
【题目】 While enjoying good incomes, physicians suffer from a lack of time. Between scheduled clinical work and being on call, it’s common to have only one full day off in seven. Not surprisingly, it’s far too easy to spend that entire day just trying to do the boring tasks for yourself and your family.

The good news, however, is that new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that many professionals can increase their happiness by using their incomes to buy back some of that lost time through the use of time-saving services such as housecleaners or online personal assistants.

Study authors Ashley Whillans and Elizabeth Dunn found that when people spend money on such services, happiness improves. Their findings suggest that “using money to buy time may provide benefits by serving as a buffer(缓冲器)against the harmful effects of time pressure on overall life satisfaction”.

Spending money on a big purchase, such as an expensive car, can feel good and serve as a reward for having worked so hard. Research has consistently shown, however, that the gains from such material purchases are short lived. Instead, buying back time and then using it to go after meaningful activities is more likely to result in long-term gains in well-being.

There are the obvious tasks that have been outsourced(外包)for decadessuch as house cleaning or meal preparation. In my own physician coaching practice, it amazes me how many of my physician clients do not take full advantage of these classic opportunities to save time, particularly meal services. When your time is worth well over $100 to 200 an hour, how could you NOT pay another person far less than that to do the job better than you would do it yourself?

Regaining a couple of hours on your only day off can change your well-being. How different would you feel if you had a few more hours to spend quality time with other people, improve your health, or try a new hobby?

1Which of the following is true according to this passage?

A.Physicians often do boring tasks for their family.

B.Time pressure often has effects on life satisfaction.

C.Physician clients never use time-saving services.

D.People all should regain time to change their well-being.

2What will lead to long-term gains in well-being?

A.Meal preparation.B.Earning high incomes.

C.Buying expensive materials.D.Spending quality time with family.

3What is the author?

A.A physician coach.B.A salesman.

C.A researcher.D.A reporter.

4What’s the author’s purpose of writing the passage?

A.To persuade people to spend money wisely.

B.To introduce some ways to gain happiness.

C.To advise physicians to buy time for happiness.

D.To state physicians’ terrible working environment.









细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Their findings suggest that “using money to buy time may provide benefits by serving as a buffer(缓冲器)against the harmful effects of time pressure on overall life satisfaction.”可知他们的研究结果表明,用钱买时间可能会带来好处,因为它可以缓冲时间压力对整体生活满意度的负面影响。也就是说时间方面的压力往往会影响生活满意度。故选B项。


推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Research has consistently shown, however, that the gains from such material purchases are short lived. Instead, buying back time and then using it to go after meaningful activities is more likely to result in long-term gains in well-being.”可知然而,研究一直表明,从这些物质购买中获得的收益是短暂的。相反,把时间买回来,然后用它去做有意义的活动,更有可能带来长期的幸福感。B项和D项都是跟物质获得的收益有关,先排除B,D项。根据第五段中的“There are the obvious tasks that have been outsourced(外包)for decadessuch as house cleaning or meal preparation.”可知作者认为很多任务是可以外包的,比如打扫屋子或者备餐,由此推知作者认为备餐是不需要自己花时间做的,排除C项。综合来看,D项(与家人共度美好时光)是很有意义的活动,根据作者的看法,这个会带来长期的幸福感,故选D项。


细节理解题。根据第五段中的“In my own physician coaching practice,”可知作者是医生指导师,故选A项。




【题目】 Something’s happening at the lowest point on our planet.

The Dead Sea, a salt lake bordered by Jordan to the east and Israel and Palestine to the west, is shrinking at an alarming rate - about 3. 3 feet per year, according to the environmentalist group Eco Peace Middle East. And human actions are largely to blame.

"It's not just like one country is punishing the Dead Sea: it's more like the whole area,” said photographer Moritz Kustner, who visited the area in February to work on his series "The Dying Dead Sea”.

The Dead Sea needs water from the other natural sources surrounding it, such as the Jordan River basin. But around the 1960s, some of the water sources it relied upon were diverted. Israel, for instance, built a pipeline during that time so it could supply water throughout the country.

Mineral extraction industries are another main reason the water levels are falling, experts say. The Dead Sea's minerals have been used as medicine and can often be found in cosmetics and other consumer products.

And then, of course, there's the Middle East's hot, dry climate, which makes it difficult for the lake to replenish itself. Last year, Israel and Jordan signed a $900 million deal in an effort to keep the Dead Sea's water levels stable. It includes building a canal from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea which would be able to not only supply water to Israel and Jordan but also to pump water into the Dead Sea.

But for now, Kustner shows us that the Dead Sea remains very much a place of interest, with people from all over the world going there to swim in its salty waters

The Dead Sea, known as the Salt Sea in the language of Hebrew, is one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world. And because of what has been happening over the years, the salt is only getting saltier.

1How many reasons for the Dead Seas shrinking does the author mention in the text?



2What can we learn about the Dead Sea 's minerals?

A.They have practical value.

B.They are controlled by Israel.

C.They can be extracted very easily.

D.They are mainly used in heavy industry.

3What does the underlined word "replenish” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?

A.To clean something.B.To improve something.

C.To fill something again.D.To find something again.

4What would be the best title for the text?

A.What we should do to save the Dead Sea.B.More people travel to the Dead Sea.

C.Why the Dead Sea is salty.D.The Dead Sea is drying out.


High-quality books on traditional Chinese culture are being brought back, 1(judge) from the results of the 12th annual Wenjin Awards, China's national-level comprehensive book award to encourage public reading.

The results were announced on the World Book and Copyright Day. Awards from the National Library of China were given to 10 winning books from about 80 finalists 2(choose) by 14 top librarians and scholars. Before that, several rounds of selection had been carried out among a field of 1, 800 books 3were published in China last year.

The award has three categories: humanities, popular sciences and children’s books. Half the winners this year dealt with different 4(aspect) of traditional Chinese culture. The mixing of social and physical sciences was a trend, and the winning children’s books were 5(suit) for adult readers too.

“Many good children's books 6(introduce) into China from other countries in recent years. They helped broaden people's horizons and inspired 7(we)writing,” said Yu Hongcheng, author of the award-winning Dishes on Plate. “ However, 8worries me that Chinese children may not have enough self-confidence from a cultural viewpoint when exposed to a market9( main) filled with translations.” That concern encouraged her to create the picture book, which focuses 10 Chinese agricultural culture- starting with rice, a foundation of Chinese cuisine.


Innovative Designs for Accessibility

Deadline: 2020-04-30

Award: $ 7,500 CAD

Open to: University students

The Innovative (创新的) Designs for Accessibility student competition challenges students across Canada to use their creativity to develop innovative, cost-effective and practical solutions to accessibility barriers for people with disabilities. (Read more)

Clean Tech Competition

Deadline: 2020-04-13

Award: $ 28,000

Open to: Students 13-15 years old

The Clean Tech Competition is a unique, worldwide research and design challenge for pre-college youth. The competition is designed to build a deeper understanding of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) related concepts, recognize outstanding talent, and prepare the next generation of globally competitive innovators. (Read more)

Agile Robotics Competition

Deadline: 2020-04-10

Award: $ 17,500

Open to: Adults

Agile Robotics Competition is a simulation-based (仿真) competition designed to promote agility(灵活) in industrial robot systems by employing the latest advances in artificial intelligence and robot planning. The competition will be held virtually (虚拟的), so there is no need to travel to compete. The competition will use the Gazebo simulation tool. (Read more)

Wearable Robotics Innovation Challenge

Deadline: 2020-04-24

Award: $ 5,000

Open to: Everyone

The Wearable Robotics Association is inviting entries that represent the most innovative new ideas in wearable robotic technology. The review committee will select as many as ten finalists. The one considered to be the most innovative will be announced at the conference and will receive $ 5,000 to accelerate the new technology. (Read more)

1Which competition favors competitors with a creative mind in helping the disabled?

A.Innovative Designs for Accessibility.B.Clean Tech Competition.

C.Agile Robotics Competition.D.Wearable Robotics Innovation Challenge.

2What’s the aim of Clean Tech Competition?

A.To make a research about STEM.

B.To encourage university students to be innovators.

C.To help students prepare for the university.

D.To find talented teenagers and develop their ability to innovate.

3What can we know about the four competitions?

A.They are open to everyone.B.Every competitor can get an award.

C.They are held in April.D.They are held virtually.

【题目】 It was Halloween(万圣节), which is a big deal when you’re seven. I was sitting in my Sleeping Beauty costume, eagerly waiting for my dad to come home so he could take me to go trick or treating. My father had been away on a business trip. He was supposed to return earlier that day, but it was midnight…Finally I nodded off.

The next morning I guessed that my mom had already known something I didn’t find out for another couple of days. It was my dad who had a new identity(身份): plane crash survivor. He told us about it later. It had been raining as he got on the plane for home. The plane was cleared for taking off on one runway but turned too far and ended up taking off on another runway, which was closed. Because of the rain, the pilot couldn’t see the heavy construction equipment(施工设施)blocking the runway, and the plane crashed right into it. The left wing was torn off, the fuselage(机身)split in two, and fire shot through the plane. Nearly half of the passengers died, but amazingly, my dad was unhurt. He couldn’t breathe because of the smoke, so he ran toward the exit and walked out.

My father told me when the plane crashed, he first thought of us. As sad as he felt at the thought of never seeing us again, he also felt a sense of relief(解脱)that all his business and financial(财务的)worries would be over. When he survived, he saw it as a second chance. He valued his second life, so he sold his business and started a new one. Now he is a successful businessman. I’m so proud of my dad for this.

1The author was waiting for her father to return home so she could ________.

A.share his business trip story.B.buy a Sleeping Beauty costume with him.

C.listen to his trick-or-treating stories.D.celebrate Halloween with him.

2The plane crashed mainly because ________.

A.a fire broke out in it.B.the pilot couldn’t see the runway clearly.

C.it turned onto a wrong runway.D.it hit a building while taking off.

3Why did the author’s dad feel a sense of relief as the plane crashed?

A.He thought everyone would die.

B.He thought he wouldn’t be troubled by his business problems.

C.He thought he wouldn’t have to be controlled by his boss.

D.He thought he could escape the quarrels with his wife.

4Which saying does the experience of the author’s father match?

A.You are blessed if surviving a disaster.

B.Life is short and time is flying.

C.Where there is a will, there is a way.

D.Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.

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