
【题目】We feel __________ our duty to make our country a better place.

A. it

B. this

C. that

D. one


【解析】句意:我们觉得让我们的国家成为一个更加美好的地方是我们的责任。根据句子结构可知,后面的不定式短语to make...place为真正的宾语,设空处应为形式宾语. 四个选项中只有it可以作形式宾语,故答案为A项。


【题目】Why Melbourne? Having long lived in the shadow of SydneyMelbourne has become a wonderful place for fashion and design and the cultural centre of Aus-tralia, with an enjoyable program of festivals.

What to see? The city centre's grid (格子)system of streets hides a maze (迷宫)of lanes and turn -of-the -century arcades where you will find the best cafes, bars and shops. The Hidden Secrets Tour(00 613 9329 9665, hiddensecretstour. com ) guides will make sure you find what you're after, whether it's fashion, art and design or wine. From 34 per person.

Where to eat? Melbourne is a paradise for those who enjoy eating delicious food, and its top chefs use fresh produce and have a talent for the experimental. But for something different, enjoy yourself with an Australian Wine Tour Company trip. Departing from the city centre dailyyou'll taste wines at four of the region's best vineyards (葡萄园). It costs 48 per person, including all wine tasting, lunch and a visit to Domaine Chandon (00 613 9419 4444, austwine -tourco. com. au).

Where to stay? The Nunnery is an old convent (修道院)on the edge of the city. It has double rooms with breakfast from 54 per night (00 613 94198637, nunnery, com. au).

How to get there? Qantas (0845 7747 767qantas . com. au) flies from Heathrow to Melbourne twice daily from 766 return, including taxes.

More information Contact the official tourism site for Melbourne at visitmelbourne . com/uk.

Use the links below for more on.

Destination guide Melbourne.

Click here for our Melbourne page.

48 hours in Melbourne.

1 Why is Melbourne a popular destination for Australians?

A. Because it's the most important city.

B. Because it's well-known for festivals.

C. Because it is a cultural centre in Australia.

D. Because it attracts lots of religious followers.

2 To get more information about Hidden Secrets Tour, you should call __________.

A. 00 613 9329 9665

B. 00 613 9419 4444

C. 00 13 9419 8637

D. 0845 7747 767

3 If you are interested in tasting Australian wines ,you have to pay __________.

A. 34

B. 48

C. 54

D. 76

4 What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To tell readers how to travel in Australia.

B. To inform readers about what to see in Melbourne.

C. To introduce the history and culture about Australia.

D. To offer tourists some information about Melbourne.



这种文法有一定的拘束性,但同时也有极大的运用的灵活性,能有多样性的表现。也如同做文章一样,在文法的拘束性之下,仍可以有许多体裁,有多样性的创作,如文章之有诗、词、歌、赋、论著、散文、小说,等等。建筑的 文章也可因不同的命题,有 大文章小品。大文章如宫殿、庙宇等等;小品如山亭、水榭、一轩、一楼。文字上有一面横额,一副对子,纯粹作点缀装饰用的。建筑也有类似的东西,如在路的尽头的一座影壁,或横跨街中心的几座牌楼等等。它们之所以都是中国建筑,具有共同的中国建筑的特性和特色,就是因为它们都用中国建筑的词汇,遵循着中国建筑的 文法所组织起来的。运用这文法的规则,为了不同的需要,可以用极不相同的 词汇构成极不相同的体形,表达极不相同的情感,解决极不相同的问题,创造极不相同的类型。


由这文法词汇组织而成的这种建筑形式,既经广大人民所接受, 为他们所承认、所喜爱,虽然原先是从木材结构产生的,但它们很快地就越过材料的限制,同样运用到砖石建筑上去,以表现那些建筑物的性质,表达所要表达的情感。这说明为什么在中国无数的建筑上都常常应用原来用在木材结构上的词汇文法





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