

5 Tips for Healthy, White Teeth

1. Throw away your toothbrush or electric toothbrush head every two to three months. 1 According to dentist Harold Katz, the best way to brush is by placing your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against your gums (牙龈) and gently moving it in a circular motion.

2. Use a tongue scraper (刮刀) every morning to remove tongue plaque (舌斑) and freshen breath. One cause of bad breath is the build-up of bacteria on the tongue, which a daily tongue scraping will help banish (消除). 23. Eat “detergent (洗涤剂) foods that are firm or crisp to help clean teeth as you munch (咀嚼). 3 For best results, make “detergent” foods the final food you eat in your meal if you know you won’t be able to brush your teeth after eating.

4. Stay fresh. Check by licking () your palm and smelling it while it’s wet. If you smell something, it’s time for a sugar-free breath mint (薄荷). Shopping for mouthwash? 4 Mouthwashes with too much alcohol can dry out mouth tissue, making it more prone (易于) to bacteria.

5. Brushing your teeth first and last thing are the two most crucial times of the day, as saliva (唾液) which keeps plaque off teeth, dries up at night, so it’s best to have all plaque cleaned off the teeth before sleep. 5

A. Make sure it’s alcohol free.

B. Apples are good, as are raw carrots, celery and popcorn.

C. Otherwise, you’re just transferring bacteria to your mouth.

D. However, the bacteria wont be staying on the top of your tongue.

E. It’s more effective than brushing your tongue with a toothbrush too.

F. When you sleep without bacteria in your mouth, you will feel much better.

G. It’s also important to brush first thing in the morning to remove plaque and bacteria built up as you slept.









1】考查上下文和句意理解:根据文的句子:Throw away your toothbrush or electric toothbrush head every two to three months(每两到三个月扔掉你的牙刷或电动牙刷头),可知:下文的句子应该是Otherwise, you’re just transferring bacteria to your mouth. (否则,你就会把细菌转移到你的口腔里)故选C

2】考查上下文和句意理解:根据文的句子:Use a tongue scraper every morning to remove tongue plaque and freshen breath. One cause of bad breath is the build-up of bacteria on the tongue, which a daily tongue scraping will help banish.每天早晨使用刮舌器去除舌斑并且清新呼吸。口臭的一个原因是细菌在舌头上的累积,每日刮舌将有助于消除细菌的累积故选E

3】考查上下文理解:根据上一句的内容Eat “detergent” foods that are firm or crisp to help clean teeth as you munch(吃坚硬或者脆的起洗涤作用的食物在你咀嚼的时候有助于清洁牙齿),可知下句应该告诉我们要吃什么样的食物会有好的效果,选B

4】考查上下文和句意理解:根据文的句子:Stay fresh. Check by licking your palm and smelling it while it’s wet. If you smell something, it’s time for a sugar-free breath mint. Shopping for mouthwash? (保持口气清新。通过舔你的手掌并且当手掌湿的时候闻一闻来检查是否有异味。如果有异味的话,就到了该用无糖的口气清新薄荷的时候了。去买点漱口剂?) 和下文的句子Mouthwashes with too much alcohol can dry out mouth tissue, making it more prone to bacteria .(含酒精过多的漱口剂可使口腔组织变干,更易于细菌生存),可判断此处应该是确保漱口剂不含酒精故选A。

5】考查上下文和句意理解根据上文的句子:Brushing your teeth first and last thing are the two most crucial times of the day, as saliva (唾液) which keeps plaque off teeth, dries up at night, so it’s best to have all plaque cleaned off the teeth before sleep.可知:早上刷牙和睡前刷牙是一天当中最关键的两个时候,睡觉前应把牙齿上的污斑清理掉。所以此处应该说早上起床后刷牙同样重要,故选G



材料一 …唯一摆脱困境(人们彼此妨害)的方式则是互相妥协。通过契约的方式建立国家,制定法律,调整人们之间的利益。




材料二 武昌起义的第四天,清廷启用袁世凯,督师南下剿灭革命党。不久,袁世凯集清朝军政大权于一身。面对全国如火如荼的革命起义,袁世凯提出召开国会,宽容武昌起义人士,并释放了喻培伦、汪精卫等革命党人。……袁世凯一路南下,11月1日攻占武昌,数日内又攻占汉阳。即使如此,袁世凯认为“此次鄂变,事虽仓猝,蓄谋已久……若悉索敝赋,力与一战,未尝不能收复一二省……然彼众若狂,醉心民主,兵力所能平等土地,而不能平定人心矣。”此时的革命党阵营内部,张謇等立宪派支持和谈,黄兴也于11月9日写给袁世凯的信中期待他“以拿破仑、华盛顿之资格,出而建拿破仑、华盛顿之事功……非但湘鄂人民拥戴明公为拿破仑、华盛顿,即南方各省无不拱手听命者。”最终,南北双方经过在民主共和与君主立宪等多个问题上的协商、妥协,最终达成议和。清帝颁布《清帝逊位诏书》,中华民国参议院通过《中华民国临时约法》。





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