
Most people realize that fast food isn't the healthiest or best?tasting cuisine(菜肴). It is, however, expected to be fast.

Many chains like McDonald's have struggled with slower food delivery in recent years, because there are more items on the menu. But the world's largest restaurant chain, which serves 68 million customers daily in 119 countries, is trying to change that.

For several months, McDonald's has been testing what's called the “just?for?you experience”. In 200 U S restaurants (and more than 2,000 across the globe), customers are able to order directly from a self?serve kiosk(售货亭), after which an employee brings the meal directly to the table.

McDonald's chief executive Steve Easterbrook, speaking at a McDonald's in New York's Tribeca neighbourhood on Thursday, said the company has long expected customers to adapt to its business model of ordering at the counter and then waiting to collect their own food. Now, he said, “We're adapting our business around customers.”

It showed that “test runs at more than 500 restaurants…showed an increase in foot traffic and contributed to a mid?single?digit percentage increase in restaurant sales, lifting the 5 to 6 average check by 1, on average.” Customer satisfaction scores also increased, “because families, in particular, appreciate having their food brought to them.”The company also announced the beginning of a new mobile order?and?pay app, which would allow customers to order and pay for food from their smart phones.

Mike, a common customer, said, “As a father of two small children, I'm every fast?food chain's target customer. My wife and I try to avoid McDonald's when possible, but like many parents we end up going. I've used the self?serve kiosks and like them a lot: they're easy to use, reduce the pressure of making a choice with impatient customers behind you, and make a big difference in delivery time. I just hope they don't start expecting me to tip.”

1.Why do many chains have a slower food delivery in the past several years?

A. Because they have struggled many expectations.

B. Because they have more dishes to serve people.

C. Because they have the world's largest restaurant chains.

D. Because sometimes they have too many customers.

2.How do customers get their food after ordering food self?serve kiosks?

A. By testing McDonald's machine.

B. By taking food by themselves.

C. By letting waiters bring food for them.

D. By letting employees serve for them.

3.What's the result of trying “just?for?you experience”?

A. It is a great success.

B. It caused traffic jam.

C. It's well received only by app users.

D. It still needs to be observed.

4.What can we infer from what Mike said?

A. His family don't like McDonald's.

B. He's willing to give tips for good service.

C. Self?serve kiosks are a good choice.

D. It's hard for him to spend the delivery time.


Bendable wings covered with overlapping (重叠部分) pieces looking like fish scales could be used to build more controllable, fuel?efficient aircraft, a new study finds.

Nowadays, conventional aircraft typically rely on ailerons (副翼) to help control the way the planes tilt (倾斜) as they fly. However, when the Wright brothers flew the first airplane, Flyer 1, over a century ago, they used no ailerons but wires that pulled and stretched the wood?and?canvas wings, to control the plane.

“Scientists have long sought to develop aircraft that can change their wings during flight, just as birds can. However, most previous attempts have failed because they relied on heavy mechanical control structures within the wings. These structures were also complex and unreliable,” said Neil Gershenfeld, a physicist and director of the Centre for Bits and Atoms at MIT.

The new wing consists of a system of tiny, strong and lightweight modules (组件). The shape of the wing can be changed uniformly along its length using two small motors, which apply a twisting pressure to each wingtip. These wings are covered in “skins” of overlapping strips of flexible material like fish scales. These strips move across each other as the wings change themselves, providing a smooth outer surface, the researchers explained.

Wind tunnel tests of these wings showed that they at least matched the aerodynamic (气动) properties of conventional wings, at about one?tenth the weight. “Initial tests using remotely piloted aircraft made with these wings have shown great promise,” said Benjamin Jenett, a graduate student at the Centre for Bits and Atoms at MIT.

The new modular structures the scientists developed could be manufactured quickly in mass quantities and then installed by teams of small robots. These modular structures also can be disassembled more easily, making repairs simpler.

“Still, the first aircraft built using this strategy will not be a passenger jet,” Gershenfeld said. “Instead, the technology will likely first be tested on unmanned aircrafts, leading to aircrafts flying for a long time, to help deliver Internet access or medicine to remote villages.”

1.Why is the Wright brothers' airplane mentioned in the text?

A. To show the history of aircrafts.

B. To show the development of wings.

C. To show the need to improve planes.

D. To show the structure of conventional planes.

2.What makes planes fly like birds when they tilt?

A. Their ailerons. B. Wires and pulleys.

C. Changeable wings. D. Mechanical control structures.

3.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. The shape of the new wings.

B. The purpose of the overlapping strips.

C. The working principle of the new wings.

D. The result of wind?tunnel tests of these wings.

4.What does the underlined word “disassemble” mean in Paragraph 6?

A. Replace. B. Analyze.

C. Put away. D. Take apart.

Every morning,when I'm on my way to work,I see people who are homeless,sleeping in doorways and on sidewalks.They're clearly in____of help.I feel very sad to____this,and most people walk by,____they don't exist and don't offer any help at all,not____a word.

Recently,it has been extremely____in Vancouver,Canada,which makes things very____for the homeless.

I usually arrive at my____around 8 am.Those homeless people in the area are trying to____in cold weather,so sometimes I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to leave something for them while sleeping,as it may get____.

Today,I____someone,who seemed to be homeless,sitting on the sidewalk,awake.I had a little bit of time ____ started work,so I rushed out across the____to ask if I could get anything for him to drink or eat.He didn't want a coffee or warm drink,____a soft rink,a Cola,so I went and got this for him,along with a banana.

Then I went back to my office across the street to____a bag that I packed with items like a hat,a toothbrush, snacks,hand warmers and so on.I had been planning to give the____someone in need.I____back outside to give it to the stranger,who was very____.

Society may feel____with homeless people,but we must remember that they're just like us,human beings,who are just down on their luck for certain____.It could be your father,mother,brother,sister or friend.If we____to help someone in need,we can truly make our world better.

1.A. place B. need C. memory D. praise

2.A. see B. expect C. hear D. understand

3.A. telling B. guessing C. pretending D. promising

4.A. still B. only C. just D. even

5.A. hot B. Cold C. cool D. warm

6.A. weak B. obvious C. easy D. difficult

7.A. shop B. home C. office D. school

8.A. sleep B. stand C. wake D. sit

9.A. trapped B. stolen C. sought D. paid

10.A. spotted B. missed C. consulted D. realized

11.A. if B. after C. before D. though

12.A. bridge B. market C. door D. street

13.A. but B. or C. and D. so

14.A. wipe B. buy C. get D. collect

15.A. banana B. bag C. hat D. snack

16.A. looked B. called C. held D. hurried

17.A. puzzled B. grateful C. angry D. sad

18.A. pleased B. dishonest C. uncomfortable D. helpful

19.A. reasons B. purposes C. illnesses D. benefits

20.A. turn out B. look out C. give out D. reach out

Safety and Security Procedures

Your safety and the security of your personal property are of the primary concern to those of us who welcome you as our guest. We urge you to take advantage of the following suggestions.


Lock your vehicle and do not leave money or valuable items inside. We are not responsible for their loss.


Be good at noticing things around you when sightseeing or traveling. Stay in heavily traveled areas. Don’t display large amounts of cash.


For additional security, use the deadbolt (插锁) provided on your door and make sure the windows are locked. As an additional precautious measure, please secure the secondary locks provided. Do not admit anyone to your room without first making identification. A one-way viewer is provided in your door to assist with identification. If there is any doubt about the person’s identity, please contact the Front Desk.


Do not leave money or valuables in your room or vehicle. We provide free safety boxes for you. We are not responsible for items left in room valued over $200.


Safeguard your key. Please do not leave it in the door. Do not give your key to others or leave it unattended. Please leave your key at the Front Desk when you check out.


Please familiarize yourself with the nearest fire exits. Report fire or smoke to the hotel operator. In the unlikely event of a fire, please move quickly and calmly to the nearest safe exit and leave the building. Avoid the use of the elevator.


Please report any suspicious activity, or safety concerns to management.

1.What should you do when a fire breaks out according to the passage?

A. Try your best to put out the fire.

B. Report fire to your leader first.

C. Leave the building through the safe exit.

D. Use the electric lift to leave as fast as possible.

2.What should you do with a suspicious-looking stranger who knocks at your door?

A. Pretend you are not in the room.

B. Send him to the police station.

C. Get in touch with the Front Desk.

D. Let him in to make sure of his identity.

3.Where might you see these suggestions?

A. At a gym. B. At a hotel.

C. At a shop. D. At a bank.

A new study reported in a medical magazine concludes that even smokers who reach their 70s are likely to live longer if they stop smoking. Researchers say that they have got some of the strongest evidence (证据) that it's never too late to stop smoking.

The study was based on a five-year follow-up of 7, 178 people over the age of 65 who lived in Boston, New Haven and Washington counties in Iowa. The report showed former smokers ran about the same risk of death from heart disease as those who never smoked. Women who stopped smoking faced about the same cancer-death risk as those who never smoked, but men who gave up smoking still had a 50% higher risk. The men's extra risk of cancer largely disappeared if they had not smoked for more than 20 years. The discovery does not agree with the widely-known belief that by the time smokers reach old age, their habit has already hurt them, and those who continue to live healthily are probably immune (有免疫力的) to the dangers of cigarettes.

1.The conclusion of the new study is that _________.

A. one can plan to give up smoking at any age for the sake (理由) of one's health

B. it's late to stop smoking when one is getting old

C. it's no use for young people stopping smoking

D. smokers over the age of 70 are expected to live longer

2.A former smoker is a person who _________.

A. smokes once in a while

B. is going to give up smoking

C. used to smoke

D. smokes a lot

3.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Women who stop smoking face about the same cancer-death risk as non-smokers.

B. Men who stop smoking are facing the same risk of death from cancer as non-smokers.

C. Women who stop smoking face about the same cancer-death risk as men who gave up smoking 20 years ago.

D. Men who stop smoking face about the same risk of death from heart trouble as non-smokers.

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
