
18.It is one of the greatest mysteries of nature.In case you haven't noticed,all living things follow very definite,individual rhythms,all as regular as a clock,but what makes them regular?
    Though many scientists maintain that these rhythms are the result of some outside force like gravity or radiation or both,the results of most scientific researches agree with other scientists who believe that each living thing has its own built-in biological"time clock."
    Take the mystery of migration for example.Scientists can't really explain why many species of birds migrate in the autumn even though the temperature is still summery.The birds just seem to snub the comfortable weather that they are having.When a certain time comes,they travel south by the thousand.In spring time,they migrate northwards even though there probably is snow still covering the ground when they finally arrive.Something said"go,"and they did.
    Animals that hibernate (冬眠) are obeying individual time clocks,too.When their clock indicates the time to take a winter's nap,they do,and nothing can stop them.At a certain time in the spring,they wake up and come out regardless of the weather outside.
    Plants appear to have yearly rhythms,such as the sprouting of seeds,and they also have daily rhythms.Notice sometimes that plants raise their leaves in daylight and lower them at night.
    If you live along the California coast,you can easily observe a demonstration of this mysterious clock functioning regularly.There,from February to September,the highest tides occur exactly every fourteen and four-fifths days,and during these high tides,but at no other time,small silvery fish called grunions surf-ride a wave to the beach.There the female deposits her eggs in the sand and the male fertilizes them; then both hitch a wave-ride back to the sea.Exactly fourteen and four-fifths days later,never before or after,the tiny eggs hatch,and the high tide carries the new babies out to sea.

72.According to the passage,the mysterious rhythms result fromD.
   A.the influence of gravity on living species
   B.the effect of radiation on living species
   C.the influence of a mysterious outer force on living species
   D.the internal mechanism inside the living species
73.The underlined word"snub"in the third paragraph probably meansB.
   A.fight          B.ignore          C.symbolize         D.criticize
74.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?D
   A.Hibernating animals are obeying an internal time clock.
   B.The positioning of the leaves of some plants is due to the daily rhythms.
   C.The internal clock functioning is demonstrated in the reproducing habits of grunions.
   D.The yearly hibernation is more because of the weather influence than the biological functioning.
75.The passage is mainly aboutA.
   A.the rhythms of life              
   B.the reasons of mysterious hibernation
   C.strange behaviors of species     
   D.the timing for different events in the world of species.

分析 本文主要讨论的是地球上生命的节奏,不同的物种有不同的生长规律,有不同的生活节奏,其实是由于其体内的内在机制所决定的.

解答 72----75    D B D A
72.D 根据Though many scientists maintain that these rhythms are the result of some outside force like gravity or radiation or both,the results of most scientific researches agree with other scientists who believe that each living thing has its own built-in biological"time clock."可知,生物身上的节奏是由于其体内的生物机制所决定的,故答案为D
73.B 根据The birds just seem to snub the comfortable weather that they are having.When a certain time comes,they travel south by the thousand.可知,候鸟不管天气如何,只要到了某个时间就会迁徙,故答案为B
74.D 根据 Animals that hibernate (冬眠) are obeying individual time clocks,too.When their clock indicates the time to take a winter's nap,they do,and nothing can stop them.At a certain time in the spring,they wake up and come out regardless of the weather outside.可知,动物冬眠主要不是根据天气,而是根据的内在的生物钟,故答案为D
75.A 纵观全文,可知本文主要讨论的是地球上生命的节奏,不同的物种有不同的生长规律,有不同的生活节奏,其实是由于其体内的内在机制所决定的,故答案为A

点评 做阅读时经常犯错的主要原因是,仅凭读过文章后残留在脑海中的一丝印象来勾选答案,这样便很容易掉入出题人故意设布下的题目陷阱.所谓阅读理解,对于题目的理解一定要忠实于原文,因此,每一道题都应该与原文作全面的对比与核查,再得出答案.也就是说,阅读理解的每一道题目,在原文都应该有明确的出处,我们把这一出处叫做原文相关句,(1)排除与原文相关句主题不一致的选项(2)排除与原文相关句态度相反的选项  (3)排除用于过于极端或负面的选项(4)注意结合文章主旨和主题去排除.

(71)BPeople traveled in search of food and shelter or in order to flee from their enemies.Sometimes they were looking for gold or silver in order to become rich.On other occasions they were searching for rich farmland.
This is not to say that no one ever traveled just for fun.Even in ancient times,some pleasure travel occurred.During a typical season,700,000 tourists would crowd into the ancient city of Rome,where animals performed and magicians entertained them.(72)E
(73)F International tourist arrivals alone reached as many as 546 million in 1994 and are forecast to rise to 937 million in 2010,according to the World Trade Organization.
(74)AProbably the most common reason for traveling is related to our physical well-being.Actually,traveling to sports events is one of the fastest growing types of travel.In our fast developing society where stress has become part of people's life,people can rest and relax by having a change of environment and activities.
(75)G No one seems to doubt that travel broadens the mind.In 18 th century Europe,young men would go on a Grand Tour to various countries in order to complete their education.Today the desire to travel to different countries is encouraged by modern mass media.People who travel to other countries can at the same time learn more about their own country and culture.

A.But why do people like traveling so much?
B.Throughout history,most travel was not for pleasure.
C.So they travel to a lake for a swim or to a park for a hike.
D.The improvement in transportation has also encouraged people to travel.
E.People had appeal to their lives in the past.
F.The growth of tourism has become a modern phenomenon experienced by all countries in the world.
G.Another important reason for traveling is to satisfy our curiosity about different places and cultures.
6.Wuhan,the capital city of Hubei province,has issued smog warnings for three days since Monday because of serious air pollution.
The lingering smog forced construction sites to stop work and primary and middle schools to suspend outdoor activities.From Monday through Wednesday,the city's air quality index reading remained high,with the highest reading at 323,with PM2.5,or particulate matter smaller than 2.5microns,as the main pollutant,according to the city's meteorological bureau.Any reading over 300is considered"seriously polluted".
The city experienced at least eight heavily polluted days in the first two weeks of December,with the air quality index reading reaching a high of 440,China News Service reported.
Among those affected was a square dancing team in Jiang'an district,which had to stop daily practices after several members fell ill.Square dancing is a common open-air fitness practice across China,with most of the participants middle-aged or elderly women.
Media reported the leader of one dancing team had to go to a hospital after she had an asthma attack on Dec 11.
Identified only as Fang,65,the dance team leader said she decided to suspend the practices after she learned her illness was caused by smog,and after several other members also fell ill,the report said.
The city plans to invest 28billion yuan (﹩4.61billion) in air pollution control by 2017.The plan says the city will boost the development of clean energy vehicles for public transportation and remove all of the current 140,000heavy-polluting vehicles from Wuhan's roads by the end of 2016.

72.What's the main idea of the passage?B
A.Wuhan decided to remove most construction sites.
B.Wuhan issued smog warnings for three days because of smog.
C.The city is reportedly unfit for physical training.
D.Outdoor exercise can decrease the influence of smog.
73.The air quality index reading of the city once reached to an extreme ofC.
A.300   B.323      C.440     D.140,000
74.The city authorities will firstly developA in the future.
A.green transportation            B.environmentally friendly energy
C.heavy vehicles                  D.transport network
75.Where can we most probably read this text?A
A.China Daily             B.Travel Journal
C.Entertainment Weekly    D.National Geographic.
13.Eat healthier.Exercise twice a week.Read more books.Lose weight.We make the same resolutions(决心) every year,but most of us fail,dying out after only a few days or,at best,weeks.Even the most successful among us crash and burn when it comes to personal change.President-elect Barack Obama struggles to remove his cigarette habit.
 Professionals who help people make changes in their lives suggest the change is determined not by one's surroundings,but one's mind.Beginning with small goals or steps usually leads to a bigger payoff later,they say.But they caution that the experience is different for everyone.
"People are more likely to make positive changes in their lives not only when their friends do,but when their friends of friends do,and when their friends of friends of friends do,"said Nicholas Christakis,a professor of medical sociology at Harvard University."People are better able to make changes in their lives-lose weight,quit smoking,become happy-when they do this with a large number of other people,and so taking advantage of your social network ties can result in a magnification of your own efforts."
    Jhonny Augustin understands that well.His resolution for 2008 was to shed 30 pounds from his 237-pound frame.But the change didn't come easily.He said,"I'm a huge procrastinator,I kept putting it off until tomorrow.I didn't get to do it until the summer."However,Augustin got inspired when he saw his older brother working out.Today,Augustin weighs 190 pounds.
"Of course,change can happen only if people don't set their expectations too high or try to tackle too many changes at once; one of the biggest mistakes we make is setting unrealistic goals,"said Dalia Llera,a psychologist and associate professor of counseling and psychology at Lesley University."You can't accomplish in a few weeks what you haven't accomplished in a few years,"said Llera.
46.From the first paragraph we can infer that.A
A.change for a person is challenging
B.famous people have great determination
C.most people don't want to change themselves
D.personal change is beyond belief
47.It is known from Nicholas christkis that.B
A.making a change is easier with support from a cheerful group of friends
B.social networks have great effect on one's change
C.people who have the same attitude often get together
D.people's mood can contribute to their efforts
48.The word"procrastinator"in Paragraph 4 refers to those who.C
A.have great determination to make a change
B.have no desire to do something great
C.put off work especially because of laziness
D.have habitual carelessness and laziness
49.According to the passage,Dalia Liera suggested that.D
A.people should understand their goals well
B.people should try their best to change themselves
C.people should have confidence and positive habits
D.people should start with setting small goals to meet
50.The passage is mainly about.D
A.the reason why losing weight is so hard
B.the effect of the positive change
C.the attitudes towards change in life
D.the ways of making a change.
3.If  you are  interested  in  becoming  a  registered  nurse,you  are  most likely  aware that there are certain qualifications to become one.
Knowing the educational requirements to  be  a registered nurse  is the first step you   will  need  to take  in  your journey to  become  a  RN.  You will  need to  complete  a prescribed program  of study.The  education that the promising  registered  nurse  chooses  will depend on if he or she is interested in getting further education.
One of the most getting forms of education for registered nurses is an associate degree in  nursing  which takes  about two  years to  complete.  Other  RN  candidates  may  choose  a hospital diploma program where they take 30to 60hours worth of science classes and then take  many more hours of classes which are heavily focused on nursing.The diploma program usually  takes  a minimum of three years.  A diploma program meets the  basic  educational requirements to be a registered nurse.
Another choice is for the promising RN to get a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing  from a university.Once a BSN degree is earned,it gives the person the opportunity to get  higher education opportunities in his or her field such as a Master's Degree or a PhD.
The registered nurse educational requirements can vary from state to state in America  as each state has its own laws and policies that govern the nursing profession.However,all  registered nurses must take some sort of licensing exam in order to become legally able to  practice in the registered nursing profession.
While 2to 3years of training is required,it is possible to make a good living from the salary that you can earn as a registered nurse.But be aware that the profession can be stressful.Some of the most stressful nursing positions are those in hospitals,particularly in the emergency rooms.Some less stressful jobs may include working in private practice where the hours will not be as long.

66.The main idea of this article is to talk aboutB
A.the most promising profession in the future
B.educational requirements to be a registered nurse
C.the nursing profession in different states
D.some useful information for future professions
67.According to this article,most people who want to be registered nurses prefer to go in forA.
A.an associate degree    
B.a hospital diploma program   
C.a Bachelor of Science degree 
D.a Master's or a PhD's degree
68.It can be concluded from this article thatC.
A.a hospital diploma program takes the least time to finish compared with others
B.it's really not difficult for people to be educated to become registered nurses
C.registered nurses are not legal unless they take some sort of licensing exam
D.being a registered nurse is the most stressful profession in America
69.What's the writer's attitudes towards being a registered nurse?B
A.Subjective    B.Objective    
C.Supportive    D.Opposing
70.If another paragraph is needed,it most probably deals withD
A.how the nursing profession is managed by the government
B.different forms of degrees for being a registered nurse‘
C.the advantages and disadvantages of being a registered nurse
D.discussion about the different types of registered nurses.
10.The food we eat seems to have great effects on our health.Although science has made great steps in making food more fit to eat,it has,at the same time,made many foods unfit to eat.Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to diet as well.Different cultures are subject to certain illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures.That food is related to illness is not a new discovery.
In 1945,government researchers realized that nitrates(硝酸盐) and nitrites(亚硝酸盐),commonly used to keep color in meats,and other food additives,caused cancer.Yet,these additives remain in our food,and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things on the packaging labels(标签) of processed food are helpful or harmful.The additives which we eat are not all so direct.Farmers often give penicillin to cows and chick and because of this,penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows.
Sometimes similar drugs are given to animals not for medicinal purposes,but for financial reasons.The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to get a higher price on the market.Although the FDA has tried repeatedly to control these,the practices continue.

59.How has science done a bad service to mankind?C
A.Diseases caused by food have been done away with.
B.It has caused a lack of information about the value of food.
C.Some harmful materials have been added to our food.
D.Scientists have made food more expensive to eat.
60.What are nitrates used for?B
A.They help process packaged food.
B.They keep the color in meats.
C.They cure diseases of cows and chickens.
D.They cause the animals to become fatter.
61.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A
A.You can find out harmful additives on the packaging labels of food.
B.Drugs given to animals are not all for medical reasons.
C.Researchers knew about the harm of food additives about 60years ago.
D.Food may cause forty percent of cancer in the world.
62.According to the passage,the FDA might beA.
A.an organization which controls the safety of food
B.a producer which makes additives
C.a factory which processes food
D.a hospital which cures cancer.
7.Quickly,the picture comes alive with hyperlinks (超链接),offering the names of the buildings,towers and street features that appear in the photo.The hyperlinks lead to information about the history,services and context of all the features in the photo.You have just hyperlinked your reality.
That might be a little unbelievable,but the technology exists and is no fevered imagination.This is not a cool small machine invented for the next James Bond movie; this is a working technology just developed by European researchers.It could be coming to a phone near you,and soon.
This,as the marketing types say,is a game changer.It develops a completely new interface (界面) that combines web-technology with the real world.It is big and fresh,but it goes much further and has much greater influence.
The development of the system is most outstanding because image recognition technology has long been pregnant with promise,but seemed to suffer from an unending labour.
Now MOBVIS has not only developed image recognition; it has also developed more applications for the technology; and it has adapted it to the world's most popular technology:the mobile phone.
The MOBVIS system completely rewrites the rules for exploration and interaction with your physical environment.The system begins with panoramas (一连串景象).These panoramas form the basis of a city database.It can match buildings,towers,banners and even logos that appear in the panoramas.
A user simply takes a picture of the street feature,MOBVIS compares the user's photograph to the panoramas and then identifies the buildings from the picture you take and the relevant links are returned.
Then you simply click on the links,using a touch-screen phone,and the MOBVIS system will provide information on the history,art,architecture or even the menu,if it is a restaurant,of the building in question.

67.Which is introduced in the passage?D
A.A new game software.       B.A popular mobile phone.
C.A cool small machine.      D.An image recognition system.
68.What can we learn about the new technology?C
A.It can only be put into use on mobile phones.
B.It is a little unbelievable and just a fevered imagination.
C.It has taken an unending labor to bring the technology into our lives.
D.It will encourage the users to take more pictures of the street features.
69.What is the right order of the operation of MOBVIS?B
a.A city database forms in the system.
b.MOBVIS recognizes the picture and links are returned.
c.A user touches the links on the phone screen.
d.A user takes a picture of the street feature.
e.MOBVIS provides information in question.
A.a; e; c; d; b;   B.a; d; b; c; e
C.d; c; e; a; b     D.c; a; e; b; d
70.From the passage,we can infer thatC.
A.MOBVIS has already been widely used all over the world
B.the writer is trying to promote the sales of the MOBVIS system
C.this new technology will soon be very popular in our lives
D.the sales of mobile phones will decrease as MOBVIS comes on market.

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