












Lessons That Are Learned from the Olympics

The Olympic Games are enjoyed by everyone. Here are some tips about how to bring the deeper meaning of the Olympics into your life:

1 There are hundreds of events at the Olympics, each standing for a specific activity that athletes have chosen to follow. You can recognize the creativity and excitement and form strong feelings about it, which will help you to achieve your dreams.

Excellence comes with hard work and practice. Learning about the training schedules of Olympic athletes reminds us that success don’t come easy. 2 Set long-term goals as well as realistic ones and try best to reach them. Work hard for your personal best, and remember the most important competitor you have is actually you.

Expect to fail sometimes. Every athlete who has made it into Olympic competition has suffered injury and disappointment along the way, but that has not been the end of their dream. They know that they can learn more from failure than success. 3

4 With its symbol of five-ring Olympic flag, the Olympics celebrate the unity of the games while honoring individual nationality. Athletes show respect to those from other countries.

Enjoy your successes. Observe the Olympic athletes when they stand on the winners’ platform with their medals, listening to their national anthems(国歌). 5 Enjoy the feelings of power that come from your achievement. You deserve it.

A. Enjoy other cultures.

B. Their pride is obvious.

C. Practice determines the fate of a player.

D. Find your strong feelings and develop it.

E. Repetition is the servant(仆人) of success.

F. They have strong confidence in themselves.

G. You can treat your setbacks(挫折) as a teaching tool.









【1】 根据本段中提到的奥运会中有几百项活动和最后一句中的"You can recognize the creativity and excitement and form strong feelings about it"与D项中的strong feelings 相呼应因此选D

【2】 本段主题"Excellence comes with hard work and practice"表明那些奥运会运动员的优秀成绩不是轻易地得到的需要艰苦地训练E项中的Repetition相呼应因此选E

【3】根据前文中的"They know that they can learn more from failure than success"可知应选G

【4】 本段解释了奥运五环的意义就是象征着团结但是也尊重单独的国家最后一句"Athletes show respect to those from other countries"提到运动员尊重其他国家运动员即尊重其他文化因此选A




实验一 选择30只生理状况大致相同的健康成年小鼠,测定小鼠单位时间耗氧量的平均值,以代表小鼠的物质代谢强度,将其随机分为甲、乙两组,做如下处理









实验二 已知卵巢分泌的雌性激素能促进子宫发育。研究人员为探究垂体分泌的促性腺激素对卵巢和子宫发育的影响情况,用一批幼鼠做了如下实验:





































BEIJING, May 19 (Xinhua) China’s preservation of its cultural relics has come under fire by the public in the wake of a recent theft at a museum in Beijing’s Forbidden City.

On May 9, several 1 of art from a Hong Kong 2 , which were 3 at 10 million yuan (1.54 million U.S. dollars), 4 missing from an exhibition in the Forbidden City’s historic Palace Museum. 5 recovered several of the items, 6 not before Chinese citizens 7 shock over 8 in the Forbidden City.

Several days later, news about the existence of an club for 9 people in the Forbidden City’s Jianfu Palace caused fierce 10 by Chinese Internet users. Memberships for the 11 were said to cost 1 million yuan.

In China, it is not 12 to see ancient relics 13 for commercial gain, 14 many have sought to capitalize(积累资本)on the historic and 15 value of China’s heritage. 16 , land development seems to be an even 17 problem for the preservation of China’s cultural relics.

In the city of Hangzhou in east China’s Zhejiang Province, the 18 of an area of land where the 19 of a Southern Song Dynasty (11271279) imperial city once stood has gone on without 20 for over a year.

【1】A. jobs B. works C. science D. literature

【2】A.collector B. inventor C. producer D. maker

【3】A. cost B. paid C. valued D. spent

【4】A. came B. went C. left D. brought

【5】A. Police B. People C. Staff D. Collector

【6】A. and B. or C. but D. so

【7】A. impressed B. expressed C. explained D. implied

【8A. security B. danger C. museum D. protection

【9】A. poor B. wealthy C. famous D. curious

【10】A. approvals B. supports C. agreements D. objections

【11】A. club B. company C. school D. museum

【12】A. usual B. common C. rare D. general

【13】A. exploited B. explored C. occupied D. taken

【14】A. like B. for C. with D. as

【15】A. political B. economical C. cultural D. natural

【16】A. However B. Likewise C. Anyway D. Therefore

【17】A. bigger B. smaller C. stronger D. heavier

【18】A. movement B. excitement C. surprise D. development

【19】A. remains B. relics C. building D. temple

【20】A. announcement B. declaration C. approval D. notice













(2016·新课标全国卷III)When I was 13 my only purpose was to become the star on our football team. That meant 1 Miller King, who was the best 2 at our school.

Football season started in September and all summer long I worked out. I carried my football everywhere for 3 .

Just before September, Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm. I went to see him after he came back from 4 . He looked very 5 , but he didn`t cry.

That season, I 6 all of Miller`s records while he 7 the home games from the bench. We went 10-1 and I was named most valuable player, 8 I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Miller’s 9 .

One afternoon, I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller 10 going over a fence which wasn’t 11 to climb if you had both arms. I’m sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to accept 12 from. But even that challenge he accepted. I 133 him move slowly over the fence. When we were finally 14 on the other side, he said to me, You know, I didn’t tell you this during the season, but you did 15 .Thank you for filling in for 16 ."

His words freed me from my bad 17 . I thought to myself, how even without an arm he was more of a leader. Damaged but not defeated, he was 18 ahead of me. I was right to have 19 him. From that day on, I grew 20 and a little more real.

【1】 A. cheering for B. beating out C. relying on D. staying with

【2】 A. coach B. student C. teacher D. player

【3】 A. practice B. show C. comfort D. pleasure

【4】 A. school B. vacation C. hospital D. training

【5】 A. pale B. calm C. relaxed D. ashamed

【6】A. held B. broke C. set D. tried

【7】 A. reported B. judged C. organized D. watched

【8】 A. and B. then C. but D. thus

【9】 A. decision B. mistake C. accident D. sacrifice

【10】 A. stuck B. hurt C. tried D. lost

【11】 A. steady B. hard C. fun D. fit

【12】 A. praise B. advice C. assistance D. apology

【13】 A. let B. helped C. had D. noticed

【14】 A. dropped B. ready C. trapped D. safe

【15】A. fine B. wrong C. quickly D. normally

【16】A. us B. yourself C. me D. them

【17】A. memories B. ideas C. attitudes D. dreams

【18】A. still B. also C. yet D. just

【19】A. challenged B. cured C. invited D. admired

【20】 A. healthier B. bigger C. cleverer D. cooler



The Temple of Heaven is regarded as one of the greatest architectural structures 1 the world. Some environmental(环境的) artists and gardeners 2 the temple as a place where people can talk to 3 . In Beijing four imperial(皇帝的) temples were built 4 the Ming and Qing dynasties. The 5 of Heaven is the most 6 of the four. The other three are the Altar(祭坛) of the 7 in the north, the Altar of the Moon in the west, and the Altar 8 the Sun in the east. All of them are still 9 , but the Temple of Heaven is the __10__ group of temple buildings of its kind in China, nearly four 11 larger than the Forbidden City (紫禁城).

In 12 the heaven-like structures, the designers made good 13 of the colour, sound, figures of the circle and the square, and 14 in its height. The combination(结合) of 15 and garden helps to make it 16 mysterious and magical. The temples architecture has 17 themes. One is on the earth while __18__ is in the heaven. The square-shaped palace 19 fasting(斋戒) in the west of the temple appears like a Forbidden City in a smaller 20 .

【1】A. to B. for C. up D. in

【2】A. describe B. distribute C. mention D. speak

【3】A. space B. place C. heaven D. Hades

【4】A. within B. during C. through D. according

【5】A. Temple B. Church C. Mountain D. Market

【6】.A. impossible B. necessary C. important D. familiar

【7】A. Moon B. Earth C. Sun D. planets

【8】A. to B. above C. about D. of

【9】A. sitting B. sleeping C. standing D. kneeling

【10】A. largest B. larger C. heavier D. heaviest

【11】A. time B. times C. oclock D. years

【12】A. owning B. having C. producing D. making

【13】A. idea B. use C. mind D. need

【14】A. changes B. moves C. corrects D. attends

【15】A. family B. home C. building D. house

【16】A. feel B. appear C. find D. see

【17】A. three B. one C. four D. two

【18】A. the other B. other C. another D. others

【19】A. in B. with C. for D. to

【20】A. height B. wide C. length D. size

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