
6.Wuhan,the capital city of Hubei province,has issued smog warnings for three days since Monday because of serious air pollution.
The lingering smog forced construction sites to stop work and primary and middle schools to suspend outdoor activities.From Monday through Wednesday,the city's air quality index reading remained high,with the highest reading at 323,with PM2.5,or particulate matter smaller than 2.5microns,as the main pollutant,according to the city's meteorological bureau.Any reading over 300is considered"seriously polluted".
The city experienced at least eight heavily polluted days in the first two weeks of December,with the air quality index reading reaching a high of 440,China News Service reported.
Among those affected was a square dancing team in Jiang'an district,which had to stop daily practices after several members fell ill.Square dancing is a common open-air fitness practice across China,with most of the participants middle-aged or elderly women.
Media reported the leader of one dancing team had to go to a hospital after she had an asthma attack on Dec 11.
Identified only as Fang,65,the dance team leader said she decided to suspend the practices after she learned her illness was caused by smog,and after several other members also fell ill,the report said.
The city plans to invest 28billion yuan (﹩4.61billion) in air pollution control by 2017.The plan says the city will boost the development of clean energy vehicles for public transportation and remove all of the current 140,000heavy-polluting vehicles from Wuhan's roads by the end of 2016.

72.What's the main idea of the passage?B
A.Wuhan decided to remove most construction sites.
B.Wuhan issued smog warnings for three days because of smog.
C.The city is reportedly unfit for physical training.
D.Outdoor exercise can decrease the influence of smog.
73.The air quality index reading of the city once reached to an extreme ofC.
A.300   B.323      C.440     D.140,000
74.The city authorities will firstly developA in the future.
A.green transportation            B.environmentally friendly energy
C.heavy vehicles                  D.transport network
75.Where can we most probably read this text?A
A.China Daily             B.Travel Journal
C.Entertainment Weekly    D.National Geographic.

分析 这篇文章主要报道了湖北省的省会城市--武汉因为严重的空气污染自周一以来三天发出雾霾警告.

解答 72.B 主旨大意题.根据文章第一段的句子可知,武汉,湖北省的省会城市,因为严重的空气污染自周一以来三天发出雾霾警告.所以这篇文章主要报道武汉发出三天的雾霾警报.故选B.
73.C 细节理解题.根据文章第三段的句子The city experienced atleast eight heavily polluted days in the first two weeks of December,with the air quality index readingreaching a high of 440,可知,12月的前两周这个城市经历了至少污染严重的八天,空气质量指数高达440.故选C.
74.A 细节理解题.根据文章最后一段第二句The plan says the citywill boost the development of clean energy vehicles for public transportationand可知,政府计划未来城市将发展绿色交通方式,故选A.
75.A 推理判断题.根据文章的内容和文章多次出现的"ChinaNews Service reported"这样的字眼可知这篇文章是一则新闻报道,所以是出自报纸上的文章,故选A.

点评 本文是新闻报道类阅读,主要考查细节理解题和推理判断题.在做细节理解题时,首先根据题目要求迅速在文章里找出相应的段落、句子或短语.认真比较选项和文中细节的区别,在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

17.Sina Weibo,one of the country's most popular micro-blogging sites,has launched a paid service.For a 10 yuan ($ l.57)monthly fee,users get a membership on their Sina Weibo accounts.
   According to Xu Yuanyuan,a member of the marketing team at Sina,the move is to guarantee a more convenient and safer environment for users.But despite the company's efforts to increase income,it seems that most of its 300 million users still prefer the free version.
   The premium membership(高级会员) plans,announced by the company on Monday,brought about negative comments from its users.
"The current service is good enough for me",said a Beijing-based micro-blogger."I don't really need those value-added services and it might be a waste of money.I might consider paying for it if some more features are added."
Dong Xu,an analyst with consulting firm Analysys International,said that Sina shouldn't expect a great increase in income brought by the new services.The free services are enough for most users,Dong said."The company has been making attempts at different profit models since last year.A potential source of income could be gaming.Games and advertisements are so far the two biggest sources of income."she said.
Other micro-blogging service providers have not yet followed suit.Fang Gang,vice-president of rival Sohu,said via e-mail on Tuesday that Sohu's micro-blogging service will never charge users."It's good news for us.Users can come to our website if they have to pay for services (at Sina)."Fang said.

56.Most of Sina Weibo's usersB.
A.aren't satisfied with its free version
B.show no interest in its paid services 
C.are looking forward to new services
D.think highly of its new paid version
57.What's Dong Xu's attitude towards Sina Weibo's new services increasing income?A
58.Why did Fang Gang consider Sina Weibo's charging its users good news?C
A.Because Sina will make more money.
B.Because Sina will lose the whole Weibo market.
C.Because Sohu will attract more users.
D.Because Sohu will offer free services.
59.What can be inferred from the text?D
A.Most of Weibo websites will charge their users.
B.Sina Weibo's new move will be a great success.
C.Sina Weibo's users will enjoy more services.
D.A large number of Weibo users like playing games.
60.What can be the best title for the text?B
A.Sina Weibo Faces Great Challenges
B.Sina Weibo Launches Paid Services
C.Sina Weibo Expects Income Increase
D.Sina Weibo Becomes More Convenient.
A.20Years Younger

The book details easy and effective steps we can all take to rebuild the foundation of youth and enjoy better health,improved energy,and a positive outlook on life.The four basic programs are:an exercise system for fighting muscle and bone loss,a longevity-focused diet,sleep rejuvenation,and wrinkle-fighting skin care.Woven throughout the text is practical advice on changing appearances,controlling stress,staying mentally sharp,navigating medical tests,and much more.
B.Born To Run

Full of incredible characters,amazing athletic achievements,cutting-edge science,and,most of all,pure inspiration,Born to Run is an epic adventure that began with one simple question:Why does my foot hurt?In search of an answer,Christopher McDougall sets off to find a tribe of the world's greatest distance runners and learn their secrets,and in the process shows us that everything we thought we knew about running is wrong.
C.Natural Running

In Natural Running,Abshire explains how modern running shoes distort the efficient running technique that humans evolved over thousands of years.He reviews the history of running shoes and injuries,making the case for barefoot running but also warning about its dangers.

This book includes excellent instruction from a best-selling woodworking author on all aspects of woodworking with hand tools.He approaches setting up the all-hand tool shop,explains how the tools work in wood,addresses the joinery,and finishes with instructions on building a workshop accessory to use with hand tools.Also included are other sample projects and information on finishing the hand-worked projects.
E.Whittling Little Folk:20Delightful Characters to Carve and   Paint
At the beginning of the book,readers will find step-by-step carving and painting instructions for a Scandinavian inspired man and woman.Once they have learned to carve these two projects,readers will find an additional 18patterns that can also be created with the same technique and some subtle changes.
F.Quick and Easy Meals

The book offers healthy,low-carb Primal-approved recipes that can all be completed in under half and hour and,in many cases,in just a few minutes.Sisson and Meier show you how to delight your family or guests every time with quick,delicious meals using local produce,CSA meats,healthy fats (yes,and real butter) and common herbs and spices.

46.Carina is fond of art and likes carving very much.In order to make something for the coming Mothers Day,she is searching a new idea.
47.Daisy is a busy salesgirl,who is difficult to find time to cook.She likes home meals.
48.Alexander is a college student.He likes running.He wants to know more about the secret of shoes and running.
49.Sammy majors in PE.He will do a research on how to train long distance runners.
50.Nancy is looking for a book about advice on controlling stress,changing appearances,and enjoying a better health.
1.There is one thing I will never forget,mainly because I learned the meaning of kindness then.
One day when I was in junior school,I went running on a (26)Dday.It was my favorite activity because the (27)Cwere so clean when it rained. (28)D,I saw an old man with (29)B clothes picking cans out of a rubbish bin.When I ran past him,I didn't know (30)A I should give him my umbrella.As I was thinking,I was still (31)C.But I finally decided to give him my umbrella,as I knew he needed the umbrella much more than I needed it,(32)D  I ran back,give him the umbrella and said,"You (33)B this more than I do."To my (34)D,he took it with a big smile on his face and repeated,"Thank you!Thank you!God bless you."I hadn't expected he would (35)Cit so much.I walked away feeling (36)B.I turned back on last minute and (37)A him still smiling."It was just an umbrella."I thought,not (38)C that it was the (39)Dthat made him happy.He might feel that he wasn't (40)Bin the world.
A few weeks later,when I was running on the same street on a bright sunny day,I (41)C the same man in the same clothes sitting down resting.The only (42)Dwas my umbrella right beside him,looking like he (43)Ait.It was very clean and neatly placed.At that moment,I realized it didn't (44)D that I couldn't give him a house or a job.I only did what I was able to and it made a whole lot of (45)Bseem to go away.

41.A.cared aboutB.called onC.passed byD.looked after
11.Charter schools operate with public money but without many of the rues that Sovem tradi-tional public schools.In the Uruted States the rules for charter schools difFer from state to state. But in Seneral these schools havegreater freedom to decide what to teach and how to teach it.
    The"charter'is a perfarmance contract.It establishes thegoals of the school and other details like how student performance will be measured. Forty-seven million students attend traditional public schools.But more than a million students attend charter schools:
    And now a group of charter schools have formed the Green Charter Schools Network. The idea is to have environmentally friendly school buildings but toalso go further than that.The schools teach students to become involved in community issues that affect them and the environ-ment. For example,youg children grow crops in a school garden and leam about healthy eat-ing.Older students help recycle waste from the cafeteria.And local schoois share what they grow in community gardens with people in need.
    Jim McGrath is president.of the Green Charter Schools Network. He says there are about 200"green"charter schools across the United States. He says the plan is to also include tradi-tional public schools as well as private schools.
    Jim McGrath:"The most important thing is that every one of us-every child,every adult-has a reaponsibility that their action,every action we make has an effect on the earth  that we live in. And that our natuntl resources are not unlimited. And that if we want a positive earth for future generations,we all need to make comnutments to be agents of change so that we don't destroy our natural resources.
    The Green Clarter Schools Network holds its first national conference this October in Min-nesota.It will include companies and orgaizations like Waste Management and the Uruted States Green Brulding Council. We sincerely hope that their goal is to expand the movement across the country.
61.Charter schools are quitedifent from public ones in thatC
A.they are operated by public money
B.they still use the traditional rules
C.they have more freedom in management
D. they attract more students than others
62.The Green Charter Schools Network is established toD
A.advise teenagers to attend charter schools
B.paint the school buildings in the color of green
C.measure the students with the same standards
D.get students involved in environment friendly activities
63.Which of the following statements about the Network are true EXCEPTA
A. It only concernsthe charter schools in the U.S.
B.It holds its first national conference in Minnesota.
C. It will benefit both the schools and the communities.
D.It promotes different schools to share their achievements.
64.According to Jim McGrath,C
A.people's action plays little part in nature
B.natural resources are abundant for people to use
C. students should be taught to be responsibk for the world
D.everyone should make efforts to change the positive nature
65.What's the writer's purpose of this passage?D
A.To criticize the traditional education system.
B.To encourage the students to adopt healthy eating.
C.To inspire people to recycle waste from the cafeteria.
D.To arouse the schools to take action to protect the earth.
18.It is one of the greatest mysteries of nature.In case you haven't noticed,all living things follow very definite,individual rhythms,all as regular as a clock,but what makes them regular?
    Though many scientists maintain that these rhythms are the result of some outside force like gravity or radiation or both,the results of most scientific researches agree with other scientists who believe that each living thing has its own built-in biological"time clock."
    Take the mystery of migration for example.Scientists can't really explain why many species of birds migrate in the autumn even though the temperature is still summery.The birds just seem to snub the comfortable weather that they are having.When a certain time comes,they travel south by the thousand.In spring time,they migrate northwards even though there probably is snow still covering the ground when they finally arrive.Something said"go,"and they did.
    Animals that hibernate (冬眠) are obeying individual time clocks,too.When their clock indicates the time to take a winter's nap,they do,and nothing can stop them.At a certain time in the spring,they wake up and come out regardless of the weather outside.
    Plants appear to have yearly rhythms,such as the sprouting of seeds,and they also have daily rhythms.Notice sometimes that plants raise their leaves in daylight and lower them at night.
    If you live along the California coast,you can easily observe a demonstration of this mysterious clock functioning regularly.There,from February to September,the highest tides occur exactly every fourteen and four-fifths days,and during these high tides,but at no other time,small silvery fish called grunions surf-ride a wave to the beach.There the female deposits her eggs in the sand and the male fertilizes them; then both hitch a wave-ride back to the sea.Exactly fourteen and four-fifths days later,never before or after,the tiny eggs hatch,and the high tide carries the new babies out to sea.

72.According to the passage,the mysterious rhythms result fromD.
   A.the influence of gravity on living species
   B.the effect of radiation on living species
   C.the influence of a mysterious outer force on living species
   D.the internal mechanism inside the living species
73.The underlined word"snub"in the third paragraph probably meansB.
   A.fight          B.ignore          C.symbolize         D.criticize
74.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?D
   A.Hibernating animals are obeying an internal time clock.
   B.The positioning of the leaves of some plants is due to the daily rhythms.
   C.The internal clock functioning is demonstrated in the reproducing habits of grunions.
   D.The yearly hibernation is more because of the weather influence than the biological functioning.
75.The passage is mainly aboutA.
   A.the rhythms of life              
   B.the reasons of mysterious hibernation
   C.strange behaviors of species     
   D.the timing for different events in the world of species.
15.Every baby born a decade from now will have its genetic code (基因编码) mapped at birth,the head of the worlds'leading genome sequencing (基因图谱) company has predicted.
A complete DNA read-out for every newborn will be technically possible and affordable in less than five years,promising a revolution in healthcare,says Jay Flatley,the chief executive of Illumina.Only social and legal problems are likely to delay the age of"genome sequences,"or genetic profiles.By 2019 it will have become routine to map infants'genes when they are born,Dr Flatly told The Times.
This will open a new approach to medicine,by which conditions such as high blood pressure and heart disease can be predicted and prevented and drugs used more safely and effectively.
A baby's genome can be discovered at birth by a blood test.By examining a person's genome,it is possible to identify raised risks of developing diseases such as cancers.Those at high risk can then he screened more regularly,or given drugs or dietary advice to lower their chances of becoming ill.
Personal genomes could also he used to ensure that patients get the medicine that is most likely to work for them and least likely to have side-effects.
The development,however,will raise legal concerns about privacy and access to individuals'genetic records.
"Bad things can be done with the genome.It could predict something about someone-and you could possibly hand the information to their employer or their insurance company."said Dr Flatley.
"People have to recognize that this horse is out of the barn,and that your genome probably can't be protected,because everywhere you go you leave your genome behind.Complete genetic privacy,however,is unlikely to be possible",he added.
As the benefits become clearer,however,he believes that most people will want their genomes read and interpreted.The risk is nothing compared with the gain.
63.In the first two paragraphs,the author mainly wants to tell us about.A
A.the significant progress in medicine
B.the promise of a leading company
C.the information of babies'genes   
D.the research of medical scientists
64.Which of the following is a problem caused by this approach?D
A.The delaying in discovering DNA.
B.The risk of developing diseases at birth.
C.The side-effects of medicine on patients.
D.The letting out of personal genetic information.
65.What does the underlined sentence"…this horse is out of the barn"mean?D
A.Genetic mapping technique has been widely used.
B.Genetic mapping technique is too horrible to control.
C.People are eager to improve genetic mapping technique.
D.people can't stop genetic mapping technique advancing.
66.What's Dr Flatley's attitude towards the technology?C

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