
【题目】假如你是李华,你的外国朋友Mr. Smith想要了解中国春节,请用英文写一篇介绍中国春节的短文。内容包括:

1. 春节的时间;

2. 庆祝春节的方式;

3. 春节的习俗。


1. 词数100左右

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯


【答案】Dear Mr. Smith,

In your letter, you asked me about the Chinese Spring Festival. Now I’d like to tell you something about it.

The Chinese Spring Festival comes on the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, which is usually in late January or February. There is a name for each year, such as the dog, the monkey, the tiger or one of the twelve animals, and this year is the year of the dog.

Before the Spring Festival, the Chinese people usually give their houses a good cleaning and on the eve of the Spring Festival, all the members of a family will get together, eating dumplings, fish and meat and parents may give children some lucky money in red paper. On the first day of the New Year, there are dragon dances and carnivals. People usually go to visit their relatives and friends, which is a good way to express their best wishes to the coming year.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

【解析】首先审题,这篇文章要求假如你是李华,你的外国朋友Mr. Smith想要了解中国春节,请用英文写一篇介绍中国春节的短文。首先选用正确的人称和时态,介绍文化习俗用一般现在时,第三人称来写。然后写出单个句子,使用正确的连词,连句成段。具体来说,写这篇文章时,要注意需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。

【亮点说明】本篇书面表达要点全面,结构紧凑,是一篇较好的范文。这篇短文使用了大量的短语,为文章增色不少,如:such as例如,get together团聚。还使用了定语从句The Chinese Spring Festival comes on the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, which is usually in late January or February.和定语从句People usually go to visit their relatives and friends, which is a good way to express their best wishes to the coming year.等多种句式结构,增加了文章的可读性。


【题目】The Value of Tears

Tears can ruin make-up, bring conversation to a stop, and give you a runny nose.Tears leave you embarrassed and without energy.Still, crying is a fact of life, and your tears are very useful.Even when you're not crying, they make a film over the eye's surface.1

When tears fall, they reduce stress.But we tend to fight them for all! sorts of reasons. "People worry about showing their emotions , afraid that once they lose control they'll never get it back."2. After we cry, the feelings that caused the tears often disappear.

Sometimes people become much stressed and can't cry. Whatever emotion they are feeling—shock, anger, fear, or sadness—is being held back.

But everyone has the need to cry. Psychologist Vera Diamond explains that her treatment often consists of giving people permission to cry.3 Patients practice crying just to become used to expressing emotions.She suggests safe, private places to cry, like under the bedcovers or in the car.Crying is a way of reducing tension, but people don't like it when others cry because it makes them tense.4 And they'll do just about anything to make you stop.

In certain situations, such as at work, tears are not appropriate.It's good not to cry during a tense business discussion.5You should also act out the whole situation again and be as noisy and angry as you like.It will help you feel better. "And," she adds, "Once your tears have taken away the stress, you can begin to think calmly of ways to deal with the problem."

Tears are a sign of our ability to feel.If you find yourself near someone crying, deal with it.And never be afraid to cry yourself.

A.She gives crying exercises.

B.They cry for different reasons.

C.They too may be holding back a need to cry.

D.The fact is that no emotion lasts forever.

E.It contains a chemical against infection.

F.But once you're safely behind closed doors, don't just cry.

G.It forms in response to the stress on the surface of the eye.

How to Manage Your Phone's Data Use
Smart phones give you access to a wealth of information and media, but most networks put a limit on the amount of data you can use each month. A typical phone contract includes a data allowance of between 500MB and 10GB per month. You see, your usage can mount up surprisingly quickly – watching a film on the phone is about 700MB in SD, an hour of streaming TV is around 500MB or 60-140MB for the same of radio, chatting on Skype for an hour is around 40MB.
If possible, wait until you can connect to free Wi-Fi before using your phone's data features.
When you are on the road, use your car's GPS, not your phone, to find the way. But maps are preloaded in a GPS, making this free to use.
Many of these are funded by ads that pop up on your screen. Every ad has to download through your network, using up your data allowance.
If you regularly need to use a lot of data on your phone, consider a data-compressing(压缩) app, such as Onavo(www.onavo.com). So you use less of your monthly allowance. You may have to subscribe to such compression services, so you'll need to weigh up whether it's worth the cost.

A. The more data, the higher the monthly cost.
B. Remember to use free Wi-Fi anywhere you go.
C. Try these tips to better manage your data use.
D. It compresses data before it is fed to your phone.
E. But you might end up paying more than expected.
F. The phone has to download map data as you move.
G. Be careful of how many “free” games you play on the phone.

【题目】Today Dante had a small skating competition in his class. Before we went to the competition, I asked him if he wanted to wear something nice for the competition and he said, “Who cares? it’s not important.” When we showed up at the rink(溜冰场), we found that most of the kids were dressed up. One boy who was around nine years old was my son’s friend, wearing a dress shirt and a pink vest. I walked over to his mother saying how beautifully dressed he was. But his mother said, “He didn’t want to dress up. He said that this competition was not important for him to dress up.”

I thought it was interesting that neither Dante nor his friend viewed the competition as important and neither wanted to dress up. I started to wonder if this was how a child learned what was “important” and what wasn’t.

Interestingly, this boy won two medals and Dante won none.

Parents and teachers often instill (灌输) what they think is important: then children will accept the opinions of the adults. Gradually, they grow up stressing about how they look, how many medals they get, what color the medals are, how good their grades are, what a great “job” they can get in life, what a big house they can live in... etc.

Dante taught me an important lesson today. He taught me what was unimportant. Life goes on long after the medal ceremony whether you win a medal or not.

1Why didn’t Dante want to dress up for the competition?

A. He had no proper clothes.

B. He had no time to dress up.

C. His mother didn’t prepare clothes for him.

D. He thought he didn’t need to dress up.

2What does Paragraph 5 want to tell us?

A. Children stress about many things in life.

B. Adults may instill wrong ideas into children.

C. Children are always influenced by adults.

D. Adults should set good examples to children.

3What lesson did the author learn from her son?

A. Winning medals makes people proud.

B. Not all things are that important in life.

C. Fairness is more important in competitions.

D. Kids have a better understanding of life than adults.

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