
Dear Tommy,
There are many people now playing with their cell phones no matter where they are. And I know you are not an exception.
Li Hua

【答案】Dear Tommy,

There are many people now playing with their cell phones no matter where they are. And I know you are not an exception. I'm writing to persuade you to get out of this habit.

There is no doubt that cell phones play an important part in our daily life. However, being addicted to cell phones does a lot of harm to the users. First, staring at a cell phone screen for hours can lead to dry eyes or other eye diseases. Second, if you always overuse your cell phone, your head as well as your neck will ache, which will have a bad effect on your daily life. Besides, on your way home or to school , with your attention fully focused on the cell phone, perhaps , you will fail to notice the traffic around you, which will be a great danger to you.

Therefore, I sincerely wish you to give up your bad habit and use your cell phone wisely .


Li Hua

【解析】这是一篇提纲类作文。写作要点已经给出。考生在写作时,需要注意:1.通篇以一般现在时态为主。2. 要点要齐全。但是不要对要点进行简单的罗列。可以使用适当的连接词,使上下文行文流畅,衔接自然流程。3.. 注意语气。既然该文是以劝告朋友不要做低头族为主题,所以要注意语气应该比较委婉。要注意书信的格式问题,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有文采。


Welcome to our third newsletter of the year!
Our major activity for March is our Walk for the Woods fundraising event on Saturday, 17th March, starting any time between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. We will be walking the distance between Warley Woods and Tipperary. It is indeed a long way—80 miles. The more people that you can get to sponsor you, the more money we can raise to help look after our beautiful woodland. More information is available on our website.
The Sunday volunteers planted two beeches and an oak last week. This was thanks to the money from the Big Tree Plant and to Lisa and Gordon Whitaker, whose friends gave money for the big trees instead of for their wedding presents. Thanks to everyone who took part.
There were 15 volunteers at the Oral History Training Day which was led very ably by Julia Letts. The group will be meeting again and will start to interview the local people who have offered to tell their stories. We are happy to hear from others who would like to be interviewed about their memories of the Woods for the project. If you or anyone you know is interested, please call Viv Cole at the office. This project is financed by Heritage Lottery Fund.
There was a huge response to the Forest Schools activities held at half term. These will be held again during the Easter holidays on the following dates: 4th April from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for over 8s. On 12th April from 10 a. m. to 12 noon, there will be a Teddy Bears' Picnic for the under 8s. All these must be booked in advance.
Finally, don't forget the Easter Egg Roll on Bank Holiday, 9th April, starting at 11 a.m. Bring your own hard-boiled and decorated egg to roll down the hill in the woods. The first past the finishing line will win a large chocolate egg! This year, due to popular demand, there will also be an Adults' Easter Egg Roll following the children's competition.
We look forward to seeing you all soon, at one of our many events!
(1)Which of the following will be on 9th April?
A.Walk for the Woods.
B.Teddy Bears' Picnic.
C.The Easter Egg Roll.
D.The Oral History Training Day.
(2)Heritage Lottery Fund provides money to _____.
A.help look after the woodland
B.collect stories about the community
C.hold activities for the Forest Schools
D.organize the Easter holiday competitions
(3)The passage is written to _____.
A.inform people of the coming events
B.encourage people to work as volunteers
C.invite people to take part in the competition
D.tell people about some famous organizations

The American state of Colorado is considering a ban on smartphones for children younger than 13.
A Denver-based doctor - and father - is leading the effort. Tim Farnum is the founder of a group called ‘Parents Against Underage Smartphones.' His proposal would ban sales of smartphones to children under the age of 13. It would also ban sales to anyone who wishes to buy such a device for anyone younger than 13. The measure would also require sellers of smartphones to provide proof to the state government that they have asked buyers if the phone is for anyone under 13.
The measure now needs about 300,000 signatures in order to appear on Colorado's statewide ballot (投票权)next year. If it makes the ballot and is approved by voters, Colorado would become the first state to have such a ban.
Tim Farnum said he decided to push for the measure after watching his own children struggle with the mental effects of always having a smartphone around. "They would get the phones and lock themselves in the room and change who they were," he told The Coloradoan newspaper.
State Senator John Kefalas, a Democrat, said he understands the reasoning behind the proposed law. However, he told The Coloradoan that a child's smartphone usage is a "family matter" and not something the government should decide. "Ultimately, this comes down to parenting,” he said, “making sure their kids are not putting themselves at risk.”
Last year, the AAP (the American Academy of Pediatrics) released guidelines for media use by children. The group advised parents to limit time spent watching videos to no more than one hour a day of high-quality programming until age 6. After that, it said, parents should set reasonable time limits for their children and make sure electronic devices do not take time away from sleep or exercise.
(1)What's NOT right about Tim Farnum's proposal?
A.It will be passed by the state of Colorado next year
B.It needs 300,000 signatures to gain the ballot
C.It bans buying smartphones for children under 13.
D.It bans selling smartphones to children under 13.
(2)What's the driving force of Tim Farnum's proposal?
A.Other parents' request
B.His own children's addiction to Smartphones
C.Smartphones' harm to children's health
D.The guidelines released by the AAp.
(3)What's the attitude of John Kefalas toward Tim Farnum's proposal?
(4)From the last paragraph, we can infer that______
A.children under 6 shouldn't watch videos
B.parents are to blame for children's media use
C.parents should control children's media use
D.electronic devices won't affect children's sleep

Wanted, Someone for a Kiss
We' re looking for producers to join us on the sound of London Kiss 100 FM. You' ll work on the station's music programmes. Music production experience in radio is necessary, along with rich knowledge of modern dance music. Please apply(申请)in writing to Producer Vacancies, Kiss 100.
Father Christmas
We're looking for a very special person, preferably over 40, to fill our Father Christmas suit.
Working days: Every Saturday from November 24 to December 15 and every day from December 17 to December 24 except Sundays, l0:30 —16:00.
Excellent pay.
Please contact (联系) the Enterprise Shopping Centre, Station Parade, Eastbourne.
Accountants Assistant
When you join the team in our Revenue Administration Unit, you will be providing assistance within all parts of the Revenue Division, dealing with post and other general duties. If you are educated to GCSE grade C level we would like to talk to you. This position is equally suitable for a school leaver or for somebody who has office experience.
Wealden District Council
Software Trainer
If you are aged 24 -45 and have experience in teaching and training, you could be the person we are looking for. You should be good at the computer and have some experience in programme writing. You will be allowed to make your own decisions ,and to design courses as well as present them. Pay upwards of £15,000 for the right person. Please apply by sending your CV (简历) to Mrs. R.. Oglivie, Palmlaee Limited.
(1)Who should you get in touch with if you hope to work in a radio station?
A.Producer Vacancies, Kiss 100.
B.Mrs Oglivie, Palmlace Limited.
C.The Enterprise Shopping Centre.
D.Wealden District Council.
(2)We learn from the ads that the Enterprise Shopping Centre needs a person who .
A.is aged between 24 and 40
B.may do some training work
C.should deal with general duties
D.can work for about a month
(3)Which position is open to recent school graduates?
A.Producer, London Kiss.
B.Father Christmas.
C.Accountants Assistant.
D.Software Trainer.
(4)What kind of person would probably apply to Palmlaee Limited?
A.One with GCSE grade C level.
B.One with some office experience.
C.One having good computer knowledge.
D.One trained in producing music programmes.

If you want to become a fluent English speaker, you should take some advice: there are four skills in learning English. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing. The most important thing you must remember is that if you want to improve your speaking and writing skills you should first master the skills of reading and listening.
Read as much as you can. But your reading must be active. It means that you must think about the meaning of the sentences, the meaning of the unfamiliar words, etc.
There is no need for you to pay much attention to grammar—or try to understand all the unfamiliar words you come across, but the fact you see them for the first time and recognize them whenever you see them, for example in other passages or books, is enough. It would be better to prepare yourself a notebook so you can write down the important words or sentences in it.
As for listening, there are two choices: besides reading, you can listen every day for about 30 minutes. You can only pay attention to your reading and become skillful at your reading, then you can catch up on your listening. Since you have lots of inputs(输入) in your mind, you can easily guess what the speaker is going to say. This never means that you should not practice listening.
For listening you can listen to cartoons or some movies that are specially made for children. Their languages are easy. Or if you are good at listening, you can listen to VOA or BBC programs every day. Again the thing to remember is being active in listening and preferably(更好地) taking some notes.
If you follow these pieces of advice, your speaking and writing will improve automatically(自动地),and you can be sure that with a little effort they will become perfect.
(1)According to the author, which should you improve first among the four skills?
A.Reading and listening.
B.Reading and writing.
C.Writing and speaking.
D.Speaking and listening.
(2)To improve your reading, when you read you should ________.
A.look up all the new words in the dictionary
B.think about what you are reading actively
C.spend more time studying grammar
D.copy as many words and sentences as possible
(3)The underlined words “come across” in paragraph 3 probably be replaced by ________.
A.meet by accident
C.find on purpose
D.look for
(4)The author seems to agree with the view that ________.
A.everyone should listen to VOA or BBC programs every day
B.you needn't practice listening if you keep in reading every day
C.being good at reading is helpful in improving your listening
D.you should take notes of whatever you are hearing

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