
1.Unfortunately, the doctors don’t know how to make me better, but I am outgoing and have learned to _____ _____ my disability.


2.I have a very busy life with no time to sit around ______ ______ ____ myself.


3.The first thing I ______ _______ _____was all the vivid colors surrounding me—purples, reds, oranges, yellows, blues and greens.


4.I’ve been so_______ ______work that I haven’t had time for social activities.

我一直忙于学习, 以致于没有时间去搞社交活动。


Are you looking for something to do? You might like to try one of these four experiences.

Crocodile watching

Do you fancy getting up close to some of the most terrifying animals on earth? Crocosaurus Cove, in Darwin (Australia) has the “Cage of Death”. It’s an enclosure(围场) that’s lowered into a pool. This gives you a 360 degree view of a crocodile as it’s being fed. The cable broke once and the cage sank to the bottom, but they’ve fixed it since then.

Edge walk

How about walking along the edge of a building several hundred meters up in the air? If that sounds like fun, head off to the CN Tower in Toronto (Ontario, Canada). Built in 1976, the tower is 553.33 meters tall.

The Edge walk consists of a 20-30 minute stroll along a 1.5 meter wide platform that runs around the tower’s restaurant roof. During the walk, you’re encouraged to lean forwards as you look over Toronto’s skyline (轮廓线).

Plastic ball rolling

Do you fancy rolling down a hill in a plastic ball?

Plastic ball rolling is popular all over the world, but the place to give it a go is in Rotorua (New Zealand). Brother David and Andrew Akers came up with the idea in 1994. A typical orb (球) is about 3 meters in diameter, with an inner orb size of about 2 meters. There’s no brake or steering mechanism, but the inner layer of the plastic ball helps absorb the shock.

Volcano bungee jumping

If you’re looking for the adventure of a lifetime, how about going bungee jumping off a helicopter into the crater of a live volcano? As part of the jumping, a helicopter ride takes you to the Villarreal volcano, one of the most active in Chile. Once you’re at the drop zone, you leap off the helicopter and fall into the volcano. Finally, you enjoy the ride back to the airport flying at 130kph.

Attracted by the above? If so, please contact us. Only half price from March 22 to April 25th For more information, please click here.

1.According to the passage, there was an accident once when people _____.

A. jumped into the Villarreal volcano

B. walked along the platform of the CN Tower

C. rolled down a hill in a plastic ball in Rotorua

D. watched crocodiles in the “Cage of Death” in Darwin

2.Which of the following was first invented in New Zealand?

A. Edge walk. B. Crocodile watching.

C. Plastic ball rolling. D. Volcano bungee jumping.

3.It can be inferred that all the four experiences are ______.

A. interesting sports B. exciting and extreme

C. held on high places D. fit for middle to old people

When I was a boy we used to live across the road from a big hill with huge oak trees growing out of it.When winter arrived,thick,heavy snow would fall,and my two brothers would grab their sleds heading over to the hill for a day of fun.I remember watching them with envy because I was still too small to go sledding.Finally,one winter I was considered big enough and joined my brothers as they carried their sleds up the long hill and prepared to ride down it.

The first few trips I rode with one of my brothers and had the time of my life.It was so exhilarating when the wind whipped across my face as I flew down the hillside on the wooden sled.Near the end of the day I was overjoyed too when my oldest brother decided to let me try riding the sled all by myself.I climbed on it full of excitement and lay on my stomach.Then with one big push my brother sent me down the snowy hillside.I was doing pretty well too until I hit an old stump hidden by the snow and went off course,straight towards one of those big oak trees.My heart pounded in my chest and I could hear myself screaming.At the last possible second I rolled off and the sled crashed into the tree.I could hear my brothers running down the hill yelling,“You have to steer(操控)! You have to steer!”

Sadly,that wasn’t the last time I failed to steer when some obstacle knocked me off course in my life.Many times problems,troubles,and my own failures have sent me crashing into the trees of anger,frustration,and despair.I am still learning that life isn’t always safe sledding.I am sti l learning that it is up to me to steer myself back to love,back to kindness,back to goodness,and back to God.

Life is a trip,but no one ever said it was a smooth ride.Steer well then.Steer straight.Steer your soul towards the light and the love we are all meant for.

1.What do we know about the author when he was very young?

A. He lived on a big hill with huge oak trees on it.

B. He was frightened to go sledding with his brothers.

C. He longed to go sledding with his brothers.

D. He carried his brothers’ sleds as they went sledding.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “exhilarating” in Paragraph 2?

A. delightful B. Terrifying C. ordinary D. violent

3.Why did the author fall off his sled?

A. Because his sled crashed in an oak tree.

B. Because he lost control of his sled.

C. Because his brother pushed it so hard.

D. Because the hillside was snowy.

4.What does the author mean to tell us?

A. Losing control of a sled can be dangerous.

B. Courage and determination can change one’s life.

C. Life can be controlled by one himself.

D. Life is a mystery full of coincidences.

As the father of a student, I have experienced first hand what a great teacher is. My son was in the 4th grade last year, and he had a teacher called Miss Green. I believe that when he is an adult he will surely look back on her as the best teacher he has ever had.

My son has attention deficit disorder(注意力缺损症) that makes it a little more difficult for him to learn.She was able to change her teaching methods for him so that he could keep up with the rest of the class. As a result, he got straight As on many subjects. She regarded her class as a family and they even had their own class song. She would often have them sing it to encourage them and develop a team spirit for them. When she saw that they were no longer listening carefully to what she was teaching, she would have them close their textbooks, stand up all around the room and throw around a small football. This helped them clear their minds and then focus_on the lesson again.Besides, she was quick to reply to any phone calls or emails from us and got rid of our worries about children quickly.

When my son went to the 5th grade this year, we happened to pass her classroom.When she saw my son, her face lit up and she came out and hugged him.She generally loves all of the children in her classroom and that love really shows.I can only pray that my son will continue to get teachers just like her for the rest of his school years.

1.Which of the following is NOT true about Miss Green?

A. She regarded the students as members of a family.

B. She had special ways to help students study.

C. She was good at teaching football and music.

D. She usually made a quick reply to parents’emails.

2.We can learn from the text that ________.

A. Miss Green was the best teacher at the school

B. all the students in the school liked Miss Green

C. Miss Green didn’t teach the writer’s son in the 5th grade

D. the writer’s son had many teachers like Miss Green

3.In the text, the writer mainly tells us ________.

A. what his son studied at school

B. his son once had a good teacher

C. how to be a good and popular teacher

D. a teacher who liked playing with students

In London's art gallery six or seven men, mostly in their 30s, are busy painting the walls with new designs in colorful lettering and clever tricks. Tins of spray paint and beer stand on the ground. The atmosphere is not unlike that of a golf course: a mix of concentration and relaxation.

Graffiti(涂鸦) painting is traditionally a daring hobby. Teenagers avoid security guards to put their names on trains and buses. But over the past decade that has almost disappeared from Britain's cities. Between 2007 and 2012 the number of incidents of graffiti recorded by the British Transport Police fell by 63%. A survey by the environment ministry shows that fewer places are damaged by tags(绘名) than ever. Graffiti are increasingly limited to only a few walls. In time the practice may die out entirely.

The most obvious reason for the decline in tagging and train-painting is better policing, says Keegan Webb, who runs The London Vandal, a graffiti blog (博客). Numerous cameras mean it is harder to get away with painting illegally. And punishments are more severe. A generational change is apparent, too. Now teenagers prefer to play with iPads and video games. Those who do get involved tend to prefer street art to graffiti. And the internet helps painters win far more attention by posting pictures online than they can by breaking into a railway yard.

Taggers and graffiti artists mostly grew up in the 1980s and 1990s. Those men are now older and less willing to take risks. "We can't run away from the police any more," says Ben Eine, who turned from tagging to street art. The hip-hop culture that inspired graffiti in the first place has faded. Video games and comic books provide more inspiration than music.

Graffiti may eventually disappear. But for now the hobby is almost respectable. Mr Eine says he has lots of friends who used to paint trains. Now with wives and children, they paint abandoned houses at the weekend. It has become something to do on a Sunday afternoon—a slightly healthier alternative to sitting watching the football.

1.How do the painters feel while painting graffiti according to the first paragraph?

A. Free and focused. B. Free but stressed.

C. Particular and respected. D. Nervous but satisfied.

2.Why is graffiti painting traditionally considered as a daring hobby?

A. It takes much hard training.

B. It's at the risk of being caught.

C. It's dangerous to paint in trains.

D. It needs a great deal of knowledge.

3.What does the underlined word “decline” in the third paragraph refer to?

A. Reduction of graffiti. B. Ban of government.

C. Disappearance of graffiti. D. Better policing of government.

4.What conclusion can we draw from the fourth paragraph?

A. Graffiti artists like to be the focuses in public.

B. The early graffiti had something to do with music.

C. Graffiti artists regret over what they did in the past.

D. Painting is much healthier than watching football.

Do you still remember the haze(雾霾)in the winter? So many people got terribly ill during or after the haze. 1.Here is advice for you to protect yourself in hazy weather.

Spend less time outdoors.This is the most effective way for self-protection in such bad weather.With PM2.5 increasing 103mg per cubic meter,residents will risk a 2.29% increase of death,which experts found out in 2012.If you have to get out,avoid riding bicycles.2.

Close your windows.Experts advice residents to avoid opening windows at home.If you have to ,avoid the time when smog is at its densest(浓的).3.Besides,you can keep plants with broad leaves at home to absorb dust,and use air purifiers(清洁器).

Smoke less.4.In hazy weather,smoking would be even more harmful.Smokers are advised to keep their distance from cigarettes before the weather gets better.

5.For example ,wear special masks outside to avoid breathing in PM2.5.Then take off your coat after getting indoors and keep it away from your other clean clothes,Don’t forget to wash your face,rinse(漱)your mouth,and clean your nasal cavity(鼻腔)to clean the particulate matters(颗粒物)that fall on you.Last but not least,keep off stimulating(刺激性)foods.

A.Wear masks.

B.Pay attention to other daily things.

C.Also avoid rush hours,when pollutants will be denser.

D.That’s because haze does harm to the health of people.

E.Cigarettes could cause more particulate matters,which are included in PM2.5 .

F.Take more fruits and vegetables instead,which are good for lung,spleen(脾)and kidney(肾).

G.For residents who use air-conditioner,make sure your apartment has enough oxygen indoors.

The book A Big Fat Crisis: The Hidden Forces Behind Obesity Epidemic— and How We Can End It by Deborah Cohen, a senior natural scientist, is very popular now. 1. But according to this book, the following are some misunderstandings of obesity or being overweight.

1.If you're obese, blame your genes.

2. Yet, between 1980 and 2000, the number of Americans who are obese has doubled—too quickly for genetic factors to be responsible. At restaurants, a dollar puts more calories on our plates than ever before, because restaurant meals usually have more calories than what we prepare at home, so people who eat out more frequently have higher rates of obesity than those who eat out less.

2.If you're obese, you lack self?control.

Research shows that if we are faced with too much information, we have a tendency to make poor choices on diet. 3. Even, the most vigilant(警觉的)people may not be good controllers of themselves.


Although the US Department of Agriculture estimates that fewer than 5 per cent of Americans live in the “food deserts”, about 65 per cent of the nation's population is obese. For most of us, obesity is not related to access to more fresh fruits and vegetables, but to the choices we make in supermarkets.

4.The problem is not that we eat too much, but that we don't exercise.

Michelle Obama's “Let's Move” campaign is based on the idea that if kids exercise more, childhood obesity rates will decrease. 5. In fact, although a drop in work?related physical activity may explain up to 100 fewer calories burned, leisure physical activity appears to have increased.

A.Lack of access to fresh fruits and vegetables is a cause of obesity.

B.Obesity rates have increased.

C.Fresh fruits and vegetables we choose in a supermarket are related to obesity.

D.But there was no obvious decrease in physical activity levels as obesity rates climbed in the 1980s and 1990s.

E.People hold different views on obesity.

F.People benefit a lot from physical activities.

G.Our world has become so rich in food that we can be led to consume too much in ways we can't understand.

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