

When difficult people express themselves orally, they generally want at least two things: theyve been heard and theyve been understood should be a good listener, five steps are advocated toward good listening.

The first step is cooperating(合作). How does a difficult person know that you re listening and understanding? In fact, its through the way you look and sound while he is talking. You may help him to fully express his thought and feelings. You do this by nodding your head in agreement, making certain sounds of understanding.

When the person begins to repeat whats been said, its signal of step two: turning back. It means that you repeat back some words he is using, sending a clear signal that youre listening carefully and that you think what he is saying is important.

Having heard what he has to say, the next step is clarifying. At this point, you start to gather information about what is being communicated. Ask some open-ended questions, which will allow you to figure out what intention he is hoping to satisfy.

The fourth step is to summarize(概括) what youve heard. This allows you to make sure that both you and the difficult person are on the same page. When you do this, two things happen. First, if youre missed something, he can fill in the details(细节). Second, youve shown that youre making an effort to understand completely. This increases the possibility of gaining cooperation from him.

Having listened carefully, youve now arrived at the point of confirming with the person that he feels satisfied that his thoughts have been fully voiced. Ask if he feels understood.

When enough sincere listening, questioning, and remembering are brought together, understanding is usually achieved and a difficult person becomes less difficult and more cooperative.


【1】 to understand


Difficult people hope they have been heard and【2】 when they express themselves

【3】 on listening

【4】 in agreement and make some sounds of understanding while a difficult person is speaking

Repeat some 【5】 that you have heard

Collect information about the persons expressions and find his 【6】

Give a 【7】 of what the person has said

Confirm that the person gains 【8】 from speaking his thoughts


A difficult person will be 【9】 to cooperate with if understanding is achieved


You may unlock the doors to difficult peoples【10】 after you listen and understand


【2】 understood



【5】 words



【8】 satisfaction

【9】 easier


【解析】【1】 提取具体信息theyve been heard and theyve been understood可知Listen/Listening符合题意。

【2】 提取具体信息they generally want at least two things: theyve been heard and theyve been understood可知符合understood题意。

【3】 提取具体信息five steps are advocated toward good listening可知Suggestions/Tips/Advice符合题意。

【4】 提取具体信息You do this by nodding your head in agreement可知Nod符合题意

【5】提取具体信息It means that you repeat back some words he is using可知符合words题意。

【6】提取具体信息Ask some open-ended questions, which will allow you to figure out what intention he is hoping to satisfy可知符合intention题意。

【7】 提取具体信息The fourth step is to summarize(概括) what youve heard可知summary符合题意

【8】 提取具体信息youve now arrived at the point of confirming with the person that he feels satisfied…”可知satisfaction符合题意

【9】提取具体信息understanding is usually achieved and a difficult person becomes less difficult and more cooperative可知easier符合题意

【10】可从最后一段提取具体信息When enough sincere listening, questioning, and and a difficult person becomes less difficult and more cooperative可知hearts/minds符合题意。


【题目】 Still seeking a destination for your weekend break? There are some places which are probably a mere walk away from your college.

Kings Art Centre

A day at the Centre could mean a visit to an exhibition of the work of one of the most interesting contemporary artists on show anywhere. This weekend sees the opening of an exhibition of four local artists.

You could attend a class teaching you how to learn from the masters or get more creative with paintfree of charge.

The Centre also runs two life drawing classes for which there is a small fee.

The Botanic Garden

The Garden has over 8,000 plant species; it holds the research and teaching collection of living plants for Cambridge University.

The multi-branched Torch Aloe here is impressive. The African plant produces red flowers above blue-green leaves, and is not one to miss.

Get to the display house to see Dionaea muscipula, a plant more commonly known as the Venus Flytrap that feeds on insects and other small animals.

The Garden is also a place for wildlife-enthusiasts. Look for grass snakes in the lake. A snake called Hissing Sid is regularly seen lying in the heat of the warm sun.

Byrons Pool

Many stores surround Lord Byrons time as a student of Cambridge University. Arriving in 1805, he wrote a letter complaining that it was a place of mess and drunkenness. However, it seems as though Byron did manage to pass the time pleasantly enough. I’m not just talking about the pet bear he kept in his rooms. He spent a great deal of time walking in the village.

It is also said that on occasion Byron swam naked by moonlight in the lake, which is now known as Byrons Pool. A couple of miles past Grantchester in the south Cambridgeshire countryside, the pool is surrounded by beautiful circular paths around the fields. The cries of invisible birds make the trip a lovely experience and on the way home you can drop into the village for afternoon tea. If you don’t trust me, then perhaps youll take it from Virginia Woolfover a century after Byron, she reportedly took a trip to swim in the same pool.

【1】As mentioned in the passage, there is a small charge for _____.

attending the masters class

working with local artists

learning life drawing

seeing an exhibition

【2】Torch Aloe and Venus Flytrap are _____.

common insects

impressive plants

rarely-seen snakes


【3】We can infer from the passage that Byron seemed _____.

to fear pet bears

to like walking

to be a heavy drinker

to finish university in 1805

4In the passage Byrons Pool is described as a lake _____.

surrounded by fields

owned by Lord Byron

located in Grantchester

discovered by Virginia Woolf

【5】What is the passage mainly about?

Some places for weekend break.

A way to become creative in art.

The colorful life in the countryside.

Unknown stories of Cambridge University.

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