

Innovative Designs for Accessibility

Deadline: 2020-04-30

Award: $ 7,500 CAD

Open to: University students

The Innovative (创新的) Designs for Accessibility student competition challenges students across Canada to use their creativity to develop innovative, cost-effective and practical solutions to accessibility barriers for people with disabilities. (Read more)

Clean Tech Competition

Deadline: 2020-04-13

Award: $ 28,000

Open to: Students 13-15 years old

The Clean Tech Competition is a unique, worldwide research and design challenge for pre-college youth. The competition is designed to build a deeper understanding of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) related concepts, recognize outstanding talent, and prepare the next generation of globally competitive innovators. (Read more)

Agile Robotics Competition

Deadline: 2020-04-10

Award: $ 17,500

Open to: Adults

Agile Robotics Competition is a simulation-based (仿真) competition designed to promote agility(灵活) in industrial robot systems by employing the latest advances in artificial intelligence and robot planning. The competition will be held virtually (虚拟的), so there is no need to travel to compete. The competition will use the Gazebo simulation tool. (Read more)

Wearable Robotics Innovation Challenge

Deadline: 2020-04-24

Award: $ 5,000

Open to: Everyone

The Wearable Robotics Association is inviting entries that represent the most innovative new ideas in wearable robotic technology. The review committee will select as many as ten finalists. The one considered to be the most innovative will be announced at the conference and will receive $ 5,000 to accelerate the new technology. (Read more)

1Which competition favors competitors with a creative mind in helping the disabled?

A.Innovative Designs for Accessibility.B.Clean Tech Competition.

C.Agile Robotics Competition.D.Wearable Robotics Innovation Challenge.

2What’s the aim of Clean Tech Competition?

A.To make a research about STEM.

B.To encourage university students to be innovators.

C.To help students prepare for the university.

D.To find talented teenagers and develop their ability to innovate.

3What can we know about the four competitions?

A.They are open to everyone.B.Every competitor can get an award.

C.They are held in April.D.They are held virtually.








细节理解题。根据Innovative Designs for Accessibility部分中The Innovative (创新的) Designs for Accessibility student competition challenges students across Canada to use their creativity to develop innovative, cost-effective and practical solutions to accessibility barriers for people with disabilities. (Read more)可知“无障碍学生创新设计大赛”向加拿大各地的学生提出挑战,让他们发挥自己的创造力,为残疾人开发创新的、符合成本效益的和实用的解决方案。由此可知,在帮助残疾人方面,Innovative Designs for Accessibility更喜欢有创造性思维的选手。故选A


细节理解题。根据Clean Tech Competition部分中The competition is designed to build a deeper understanding of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) related concepts, recognize outstanding talent, and prepare the next generation of globally competitive innovators.可知比赛旨在建立对STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)相关概念的深入理解,找到优秀人才,培养下一代具有全球竞争力的创新人才。由此可知,Clean Tech Competition的目的是寻找有才华的青少年,培养他们的创新能力。故选D


细节理解题。根据Innovative Designs for Accessibility部分中Deadline: 2020-04-30可知截止日期为2020430Clean Tech Competition部分中Deadline: 2020-04-13可知截止日期为2020413日;Agile Robotics Competition部分中Deadline: 2020-04-10可知截止日期为2020410日;Wearable Robotics Innovation Challenge部分中Deadline: 2020-04-24截止日期为2020421日。由此可知,这四场比赛都是在四月举行。故选C


【题目】 A person that’s enthusiastic, determined and prepared to hug life’s trials is a person we all want to be. If you want to be like that person then your first step is to always stay inspired. Taking the first step towards an inspired life is the most difficult part of the process, but after you take it you will never look back.1He/She is a person who wakes up every day more inspired than the next. Inspiration will lead you anywhere you want to go. 2

Inspiration breeds(培育) more inspiration. After you get a taste of the inspired life you'll never want to turn back. Wake up tomorrow morning inspired and watch your life change.3I’ll give you some names of people who have changed the path of history and I’ll let you determine if they were inspired. Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs,Mother Theresa.

Inspiration leads to hard work. Hard work leads to success. Success will be much more difficult to attain if you care little about what you want to be successful in.

4Mark Zuckerberg was inspired by the potential of a great social network. Four English musicians were inspired to create great music thereby creating the Beatles. Socrates was inspired by his own curiosity and ended up creating Western Philosophy as we know it today.

Inspiration and genius(天才)one and the same.5In fact, many who we consider geniuses today were nothing more than extremely inspired individuals.

A.The uninspired seldom change the world.

B.A genius is someone who was born intelligent.

C.Fear of failure will stop you from staying inspired.

D.Nothing great was ever created without inspiration.

E.You don't have to have an IQ of 150 to be considered a genius.

F.Here are four additional reasons why you should always stay inspired.

G.An inspired individual is someone who never backs away from a challenge.

【题目】 While enjoying good incomes, physicians suffer from a lack of time. Between scheduled clinical work and being on call, it’s common to have only one full day off in seven. Not surprisingly, it’s far too easy to spend that entire day just trying to do the boring tasks for yourself and your family.

The good news, however, is that new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that many professionals can increase their happiness by using their incomes to buy back some of that lost time through the use of time-saving services such as housecleaners or online personal assistants.

Study authors Ashley Whillans and Elizabeth Dunn found that when people spend money on such services, happiness improves. Their findings suggest that “using money to buy time may provide benefits by serving as a buffer(缓冲器)against the harmful effects of time pressure on overall life satisfaction”.

Spending money on a big purchase, such as an expensive car, can feel good and serve as a reward for having worked so hard. Research has consistently shown, however, that the gains from such material purchases are short lived. Instead, buying back time and then using it to go after meaningful activities is more likely to result in long-term gains in well-being.

There are the obvious tasks that have been outsourced(外包)for decadessuch as house cleaning or meal preparation. In my own physician coaching practice, it amazes me how many of my physician clients do not take full advantage of these classic opportunities to save time, particularly meal services. When your time is worth well over $100 to 200 an hour, how could you NOT pay another person far less than that to do the job better than you would do it yourself?

Regaining a couple of hours on your only day off can change your well-being. How different would you feel if you had a few more hours to spend quality time with other people, improve your health, or try a new hobby?

1Which of the following is true according to this passage?

A.Physicians often do boring tasks for their family.

B.Time pressure often has effects on life satisfaction.

C.Physician clients never use time-saving services.

D.People all should regain time to change their well-being.

2What will lead to long-term gains in well-being?

A.Meal preparation.B.Earning high incomes.

C.Buying expensive materials.D.Spending quality time with family.

3What is the author?

A.A physician coach.B.A salesman.

C.A researcher.D.A reporter.

4What’s the author’s purpose of writing the passage?

A.To persuade people to spend money wisely.

B.To introduce some ways to gain happiness.

C.To advise physicians to buy time for happiness.

D.To state physicians’ terrible working environment.

【题目】 Sadly, bullying is really common. In a study of young people in the UK aged 12-20, half of them said they had been bullied.1They might lose interest in the activities they enjoy, avoid spending time with other people and not go to classes or school.

2Bullying can also be with words-saying or writing things that are not nice. Another type of bullying is social-embarrassing someone or telling other people not to be friends with them. Bullying involves an imbalance of power. Maybe one person has private information or is more popular, or maybe they are physically bigger and stronger.

Bullying usually involves more people than you think.3Sometimes other people help the bully or join in. Then there are the kids that support-they support the bullying by being an audience. They laugh or encourage the children who are bullying in other ways. Some children see what is happening and want to help. Others may comfort and defend the person being bullied.

Does your school do anything to prevent bullying? Why don’t you create a student anti-bullying group? This group can do many things. Let the head teacher know how well the school is doing with fighting bullying and give them advice.4Make posters and displays or take over the school’s social media for a week to send out anti-bullying messages.

Bullying is a social problem and it needs a solution from society. The next time you see someone being cruel to someone else, take a stand! Don’t laugh or ignore what’s happening-tell an adult as soon as possible and help everyone to realize that bullying is not OK.5

A.Choose an anti-bullying slogan for your school.

B.There are the people who bully and those who are bullied.

C.Bullying is not just physical, like hitting or kicking someone.

D.To stop bullying we need everyone to be brave and take a stand.

E.Bullying behaviors have the potential to happen more than once.

F.Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations.

G.People who are bullied are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.

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