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The next morning, however, the clerk said thathe knew nothing about my money. I didn't have anyproof(证据)__ 【4】__ I had given the man the money.There was clearly__【5】__ left to do but go to thenearest lawyer at once.

The lawyer__【6】__ me to return to the hotel with him and give __【7】__ hundred-dollar bill to the clerk.__ 【8】__ I did. An hour later, I went back to the deskand asked for my money together with the lawyer.__ 【9】__ I had the lawyer as an eyewitness to the__【10】__ hundred-dollar bill,the clerk could not_【11】_ he knewnothing about it.

Another hour later, I put the second part of thelawyer's plan into action. This time both the lawyerand I went to the__【12】__ to ask for the hundred-dollaronce again. No matter(不管)__【13】__ I said, the clerkwho kept my bill__【14】__ that he had given it to me. Isaid it was not__【15】__. The lawyer said to him,"I __【16】__ this gentleman give you a hundred-dollar bill. If you don't hand it in immediately, I will beforced to call the__【17】__."Now the clerk felt quite__【18】__,so he gave me back the first hundred-dollarbill.

"I don't know __【19】__ to thank you enough forgetting my money back,"I said to the lawyer. Andwhat do you suppose he answered? He said, "Oh, don't __【20】__ me.That will be one hundred dollars,please."

A. borrow B. spend C. waste D. carry

A. made B. asked C. allowed D. let

A. me B. her C. him D. us

A. that B. which C. where D. when

A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything

A. hoped B. agreed C. insisted D. advised

A. theother B. another C. others D. other

A. Such. B. All C. So D.Much

A. For B.Though C. Evenif D. Because

A. first B. second C. third D. one

A. say B. admit C. permit D. recognize

A. restaurant B. bank C. hotel D. hospital

A. what B. whatever C. which D. how

A. suggested B. insisted C. remembered D. forgot

A. true B. sure C. exact D. nice

A. forced B. made C. allowed D. saw

A. police B. judge C. official D. officer

A. content B. nervous C. angry D. sad

A. when B. what C. where D. how

A. thank B. praise C. leave D. fool

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