
The 2,298-kilometer Beijing-Guangzhou High-speed Railway 1. (official) opened to passengers on December 26,2012. It is the world’s longest high-speed rail route. The 2. (design)speed of the track is 350 kilometers, though speeds during the initial period of operation will be limited to about 300 km/h. The new route cuts the travel time between Beijing and Guangzhou 3.almost two thirds, from 22 hours to roughly 8 hours .On December 1, 2012,not long before the opening of the Beijing-Guangzhou High-speed Railway, the Harbin-Dalian High-speed Railway, 4. first high-speed line ever to cross land that lies frozen for almost half a year, began operations, 5. allows passengers to appreciate the view off the coast from Dalian in the morning, 6. the winter snowscape of frosty Harbin in the afternoon . At present the total 7. (long) of high-speed lines in China 8.(reach) 9,349 km. With four main lines 9. (run) east-west and four north-south, the country’s high-speed train network is the world’s largest. China plans to expand 10. high-speed railway network to 50,000 km by 2020, to cover almost all large and medium-sized cities.


While being lost in the woods can be a frightening experience, surviving alone in the wild is generally a matter of common sense, patience, and wisely using the gifts that nature provides.1..

Do your research first. Don't just trek off into the wilderness; get a solid understanding of your surroundings first. Studying a map of the area where you're going -- and making sure to bring it with you -- will increase your chances of not getting lost tremendously. Educate yourself about the flora and fauna of the area you are exploring. 2..

3.. A cell phone with a spare battery or a portable CB radio can be your best, quickest means of rescue if you are truly lost or injured. A cell signal may only be obtainable only from a hill or tree, but is better than nothing. Serious hikers may even consider investing in a personal locator beacon such as the SPOT Messenger for extended, precarious, or very remote, treks.

Don't panic if you’re lost. Panic is more dangerous than almost anything else, because it interferes with the operation of your single best, most useful and versatile survival tool: your mind. The moment you realize that you are lost, before you do anything else, stop.4.. Before you act, follow the idea of STOP: S = sit down T = think O = observe your surroundings P = prepare for survival by gathering materials.

Signal your location. Make noise by whistling, shouting, singing, or banging rocks together. 5. . If you're in a mountain meadow, make three piles of dark leaves or branches in a triangle. In sandy areas, make a large triangle in the sand. Three of anything in the wilderness is a standard distress signal.

A. Bring a means of communication.

B. If you can, mark your location in such a way that it's visible from the air.

C. Knowledge of the local plants and animals can save your life

D. If you want to know how to survive in the woods, just follow these steps.

E. Starvation won't be a big problem.

F. Take a deep breath and stay calm.

G. Having strength in numbers will help you survive.

Safety and Security Procedures

Your safety and the security of your personal property are of the primary concern to those of us who welcome you as our guest. We urge you to take advantage of the following suggestions.


Lock your vehicle and do not leave money or valuable items inside. We are not responsible for their loss.


Be good at noticing things around you when sightseeing or traveling. Stay in heavily traveled areas. Don’t display large amounts of cash.


For additional security, use the deadbolt (插锁) provided on your door and make sure the windows are locked. As an additional precautious measure, please secure the secondary locks provided. Do not admit anyone to your room without first making identification. A one-way viewer is provided in your door to assist with identification. If there is any doubt about the person’s identity, please contact the Front Desk.


Do not leave money or valuables in your room or vehicle. We provide free safety boxes for you. We are not responsible for items left in room valued over $200.


Safeguard your key. Please do not leave it in the door. Do not give your key to others or leave it unattended. Please leave your key at the Front Desk when you check out.


Please familiarize yourself with the nearest fire exits. Report fire or smoke to the hotel operator. In the unlikely event of a fire, please move quickly and calmly to the nearest safe exit and leave the building. Avoid the use of the elevator.


Please report any suspicious activity, or safety concerns to management.

1.What should you do when a fire breaks out according to the passage?

A. Try your best to put out the fire.

B. Report fire to your leader first.

C. Leave the building through the safe exit.

D. Use the electric lift to leave as fast as possible.

2.What should you do with a suspicious-looking stranger who knocks at your door?

A. Pretend you are not in the room.

B. Send him to the police station.

C. Get in touch with the Front Desk.

D. Let him in to make sure of his identity.

3.Where might you see these suggestions?

A. At a gym. B. At a hotel.

C. At a shop. D. At a bank.

Whether rich or poor, parents who have books in the home increase the level of education their children will attain, according to a 20-year study led by Mariah Evans.

For years, educators have thought the strongest predictor(预示物) of attaining high levels of education was having parents who were highly educated. But, the study showed that the difference between being raised in a bookless home compared to being raised in a home with a 500-book library has as great an effect on the level of education a child will attain as the difference between having parents who are barely literate (有文化的) and having parents who have a university education.

Being a sociologist, Evans was particularly interested to find that children of lesser-educated parents benefit the most from having books in the home. What kinds of investments should we make to help these kids get ahead? The results of this study indicate that getting some books into their homes is an inexpensive way that we can help these children succeed. Evans said, "Even a little bit goes a long way. Having as few as 20 books in the home still has a significant impact on motivating a child to a higher level of education, and the more books you add, the greater benefit the children get.”

The researchers were struck by the strong effect having books in the home had on children's educational attainment even above and beyond such factors as education level of the parents, the father's occupation or the economic level of the country.

Having books in the home is twice as important as the father's education level, and more important than whether a child was brought up in a developing country or a developed country. Surprisingly, the difference in educational attainment for children born in developed country and children born in developing country was just 2 years, less than two-thirds of the effect that having 500 or more books in the home had on children.

1.In the past educators held a point of view that ______ .

A. children whose family had a library would possibly attain high levels of education

B. children who were born in poor families studied harder than those in rich families

C. children whose parents are highly educated would attain high levels of education

D. parents’ level of education had nothing to do with their children’s levels of education

2.What does the underlined word “motivating” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Making somebody want to do something.

B. Helping somebody to finish something

C. Making somebody pretend to do something.

D. Preventing somebody from achieving something.

3.Which of the following has the most important effect on the level of education a child will gain?

A. The economic level of the country.

B. The father’s occupation.

C. Education levels of parents.

D. Having books in the home.

4.Which is the following is NOT TRUE?

A. Getting books into homes is good investment parents can make.

B. Children who get a higher level of education must have many books in their homes.

C. Reading books is good for the development of children.

D. Books in home have a great effect on children’s education levels.

A new study reported in a medical magazine concludes that even smokers who reach their 70s are likely to live longer if they stop smoking. Researchers say that they have got some of the strongest evidence (证据) that it's never too late to stop smoking.

The study was based on a five-year follow-up of 7, 178 people over the age of 65 who lived in Boston, New Haven and Washington counties in Iowa. The report showed former smokers ran about the same risk of death from heart disease as those who never smoked. Women who stopped smoking faced about the same cancer-death risk as those who never smoked, but men who gave up smoking still had a 50% higher risk. The men's extra risk of cancer largely disappeared if they had not smoked for more than 20 years. The discovery does not agree with the widely-known belief that by the time smokers reach old age, their habit has already hurt them, and those who continue to live healthily are probably immune (有免疫力的) to the dangers of cigarettes.

1.The conclusion of the new study is that _________.

A. one can plan to give up smoking at any age for the sake (理由) of one's health

B. it's late to stop smoking when one is getting old

C. it's no use for young people stopping smoking

D. smokers over the age of 70 are expected to live longer

2.A former smoker is a person who _________.

A. smokes once in a while

B. is going to give up smoking

C. used to smoke

D. smokes a lot

3.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Women who stop smoking face about the same cancer-death risk as non-smokers.

B. Men who stop smoking are facing the same risk of death from cancer as non-smokers.

C. Women who stop smoking face about the same cancer-death risk as men who gave up smoking 20 years ago.

D. Men who stop smoking face about the same risk of death from heart trouble as non-smokers.

Two men were sitting together in a plane. They were on a long journey. One of the men was a businessman. The other was a farmer. They sat without talking for a while, then the farmer said, “Let’s do something to pass the time.”

“What do you want to do?” the businessman asked. “We can ask each other riddles.” The farmer said, “you star.” “Let’s make the rules first,” the businessman said. “That’s not fair. Your are a businessman with much knowledge. You know more things than I do. I am just a farmer.”

“That’s true.” The businessman said. “What do you want we should do?” “If you don’t know the answer to a riddle, you pay me $100. And if I don’t know the answer, I’ll pay you $50.” The farmer said. The businessman thought about this, then he said, “OK. That’s fair. Who will go first?”

“I will,” The farmer said. “Here is my riddle. What has three legs when it walks, but only two legs when it flies?” The business man repeated the riddle, “What has three legs when it walks, but only two legs when it flies? Mm, that’s a good one. I’m afraid I don’t know the answer.” He gave the farmer $100, then said, “Tell me the answer. What has three legs when it walks, but only two legs when it flies?” “I don’t know.” The farmer said and gave him $50.

1.The story happened______. .

A. on a farm B. in a shop

C. before a long plane journey D. between two passengers

2.What does the word “riddle” mean in this story?

A. A difficult question to find the answer to

B. Something to help to make rules

C. Something to win money

D. a kind of game in doing business

3.Why did the businessman agree to give more money if he lost?

A. He made much more money than the farmer

B. He thought he knew more than the farmer

C. He was interested in making riddles

D. He was better at playing riddle games

4.The farmer________. .

A. enjoyed himself on his long journey

B. didn’t want to pay even one dollar

C. spent all his money on the plane ticket

D. won fifty dollars by playing the riddle game

Younger students experience school bullying (欺凌) more frequently than older ones, and male students are bullied more than their female peers, a survey found.

It also found that nearly half of students had been intentionally hit or knocked down by classmates. About 6 percent said they are targeted by bullies on campus every day. The survey also found that students from ordinary schools experienced more bullying than peers from key institutions, and children from poor families are more likely to be bullied at school.

Being bullied can have a negative impact on a child’s personal development and academic performance, according to Zhou Jinyan, a researcher who led the study at Beijing Normal University. “Children being bullied will find it hard to trust others,” Zhou said. “They may often feel anxiety, anger, resentment or depression. These emotions will further undermine their ability to control their own life.”

In recent years, bullying on Chinese campuses has been frequently reported and has attracted widespread attention and concern. The most recent incident to arouse heated discussions took place in December at Beijing’s Zhongguancun No.2 Primary School. A fourth-grade student was bullied and laughed at by classmates, causing him acute stress disorder.

The Supreme People’s Procuratorate (最高人民检察院) received about 1,900 cases related to school bullying in 2016. Meanwhile, there was a notable increase in bullying reports involving middle school students from 14 to 18 years old.

Zhou came up with some ways to solve the problem, including boosting communication between teachers, parents and students and trying to establish more harmonious relationships among children. She said it was strongly suggested that parents try to be involved in their children’s educational experience, as their presence and companionship have proved effective in reducing bullying and its negative effects.

1.Who is the most likely to become the target of bullying?

A. A 10-year-old girl from a key school

B. A 10-year-old boy from a poor family

C. A 17-year-old boy from a rich family

D. A 17-year-old girl from an ordinary school

2.Being bullied will cause students to go through the following EXCEPT _____.

A. a drop in academic performance

B. a lack of trust in other people

C. a drop in the sense of depression

D. a lack of confidence in themselves

3.We can learn from the text that _____.

A. bullying at school usually leads to acute stress disorder

B. bullying on campus has been brought into sharp focus by the media

C. students who enjoy parents’ companionship will be bullying-free

D. the government should consider taking further action against bullying at school

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. Bullying affects half of students

B. Negative effects on children caused by bullying

C. Is anything we can do about bullying?

D. The reasons for bullying on campus

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