





在家里罢,你坐在书房里,窗子以外的景物本就有限。那里两树马缨,几棵丁香;榆叶梅横出疯权的一大枝;海棠因为缺乏阳光,每年只开个两三朵——叶子上满是虫蚁吃的创痕,还卷着一点焦黄的边;廊子幽秀地开着扇子式,六边形的格子窗,透过外院的日光,外院的杂音。什么送煤的来了,偶然你看到一个两个被煤炭染成黔黑的脸;什么米送到了,一个人掮着一大口袋在背上,慢慢踱过屏门;还有自来水,电灯、电话公司来收账的,胸口斜挂着皮口袋,手里推着一辆自行车;更有时厨子来个朋友了,满脸的笑容,“好呀,好呀,”地走进门房;什么赵妈的丈夫来拿钱了,那是每月一号一点都不差的, 科&网早来了你就听到两个人唧唧哝哝争吵的声浪。那里不是没有颜色声音生的一切活动,只是他们和你总隔个窗子,——扇子式的,六边形的,纱的,玻璃的!


















【题目】Teachers battle student stress

Teachers of Anna University participate in a workshop on helping students deal with stress. How do you handle an adolescent who refuses to speak, even about his project, or a student who is very attentive in class but fails to perform in examinations?

Two months the before a new group of students enter engineering colleges, lecturers and professors of Anna University are being advised on how to handle students and help them handle stress better.

In a series of workshops organized by the Centre for Empowerment of Women, Anna University, the lecturers are trained in specific ways to help students understand personal and academic stress.

"Students come here from varied backgrounds and the biggest challenge is to get them to open up and speak boldly," said HemaAchyuthan, director of Centre for Empowerment of Women.

The workshop on Friday was handled by Counsellor PrabhaArun who said that students tend to approach only those teachers who make them feel relaxed. Lecturers assume that college students are more responsible but the transition from school often takes time.

"Observing students' behaviour helps a lot, "said teachers. Y. Vidhya Lakshmi, a physics lecturer, said, "We might observe a student behaving differently but only when we talk to hostel wardens do we get a better picture of his recent activities. Also, the fact that teachers keep changing every semester does not allow students to establish longer relationships with them."

Teachers say that the 45 minutes allocated every week for counselling students is hardly adequate to understand their problems. Also, teachers are expected to shoulder more responsibilities, such as handling additional programs and submitting research papers. This leaves them with very little time to communicate with students.

【1】 Teachers of Anna University attend the workshop so that they can help students _______.

A. have the ability to speak

B. fight with their stress

C. adapt to the university life well

D. gain higher grades in exams

【2】 We can know from the passage that _ _

A. two months after the new students enter the college, teachers will be trained in workshops

B. the biggest difficulty for the new students entering the college is to speak freely and boldly

C. PrabhaArun is a physics lecturer and also a director in Anna University

D. lecturers think that school takes up more responsibility for the students' stress

【3】 Students have difficulty in setting up longer relationships with teachers because _______.

A. teachers are not always available at any time

B. teachers keep changing every semester

C. students are busy with their project all the time

D. students are bearing too much pressure

【4】The underlined' word in the last paragraph probably means "______".

A. set aside

B. put down

C. set up

D. cut out

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