
假如你是李华,在美国留学,你在《纽约时报》(New York Times)上看到了一则约翰先生的房屋出租广告,你对此感兴趣,特意发电子邮件咨询,要点如下:







Dear Mr John,

I am a student from China studying here.________________________________________________________










China has more than 30 intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) recognized by the UNESCO, including paper-cutting, the Dragon Boat Festival, Peking Opera, acupuncture(针灸) and so on. The organization adopted a decision that China’s “The Twenty-Four Solar Terms”(二十四节气) should be put on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2016 in Ethiopia.

The Twenty-Four Solar Terms, knowledge of time and practices in agriculture, starts from the beginning of Spring and ends with the Greater Cold, moving in cycles. It developed through thee observation of the sun’s annual movement in China. In ancient time, the method of tugui, earth sundial(日暑), was used to measure the shadow of the sun for determining the solar terms.

The Twenty-Four Solar Terms came into being and developed in close relationship with Chinese agricultural production. At the initial(最初的) stage of agricultural development, people began to explore the seasonal rules in the agricultural production to meet the needs in seeding, harvesting and other activities. Gradually, they formed the concept of “seed in spring, grow in summer, harvest in autumn and store in winter”. During the spring and autumn periods, the agricultural production was highly influenced by the seasonal changes, thus forming the concept of Solar Terms.

As a traditional Chinese knowledge system of time with a history of thousands of years, the Twenty-Four Solar Terms clearly expresses the concepts of respect for nature, and harmony between man and nature. Created by Chinese ancestors, it has functioned as a complete set of weather calendar(日历) to guide the agricultural production in China. It has also been introduced into North Korea, Japan and other neighboring countries and still used in Japan. The Chinese heritage has provably influenced the people’s way of thinking and behaving and will continue to be an important carrier of Chinese cultural identity.

1.According to the first two paragraphs, the Twenty-Four Solar Terms______.

A. was used to measure the shadow of the sun

B. has not been listed as one intangible cultural heritage of humanity

C. repeats from the Beginning of Spring to the Greater Cold every year

D. is the best intangible cultural heritage recognized by the UNESCO

2.We can learn from the text that _______ in China in the past.

A. the Twenty-Four Solar Terms only influenced spring and autumn

B. the Twenty-Four Solar Terms had something to do with agriculture

C. people cared about the changes of weather just for fun

D. agricultural production highly influenced the seasonal changes

3.We can infer from the text that the Twenty-Four Solar Terms _______.

A. is an agricultural calendar merely used in China

B. is strongly influenced by North Korea and Japan

C. is scarcely connected with natural rules

D. is part of traditional Chinese culture

A report says older adults who test their minds with increasingly difficult projects have better mental ability than those who do less demanding activities.

To keep our brains sharp as we age, we are often told to keep our minds active. As the old saying goes, “Use it or lose it.” But, there is very little scientific evidence to support than.

Denise Park is head of the university’s Center for ? Vital Longevity. She designed a study in which she and her tern placed 221 healthy aging and older adults into one of three groups.

“We asked people to learn new things, like quilting or photography. We asked other people to just do fun things like being in a social group function but were not likely to have a very large effect.”

The subjects took part in their assigned activities for 15 hours a week over three months. At the end of that time, the researchers found that the adults who learned new skills, such as digital photography, showed the greatest improvements on memory tests.

No improvements were seen in the results of those in the social group that did activities together like going on field trips. There were also no improvements among the third group that listened to classical music or did crossword puzzles.

Denise Park believes one reason for improved memory in the active learning group is that its members were being pushed to learn new skills. The other groups took part in what she call receptive activities. Learning new skills may not cure age-related mental decline. But, Ms. Park thinks being mentally active slows down the process.

Denise Park says the latest information shows that the improvements lasted for at least a year. She and her team plan to do longer follow-up studies with all three groups. She also is interested in learning whether taking part in demanding mental activities delays the development of conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

1.What may the social group be asked to do?

A. Learn to take photos.

B. Listen to music at home.

C. Go hiking together.

D. Do the dishes.

2.What did Denise Park and her team find?

A. Doing more exercise can help slow down our age-related mental decline.

B. Having a relaxing life is beneficial to keeping our minds sharp.

C. Keeping our minds active is associated with our health.

D. Learning new skills may help to keep our minds active.

3.If you want to keep your brain sharp you could_______.

A. go swimming with your friends.

B. play chess with your family.

C. learn how to repair the computer.

D. do crossword puzzles online

4.The text is likely to be selected from a book of______.

A. medicine B. education

C. aging D. science

A few changes about how a teacher runs a classroom can make a huge effect on how concentrated students will be in that classroom.It's an issue every teacher has to face,1.Here are just a few of my strategies.


I did the seat rearrangement because class conversation had become dull,and students just seemed to be there but not actually there.2.I had all of my students pick new seats at the tables.The rules were simple.They could not sit with more than one other person they'd already sat with,and it had to be at a different table.

●Take over A Lesson.

Once in a while,it can be fun to let the students take over a lesson in a unit.Let them become the teachers,and the teacher becomes the student.You can provide the topic they need to cover.3.

●Have Open Projects.

Open projects have been very successful in my class.4.I used to dictate every part of my project assignments.Students would ask to do things a little differently.And I'd give in,surprised that their ideas were better than mine.


Sometimes teachers forget to bring the fun to the classroom.We try so hard to cover the courses for our students until they break down.Sometimes it's good to just set things aside for a day or two and have some fun.

A.Have fun.

B.Listen carefully.

C.But it can be solved in some very simple ways.

D.Let the students choose the topic and teach whatever they want.

E.It's one of the simplest ways to rearrange a class and get things going again.

F.They get to deal with the material in a way that is refreshing and new to them.

G.I've found that the more choices I gave my students, the better the projects have been

Most people realize that fast food isn't the healthiest or best?tasting cuisine(菜肴). It is, however, expected to be fast.

Many chains like McDonald's have struggled with slower food delivery in recent years, because there are more items on the menu. But the world's largest restaurant chain, which serves 68 million customers daily in 119 countries, is trying to change that.

For several months, McDonald's has been testing what's called the “just?for?you experience”. In 200 U S restaurants (and more than 2,000 across the globe), customers are able to order directly from a self?serve kiosk(售货亭), after which an employee brings the meal directly to the table.

McDonald's chief executive Steve Easterbrook, speaking at a McDonald's in New York's Tribeca neighbourhood on Thursday, said the company has long expected customers to adapt to its business model of ordering at the counter and then waiting to collect their own food. Now, he said, “We're adapting our business around customers.”

It showed that “test runs at more than 500 restaurants…showed an increase in foot traffic and contributed to a mid?single?digit percentage increase in restaurant sales, lifting the 5 to 6 average check by 1, on average.” Customer satisfaction scores also increased, “because families, in particular, appreciate having their food brought to them.”The company also announced the beginning of a new mobile order?and?pay app, which would allow customers to order and pay for food from their smart phones.

Mike, a common customer, said, “As a father of two small children, I'm every fast?food chain's target customer. My wife and I try to avoid McDonald's when possible, but like many parents we end up going. I've used the self?serve kiosks and like them a lot: they're easy to use, reduce the pressure of making a choice with impatient customers behind you, and make a big difference in delivery time. I just hope they don't start expecting me to tip.”

1.Why do many chains have a slower food delivery in the past several years?

A. Because they have struggled many expectations.

B. Because they have more dishes to serve people.

C. Because they have the world's largest restaurant chains.

D. Because sometimes they have too many customers.

2.How do customers get their food after ordering food self?serve kiosks?

A. By testing McDonald's machine.

B. By taking food by themselves.

C. By letting waiters bring food for them.

D. By letting employees serve for them.

3.What's the result of trying “just?for?you experience”?

A. It is a great success.

B. It caused traffic jam.

C. It's well received only by app users.

D. It still needs to be observed.

4.What can we infer from what Mike said?

A. His family don't like McDonald's.

B. He's willing to give tips for good service.

C. Self?serve kiosks are a good choice.

D. It's hard for him to spend the delivery time.

Did you ever have a dream? I’m not talking about a dream you have when you sleep. I’m talking about a conscious ______where you would like to see a new future, a different choice of employment, and a_____ of you own. How many times have you wished that you could be living in a different______than the one you are_______ experiencing?

Several years ago, I had a dream about inventing a board game that would________my life's fortunes. After many revisions, a board game was developed. It was a(n)______ time. Our dream seemed to come true with sales starting to accumulate, and our company was also _________

____, another new board game________the market and made great progress in sales. Eventually, our company was dissolved.

Perhaps for a game developer, the______emotions that it never was meant to be will discourage his future dreams of a different life. But to me, maybe I didn't succeed to the level I________, at the very least I turned my dream________a reality. ________I had never transferred my dream into goal and then to action, there wouldn't have been _________lessons to be learned from the failure. It may take many________but success is only achieved. Once dreams are _______action, failure becomes a ______action plans in future. The important__________here is that success only comes by turning dreams into reality and realizing that________are only stepping-stones to final success. After many attempts, many failures, many lessons and many false starts, learn valuable lessons from failure, tum dreams into________, and don't let a dream only be a dream, success will arrive at last.

1.A. future B. life C. dream D. plan

2.A. factory B. farm C. car D. business

3.A. environment B. school C. family D. society

4.A. enjoyably B. previously C. constantly D. currently

5.A. destroy B. realize C. change D. create

6.A. exciting B. terrible C. dark D. embarrassing

7.A. canceled B. combined C. disappeared D. founded

8.A. Unfortunately B. Unlikely C. Unconsciously D. Unfairly

9.A. came into B. left out C. came back D. took in

10.A. optimistic B. negative C. difficult D. positive

11.A. needed B. devoted C. desired D. begged

12.A. by B. on C. over D. into

13.A. Unless B. If C. After D. Before

14.A. valuable B. successful C. useless D. cruel

15.A. analyses B. designs C. attempts D. revisions

16.A. took up B. look into C. run across D. put into

17.A. good B. better C. most D. bad

18.A. meaning B. point C. truth D. purpose

19.A. efforts B. achievements C. possibilities D. difficulties

20.A. heart B. existence C. action D. ambition

In December, after her third fall in a few months, Doris Carpenter was admitted to Rochdale infirmary(养老院). Carpenter, 84, lives alone, but she is increasingly unsteady on her feet, and if she falls, she hasn’t the strength to get up again. Previously, a call to 111 would call nursing staff who could put her back into a chair, but it was increasingly clear she wasn’t coping, and needed more support.

This isn’t like any old hospital, however. Today Carpenter isn’t in bed but sitting in a chair, dressed in her own clothes, a fat Dan Brown book in front of her. “You don’t feel like you’re in hospital,” she says.

Two side rooms have been furnished with small groups of tables and chairs, with bright tablecloths. Those patients who are able can help themselves to food at mealtimes and sit with others to eat, or go to the library to select another page-turner. A physiotherapist helps Carpenter with her painful back, and is working to help improve her confidence on stairs.

Previously, an elderly person in Carpenter’s condition would most likely have ended up in an acute hospital ward(病房).

There, very frequently, people of her age would get stuck, and many would go downhill fast.

“They come into hospital, and our model in the NHS is to put them to bed,” says Steve Taylor, the divisional director for community services. “Put your pyjamas on, you stay in that bed, we will feed you and toilet you.”

Shockingly quickly, he says, patients can lose what abilities they previously had. “And then, when it comes time to discharge you, you can no longer walk.”

This is probably the biggest challenge facing the NHS – the problem of an older population, the long years of illness that many of us will face and a fragile social care system underpinning it all.

1.What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Carpenter often falls at home.

B. No one looks after Carpenter.

C. There is something wrong with Carpenter’s legs.

D. Carpenter is in such poor condition that she had to go to hospital.

2.How might Carpenters feel living in the new hospital?

A. Lonely. B. Desperate.

C. Relaxed. D. Curious.

3.In which section of a newspaper can you find this text?

A. Society. B. Technology.

C. Family. D. Medicine.

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