
As the father of a student, I have experienced first hand what a great teacher is. My son was in the 4th grade last year, and he had a teacher called Miss Green. I believe that when he is an adult he will surely look back on her as the best teacher he has ever had.

My son has attention deficit disorder(注意力缺损症) that makes it a little more difficult for him to learn.She was able to change her teaching methods for him so that he could keep up with the rest of the class. As a result, he got straight As on many subjects. She regarded her class as a family and they even had their own class song. She would often have them sing it to encourage them and develop a team spirit for them. When she saw that they were no longer listening carefully to what she was teaching, she would have them close their textbooks, stand up all around the room and throw around a small football. This helped them clear their minds and then focus_on the lesson again.Besides, she was quick to reply to any phone calls or emails from us and got rid of our worries about children quickly.

When my son went to the 5th grade this year, we happened to pass her classroom.When she saw my son, her face lit up and she came out and hugged him.She generally loves all of the children in her classroom and that love really shows.I can only pray that my son will continue to get teachers just like her for the rest of his school years.

1.Which of the following is NOT true about Miss Green?

A. She regarded the students as members of a family.

B. She had special ways to help students study.

C. She was good at teaching football and music.

D. She usually made a quick reply to parents’emails.

2.We can learn from the text that ________.

A. Miss Green was the best teacher at the school

B. all the students in the school liked Miss Green

C. Miss Green didn’t teach the writer’s son in the 5th grade

D. the writer’s son had many teachers like Miss Green

3.In the text, the writer mainly tells us ________.

A. what his son studied at school

B. his son once had a good teacher

C. how to be a good and popular teacher

D. a teacher who liked playing with students


Adventure is in my blood. And I had been considering how I was going to celebrate my high school graduation. I didn’t just want a small _______ in the backyard. I started thinking about doing a solo ________ somewhere out of the ordinary. I took out ________ and drew the 1,500-mile route along which I would be ________ from the northernmost point in Norway to the southernmost section of Sweden. When I ________ my plans with my dad, he _________ as I thought he would. Because I get my adventurous ________ from him, he was all for it.

I had only been away from my ________ three days now, but there was an inner ________ going on inside of me. Part of me was homesick and doubting whether I ________ could make it. The other part of me was ready to ________ to myself and my family that I could do it by myself.

On the road, I met another ________ who was quite a bit older than I was. He had started his journey ________ by bike at the southern part of Norway and had just finished. I could tell he had a great sense of ________. It encouraged me not to ________.

As I listened to my ________ artists on my MP4 player, I pedaled (踩踏板) with my feet. There was ________ around me for miles. ________, that wasn’t entirely true. There were mosquitoes--- millions of them. My arms were so dotted with ________ that they looked like a topographical map (地形图). But, however ________ it would be, nothing could stop my advance towards the destination. As you know, adventure is in my blood.

1.A. party B. meeting C. conversation D. lecture

2.A. flight B. interview C. performance D. trip

3.A. instructions B. maps C. magazines D. newspapers

4.A. walking B. flying C. biking D. running

5.A. compared B. shared C. prepared D. changed

6.A. agreed B. sighed C. left D. cried

7.A. stories B. spirits C. skills D. hobbies

8.A. hotel B. school C. home D. office

9.A. battle B. activity C. request D. discussion

10.A. certainly B. really    C. usually D. reasonably

11.A. turn B. reply C. prove D. adapt

12.A. driver B. jogger C. bicyclist D. pilot

13.A. alone B. slowly C. patiently D. worriedly

14.A. humour B. direction C. balance D. satisfaction

15.A. calm down B. break down C. speed up D. give up

16.A. favourite B. personal C. professional D. successful

17.A. nobody B. everybody C. anything D. everything

18.A. Firstly B. Actually C. Eventually D. Fortunately

19.A. wounds B. cuts C. bites D. dots

20.A. boring B. confusing C. complex D. difficult

In the town of Whitesburg, Kentucky, Mick Polly is known as the bike man. Over the past five years, Mick has built hundreds of bicycles for needy kids.

One day in 2011, a 13-year-old boy with a broken bike walked by Mick's house. "I was working in my garage, and he asked if I could fix it." says Mick, now 53. The boy left his bike with Mick, who asked friends on Facebook if they had the missing part. The town's former police chief saw the post and donated two used bicycles. Mick took parts from each to engineer a new set of wheels for the boy.

Soon after, Mick repaired a bike for the boy's brother and assembled one for his sister. Word spread, and within the year, he had fixed up dozens of bikes for local kids whose parents couldn't afford to buy new ones.

"The people in this town don't have much, but they'll do anything for the children." says Mick Polly. He stores the bikes and bike parts in his garage. "I take off the good tires or the handlebars or the seat and use them."

To date, the bike man has repaired hundreds of cycles and given away nearly 700 newly constructed bikes. They're free, but the kids must agree to two things: They've got to "mind whoever's raising them." and they've got to try in school.

If a kid's grades are low, Mick requires a teacher's note "saying that you're doing your best." Mick says.

Mick also hopes the bikes will get kids off the couch(沙发). "When I was growing up, we all rode our bikes," he says. "Hopefully these kids can get some exercise."

1.How did Mick build his bikes?

A. With the designs from Facebook.

B. With the parts bought from others.

C. With the broken parts collected from other garages.

D. With the good parts of the used bikes donated by others.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word "assembled" in the Paragraph 4?

A. Built. B. Sold.

C. Donated. D. Stored.

3.Which of the following can describe Mick Polly best?

A. Skillful. B. Popular.

C. Caring D. Enthusiastic.

On 29 May last year, I was doing my swim training for a half Ironman race in the bay near my home.

I was finishing my first loop (圈) when I felt jaws coming around my body and a sharp pain. The water was dark, so I couldn’t see anything. It just came out of nowhere and then it was gone in a flash. I knew it was something really big and assumed it was a shark. I panicked, but knew I needed to get out of the water. I was kicking wildly in case it came back. There was a lifeguard boat close by, so I waved my arms in the air and screamed for help. It got to me within 20 seconds. At that point I didn’t feel anything; adrenaline (肾上腺素) had taken over. The lifeguards held me under the arms and pulled me up out of the water. Then the pain kicked in and it was pretty hard to bear. Some muscle had been bitten off my right arm. I felt a lot of warm, gushing blood.

My chest felt heavy, as if someone had put their foot on it, and I was having trouble breathing. It was extremely painful. When I got to the hospital, I told the nurses to put me to sleep because of the pain. I just wanted them to fix me.

I woke up after surgery four hours later. My doctor was amazed when I managed to move my fingers: the bite just missed a major nerve. My right lung had been damaged; I had several broken bones and a nerve in my leg was cut, so I have reduced feeling at the top of my leg. The shark also bit through my upper back muscle.

Local experts determined that the shark was probably 9-10 feet long. It was young, about seven years old. It just attacked me, left and didn’t come back because it figured I wasn’t food.

1.The writer mentions Adrenaline in Paragraph 2 to ________.

A. explain why she didn’t feel pain at that time

B. offer a possible reason the shark attacked her

C. show how dangerous the situation was then

D. describe the suffering a shark bite could cause

2.The writer of the text can be best described as ________.

A. grateful B. confident

C. tough D. aggressive

3.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?

A. A Shark from Nowhere

B. Surviving a Shark Attack

C. A Race against Time

D. No Panic over Sharks at Sea

A Dream Realized

Zhao Yang, 33, an employee of a French company in Beijing, who has traveled extensively in the United States by motorbike.

I have been addicted to Harley-Davidson motorcycles since I was young, and knowing that motorcycle-related culture is very popular in the US, I decided to take a trip. Along with my wife and a group of fellow enthusiasts, I participated in a 15-day tour in October last year. We had one free day, so I headed to Las Vegas.

Before arriving in the US, I researched a range of materials about riding a motorbike there. I also found some classic recommended routes on Chinese websites related to Harley Davidson clubs.

With the help of their suggestions, I designed my own route.

In accordance with the rules, before I left China I visited a notary office (公证机关), where my driving license was confirmed as acceptable in the US and my documents were translated into English. Only then did I buy my basic motorcycle equipment.

When we arrived at Las Vegas, we rented a Harley Davidson and rode around the city. It was an exciting, unforgettable experience, because it was not only the achievement of a dream, but I also experienced the regional motorcycle culture in the US. As we parked the bike at the roadside, some drivers rolled down their car windows and gave us the thumbs-up, and when we drove on the road, car drivers pulled over to let us pass. We also visited a motorcycle-themed restaurant for lunch and enjoyed the fantastic decoration and delicious food.

I believe that traveling by motorcycle in the US will become popular because of the recent joint efforts to promote Sino-US tourism, especially after the two countries decided to name 2016 as US-China Tourism Year. This new style of traveling will attract more young Chinese tourists, and people like me, who have a passion for freedom and adventure, will visit the US more frequently. For example, I am planning to travel along the famous highway called Route 66 with friends during next year's Spring Festival.

If travel agencies and governments can promote the need for motorcyclists to obtain accurate information before they head to the US - such as the required documents, how to rent a motorbike and local traffic laws - "riding the range" will become a safe and great way to spend a vacation.

1.Zhao Yang’s childhood dream was to ______.

A. become a professional motorcyclist

B. travel in Harley-Davidson motorcycles

C. take a trip in the USA along with his wife

D. travel to work on a fashionable motorcycle

2.To prepare for the motorcycle trip in the USA, Zhao Yang ______.

A. made various research and checked his driving license

B. took the suggestions given and chose the classic route

C. joined one of the Harley Davidson clubs and got suggestions

D. took lots of health examinations and bought some equipment

3.How did Zhao Yang feel when driving in Las Vegas?

A. disturbed B. disappointed

C. depressed D. excited

4.Zhao Yang thinks that traveling by motorcycle in the US will ______.

A. enjoy much popularity with Sino-US tourism

B. obtain less American fans in motorcycle travel

C. get less support from the modern motorcyclists

D. meet more challenge with the information gap

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