People can buy it online without doctor visit.
C.It encourages new hair growth in rare eases.
D.It is especially effective on male pattern baldness.
61.We can learn from the passage that alopecia isB.
A.an inevitable part of aging process
B.more common among mature males
C.unnoticeable before 40years old
D.mostly influenced by external factors
62.The next part of the webpage is most likely to be aboutA.
A.hair loss causes
B.hair loss symptoms
C.preventing hair loss
D.treating hair loss.
15.Khan Lab School in Silicon Valley is bringing back the one-room model to leach young students in Mountain View,California.The school is a laboratory for an experimental kind of learning.
    Students aged 5 to 15 attend the experimental Khan Lab School.It has no grade levels and no homework.The students are in school from 8:30 in the morning until six o'clock at night.And,the school is open all year long,with small breaks here and there.The school is the idea of Salman Khan,the founder of Khan Academy 一 famous for its online educational videos free of charge.Khan said he started Khan Lab School because he thinks the current education system has problems.He hopes to create a better learning model.
    He said this system lets the older students take responsibility and help younger students.That means the younger children get a lot of help.They get the help of the teacher and the older students.Meanwhile,students also learn the study material at their own speed through videos.And,they get more attention through one-on-one discussions with teachers.They also learn by doing projects.
    The school's director,Dominic Liechti,said this way of learning better prepares students for the future.He said the duties of a teacher need to change from leading the class to being someone who guides students in their learning,and provides individual support.A teacher is also a life-long learner,he said,not just someone who gives presentations.
    Twelve-year-old girl,Mishal Junaid,expressed her experience:"When I wake up In the morning,I want to wake up,unlike my last school where I want to sleep in and not go to school…"

51.Why did Salman Khan set up the school?B
A.To introduce Mountain View.
B.To create a better learning model.
C.To reform current education system.
D.To apply his online educational videos.
52.What's the unique feature of Lab School?C
A.It prepares students for their future.
B.Students perform better in the tests.
C.Students don't belong to a certain grade.
D.It calls on teachers to care more about students.
53.In Lab School,we know students canD.
A.give advice to older students
B.discuss with the teachers at any time
C.teach themselves what they like
D.learn according to their own case
54.What do we know about the teachers in this school?B
A.They provide support privately.
B.They need to learn constantly.
C.They shouldn't give presentations.
D.They need to be trained as guides.
55.What can we learn from the underlined sentence from the last paragraph?C
A.The girl has grown up.
B.The girl often misses classes.
C.The school is appealing to the girl.
D.The school looks different from others.
6.For foreigners,entering a public toile t in China can be a horrifying experience.In the 1990s,a third of all complaints to tourism officials in Beijing concerned the design,and the bad smell of public toilets.
  China has battled smelly toilets for at least 2,000 years.In the Kingdom of Wei (220-266 A.D.),visitors to the palace bathrooms would find boxes to cover their nose and ward off unpleasant smells.Both flushing (冲水) toilets and toilet paper were invented in China,however,only for the use of the emperor.
  Today Chinese scientists have claimed victory in their battle to improve public restrooms,introducing a bacterial spray that can almost get rid of all the bad smell.First,a set of six types of bacteria work to break down the smelly compounds and then a perfume made from orange skin lightly scents (使芳香) the air.The"smellfree toilet"study from the Chinese Academy of Science was declared the"ultimate"cure toan"urgent"national issue.
"Five scientists have worked on this from 2011 to the beginning of this year,"said Dr.Yan Zhiying,a bacteriologist with the academy's Chengdu Institute of Biology,adding that they had spent£140,000 on the project.
"Some local government officials here visited a sewage (污水) plant and saw that the treatment technology had come from Japan.They wanted a homegrown solution so they asked us to work on it,"he added."We obtained bacteria from all types of waste from humans,pigs,chicken and duck s,and we tested our compounds one by one,"he said."The smells coming out of public toilets,or trash cans,are made up of more than 160 different compounds,"he explained,adding that their bacteria spray can change and absorb many of them.
 He boasted that the Chinese formula (配方),which costs only around£5 per liter,has no side effects and can be used to remove any bad smell.
25.The underlined words"ward off"in Paragraph 2 can be replaced byD.
A.come out  B.put out    C.give out        D.keep out
26.The underlined phrase"an‘urgent'national issue"refers toA.
A.the bad smell of public toilets
B.a horrifying experience
C.the treatment of sewage
D.the 160 smelly compounds
27.Which has not been mentioned as an advantage of the bacteria spray?A
A.Beautiful design.B.No side effects.C.Removing bad smells.D.Low price.
28.Which can we infer after the spray is used in toilets in China?B
A.People needn't use flushing toilets.
B.Tourists'complaints will be reduced.
C.A perfume is given off in the air.
D.Bacteria break down smelly compounds.
1.Here are two places that you may want to pay a visit to.
Sark,Channel Islands
This is one of the few places in the world where tradition still stands and the traditional ways are fully respected.The roads here remain not cemented(铺水泥),and are not even paved,and they are completely dark at night as there are no street lights.The residents of Sark are not allowed to drive cars,and if they do,they have to keep them outside Sark.The transportation you can use in Sark includes your legs,bicycles or a horse-drawn carriage.There are no motor vehicles here.
There are many activities you can enjoy here during the day,but when the night comes,the only thing you can do outside is look at the sky,which is really great.Because of the lack of artificial lights,the stars are very clearly visible.
This southeastern city of India was the city where one of the wealthiest people in the world lived,Mir Osman Ali Khan.Now this city is the place where many global IT brands hold their head offices.But it hasn't lost its historic looks,as it remains surrounded by ancient boulders(大圆石),and the modern houses recently built are surrounded by traditional gardens and lakes.From the great hotel Taj Falaknuma Palace you can see the Old City where the old Indian tradition is well preserved.
The best time to travel to Hyderabad depends on whether you are going for the city itself,or you wish to go to some of the festivals that take place here.The Hyderabad Literary Festival takes place from the 23rd to the 26th of January,while a festival celebrating various cultures,the Deccan Festival,happens from February 25to March I.

21.Sark on Channel Islands would most probably attract those whoC.
A.want to go hiking in a mountain
B.are interested in exciting nightlife
C.want to enjoy a very quiet holiday
D.want to visit a city with a long history
22.If you go to Sark on Channel Islands,you canD.
A.try driving on unpaved roads
B.go everywhere on a motorbike
C.use a horse-drawn carriage for free
D.enjoy the beautiful starry sky at night
23.Why hasn't Hyderabad lost its historic looks?D
A.Because many old buildings remain there.
B.Because an ancient place still remains there.
C.Because many buildings that are like old ones are built there.
D.Because traditional boulders,gardens and lakes remain there.

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