
(H完形填空[2015 •山西省太原市外国语学校高一下


   A king once went to a master(大师).He wanted to become more powerful than other 32 kings. He sat in front of the master and 33 telling him the purpose of his  34  The master listened   35   to the king.

He then told the king to go to the 36 where a rose plant and a cypress (柏树)plant were growing side by side. He told the king, "They are your 37 • They can teach you what you want to 38 "

   The king went into the garden, and 39 the two plants but could not 40 what he could learn from them. He went back to the master and asked, "What do you 41 , master? I am not able to understand what and how these plants will teach me."

The master took the king to the plants and42,"This cypress plant has been next to the rose plant for so many years. Never once has it wanted to become a rose plant. 43 , the rose plant has never wanted to become a cypress plant. If man were the cypress plant, he would have 44  himself with the rose and felt jealous (妒忌的)at the 45 that the beautiful rose plant was getting from all the people. 46 , if man were the rose plant, he would have 47 the cypress plant enviously (羡慕地)thinking how   48   the plant was without the  49  of being disturbed by people all day ! Both of the plants grew very well because they  50  all their energy for their own 51 instead of using it to compete with the other."

   32.  A. rich                  B. handsome

  C. western             D. neighbouring

33.  A. forgot                B. continued
  C. started             D. suggested

   34.  A. transport             B. visit

  C. goal                D. education

35.  A. patiently             B. angrily
   C. happily             D. worriedly

36.  A. valley                B. bank
  C. garden               D. forest

37.  A. enemies               B. families
  C. friends             D. teachers

38.  A. design                B. learn
  C measure              D. notice

39.  A. saw                   B. planted
  C. cut                 D. watered

   40.  A. provide               B. show

  C. understand          D. remember

41.  A. hear                  B. find
  C. say                 D. mean

42.  A. ordered               B. explained
  C. asked                       D. requested

43.  A. Similarly             B. Frequently
  C. Finally             D. Luckily

44.  A. covered               B. compared
 C. marked                    D. dressed

   45.  A. position              B. pay

  C. attention            D.expectancy

46.  A. Besides               B. However
  C. Therefore                   D. Or

47.  A. looked at             B.  waited for
  C. figured out         D.   listened to

48.  A. homeless              B. useful
  C. peaceful            D. poor

49.  A. duty                  B. mistake
   C. interest            D. trouble

   50.  A. lost                  B. used

C. lent                D. received

51.  A. growth                B. opinion
  C. fun                 D. victory



32.  D rich富裕的;handsome帅气的;western西方的;neigh-bourmg邻近的。国王想要比邻近的国王更强大。故选D。

33.  C forget忘记;continue继续;start开始;suggest建议,暗示。他坐在大师的面前开始告诉大师他此次拜访的目的, 故选C。

34.  B transport运输;visit拜访;goal目标;education教育。由第一句话可知国王去了大师那里,所以他坐在大师的面前开始告诉大师他此次拜访的目的。故选B。

35.  A patiently耐心地;angrily生气地;happily高兴地;wor?riedly 担 心地。 大师耐心地听着国王讲话。其他选项均不符合语境。故选A。

36.  C valley山谷;bank河畔,银行;garden花园;forest森林。根据下文"The king went into the garden…"可以推出大师让国王去的是一个花园。故选C。

37.  D enemy St A ; family家人;friend朋友;teacher老师。根据后一句话"They can teach you..."可以推出这里指它们是老师。故选D。

38.  B design设计;learn学习;measure测量;notice注意。它们可以教你你想学习的东西,其他选项均不符合题意。故选B。

  39.  A  see看见;plant种植;cut切断;water给 浇水。国王来到了那个花园,看到了这两种植物。故选A。

 40.  C  provide提供;show表演;understand理解;remember记住。国王看到了这两种植物但是不能理解他能从中学到什么。故选C。

41.  D hear听到;find找到;say说;mean意味着。国王问大师:"大师,你是什么意思?我不知道这些植物会教会我什么,怎么教会我。"故选D。

42.  B order命令;explain解释;ask询问;request要求。大师把国王带到了花园,向他解释。故选B。

43.  A  similarly相似地;frequently频繁地;finally最终; luckily幸运地。柏树从来没有想过变成玫瑰,玫瑰也从来没有想过变成柏树。故选A。

44.  B cover覆盖;compare比较;mark <故标记;dress穿衣服。根据后面的"...felt jealous…"可以推出此处指拿自己跟玫瑰做比较,然后感到忌妒.故选B。

   45. C  position位置;pay付款;attention关注;expectancy期望。忌妒美丽的玫瑰获得所有人的关注,故选C。

46.  D besides另夕卜;however但是;therefore因此;or或者。前文"If man were the cypress plant..."和后文的句子"…if man were the rose plant..."两者表示并歹'J关系,而且是两种不同的情况,用连词or。故选D。

47.  A look at看着;wait for等待;figure out指出;listen to听。如果人是玫瑰的话,他又会羡慕地看着柏树。故选A。

48.  C homeless无家可归的;useful有用的;peaceful安宁的; poor贫穷的。没有别人的打扰,它会很安宁。故选C。

49.  D duty责任;mistake错误;interest兴趣;trouble麻烦。没有整天被别人打扰的麻烦。故选D。

50.  B lose丢失;use使用;lend外借;receive收到。这两种植物长得都很好是因为它们使用了全部的力量来成长。故选B。

51.  A growth成长;opinion MA; fun开心;victory胜利。它们使用了全部的力量来成长而不是用力量来和另一方竞争。故选A。



Low-cost gifts for Mother's Day

  Gift No. 1

Offer to be your mother's health friend. Promise to be there for any and all doctor's visits whether a disease or a regular medical check-up. Most mothers always say "no need", but another set of eyes and ears is always a good idea at a doctor's visit. The best part? This one is free. 

Gift No. 2

Help your mother organize all of her medical records, which include the test results and medical information. Put them all in one place. Be sure to make a list of all of her medicines and what times she takes them. "Having all this information in one place could end up saving your mother's life," Dr Marie Savard said. 

Gift No. 3

Enough sleep is connected to general health conditions.  " Buy your mother cotton sheets and comfortable pillows to encourage better sleep," Savard said. "We know that good sleep is very important to our health."

Gift No. 4

Some gift companies such as Presents for Purpose allow you to pay it forward this Mother's Day by picking gifts in which 10 per cent of the price you pay goes to a charity (慈善机构).Gift givers can choose from a wide variety of useful but inexpensive things―many of which are "green"―and then choose a meaningful charity from a list. When your mother gets the gift, she will be told that she has helped the chosen charity.

5.  What are you advised to do for your mother at doctor's visits?
A. Take notes.                     B.  Be with her.

C. Buy medicine.                  D.  Give her gifts.

6.  Where can you find a gift idea to improve your mother's sleep?
A. In Gift No. 1.                  B. In Gift No. 2.

C. In Gift No. 3.                  D.  In Gift No. 4.

7.  Buying gifts from Presents for Purpose allows mothers to .
A. enjoy good sleep                B.  be well organized

C. get extra support              D.  give others help

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