
How to Manage Your Phone's Data Use
Smart phones give you access to a wealth of information and media, but most networks put a limit on the amount of data you can use each month. A typical phone contract includes a data allowance of between 500MB and 10GB per month. You see, your usage can mount up surprisingly quickly – watching a film on the phone is about 700MB in SD, an hour of streaming TV is around 500MB or 60-140MB for the same of radio, chatting on Skype for an hour is around 40MB.
If possible, wait until you can connect to free Wi-Fi before using your phone's data features.
When you are on the road, use your car's GPS, not your phone, to find the way. But maps are preloaded in a GPS, making this free to use.
Many of these are funded by ads that pop up on your screen. Every ad has to download through your network, using up your data allowance.
If you regularly need to use a lot of data on your phone, consider a data-compressing(压缩) app, such as Onavo(www.onavo.com). So you use less of your monthly allowance. You may have to subscribe to such compression services, so you'll need to weigh up whether it's worth the cost.

A. The more data, the higher the monthly cost.
B. Remember to use free Wi-Fi anywhere you go.
C. Try these tips to better manage your data use.
D. It compresses data before it is fed to your phone.
E. But you might end up paying more than expected.
F. The phone has to download map data as you move.
G. Be careful of how many “free” games you play on the phone.

(1)A 考查对上下文语境的理解。空前的意思是:一个典型的手机通常所包含得流量是每个月500MB 到10GB。空后的意思是:你流量的使用会非常快。所以这里选A(流量越多,你每个月花费的越高。)与上下文一致。
(2)C 考查对上下文语境的理解。该空前面讲的是在手机上观看电影,聊天等都会用很多流量,而下一段讲的是怎样能省流量,所以该题选C(尝试下面这些技巧来把握好流量的使用。)与上下文一致。
(3)F 考查对上下文语境的理解。空前的意思是:当你在路上的时候,使用你车上的GPS而不是你手机上的来寻找路线。空后的意思是:但是地图在你的GPS上提前下载好,就可以免费使用了。所以这里选F(当你移动的时候手机必须下载地图。)与上下文一致。
(4)G 考查对上下文语境的理解。空后的意思是:许多游戏是广告赞助的,它们会突然出现在你的屏幕上。所以这里选G(要注意手机上有多少可免费供你玩的游戏。)与上下文一致。
(5)D 考查对上下文语境的理解。空前的意思是:如果你要经常使用你手机的流量,那么就考虑用压缩的APP,例如Onavo(www.onavo.com)。空后的意思是:所以你每个月的使用量就会更少。所以这里选D(在它进入你的电脑之前就压缩了数据。)与上下文一致。


Inside the Rain Room
The Rain Room has arrived and local art lovers are taking notice. Is it worth the wait? Yes, I assure you it is. Once inside, visitors find a long, dark room with a high ceiling. A single bright light shines through heavy rain falling around visitors. The mist. The damp air. The noise. It feels like a mighty storm is pouring down. But the storm is inside. And visitors aren't getting wet. Instead, visitors wander in awe, admiring the rain and the artists who created it.
The Rain Room was created to highlight the connection between humans, nature and technology. With a tracking system that senses movement and stops the rain wherever visitors move, it does just that. Light and sound produce an experience that feels both natural and foreign. The exhibit is moving on to Atlanta next month. I urge you to visit before then. It's time to experience the Rain Room for yourself!
Welcome to the Rain Room
The Rain Room features falling water. Please be aware you may get slightly wet. However, visitors wearing raincoats will be turned away.
This exhibit features advanced technology. To ensure its effectiveness, please avoid wearing dark or reflective clothing.
Visitors are welcome to take photographs of the exhibit.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
For the convenience of all guests, visits are limited to 10 minutes.
(1)What's the purpose of the text?
A.To attract visitors to a new art exhibit.
B.To explain how an exhibit has been created.
C.To describe the technology used in the exhibit.
D.To promote the artists taking part in an exhibit.
(2)What's the function of the exhibit's tracking system?
A.To keep visitors from getting wet.
B.To protect the exhibit from water damage.
C.To time how long visitors are in the room.
D.To count the number of visitors in the room.
(3)What must you do when visiting the Rain Room?
A.Wear a raincoat.
B.Wear dark clothing.
C.Leave your camera outside.
D.Pass through within 10 minutes.

【题目】(2015·上海)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. access B. alternatives C. designed D. confirmed E. conflicting F. elements
G. function H. innovative I. prospective J. separate K. supporting
Considering how much time people spend in effects, it is important that with A be well designed. Well-designed office spaces help create a corporation’s image. They motivate workers and they make an impression on people who visit and might be potential, or , customers. They make business work better, and they are a part of the corporate culture to live in.
As we move away from an industrial-based economy to a knowledge-based one, office designers come up with to the traditional work environments of the past. The design industry has moved away from a fixed office setup and created more flexible “strategic management environments.” These solutions are meant to support better organizational performance.
As employee hierarchies (等级制度)have flattened or decreased, office designers’ response to this change has been to move open-plan areas to more desirable locations within the office and create fewer formal private offices. The need for increased flexibility has also been by changes in workstation design. Office and work spaces often are not to a given person on a permanent basis. Because of changes to methods of working, new design allow for expansion or movement of desks, storage, and equipment within the workplace. Another important design goal is communication, which designers have improved by breaking the walls that workstations. Designers have also created informal gathering places and upgraded employees’ to heavily trafficked areas such as copy and coffee rooms.
Corporate and institutional office designers often struggle to resolve a number of competing and often demands, including budgetary limits, employees hierarchies and technological innovation (especially in relation to computerization). These demands must also be balanced with the need to create interiors (内饰) that in some way enhance, establish or possess a company’s image and will enable employees to and their best.
All these of office design are related. The most successful office designs are like good marriage—the well-designed office and the employees that occupy it are seemingly made for each other.

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